HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-06-18, Page 7Price Waterhouse & Co. charte'red accountants ROYAL BANK BUILDING • 383 RICHMOND STREET LONDON 12, ONTARIO Offices in principal cities across Canada Want Ads Never Get Lizy Despite ligRon -EXP9FrOR4.5R400ntni 24. 'Cards o frha,04 410140 and neighbors 100:, staff, legion 00,40 firy, many acts of kindness, MOPP409S Y4,t4eP 1400 k410, - of sympathy and flora trItal, 'n Mars 110 igt,,ou p4.4porA0, daring their recent bereavement "-4teila • a.pmp#0#,,,..p4.119g4P-, in the loss of their lasted one. Dillon. :2446.4 Special thanks to Rev, wish" tot Foy 1;rtenciE Hancock,Bo* Funeral Home, pal- relatives wjp remenibered tun with SIM*** treittsi',lettnrai,,, •eard4 avnd viet4t Patient InSea-fOrtii11901P441?". ial thanks to Dr. MO- ,Pct .1114 nursing staff. ^ 4. '"Vii, $0.9tto 914 0404 I wish -t.0 thank ray 'irienda' and neighbours .for visits cards and flowers' while I was a ,patient in Seaforth Special thanks to Rev. Mulholland, Dr,. Maims? nurses, W.IVI.S., and the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church 'and all who helped in any ether way.-Mrs. Sam Storey 24-361 SPARLING. - In' loving memory of a . dear mother and 4r-de& mother, Mrs. Alonzo Snarling, who , was called Home four years ago June 15, 1966. She has gone across the river Where the shores are ever green We long to look on her dear face But the river flows between Someday again, we know we'll see The one 'we loved so well To clasp her hand in a better land 1. Coining Events 19. Notices 22. Legal Notices Huron, Housekeeper, deceased, Who died on the let day of May, 1970, are hereby -notified to send in full particulars-of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of July, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. 11. Articles for Sale 11. Articles for Sale FACTOR' made go-cart, 12 IC 18 feet tent and a large alumina um extension ladder. 527-Q893. 11-36-tf 110000 BTVOII Furnace and tank $75., two used toilets, two used basins with tops, 2 leg style tubs. G.A.Silla and Sons,527- 1620. 1-36-2 Considering a IVIOBILE110ME 23. Business Directoll - - SEAFORni VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, DIT,M., W.R. Bryans, J. P. Vicitalth VI- M. P. Haynes, D.V.M., B.V.Se. Phone 5274760. • Seaforth • 23444 • , DIEGEL Reunion will be held ,on 21st of June,. two miles south f Milverton and a mile west. 1-35-2 HAM and Strawberry Supper at Cromarty Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, June 24th, 5-8 p.m. Adults $1..75. (ithildren 6 to 12 years 75 cents. 1-35-2 JEWELLERY Repair Service Diamonds fieset Ring Sizing Ring Repairs Shaver Repairs - Parts Anstett Jewellets Ltd. 11-344f TENT-trailor in good condition. Sleeps four. Hank Van Bakel, Dublin, 345-2021. 11-34x3 Larry's Radio Television Sales Service '. lbearers and the U.C.W. of Eg. mondville Church, also to Drs. Brady and Mallow, nurses and staff of Seaforth Community Hospital.-John McLachlan and family. 24-36x1 I would like td thank all my neighbOrs and friends for their kindness to me, visits, treats and cards while I was in Clin- ton Hospital. Special thanks to Rev. Mr. Mather, Dr.Street -and all the nurses on first floor. 'Also thanks to all who sent cards and wishes to us for our Golden Wedding. -Henry Armstrong. 24-36x1 MRS. Doreen Kellr takes this opportunity to thank everyone who sent flowers and visited her while a patient in Stratford General Hospital. Special thanks to Mr., Mrs. Dobson, Mr.,Mrs. Williams, Rev. Britton, Dr. Mal. kus, Dr. Lindsay, Dr. Tidman, nurses on the third floor of the hospital. 24-36x1 DATED at Seaforth, this 15th day of June, 1970. Cabaret Dance Percy Wright Auctioneer For Auction Sale service that is most efficient and cohrteoue, mil the Wright auctiOneer. Tele- phone Hensall 262.5462. 23434 BLYTFI, Ontario 526,7 9.640 LARRY BOLGER, Proprietor '19-36-tf or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED 547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. McConnell & Stewart Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Administrator 22-36-3 BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY HALL ' POTATOES for sale, $2.75 for 75 lbs. Joe Van den Berk, lot 32, con. 12, Logan Township, 34'7- 2701. 11-35x2 Friday, June 19th CUSTOM turnip planting and custom spraying of any' kind, 527-0079. 19-34-3 FOR roofing, repairs and gen- eral clean up, contact Jim Mc- , Nairn, 527-0428. 19-S4-tf NOTICE - St. Columhan store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also' accepting service calls. Special on 'service calLi. Free estimates given on repairs. Phone 346-2750, 19-.3441, VACUUM cleaner sales and 'ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Hensall 262-5748. 19-344f NOTICE TO CREDITORS , In the 'Estate of MAGDELENA HAUGE All persons having claims against the Estate of Magdelezm Hallge, bate of the Township of MaKillop in the County of Hur- on, Retired Housekeeper, de- ceased, who died on the 1st day of May, 1970, are hereby noti- fied to send in full particulate of their,claims to the undersign- ed on.or before the 2nd day of July, 1970, after which date the assets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED' at Seaforth, this 13th day of May, 1970. Music by Royce Reihl Admission by Advance Sale Only $3.00 per Couple Proceeds to Del)lin AL District, Athletic Association Call any of the following for tipkets. J. P. Kr ausko ph Frank Bruxer 345-2974 345-2116 H. G. Brown Mat. McCreight 345-2154 345-2854 Hank Kramers Jack Horan 345- 2254 • 345-2829 Geo.Ducharme ILVan Bakel 345-2046 345-2518 1-36-1 BRUCEFIELD United Church Strawberry and Ham Supper. All you can eat for $1.75 'Adults. School age $1.00. June 24th. Supper served from 5:30 to 8:00. 1-36-1 Auctioneer EAVESTROUGHING, new and re- pairs, rafter ends, facia board, roof vents, metal fleshings. A. B. Service, Clinton, 482-9734. 11-33x4 FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, Monkton 23-344 11-34-tf 50 Piece Sets' English Ironstone, Dinnerware service for 8 SPECIAL at MacLean Flowers. Privot hedge, 'reg. 49.00 per hundred. NOW 29.50 per 'hun- dred. A few boxed plants still available. Potted roses. 11-35-2 BRUCE RATHWELL Licensed Auctioneer , Farm and Household Sales Phone Clinton, .482-3384 RR 1, Brucefield 234041 2.344-tf only $29.95 Anstett Jewellers • Ltd. 11-34-tf EAVESTROUGHING and light- ning rods. New installations and repairs. Estimates without ob- ligation. Contact R. E, Ruttan, Wingham, phone 357-1077. 11-34-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482,3320. 19-344f W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls - 527-0510 23-344 12. Wanted to Buy MR. and Mrs. Harold Taylor and family express their ap- preciation for the. many acts of kindness shown them during their recent bereaveMent. 24-36x1 GOLDEN Falcon, Flyte. travel trailers; truck campers; Nimrod, Tag-a-long tent trailers; Chrys- ler outboards;Crestliner,Spring- bok boats; hitches. Sales, rent- als, service. Terms available. Camp-Out Trailers, Stratford, 393-5938, . 11-34-7 USED furniture from attic to basement. Call collects236-4243. 12- 34- tf IMMEDIATE payment for good standing timber of all kinds. lite Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig giving location and tele- phone number or ' phone 232- 4450 before 8 a.m. or after 6 p.m. . 12-3441 LADIES BicyCle in good qon- dition. Phone 527-0605. • 12-36L3 QUANTITY of one-year-old hens. Mrs. Wilson Allan, R.R. 4, sea...* forth, 527-0838. 12-36-1 TWO boys bicyCles and one girls bicycle. 527-1276. ' 12-36x1 And never say farewell. - Ever remembered and sadly missed by Hazel, Maude, Tim and family. 25-36-1 CONCRETE WORK McCONNELL & 'STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executor 22-35-3 JOHN E. LONGSTAFF • OPTOMETRIST By Appointment , Seaforth , Office Tues., Thurs„ Fit, 9 to 5:30 p.m. Thursday Evening Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-1240 --,- or 482-7010 , 23-344f All types of. foundations and floors, cement barnyards. Rea- sonable rates - free estimates. MALONEY BROS. , CONSTRUCTION LTD. Dublin Phone 345-2964. 19-34-tf ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St„ Goderich, phone. 524- 6514. 19-34-ti 24 Hour Approvals 2nd and Srd Mtges Arranged in the convenience of your home. Low cast. You can call tti 10 pin, today for helpful court- eous, service., Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 62 Richmend St. W. Toronto, Call collect. 366-9586, EVGS. 239-4913 • 1949-10 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth. 19-344f SECOND Anniversary Sale at Seaforth Jewellers - 2)% off all stock from now 'till June 30,. 1970. 1-364 PRYCE - In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Leslie John Pryce, • who' passed away six years ago on June 24,1964. A cluster of predous memories, Sprayed with a million tears, Wishing God had spared you, For a few more years. You left a beautiful memory And sorrow too great to be tolda. But to us who loved and lost you Your memory will . never grow old. Sleep, dear one, for it is true, You suffered .so much and told so few. But someone knew you needed restr T'was God above and He knew best. Others have loved and lost, we, know, But you were ours, and we loved you so. - Quietly remembered and sad- ly missed by Dad, Mom and fam- ily. 25-36x1 THE thoughtfulness and sym- pathy of• neighbours and friends in our recent sorrow will al- ways be remembered. Our sin- cere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. - The family of ,the late Robert W. Campbell. 24-36x1 WE would like to thank our many friends and neighbours for cards, treats and especially their help while we were patients in Sea- forth Community Hospital. Special thanks to doctors, nurses 23. Business. Directory R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Phones: Day 527-0680 - Night 527-0885 23-3441 TWENTY ft. Hay elevator and a 2 unit large pump Surge milking machine.Frank Fowler,482-3377 11-36x2 * 4. Help Wanted RNA full and part time for duties in nursing home. Phone Seaforth Manor. Limited, 527- 0030 for appointment. 4-33 -tf RECISTETIEb or graduate nurse With administrative experience to manage nursing' home in South Western Ontario town. Widow or spinster preferred. Apartment supplied. Write giv-' ing qualifications to Box 1922, Huron Expositor. 4-30- tf Seaforth Sports and Marine 24. Cards of Thanks TIE family of the late Mrs. John McLachlan wish to express sincere appreciation to relatives 13. Wanted A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 5247562 23-3441 .45 16 foot canoe .. • .4159.00 Car top with 7 1/2 h.p.merc.$495. 14 foot fiberglass boat with 50 h.p., mere $1,595:00 Boat paint and supplies, etc. OLDER furniture crocks, art , glass, lamps, plus odds and ends, Phone 482-7878 evenings13-34-t1 CROCKERY, brass or fancy iron beds, pictures, rockers, old jewellery, old bottles or 'sealers, old " light fixtures,. etc. Check with us before you dump.482- 7358. 13-34-tf G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth 223-3441 TM JIM HOPPER 527-0775 14 5. Bus. Opportunities • PAMPERyovrt R-T3tKori . Fill it with money saved selling Avon Cosmetics in your own neighborhood. Call Now or write: MRS. M. MILLSON Avon Manager 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London,Ontario. - 451-0541' 5-36.-1 TWO wheel trailer for saIe.Phene 527-1772. 11-36-1 14. Property for Sale ATTRACTIVE two-T5edrTiom cot- tage on Chalk Street, Complete- ly renovated,. decorated. New 4- piece bath, new kitchen gas fur- nace, full-carpet. Large lot,near church, school, and Main Street. Box 1926 Huron ExpOSitor. 14-35x2 ONE giddy-car in good condition 527-1901. ' 11-36-1 SEE .PAGE S BOYS 26" bicycle in A-I condit- ion, used only two years. High handle bars and banena seat. Phone 482-3320. 11-36x1 CAM A6 Combine with new P. T.O. Best offer. Arnold Keys, Varna. 11-36-I FIFTY acres of hay. James P. Scott.Phone 527-0605.. 11-36-3 4,6 Internationaf baler. Jim Chat:hers,• 5270205. 11-36x1 TWENTY-seven acres of standing hay. Mrs.Ella Jewitt, Clinton, 482-7103. 11-36-1 HAWArtN' Steel Guitaidn amp- lifier.Please phone, after 6 p.m. 527-0097. 11-36-1 FRESH- eggs for sale 35C doz.also 3 puppies available free in return for home. John Holland, 527-1618. 11-36-1 THE 'RIMPLES 8. Farm Stock for Sale WRITE faced bull calf. Ted Van Dyke, R.R: 4, Sea-: 4 forth.Phone 527-1435. 8-36-1 FIFTY pigs, 8 weeks old - Herman SHoste, R.R. 5, Seaforth. 8-36-1 TREES removed, trimmed and branches removed. Free esti- mates. Phone 345-2583 for prompt service. 19-3441 WHEN 'I GET BIG LIKE MAMA: I'LL PUT YOU OVER MY KNEE AND' WHOP_ \\,-(Eti c3- ET Na-aNka. ILL BE BIG LIKE • , NO T McKILLOP 125 acre farm. Excellent build- ings, silo and drilled well. Barn. space for 70 head. Good terms can be arranged. • • . • , • • Cottage on the Maitland, over- looking Falls near Goderich NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night, ONE registered Hereford bull, 20 months old. Francis Hick- 4 nelL Phone 345-2948. ' 8-36X1 FIVE Holstein heifers, due July and August. J. W. Henderson, Brucefield.Phone 482-7450. 8-36X1 C ' ?1- $4,000. WILLIAM J. DALE Phone Clinton, 482.9892. . . . . . Choice . of 2 brick houses near 19-3441 Seaforth Shopping Area. WILLIAM M.. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. • BROKER 14-36-1 MORTGAGES - TWENTY-FIVE - '7 week old V pigs. Roger Hoornaert, R,R.2, Kippen. 8-36X1 EIGHTEEN ten week old pigs. Jack Patrick, 527-0047. 8-36-1 PUREBRED Hampshire bores. Brob. figures available. Ken • Carnochan, 527-1545. 8-36-2 SIX Jersey cows, 3 years old. Just freshened. George %Camp- bell, Lot 20, Con. 7,McKillop. 8-36X1 First and second mortgages available on residential, 'farm, or business properties. ' 24 HOUR SERVICE P. F. Cunningham, 576-2332, Kitchener 19-34-ti WE SELL AND SERVICE ' 15. Property for Rent MODERN farm house. 2 bed- rooms, after July 1st. Walter Mc- Clure, 527-0476. '15-34x3 ONE' or 2 bedroom house, mod- ern conveniences. Located 3 miles west of Seaforth. 482- 7548. 15-34x3 ACCUTRON BULOVA CARAVELLE FARMERS! WATCHES ANSTETT JEWELI/BliS LTD. Seaforth 527-1720. 19-36 - tf USED sm.1 size refrigerator ,In good condition. Suitable for trailer or cottage. Price $30.00. 527-0222. 11-36x2 CLARE Jewell and a M'cClary wood and coal range stoves. $10. each. 887-6985. • • 11-36x1 THREE puppies, seven weeks old, 527-1349. 11-36-1 TWENTY-four ft. white picket fence ,with gate. 175 ft. plastic c lothe sline.Re aso nable, 527-1077 11-36x1 Are you 'considering erecting Farm Buildings THIS YEAR- p gs o a, weeks old. David Livingston, 482-7555. 8-36-1 COMFORTABLE self- contained apartment oh Goderich Street, full bath, kitchen, suitable for couple or single person. Furn- ished, pleasant surroundings. • Box 1923, Huron Expositor. • 15-35x3 • MODERN 3 bedroom cottage on West William St. 1 1/2 blocks from Main corner. Gas heat, water. and town sewage, fullbase- ment. Apply to box 1931, Huron Expositor. 15-36-1 9. Poultry for Sale THE WHEELS Contact us - We offer com- plete farm building service. ICIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets ▪ SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Ball - Macaulay Ltd. Clinton - Seaforth Hensall 19-3441 I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S A FAMOUS RAZING DRIVER HE'S so. AWFULLY RoOtab•SHOULDERED LIKE A 11E4Z`i OLD MAN IF 'Yok) HAD To SPEND sibt.32 WORKING DA' IN A POSTURE ▪ LIKE Tkk71, YOU WOULD BE (2.0k.ND•shooLbEzetN, -co; Box 169 9-34-ti • NO" 40.>11:;:$1' • ,,,, ',• , . • 10. Used Cars for Sale * METEOR car, low mileage, new tires, battery, muffler.$10.00. Box 930, Huron Expositor. 10-35-3 20. Auction Sales 16. For Sale or Rent THIREE-bedroom home, living- room, dining room, den kited:. en, full cupboard's, oil furnace, large corner lot, 527-1654. 16-35-2 AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of house- hold effects in the, Village of Walton, Saturday June 27th at 1 p.m.. Full line household effects 1962 Chrysler car. TERMS - Cash MRS. OLIVER Proprietor " HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-36-1 10135-Mustang, Tn perfect condi- tion. Peter Malcolm, 'any eve- ning after 6 p.m.,Best offer accepted. 527-1664. 10-34-tr '62 Buick Skylark, 2-door hard- top,_ power windows, power ste- ering, power brakes, bucket seats. Aluminum V8 engine and radio. Vinyl top. 482-7242. • 10-36x1 sAV 2.0% on all merchandise purchased between June 18 and June 30, 1970 at Seaforth Jewel- lers to, celebrate our and•An- niversary. 11-36-1 WEED chopper 110 volt electric fencers, 1, year guarantee. Re- pairs always on hand, also re- pairs for American International fencers. A few used Hellman fencers. Alvin Beuerman,345-.., 2306. 11-36-1 TWO row Massey4erguson corn 'Cultivator and a 45 International Baler. C. Super, Walton,887-9053 11-36-3 TWENTY:five acres otsiandink mixed hay. Joe Ryan, 527-0668 11-36-3 OIL stove Iva large 50 gallon steel tank. Reasonable. Phone 527-0032. 11-36x1 7P/omit •x2icirrqa, 19. Notices PIANO TUNING CYNTHIA Piano tuning , all repairs, free estimates. Guaranteed. satisfac- tion. CLAUDE ENGLI ' London 672-5348 19-36-2 \ v‘qc1110,1 11 1 111!Hit, 1 o wol ISM s 'WHEN i SAID He COULD PRACTISE HERE I WAS ASSUMING HE'D LEARN 114E TUNE BEFORE HE AMPLIFIED IT! 11. Articles for Sale 22. Legal Notices ELEVEN acres of standing hay, Alfalfa. B. Westervelt,527-0308. 11-35x2 04 TY-five acres of standing hay, Lot 8, Con. 9. Mrs. George • Beuerrnan, 30-2079. 11-36-2 WELL tile, 3 ad 4 fool con- crete tile and top. Leonard Diet- rieh,DashWood,237-3368.11-35-6 AVAILABLE for horse sliming apply John Muir 527-1190.19-36x2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS B 'closed for holidays from July 4th to July 21st. 19-36-2 AP-PLIANCE repairs, refrig- erators, air conditioners, wash- ers, dryers. E. Lawrence, 482- 8838 Clinton. 19-364 eau a on In the Estate of MARY TERESA DORSEY All persons having claims against the Estate' of Mary Te- resa Dorsey, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of