HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-07-02, Page 10SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & S ifiquine$, arc invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON, 4024421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Pinder 52,-1382 Alm 527-1750. BUY YOUR BUTTER & EGGS Wholesale at Finnigans SEAFORTH MEAT MARKer FRESH CUT UP CHICKEN LEGS ---- 49%, BREASTS - 531 Lean Butt PORK -CHOPS 69f., For the Bar-B-due 'Lean RIB STEAK " ilgr 7 9 fb in OS al IV Store 'Sliced Breakfast BACON Lean Sliced Cooked HAIN 1 lb. iF 4 • at GO 0—nal H1J,a01+4 EXPOSITOR„ SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 2, 1970 Sisters Are Moved From Area Schools ford, Sister Mary Judith, re- ligious education consultant for the schools, Sister Irene, prin- cipal consultant, Sister Beatrice Malone of St.. Michael's inStrat- ford, Sister Jean Marie of Ecole St. Marie, in Zurich, Sister St., Mark of Ecole St. Marie, Sister Colleen O'Neil of Our Lady of 20. Carmel, Sister Mary Wa- ters of St. Columba; Sitter Herman Joseph of St. Patrick's, Dublin, Sister Maureen Byrne of St. Patrick's Dublin, Sister Karen Gleason of St. Michael's inStrat- ford, and Sister Catherine Nei- heneyer of Mt. Carmel. Honored on Graduation Seaforth Brownies Atiend Goderich Revel Miss Joan ,Annis was sur- prised on Monday evening, June ?and, when about 25 'of her friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fawcett, in honor of her -gradua- tion. Those present came from Hensall, Sebringville, Atwood, Gadshill, Stratford, London, Ot- tawa and Mitchell. Mrs. 'sepal Annis, Mrs. Au- drey Ische and Misses Lois and Mary Louise Fawcett were the hOstesses. The evening was speht in playing cards and dancing. The ladies high went to Joyce Rolph and low to Donna Quipp. The men's high was won by Dave Eidt and theelow -went to George Brodhagen. Miss Annis was presented with many lovely and varied gifts and thanked all who came to make the party so successful and all those who planned the event. Dinner, featuring a decorated graduation cake, followed. Miss Annis will teach at Up- per Thames Elementary School in Mitchell, in September. Harold Chesney, R.R.#5,; Ice Cream (U.D.P.C.0 Doug Hugill; Shoe Polish (H.Thompson) Jean Hulley, Londeshoro; Milk (Maple Leaf Dairy) Bill Scott; Lawn Chair (J.S.Cluff) Bob Smith;Shirt (Shinen's) Mona C rich; Ice Cream (U.D.P.C.) Bob Cronin, Dublin; Paint (Graves) Mrs. Peter Kling; Electric Clock (Seaforth Jewel- lers) Kevin Scrimgeour; Pencil Sharpener (Expositor) Kathy Phillips; Pen Set (Expositor) Frank Case; Eggs (Evert Wilson) Mrs.. Don Mathews; Gas (Hab- kirk Transit) Helen Glew; Elec- tric. Tooth Brush (AnstettjeWel- lers) Steven Rowland, Dublin; Sugar (Finnigan's Grocery) Terry Kunz; Shoes (J. Thompson) Carol Ann Kelly; Cannister Set (Gingerich Sales & Service) Mrs. Les Habkirk; Dinner for Two (Commercial Hotel) Muriel Bowes, Mitchell;' Cigarette Lighter ( J. Pullman) Patricia Hahkweil, Walton; Pillow SUM (Shinen's) Yvette •Bennendyk, R.R.2, Kippen; Oil (McLaugliliri Motors) Evelyn Querengeeser; Laundrex Detergetit (Sparkle Wash) Mrs. Wilmer .Broadfoot; Oxfords (Taylors Shoe Sto re) Mrs. W. Vincent, Ayr; Sugar (Finnigan's Grocery) Gordon Hulley;. Lawn Chair (Ross Scott) Allen Carnochan; Slippers (Read's Shoe Store) Mrs. Jack' Case; Permanent Wave (Brian's Hair Styling) Jim Nixon; Oranges (Phillips) Kathy, Steepe, Holmesville; Shirt,(Bill O'Shea) Don Smale, Hensall; Oil (Keith Sharpe) Jim Rivers; Cushions (Donated) Doug. Hugill; Home Baking •(Velma Miller), Mrs.Geo. Mclllwain, Stratford; Light Bulbs (Dean Williamson) Helen Elliott, R. R. 5; Barbeque (Canadian Tire) Susan Kunder; Fertilizer (Co-op) Henry ZILER, Egmondville;Pul- ley Hoist (Fine Station) Lynn Mc-. Illwain, Stratford;- Barbeque (Crown Hardware Elmer Lar- one; Cat Chow (Milton Dietz) Terry Kunz; Oil (Supertest Ware- house) Tom bluff; 3 Centennial Dollar Bills (William Hart) Ken Oldacre; 3 Silver Dollars (Bank of Commerce) Fred Swan,Clin- ton; 3 Silver Dollars (Toronto Dominion Bank )Gordon Hulley; 5 Silver Dollars (P.O.S.0.) Faye Tunney, R.11, 5; Door Grills (Holmes & MacLean) Mrs. Alex Finnegan; Chocolates (Huron Wholesale)Mrs.Gordon Pullman; StObl, (G. A. Whitney) Darryl Fin- nigan, Egmondville; Coke (Lions Park) Mrs. Bob Fotheringham. Special Chair won byGarry Fran- cis Monroe. Painting by E. C. Boswell won by Mrs. Lloyd Hog- garth. Scanning the Weeklies By Lee Hee From the Exeter Times-Advocate we note that Veterans throughout Huron County will be in Exeter on Sunday to witness the dedication and depositing of replicas of the Colors of the 161st Huron Battalion at Trivitt Memorial Church. Two pictures in the paper depict scenes of that time. One scene shows members of the Soldiers' Aid -Society presenting the colors to the 161st Battalion at Camp Borden in 1916. The photo was taken by Mrs. Etta Young, Exeter, who at- tended the ceremonies. The, second picture illustrates the railway station at Clinton when members of the Bat- talion departed following th_elyiest-leave prior to going overseas. This photo was provided by the courtesy of R. H. Middleton. Lieutenant Charles Hall, St. Marys only surviving officer of the Battalion, will take the salute as the parade leaves for the Legion Hall, fol- lowing the laying of a wreath in memory of the members of the 161st. Sixteen years ago the Exeter School Board hired the first married woman teacher ever to be retained on their staff. She was Mrs. Cecil Wilson. Retiring last week from her Latin teaching position at the local high school, remembered, "I• had to give them myafirm assurance that I had a capable housekeeper to look after my home and children before they would even consider dking me on the staff". Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner marked their 40th wedding anniversary Saturday evening. The Kincardine News reports that it was "Charter night" for the newly formed Kincardine Rotary Club. Guest speaker-for the event was Cass Pio- troski, Detroit, former vice-president of Rotary International. William °a- men the new president, received the charter for the The Lucknow Sentinel reports a new twist in the use of the marathon to raise mosey for charity whidh was introduced by 10 members of Huron Chapter 89, Order of the Eastern Star, when for five hours, the women rocked in modern and old time rocking chairs and raised more than $100 Main their sponsors to be used for lodge charities.. Mr, and Mrs. James Culbert observed their 55th wedding anniversary recently. We note in the BeavertOn Express that the North Ontario Plowing Match will, be ,held north of Beaverton this year on October 8th at the farm of Vyse Westcott, R.R. 3, Beaverton. From the Zurich Citizens News we scan the following. Members of the Grand Bend W. I. observed 'their 25th anniver- sary. Highlight of the evening banquet was the presence of Mrs. Raymond Kee- !. secretary of 25 years ago and Mrs. Florence Hendrick, the first presid- ent of the organization 25 years ago. The Brussels Post reports that Mr. and , Mrs. Bevan Elliott marked their 50th wedding' anniversary recently. The dinner was held at the Legion Hall. According 'to the Blyth Standard about 175 members of Blyth 'United Church congregation assembled at the church recently .to honor Rev, and Mrs. W. 0. Withers prior to their leaving Blyth at the end of this month. They were pre- sented with a beautiful lamp and a purse by Mrs. Lloyd King and Mrs. Millar Richmond. Mr. 'Fred Howson acted as master of ceremonies for the evening. On July 1st this week, Mrs. Mary A. Taylor, Huronview, will mark her 92nd birthday. In the Auburn items it is mentioned that Rev. Harold Snell, London, will be guest speaker at the homy' party being held at the Auburn Community Memorial Hall for Rev. and Mrs. Hugh C. Wilson for the many years of service in the Huron Presbytery, seven of which were sp*ent upon the Auburn charge. The Milverton gun reports that rate- payers of Milverton-M or nington area were stunned when the Perth Board of Educ- ation decided to close the' high school there. The decision was reached at a recent meeting and it was also decided that there would be no senior public School in the Village of Milverton. The Monkton W.I. marked their 45th anniver- sary. "From the St. Marys Journal-Argus we notice an item of interest that refers to the St. Marys Quarry. It appears that the site has been offered for a proposed Olympic style swim meet this summer. The provincial government, in-an effort to encourage participation in swim teams, has named Dan Sherry, Teronto,anOlym- pic gold medalist, as co-ordinator of this ar ea. Centres participating at a meeting held last week included- St. Marys, Lis- towel, Exeter, Clinton, Owen Sound, lies-, peler, Hanover, Kitchener,London, and a number of other municipalities. Lee- Hee wonders if Seaforth municipality or the Seaforth Lions Club got into this swim? It always appears that Seafortg is either the last or never at all. Surely with an up-to-date pool here there would be at least a representative at that first meeting. From the Sauble Signpost, a new weekly from the Wiarton Area, tells of a Loony Catch. Two Lakehead area fishermen recently noticed a loon approaching their belt. It was obviously in difficulty and unable to dive so one of the fishermen used his spinning rod to bring the bird alongside where he netted it and brought It aboard. The lodn had a fishing line' wrapped around it's beak, neck and wings and four hooks and three .wire leaders entangled in its body. The men took the bird ashore where they removed the• hooks with pliers while the bipd remained inOtiOnless Until the chore was com- pleted. "/ firmly „believe," commented one of the party, "that the bird came to the boat for help because during the painful process of removing the hooks It never let out a peep". To prove to the doubtful ones, the boys have photo-, graphic evidence to support theiruloony''' story. • Sisters from three orders of nuns, the Ursuline, St. Joseph's and the Loretta, hon- ored at a special event at the Downie Street 104-YWCA. The 16 sisters are leaving various Huron-Perth Separate schools now that the school year has ended. Of the 16 nuns affected, two are being transferred to differ- ent schools in the Huron-Berth region. Sister Anacleta, principal of St. Aloyslus school In Stratford; is being transferred to St. Mich- ael's separate school, andSister Shirley DeLisle, principal of Dublin separate school will move to St. Michael's as a teacher. This evening will be a three- part event. Each ofothe parts will honor one of the' three or- ders of sisters. Sister Maureen Byrne of Dub- lin separate school will have her choral group begin the evening in honor of the Ursuline Order. The group is called The Colleens from Dublin. The second part is dedicated to the Loretta Order of nuns. This will take the form of a swim meet among the girls Of seven schools; Sea-forth, St. Co- lumban, Dublin, Kinkora, Im- maculate Conception of Stratford, St. Aloyslus of Stratford and St. Joseph's of Stratford. The third event will be ded- icated to the St. Joseph Order. It will include folk dancing and square dancing by girls of Sea- forth separate school. Father Richard Tremblay of StaJoseph's Roman Catholic Church in Stratford who is leav- ing the parish will be honored in a special part of the program. Other sisters leaving and tak- ing positions elsewhere are:Sis- ter Donna of St. Boniface,Zurich, Sister Mary Dennis, of St. Pat- rick's in Kinkora, Sister Sheila Zettel of St. Joseph's in Strat- Walton; Sugar (LG.A.) June Boussey, Clinton; Dry Clean- ing (Blue Ribbon Cleaners) Don Morton; Qts.011 (Gerald Gro- othius Supertest) peter Stinnison; Pig Starter(Topnotch Feeds)Mrs -Rita Kelland, Londesboro;Pillow (Stewart Brothers) Ann& Mc- Connell; Sugar (I.G.A.) Mrs. G. Kruse, R.11.4; Hair Cream(Bobs Barber Shop) Mrs. Arnold Scott; Hand Saw (Ball Macaulay) Murray Sinnamon; Groceries, (Smiths Superior) Frank Bremner; Bak- ing (Tramiell's) Mrs. Pete Kling; Turkey (Seaforth Meat Market). Debbie Boshart; Dishes (Mil- •Ier's Garage)Brian Barry,RR4; Shoes (Genesco Ltd.) Mrs.Don Achilles, Walton; Lawn Chair (J.Modeland) Bruce Austin;Shoes (Taylor's ,Shoe Store) Carol Mc- Lean, R.R. 4; Toilet Articles (Betty's Beauty. Shop) Mrs.Betty Glannville, Walton; Lube (Wal- den & Broadfoot) Patricia Rim- mer; Zip Beg (Stewart Brothers) John Becker; Gas, alabkirk Transit) Ralph McFadden;Photo Flasher (Rowcliffe Motors)Karen Sprung, 50 W. Gore St.,Strat- ford; Honey (Wallace Ross) Mrs. Cornelius Dorssers, R.R,4; Gas, (Bobs Gulf) Raymond Riley,Lon- de sbo ro a Chocolates (C rich' s) Mrs. Joe Visser, R.R. 5; Stereo Tape (Seaforth Motors) John Coleman; Smoker Stand, (Box Furniture) Tim my C ampbell; Pen & Pencil Set (Bob & Betty's Variety) Mrs. Bruce Johnston; Hair Creajp(Tremeer's Barber Shop) Mrs. W.D.Wilson, Bruce- field; Coke (McClinchey's Res- taurant) Mrs. Elea or Wilson; Ash Tray (J. A.Cardno) Leon Ma- loney, R.R.l, Dublin; Dry Clean- ing (Flannery Cleaners) Miss Tina Dennis; Bed Lamp (Kling's) Bruce Austin; Boots (Genesco Ltd,) James Flannery; Lawn Chair (J.M.Scott) Bill Teall;Doll (Larone's) Rudy Leebold,Blyth; Milk (Maple Leaf Dairy) Steven Eckert, 'R.R.1,Dublin; Upholstery Cleaner (Cleave's Sunoco) Brian Hodgert; Pet Spray (Seaforth Veterinary Clinic) Mrs. Dean Aldwinkle, Varna; Detergent, (Sparkle Wash) J.W.Crich,R.R. 5, Clinton; Golf Balls (Goettlers) Christine Dinsmore; Door 'Mat & Slippers (Hildebrand's)Wil- liam Teall; Toy Baler (Vincent Farm Machinery) Doug. Hugill, R.R.2; Butter Spread (Seaforth Creamery) Mrs. Bill Austin; Eggs (Moore's Poultry) Andrew Davidson, R.R.2; Cigarettes, Elliott's Lunch) Mrs. A. Kennedy; Toy Dog (Keating's Pharmacy) Mrs. Rita Kelland, Londesboro; Lamp (Box Furniture) Mrs.Eliz. Brown; Shoes (Genesco Ltd.) Brownies of the 1st and 2iid Seaforth Packs attended a Brow-, nie Revel inGoderichonSaturday ,,,at the invitation of Brown Owl, ' Mrs. Jack Brady who organized the fen day. The Brownies travelled to Goderich through the kindness of In the preceding weeks Brownie News from and Seaforth Teak has COnsigted of articles written by the Brownies on teresting tours that our-Pack has taken. These tours are part of our Jubilee project. - "Get to know our town". As this is the 60th birthday of Guiding in Can- ada we felt this was a fitting way to celebrate. We have been fortunate to have visited - The Toronto Dominion Bank - The`, ' Huron Expositor - The Library .24Trap- nell's Bake Shop - C-4th,. Creamery - The Fire Hall - The Town Hall and last but not least the various- Churches that our Brownies attend - Northside United - St. James Roman Ca- tholic - First Presbyterian - Bethel Bible Church and Grace Lutheran Church in Mitchell. There 'are several more tours on the schedule for Fall. We would like to thank the people who made these tours possible - they were very interesting and have made us appreciate our town that much more and in turn be better Brown- ies and better citizen's. • Our Pack also joined with the 1st Pack in planting flowers in front of the -Town Hall -as at Thank You for the use of the hall for our meetings and 'as a reminder for all I to see of our 60th year of Guiding in Canada. Last Monday was our final meeting before the summer holi- days so we had a fun night . I had the pleasure of enrolling two new Brownie Leaders - Mrs. Charlotte .McKercher, Fluffy Owl and Mrs. Libby Haynes - Koala OwL Two girls worked hard and completed ail the tests for the Golden Bar. Cindy Horne and Kathy Maloney walked through the Golden Tunnel to receive their badges while the Brownies sang them a special song. Three good Brownie's, Joan. Radio, Susan Smith and Sandra Steffen received gifts for per- fect attendance. We then had many interest badges to present. Those receiv- ing the Pet Keepers Badge were: Joan Racho, Susan Smith, Sandra Steffen. Kathy Maloney earned her Book Lovers Badge and Susan Smith her Toymdkers Badge. It was pointed out to the Brownies Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 that 33 interest , badges were earned by _the pack this year, four more than last year, Well done, Brownies! • I was pleasantly surprised by the Brownies and leaders with a delightful farewell party com- plete with a cake and lovely gift that I shall really cherish. Each leader was presented with arose corsage by Joan Racho. I would like to thank the people who helped me in Brownies - Tweeney Owl - Mrs. Marjorie Racho and the aforementioned Fluffy OwI and Koala Oivr, the parents who supported us at all times and last but not least the Brownies - past and present for making our meetings very `bt(Sy and interesting evenings. Good 'luck and Good Guiding in the coming years. , Gwen Maidens Brown-Owl - 2nd Seaforth Pack. Up To , HALF - PRICE FILM PROCESSING BLACK & WHITE 8 Exposure 55c 12 — 85c 20 —1.35 KODACOLOR -8 Expogure 2.12 12 — 2.88 • 20— 4.50 BY-PASS "MIDDLEMAN STOREKEEPER", SEND DIRECT TO PROCESSING PLANT AND SAVE UP TO 50% Send Film, 'Clash, Cheque or Money Order along with this Ad, to CLINTON PHOTO SERVICE CLINTON — ONTARIO Add 5% Tax and 15c to cheques THE HURON EXPOSITOR July 2, 1970 the 1st Pack being Ojibway and the and, Huron. A war dance to a joyed a nature ramble, games and spot near the tribal fire followed. beautiful Indian necklaces. ' vided into small groups and en- making doodle bugs and very After lunch the Brownies di- to Angela Andreassi, Terry Mar- First year stars were presented Melanson and Wendy Ritchie. Patterson, Mary-Jean Salisbury, Wendy Ritchie and Nancy Kunder, shall, 2nd year stars to Janine anson, Patti O'Rourke, Valerie Elizabeth Johnston, Janine Mel- Before pow-wow each Indian At. pow-wow new songs were made a picture* with things from learned and heard the Indian nature of many different shades Prayer read • by the Medicine of green. A drink and s'mares Man. were then enjoyed by all th-e Each Brownie was presented tired Indians. At this tivnillst with a hand-made crest as a Pack Brown Owl, Mrs. Ne souvenir of the Revel by her presented Golden Ladders to Brown Owl., • ARNOLD STINNISSEN Life — Health and Accident — Registered Retirement Pensions — . Income Tax Deductible Registered Retirement Annuities Representing . Sun Life AssUrance Company • - , of 'Canada r TELEPHONE 527-0410' 1.17 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAPORTS . ,, N , _Super ' F. RooFING w SHEETS THE ULTIMATE For commercial, industrials your most valuable ' buildings. Nes-r.:30 INCHES. • -Vic" - and all WIDE ° - ,OF ,,, many ' , - i ...,; • :MEASURED -.SIZE, . residential .., ' 11-15 R le opia BASIS'.: AR 1. 4 114E. FLAT' :MORE SHEETS Only.-. ' PERNI 0 Ycirice :P . , i .....- GIANT'"SIZE ,goOt .00:.ECLOARE EET OF METAL ,FORMING, MADE FROM 36 INCHES HIGH MAIN ,NAILING2RIBS,, .. . ,. : AND HALF ':,TIMES THE goOtitia SHEET RIB. ' :4iy6s you so 01.th.etiht. Feature, i ri of • " , ' .., , " 4f ,, . . . . . kEr will* MittEits cOtiAta . • :; .WITH STURDY BEADS BMW '•-4 0 : lit''E10S,' give threeti: fold, pi ieiT;o4 'cm , eptiki40*iug . Oiling side 1004 ';`!: . , gate& Batitiatiga' dedewea, th.6 Re& . . . , - "SUPER-V1C" id you/ bedtety . . HENSALL ALL.mAcAuLA " LIMITED — PHONE 262-2713 , :.AILL-1111111ACAULA LIMITED , CLINTON ' — PHONE 482.9514 ALL-MACAULA 4 LIMITED SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0910 Penny Sale Winners, - 1, (Continued from Pagel) many mothers who drove and then stayed for the better part of the day to join in the fun. The Revel opened with the over 100 Brownies singing the Brownie Song and their six songs in a giant Brownie Ring. The girls then retired to our pack 'homes' and turned into savage Indians, Brownie News 44 4, • p