HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-25, Page 6• QAtu elto *I. 1 , anti na intervention ho part Q. her rd, L44P'rihoPPNI again, “pat looked pditt whom 1g1 bald apoaled, he com• oyer NW. That gave 140 another 'Mentes to tnonolepeee again. W,U, thought, too, I could Imo evory hit.WA.Tt JULY t?.3, 1800. yet)* donit let u out I'm done wed away Or to all the hille that made the yees, III count hunared this time; whole seem impessiblo. now miee ! 8 I nd , y o to b 1g4vn yke wan mom chance, an' av as 1 eatna to it it wan only loolneg GOLN,),. INTO D., Ogee VU won tlookat it I said ; and I I-two-three-iota', continuing until polled WY hat down over my ,eyes so the hundred was completed, but still could see nothing hue the apot whore tU p in disgust, enditig Jia declarations In course'of tline I, had gone over 1K01140A0t: ODUCIATIONa., The "103 remrt ot the wee companies! with : I don't belieye. there's tinny the wholo field, looking,' only at the huilaing sottieteee for um,eornpiied by (32c1 1 I'm "not wja ell Be hill in hand, Ewa my IA ork was done. quite learned lesson tugging «Way at Mr* S. Parhuld• 43f the Pin4"6 DoPart'l t"t=1:1"P" 4(744' lif:WaPaear.4elan,;,Yedtnti thoee grass roots which never forgot ent ot the Detniuton overtrateet, from untit 11°°11) wile" sent ta his quarters. 1 don.1 know It Was to look right down at the one 4111114 411.1"Y C"X""I" tio heavenly aesietance 'Paboti gave my hoe hart to dtg• tumid puoliblied by the companies hast a been issued 6urwhether he ever 'recovered, as his thing to be Bops now, and not binder Tim ees tiveu in tit i • ,18.1naa Arluttnii,4A,?yriEyeggialitjm NOTARY i Orrier,-," Itig" Bookstore, I RIBLEY, Oicr. m i ., i ortar to Loan on Fano Security at 140w Bates of interest. eh, ceinedsento charged, MOUtiY to Loan on Note% Notes Discounted RE.t.$0114BLE 1141-T4S. Money advanced on l'forges at 0 per cent. with privilege of paying at the end of any year, Notes and accounts eolleeteti. port indicate thet the farmers of on, company 'a as shot tly oiderci to another or discourage myself by bokino off :io and Quebec aro borrowing More ROET, Id0IND041, ervien.-licaver Block. Winsham, Ont, post, and never SaW 'B at the things I haven't come to. I've ANX OF 1-1ALIIIAT,011 INT a .4. I been working ever clime that. summer The aggregate areouut of current loans se. The Literary World, in a -review of always fonnd it the -enit waY to Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, ;3,150,000. eneecl on real estate increased during the year by 4,fil17,098, and the diti,lends di- Mrs. Brush's new book, Inside ow.I get .ft hard task accomplished, .as it is . vided arnoug,.tho StoeBnolders of the coin,. I ful of all Mrs. &USIA'S detightfel harv:est,--Senthern Preobtlteliant Gate, ,says perliraps the Illont delight. . R true way tO prepare a 114 i r 41.9 ! NtPtIViritrtss.Ttas,w. I obey than usual from these conepaeles.1 An Off= of ZgatrInzony. ' at the hill iiearest feet, and have , • 1 * a . al 4 Pain .1 ... • .• is rcri•istivn- BV4111; Fit,IDI gournari. -al"r7.1r- i TIM 6 OFFICE, JosErsiima Wriseci WINC*17411, - ONTARIO. subtmiption price, $1 per year,Intedelenee ADVERTISING BATES: ...J....?; p:•....14/2,12°L_JJ211..?.:_i,J - One 00 Ma ..,40 O0 00v 00 I 020 00 10 00, Half " 55 00 .2e tie 12 00 ii 00 1 (fttil:rter," 20 00 3.2 00 I 7 00 4 00 0 03 3 00 2 00 00 4"11 -.-...t Local anal *tiler casual advertisements, Fe. per line for first insertion, and 3e. per line tor each anhaelinent insertion. Lorvil notices, in nonpareil typo, 10e. for flrst In scrtion, and Oe. per lino fur tiatth subsequent loser* t. No local notice will be (1l g11 lestithiDi ne Advertisements of Lost, Potind, Strayed, Situations, I am; sesieese chances Wimted, not exceedluir 8 line nonpareil, 141 ;eq. month Houses awl Panoti for lisle, not exeetalloir lifie,t! f;t1. for Met month 50e. pce Rua...v(1110a myth TIMM tkrom wih ho strictly -oil,,,eeti ID Pies wera U91i77l3 gre'''Ll: lball ill 1888. l deliniatious is the Seoteli cook with her While the anumut of new loans made i uplioristus her lovers and ller calm, waxing Them Together. I Wow), A, a. 14E0 (Toron(o). Jun (Marren. CHAR.!, GUMMY, OHO Renee, A T 1 !: there was only au ,inerease uf 01,736,782 ia I ewe w ay. The offer made her by were rude in speech and rough it) luau. 1, SiViu:', N,',11°11 ,11-,,,.,10,1,1°,?,.L,FridN's'and 1° to Speeisi rates for longer da eFtIE ttmouts, or for DI3ItECTOIIS 1 AdvertIscrtwnts without spt eqiedlreetlens, will be lo»ger periods. inserted till forhid end olt3c.aqi areordlnaly. Trim; sit2ry ativeylsement* matt Ite paid advance Changes for , ut.trart las *Ala:enfants utast be in the 00.‘ lt,): Wednesday »eon, in order to apiece that week during the year hemmed by e4'869,1"' Lhristian 'determination towards her Many of the first settlbrs of Illinois Cushier—J. TI.TRNBULa... :the amounts reoeived by the compauies I Aleester MaeFarlatie, baker, in the 'from borrowers. The ositimated value of I pmeellee ef her mistress is semetl,114,,,, real estste under mortgage to loan and deliciou4,, tiontateines shelve an increase of 21,81CM. Of the loans scoured, on real estate by the Companies making returns, I just Called to say, Miss Catherine Elizabeth Drummond, thee I made ye an offer of matrimony this day week, .090,777,558 are in Ontario, $7,336,810 in ale wad like an answer. ,Qaeleee and 0712,805 in Nova Scotia, an in. Tibble looked as innooent as u crease in the aggregate deiring the year lamb from 893468,943 to 078,72t3.841. Tile leeelei Well, sir, she said, if a' ye require you seeterity other thau real estate added is an answer, 1 suppese 08 long as ye e`the real estate locus make the total loan get an answer, ye derma. eare what i may be ? Ye ken well that'Doare, replied the suitor doggedly, The hist titne I was here you tutule objections to me bett'a baker, but ye suld pick that bone w; j 0)8 father for apprenticia' me to that 102,091,908. The assets of the companies e valued at 0116,376,878, Tlie elaitte upon real estate held for sale '0' the companies increased from 0%373,- 107 iu 1888 to 14,937,8, ill 1889. The total amounts loaned to borrowers during yeer we e2A,8f19,825, and the amounts trade. Ye remarked that ye'd intend. received payment of loans and interest was ed to marry wi' saiheie But I 1321,172,271. The amount overdue and in cannot be a sailor a grippen wet ropes, Wank of mortgages at the eud of 1889 was bare poles like a thiamin! hear, 2,288,222 in Ontario; 068,633 in, Quebec to pleasure even ye at ray time of Aid $1,418 in Nova Scotia. The value of ilfe• 'troperty oweed by the compauies was Mr4 MeFarlahe's temper was up. a 14,281,911 iu 1889, compared With the bit, lie did'nt linOw Tibbie as well as areeeediag year. The value of the real I did. A firm expression was settled state under mortgage to lost, and building on lier mouth mid g:itter in her ,Ant:Mains in estimated at 020:5,779334 in eyes. C89, and 0181,971,726 in 1898, Thus What settled objection h&c ye to a ilere i$ v22.000.000 loom of laud mort, .halier he contianed. sten 1899 than in the preceeding yew,. It always makes Me sick to toy stone. ick, replied Tilittle, to think of 'dour an' water muddled tugethet by men- Denn7 Iteran't Prayer. folk. Pve heard tint:t they tramp When was young • lieutenant, eramireis we their feet, too----hoaven tatioaed at e. remote post in Wash- f •1 id rgton foreitory, thirty years ago, This was tote nmeli for Mr. Mo- . , inoug other punishmeuts devised by Fariane, 10 comill.Inding oilier, Major Robert Hae ye never tasted. baker's bread Goa/lett; was what the men called in ye r Ile ountinued warmly et, beake eux It Witu a coffin -shaped nor crackers, less ? *Mede of plenk, which always mann confess Io, return- .ttl niaiglit &palest the outside ed tie in a provokingly calm voice. ee rude log go erd hones It had a When 1 was a bit o' a lass and did na which, when the offender was ken what 1 was catin' ; vie a' mum Isertd withur the box.with heads and eat our peck o' dirt. 1.11s- close to llie skive as if lie Were An' Ilan ye nae eaten halter's bread a veritable was fastened un sin' ye were grown 1 d kept in place by w:oodeo pins. sounded -like a stern conttoversy ,1.411 Where tiiti '8 11.0014' came, as bqwerni crostuner and manufactnrer, stood aitli bead elevated, a piece of rather than like a coneereation be- ellt 110311 to form relatively twee tt P. lover and sweetheart. Og 0011at, War; ...did in on a grvve Well, I bar, admitted Tinhie, when iiseiLd oat of the two sides of the wi, pangs or Integer and cousiderin' nem. Iliore NVaa, he could not weal the chosen people eat in dostrue. 4ve, bat there wits plenty ttf veuti, tion o Jerusalem ; but I eat it with kion ei,boe ins head by lateee anger! n y ey s i on the celin' and re - dee bored in the planks ; he could I en a rng a verse of Scripture, to divert r-11,,thing, and the torture oral pry 111111(1 till it were well gotpet dowu. teet-ol realaietag one pp:sinew for ...Noce any mina ye ken ally I'll no erre a baker. lite oti;ee of the hospital was a Ali 40010 taohed to the guord house azterarriy, until the new building, 1"o tt:',3 conetruetion, alle' done ▪ \h1,' 10 there one monde 0110 Thing at a TIMe. iu life, relates a gentleman who 111.5 spent many decades in the service of God and bis follow-411Ni allowed, ner. Money was scarce with thein, special. Deposita also received at current and service Was paid for 111 produce. ratr IalgIC'em;teat 13ri1ain and ale United States General D. used to illustrate the se in- b°""ht"Ihsphl • cideuts of frontier life by the following 11TillYER anecdote : One day when be was .jnstitte of the • pecanthere cairn) to his office a young: Be you the squire ? asked the iv 1 Watt accompanied by a young woman. • ly yurttli. Yes, sir. Can you tie the Itnat for us vight away? Yes, sir. How much do you, tharge 1 boos- wax i iili th e dollar ie legal fee, air, Will you take your fee iu bees - Yes, if you can't pay MIA. Well gr) ahead aud tie the knotand I'll fetch in the wax. No, said the squire, thinking there W315 a good chance for a little fun • g (08WaX filSt, and thee i'l marry you. ' ea Se TT iteltietautly the youth went ow ut to here NALSTED , was hitched the horse tepee whielt Darby ' , and foau fitsbion, the pair had ridden', and brought the ,wax iu a sock. On beieg 33..A.MT-R-M weighed its value was found to be only . inePhilleraStrat " " " ' " - Wingham, Ont. helf.a.dolIar. brio eh4 • b • 13. 'WILLSON, 41.GRNT,, DICKINSON, • Solace:rens. DAVI§ IS OFFERING ..17•4 0 INT' 1T4 --ON—. A.T-V-AfX 1-DMOPMMI11-2" AT VERY LOW RATES. SWE Iai 1. 1OFFICE-OPPOSITE THE MARKET WINGDAM 003:01314R 4T11, 18061 Well, said the anxious groom, tie the J. A, HAL3T110, knot, and I'i1 fetoh more wax next week. s sir 1 doe% brut; that's against the DepositIt000iered a1 Interest rules of this office. Allowed. Slowly the disappointed youth turned to go out sayiug: Come Sal ; let's go, 1 853', mister, answered Sal, with we. Mount Forest, ..•••••••••• J. W. SCOTT, Listowel, Money Advanced to Parraers and Business Men, , On long or short time, on endorsed. notes or collateral security. Sale notes boug,ht, rrian s wit, can't you marry tzel its far as the at a fair valuation. Money remitted to ail wax will go parts 'of °audit at reasonable charges. Yes I can, and will, replictd the squire, Special Attention Given to Col - laughing, aud he did. leetnag A.,ccounts and Notes. Biblical unit8 have the following Agontk la Canada -The Illetchautslank egilivaientfl : A. sit Ike' of gold was 88. of Canada. A fetich.' was seven pints. A talent, of gold ryas $13.80. A talent of siker 041e-II°?rs-errern Oa. .t° n P. was $583•30. Ezekiel's reed was A. E. SMITH, nearly eleven feet, A cubit was Beer- Agent, ly 22 inches, A bin was ,gallon. awl 1:5 1.'44( 2 pints. A mite was loos than a teee„eaLlayeetlf eki ,„„ate e„. 7 quarter of a glass. A shekel of silver Wes scout 50 ceuts. A piece of silver, CarperAor and 811ilder, or m penny, was 13 cents. A Sabbath JO UN STREET, IVINGR.151, 0 day's journey was about an English Mile. An eplyth, or bath, c0ntain8 7 (Opposite Lloyd's Factory,) gn Ilona and 5 pint. A days journey •••••••••—•••••••••-..--... wes about 23 1-5 miles. • A baud's Sliolls DO brearitly is equal to 3.15,. inchee. A eat e..• FRAMEISe finger's. breadth is (vial to 1 inch, A farthing was 7 cents. BLINDS, &C„ & ORS, %SY. •Cti.i.=..Art..08.0*....,.••.......criklecter..traNie.si c. tttniz with the surgeon, a soldier learnfrom a very simple aciderit LATEST NIL WS. 4 ZaT454 Stvp "Jtirak'ritu r, the name of Dennis Ilya'', for wholesome lea•ion, and one which has Promptly atttutica 131 1t(5tiir of discipline, wee placed lefties been of incalculable benefit to WE NAY HAVE TO PAY the cirolte-box.' Now Dunis me. tivoott Churchman ; alwaya attend. Wilen I Waa 1)1'0'41'001 tWOIVO dud ri • mass promptly whenever the good fourteen years old, usy father broke WO 1) lift 1,n; (A) Irrr --.4."v• n,c 0111,A Org arA, ,`,4 est made his ramithly vieits to the, up a new end of his farm plapted t WINGRAM 0, rt'ad his 4..ta Well iBal regularly, titod his beads, and tele..ated his ' s (11311 Pitt -'13s at etated inteovals, IllOt)i.11t the. lid had been fastened I The ground of this piees WaS i3ar3 et on the unfortunate Demme wc to till, it was wetted with grass rOots Li tUetiacely hear him pray for re- and saritikled with etonee. 1 heed feeta his awkaltrd and inicomfort 1 the firs:. row and then stepped to take t •iitic tt tr• Ile commenced by', a general look at the task tdore me. pe1101.n. ,t im.f.m.rst earnostly to TIP' meet ' Grua ad 1'1,41 RS the sotaft. > - - it with potntoee, and when the plants W013 e talo 01. 0.1,1TO) 11.1011 OS high, he seat rue to hoe it. eie leceting how devout, 101 had f everywhere ; and lotikin,„... at thv whok, ; -that xid pit him okit from any point, it looked 11138 a D IS, It Er le, II SKINS It Ow wonld.Treat your t mass. 1 bad the work to do all alone, !ter 'mire than ten minutes hard and as ktaring 88 the broad CALVSKINS, TALLOW, ;!14lin m,idoutty leaute grow read) of weedy soil, I felt -------- ind ae., the sum eta. Ruty OW 0L shortV when sending to the United States, ' Had 300 not better bring it to the II STAVE f—pv‘. EkLaau !_aicm, Vito 'W I:4 0 11 A TAtnaRy • Ilattufae worst)! and Dealers 1 at ones, and get the highest price IN CA811 Or truth! Jur it? . Mu, lor in,li ; waiting a fon- bat to try to do anything further than mita longer, he said in sulaittett with it. 11 you require an; -thing special in t nee five to L't MA tilli; look dao 1.1rari;‘,4 tay tO0t. i!st any iare, 4.1. I'll get drunk ' there, und Laid. riv myself, I eau leee 01/1ty fiver When it was duo anofher th.tu.dit ;New nt glVt) yet a. j/st till 1 Just at this moment happt.mil VY * 4 GLOVE • y -es d tn't thin not beltive The grass .didn't seen, quite riA mot And test. 'A ecji. eleet,41. MLO 0 0 0 1411Matat, Pine and Cedar (48% IINGLE 1E1 r °la ttiVir No v unmi yt!t, ono oiloax411 flatness. Solo, 11Y and French w 0111 If 081' 1) ,11,113 coent , eatuo 0.) help 1110,Z I ttitetiet h Imo - • - I 14N/11'J-1E4 ANI) ItINDING'. 1 11 ; xt: --vora-thrm:6 h00 bUt ono lull at tit, at, any ou he nia 'rate. J. ClIAPAIAN ;id Wa11114 I Audio t Watt 0 Ow nett oulrort, • • • Wiasitor, lawassIzI.pt to stock for Shoo...Atom 0 Loll, Staves, Heading,Barrels, Wood, ' Posts, Ste 1 .: R. ELT 10TT riterattTroa 1011 Renttsitm 1)R. 1.141000NALD, JOU:MINE IVinousat, - • • 0 0.NTAITIC: B. TOWLita..31,1).G.81,, Member College Phy,iclans and Surgeons, Ontario, -Coroner for County of Huron 7 Ofilee at "Tan - WinOlam, Ont • 1-111. J. A. MELDRUM, 1,..? Honor Groduate of Toronto 'University , and Member of the 0<tileire of 111014(4mm and .f)urtreohs of Ontario, Oftlee and Residence —Vornerof Ventre ata, Patriot: streets, fortnerly'occuried by Ur. Ilethunct, WINDJW.I - • OST. R VANSTONE, liatRISTErt% SOLICITOit, Lte.. Eto, Private and Company funthi to 10011 buyest rates interest. No eotontission charged. Mortgages, tour. ' and farm propel huurtht and sold. Ok:FICR—Reaver Block, Wti.onatt, 3. A. MORTON BARRISTER .tc„, Wingham Ontario EVER So DICKINSON; et W. C. Maven, Q. C.1 E.' L. Eltualltttictt, BARRISTERS AND SOLICITi he.„ so. Hilton for Rank of Hamilton, Commit:doom, fur taking affidavits for Zdar..zeist Fur Town and Villain:, property bought sold. 330(105 (private (untilk) 1011110d 01) ntortme Kemal' at 5: per oflit. Money invested for private petsons, upon the hurt, :,;nortgag.41 sdenritittlt without ally e114t.:1157 to tho tender. Lands (01 11(116 la Iktanittka alio the Nortfk. west, Otlice-Kent'S Meek. Winghtim, Dit,'NTISTIti.— JElin.51E, isozian, mantiic.oring Celluloid Platys Crl",1V"-,-.. , • t. 7,1uleanitold,ttcs 01 01111 bestznaterla 6 as tin:apse they can be get in the Dominion. All work warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic kDOWO. TAKE NOT10.1.-1 extract teeth for 25 eent:t each, OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the truhswielt DENTISTRY -W. II. NACD>.7.-ALD, 'Worse/As, Maker Of Voleanite, Celluloid, Alloy', Wive. Gold, etc., etc., Plates, runglog, in. prices from t5100 onwards per erowntig and bridgwork. Teeth ex traeted without the least pain by the use of Vital. ii,f,t1 Air. }lead (tate,. WirttAant, side entrance bp. postIte the queen's hotel, open elaiiy(Stindaysexepv, ed) from 0 a in to p in. Will be at Myth even! 1311(1 and 4011 Saturday of etiebritaittlt—OtileentIVBIne4. hotel; Go. rie: 1st and ard NoutItqs 04,ettcli Office at Albion hotel. &trading It. &As, JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INVJEANCE AGENT WinoltAtt, ONTARIO. Lt 011EHT CUNNINGHAM, Mt:RANCE FIRE .4ND MARINE, GUELPH'. DEAN, att, wisonAm, LICENSED AtICTIONEER roti 'nn COUNTif ModertAte. &Oyu attended intiti'mil3.1'r ta r01N 0'. 1110 Co; CharitV JOhN CUBX0I.E, WIN00140U, Ger, LICENSIM WOCTIONTllikluitu(IZ urn 8005T13 025 AR orders left at the Tuns oillee promptly,at end.. red to. Terms reasonable. el7A-111.14-11E-141--%11801N----, Atteriesasn POR Cousruis 1ImioN 43i4V, 311 Notice. sales attended to promptly, and on 0110 Shortes Alges 31ederate and Satisfaction Gumunteed, All necessary arrangements vim be mace ' .914 11, 't13158'W°1111:414' ft, tojzos ze HAWKINS Ost P. L. so D. hmovneas .87,11 K;Itters LIR 0111'1. mot) %SINGH/dd. All oilers left at the allies Of the TfstS1 will re 8070 patript tv000100n ATEI1SOK, • lantladjoinfug 04'. R. Stytten. IIML1Ff Exiall t1 -p(31188812 cif '",',40(tirk0t41, ,itittoo W!,;(.1,y 153; . it • 0 AUL' • Ae. tft A r, Oyr4, THE HER me- ; anw Thin 'Art! 194,—.71 or VI ifiretrtet icat--, latet4A4 gysa Gyp is vieit, lleven 0 ete. Nonseneel $1 walking up 78 , She wears ; very Wetly A toque to 133a0i head. The tot ere and flower kern, beavath pretty brown e glee:eats (hut ar oose. Gyp's e except in oie r attend through with dignity, a marks elean 1i, she does not p She juet bolds teeth told ass For Gyp smoke the skeet -the otherwise foal feet then C; Drown speniel -Ile spaniel it title a careei way, and., as erten inuutee lag ie. regarde, accomplislone able, In her pr 4121t .A.Tld What i Advertising - leer working 1 letters on her ters tail pee things. Of tention than every one eel trotting, alone flaxen lealig satin toqae, nese and he sure to road t Gyp has b oess a year. thought of btblack- ehe idea h 1 : _..( y ite ' yhey elid a g . mai whea G 'dealer bacl - g,age her sc a week, and contract, an speedily lee tatniager. waved 11(17) 1.c31*0l1. Sit 'and the we ••teehit," as exliihited of eiaars. Gyp is so , • Tv/vitt:4er, let • - home? welt a fulfilling lit in the 31)001 loon. She the prinoie timee ann( gather arm mure and ( Illager wilo. marke of I, 'ban beeu 1 to "wove . 'hot appel: when it w 'caee. a: Gyp is e proud of feminine i forts of fh of impat blows ler flaxen bat her giasse Comes cm all artist( calinfy ac tudo euffc h dog be backs the Ciyp do eolutoly I P.2,1 Ce. .A 'amaze's- t her afar their can growle. , Iky, -evil' unteltie well hell join Gyr altbottgl nunmere taiu 1811 blocks, Afore° ' l'tnierz expressr ,tuture ing-Iirelf thusiast tapirtion , ed, iqutfe...v to fl 15 W