HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-25, Page 3Then, like i lialfut,,," ,` Bast, gill
n th flashed upon him.
The vile liquor drauk in the woods.
to aft'ernooxt before ; his return to
s home for supper; his diilleulty in ,
Aug up the ladder, et wtltkix Jttlj
reilllan had nnsuspeetiegly laughed
)'b Eitel. few hours dating which he 11at1
aught the stupor that was coaling an
tis he remembered, but what ha.
)110wed ea
Bush, father l don't speak a word, *
nal Brennan is coming up the ladder! sR
furnace is all right, I have '
moped all night 1 Jim will think I '
lave just COlne to tell you how ,pother
s, No one need ever know; d tie"
JohnCronin was on his feet in ala
natant, sobered for life. Int ° took*
11ary'a hand, ;rimy from her work.
Jpeu the door, de sail.( iluski,y, or 1'11
Melte 1
J int I3reematt's red head appeared
:thous the piattu4,I.
Well, mate, how goes it 1 .UolJu;
Mary 1 blessed if yt:u (lulu G stare u1e1
'Ualnet rules, yon know, au ue to toe
top•r)uuse ; but 1 guess rue buss wort t
wind, us luUU a8 theft, 8 a sled mother
in the case. lied a bat .,inilb,diAyou
young 'un ? Yuu tuck all nkat out.
There, go lung, s)uhu, put the eitiid to
bed. I'll tend to this lot ci, tt.uugla it
ain't mine.
Thank you, Jitu, said (lruuiu. •
Come, Mary you must be tired.
Not to wut•d wall spu:iru Between the
pair as they went down the ladder
uud lturrit:d down the the 11111. 1 h
furnace UIdn were luungu.g tetethe dour
i of the furuaee *room. • .
IfleSeed if here aiu't Otoniu feel his
101 1 dope the (Minnie utu'.i' fiu incus,
8he'e probably beet( up all night
4 wits her. N•e,,er seen such a pincbk,.
►title egutriau ut, that gal In all rue life '',t
.lath: over the reel 'ridge Mary
1 went, with her hand .toitift:ped tightly
in her father's. She ;ease his hand a
little squeeze ottce,when elle felt a hot .
tear drop ou her 'own. There was a
: swile on her tired, pale ,face, and a
I great content In her Mart. Father
LI I mother, huwe, friends, rrKptitation,. ?II
'.1 saved.
3 When they had:passed the group of
• i houses that eiusteted near the bride
t'i and the woods were before then, her
1 ifather said, Friary, doss neither know
r I No. Don't let's tell her, father.
t She will think I Wont to ite.er you, if
Ielle is awake.
a f If,you'd not followed me last nighr,
e I (nary; do yuu know what aught have
a! happened?
Mary nodded her head vigorously.
it f She could not speak.
a- diary, you have attVed my life, yod
11 have saved the Work:. As glut hears
see, 1. will ue%er.(Ariuk another drol).1-•
to kle never broke. the VOW be trlttfttl.
:() Mary t:rted. with joy on her father's
Id neck. All; the Lerma., loineliues.s and
labor Of th¢ night were over, like a a
d, bad dreuniy Best of"eii, the burden
er of eettseless`,ttnxiety tvllich had weigh -
.d ed dal tier and her mother was laud
ti. down kt.rev i. Never ttg:tin would she
et listed lar hl step idi the feat; that iii '.
lid might. t,o uncertain, or Walk with tired
he et kiug hno through the slurps of
tt city.
They softly opened the door and
found the mother tatiit sleeping, Mary ,
opened theldatupers of the Star in the
Fast; and aeon a good breakfast was
10 preparation.
ler John tl,uhlu told leis wife of hit;
I0(1 resolution, asghe sat • by ber bedside,
not after Mary hail pone to sleep; taut he
sty did' not tell her then at what a fearful
cost of suffering to their - child it head'
of been bought. His 1ntoPigenecr and
.or,• pereeverenoe 'vein him the position of
we forethan ; and t$ dayMary and her
ork mother, who has reeovered her health
: ipii and gaiety in the Katandin Woods',
the rejolee hi their nett hemp, which rx-
iive ceeds Mary's day dreams.
had fine fine nrull, that Cronin, said
some tint; in authority, tie other day.
ile and inc daughter are sttldyin{
chetnistrji together, and he has sortie' e s
fireteratelnotions aataout roaeting the •
sullitlur out out the ore. I shouldn't
be surprised if we had a rare find in
him 1 f 1
° The` girl is a pretty,• and lady Cif e
one,, too, Bard. another. The whole
settlement some to be fond of her.
John Ormolu passed on the oth k'
aide of the red bridge, himself iinsean,
heard the words and,, wiled and
thought, W rete would on be to -day
if it was not for Crouin'stddiYouth's
of hpitnion.
11 -
)i a1(
soul -
Id he
ll Bill
Save "Steer Ce pets.
.11. sheet of atieley fly paper will do mora
idalnege to carpet end ferunture thau any+•'
thief ever invented, tIo careful house.
wife would have one about. Wilson► s Ely
Poison rads will blear the bonnie mord
quicely alai surely than my other meaua.
If plaeed near the light Where the MOB art)
thickest; ;Gitilson`s I'tld, will kill pinta every
ilii „(said oleur the house 10 abort 41'441.
t45id 1* 411 till Oa; '
fie W • r:: • Gla l sok.
Asa. old negro .Igoe( upon a prong's -
out Chicago lawyer, I has come, he
altid,.to ax yer er few poiu's, craze. I
tweediest rushed frust 4e Sod ter dis
Well, what do you want with me ?
;'rte lawyer asked, looking in adtgtiYl4+
stent, at the negro
Yee, soh, re combs' tor dat, I doan
kt w euthila' 'hon. de rules and reger
1Atl '116 o' dis county caze I has just
came yore, an"I hes found it necessary
ter ttx erbout 'vurce. Do de law say
dab er pueson hotter take ont papers
ellen he winter quit his wife ?
• Well, a man can simply quit his
wife any tune be pleases, but if he
lopes to marry again by most got a
41v ren.
Yes, I. knew dat, but I didn't
%cOty how it wuz wid er in o'a step-
Ns what i exclaimed the law-
Step wife. sale
What do you in -au by, a etd'p-
wife'1 •
W'y salt, d• lady I'se libin' wid now
is my etep•wife.
Haw do you snake that out 1
ery, it wuz deter way. Good
while ergo I maird down in Eaiutuck.
lobed wid coy wife bout fifteen year,
au', she tuuk an died, she died, she
slid. Wall, bout four year ergo I
Iuaired de present lady. I has one fiioy,
de stile o' my fust wife, an' my pro -
ecu' lady is his step-mudder ain't
Of course
Well, den, wily ain't she my strip
wife? She's de boy's secon' tuudder
gn' is rely ween' wife.
She is just as muoh your wife as
the first one was.
Den I would hatter got a 'yorce
from her just like wuz de fust lady I
`eb Ted malt ?
Wall, glens de paper.
What paper ?
W'y de 'rotes paper.
I can't give it t) you I can, bring
suit for divorce, however,
Ail right, fetch it.
Upon:rat grounds 1
Didn' know 1 Batter say nnthin•
prbout grounds. I dean went de
lady no longer and dat settle it wid
tilept on a bed of roses once,
Well, was it All fanoy puiuted.
I think not, If 1 remember rights
ly, fancy didnsf pante the t110rlls,
Gentleman—I'm afraid you're a
bad egg. This, is the third time I've
caught you poaching.
Pat—Sure, av 1 wane a bmd egg, 1
wouldn't poach,
She ---It would be a pleasure for me
to share Jour troubles and anxieties,
He—But I haven't any,
Sho—•Q, You will when we are mar-
11Ian (rising wearily l.0 let , late
comer paes to his seat in the theater)
•---This eternal getting up is really
very annoying.
Late cotter --I know it is ; that is
t I
he reason never coma in myself till
the curtain is up.
1)id you hear of the mad zebras at Inquitaitive Citizen—Do you ever
Alarm) el'rt? Iget any money from tender-hearted
No, What made them told?
Edison's Little JO ,
When the phonograph Was a newer
invention than it is at the present time
Edison put one of rattellines in a clock
and placed it in a guest's chamber.
Being a great lover of a practical joke
he also placed a friend in the guest
chanaher one night. Just as his friend
was disrobing he beard a voice ex
claim: Twelve o'clock one hour afore.
It i needless to say that slumber did -
not deseentdup0n the eyelids of the
tar during that hour, At midnight the
voice exclaimed : Twelve o'clock ;
prepare to die 1 This was too much for the
visitor, and he sprang from his bed and
rushed to tihe library,, where Edison and
his friends were patiently expecting bis
appearance. The invention was soon ex.
plained and quiet restored.
Tiley ovt'rlleartid someone 8
looked like duties about to
!people ?
they German Tramp—Oh, some dimes.
:la ' 1
i }
tennis 3
A boy wee asked which was, the
greater evil, hurting another's ftielinge
or his liege!. 2 T)le feolinge, he sal:L
Bight my dear child, said the gratified
questioner But why is it worse to i
hurt the ft:eliugs i Because you can't
tie a ra 1 themanswered the
That Italy he, but it won't settle it
with the haw,
Wleat e ;ii; 1t.w 'wey up here keer
erbout tot; a•h n I has been dii.,iai' ail
Ltyy life wady duan in Kaiutuek ?
Gbt so much to do with y'•u that it
will sen,( you to the penitentiary if
you marry agatn1 without getting a
mook yore, is da got a penytenchy
are, t '0 1
'des, rvo of th•'tn,
Hoh, dat's de ease it aint ez good
fur me up yore ez it wuz way e
der- foes (ley put niggers in de
penyteneby lip yon 1
i g
They do that very tinny.
Dell I.s gwine bath case I conte yore
eaze I gittin sorter tired o' de peny-
tenehy down tlar, but if da's got two
up,yere, why dis ain't; de place fur
g,round ,
Jackson -1'0i going to start a new
paper, and I think Z'll cell, it The Um
Merritt --Wily
Jccltson-•,•Because everybody who,
sees it will take it.
Merritt—Yes, people would tape it,
but they wouldn't pay for it.
Lady (to colored laundress)—Well,
Aunt Chloe, how is your 1101 bond to
co io—
°heap for KASII.
day i
PORTIERES' AMD POFf1hG Aunt Cbloe(glootnly)—Ffe ain't no
better Miss 1\i n'rs
p,}V:anted Aoorwaysiee aork,us Obstacles, y. see 8 done gent
• in the Way of Matrimony. Qn a new inscription, blit de doctor's
A few eveninees ago l said to my friend got mighty serious hopes 'bout his
Dared: "Joseph, why haven't you mar- discovery,
ri:ld?" The question seemed. abrupt, I
admit, but the moment was host propi- Not Altruistic Enough—Clerk (at
tious. As we sat in the ooziest corner of summer hotel) —The• lady of No. 16
the club room testing a now sand mom- 1)as
been complaining about the
ponsing brand of cigars wetaikedawhil° cllumbrrmaid. Landlord I.' 16 •iau,t
at random, and finally we, too, drifted to saiisfl.•d she'd hettt:r go. The trouble
the,subject of marriage in Buffalo. Wo with these cit eo (lois, they imagine
apol:o of the apparent reluctance of cur` theycome here just for their otl•n
Min' young ashen to do anything butle:esure.
dawdle about the objects of their adore- p .
tion, and 'when Joseph said, "Do not
blame them, perhaps 11lenotuhdir£alxlt," Mrs. Wilkins (who has adopted a
1 put to hitt, the startling question, IlWw st}le of artangiilh her flair, to ac,
"Joseph, why don't you lllarrj'' Joseph q ainta nce)—Mr. Snood les, do you
tock several long pulls aids cigar .before observe any alteration in my appear -
replying, but finally said, his eyes fixed ante ?
on the.srcending smoke: "If. you wish to Mr. Snood les (with snliling polite -
know what has kept me from matrimony cess)—None 'Madam, except that you
I will tell you. tt is the portiere." I stared. are looking very well.
Jo::epli went on; "In other words, it is
becituse twirlers have no doors—because , *�• ...-�—.- .,
our modern houses are one vast whisper-
ing gallery in which the slightest sound
is heard from ate end to anotrher. It is
Trains arrive and depart as follows :
years since I have full. ,slue that I was LLAvt a ARRIVING
absolutely alone with a girl—an environ- • 5:35 a, m .... For Toronto ..........5:as a. In
2:16 p, 10 • n 3:1"up•m
nlent necessary for sentimental demon -8:15p. in............For TocsWater o:16
strations. But to particularize. It is not 30:30 p.10 1J;30 '
long since I became untt:,uully interested.
in a young woman of my acquaintance. G MvA- h D 'Z'R`CT NiC ±e,ry
Encourage Your Sons.
A wise f=ather give this ssge advice:
lily boys aro out in tho world doing
well, but I sympathize with the
anxieties of feathers who have yet to
lice how their boys will tura . ant.
My plan was always 10 onc0urage the
boys in all possible ways. retmetuher
that all boys are not equally anrurt.
Don't crowd your boy. Above all,
don't be comparing line unfavorably
vy;ytsnnte other boy, year noighbo►"s
Oh, That sort of 111ieg. breaks a boy's
eprrit, destroy, his pride, and ho may
loge 11, au)hitiuil, . rrotect (nibs ;
ltttil3 upon his weals sp et ; let him
fen1'tbal yoty are bade of hint ; that
while you rxp0et hurl to p tinge i.tl and
own for hiwet'if, sti11 you have a long;
pole that you will read(( out in case he
needs it. • Dau t hurry him if be is, a
litt�l�',bit•slower than snip, other bo ye.
Pet t1uione boys are not always t
successful bion wheys tlwy corse to the
Inattire shine .)f lie'*. Dau`t last yoer
boy get the idea that scones is tho :,ole,
end and nils of existence. But teach
Kinn Or ft, and by adding sc111ethieg
to hiscaving batik a.ecounl, say $ to
every`$`JO he saves, rt'+tiizes the value
for a rainy dray of a dollar iitid by,
0. 1'. Ii. TIME. TABT,.h;.
1890 G -
a rather precweious iufaut had its
ehristeliiug uufettunat(ly deferred until it
was able to talk, and :.tt t''e font was lifted
• in its father's arras for the ceremony.
,Aftejlthe nrinietter" hn.l dipped ]ale ?ittgere.
in thetvntttet, and tn'as the eien., of. the
floss on her forehead, the ultawel cam. i
„tined dowg, cud, catching up the lour;
sleeve of his white to.vtl,,wtped tine water
itwsyti, calmly t ,tnerhi.ig, "Baby's face
t[oan. prtrltG wa it eese3in ; dot it waesetl,'
Perhaps I was in love with her. If not, I
know that I (night have become so, I
paid her rather marked attention for.
nearly a year,' but in my numerous visits
to her house there was never an oppor-
tunity for anything but the most formal
conversation. Usually her father sat in.
the library across the hall in full bearing
—if not in view—of us. Nochance to shut
a door. At the parlor door—portieres;
at the library door-eportisres; at the
dining room door—portieres; and never
an opportunity for that sense of private
tete-a-tete which gives a man inspiration
for sentimental Bleeds.
"Now, it 18 my idea that the time when
mutual love is first acknowledged should
be a supreme moment in life --ono to, be
made the most of, and nut to bo thrown
;Tway by any such ills(ilsae proceeding MR. M 1LCOL 11 111CDCNALD,
as a proposal by letter, or even to he
terruption is probable or possible. Thera-.
fore, I did not tell my love with papa
reading Itis paper in the adjoinixly room,
or with, the o rvant fumbling at the side-
board •
ide-board' ill the dining room,.with only a
thtcl;.nes of curtain between her and us.
I did not tell niy love while till the doors
were wile open and the si:tterka were act-
ive in the upper halls. and 1 could hear
the brother in his roost overhead dress •
lug to go out. No; I waited fttr some
moment of assured privacy. It never
rrItore was a long silence. "Well?" I
said at last. "That is all. Last sinniner
the young woman in question made a
visit to a provincial town, where she.
could shut the parlor dour. While there
she became engaged a d was married •
hist autumn.'
"And that ill oourtship an dile is V0n-
ducted in Beira o," I sighed, "That is
the state df things in aline houses out of
tell where I,pay social viCitS," said Joseph
Dared]. And its I recalled the Monies of
our. wedablo but unwedded maids I con-
cluded that Joseph was not wrong, and
'that what is most needed by our young
sten is not courage, blit "a Chance.'°
11uifalo Courier,
Wishe;z to intimate to the Ladies of Winghaln and surrounding country
that her stock of
Through tickets to all points in America—North-
West, I'atline Coast, etc., via the shortest and all
popular routes. Baggage checked through to
destination. Lowest freight rates to alt points.
l 110 a.III.Toronto,cluelph,P almerstnn, sc.
1110 " ' g
i;::to p.m. " " Clinton,
:11 -r),
::'.5 " Paimerston, 3iitv1....
.6:41 a.ul......, ....Larulot, a o..........
5:413 p.m.
Rt. ,IT.II(.
3:10 p.nl,
10:10 "
1e:1•, a.m.
i:15 p.m.
;10 a.m, .......Kincardine, 4:e 31::10 a.nl.
",:30 p.m " 11:10 "
10.10 " 0:30 n.ti
risked at unplop ;:ions seasons, when in •
(L:tTF or ninny,)
sat ills purchased the ba*boring business of Messrs.
Sebastian lhus., is prepared to give ail old eastu,m-re
and as many new cues as patronize hint, satrs:a..,iun
in all lines of the profession,
are my spceialtles.
rw9,(,ire oto a call at the old stand, opposite Gordon
and Ilclntyre s aloro,
piing au .� ,l , titerjfilH.u!y'
has arrived and is now opened. out. The stock is well -
assorted, and contains all the fashionable styles for this year.
A large stock of
• alwae; i on hand.
The MANTLE DEPARTI1V[EN contains a varied
assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Flushes, Velvets and
Mantle Cloths, to .choose from. Perfect • fitting, and latest and
most fashionable garments. An inspection• invited.
First door north of E. F, Gerster's jewelery- store.
t'Vinghatn, March 20,1890, ISS
ELuctreg Bads:,
4 .a��1 4 rte '' l':tr �` r
—TIS Tr._.
cline „
Every brtrrt.l guaranteed. We arc the sole munufactur, rs of the Genuine Laraine, Also Cy:.I:der, Engine
Wool and Itsruesa Oils.
of the '11,iagham Brick Yards, hate on hand a large
Reek of tilts for 0I +mine purposed, 4trl1111lushes to
10 inehos in size, which will be sold cheap, and In
most favorable terms. Farmers ,1ltentiim, to drain
should sue our Tiles for themselves baud deciding
to ustshaubcr,
A large quant4 of
,�rt�,'1.yp..,I p`��,��`'� r.€ 3 8 (l era
,Cp Y„ry� �'l � Y"l'��`•rh'c a,,.'r++:J
on bola, and will be sold at loweS ihvinp• pru6t.
a ,
'((lire •%,5 tglur* 0'151"
i -. t
R n �!ry
p�r v
C° 7 ar1.1' �.t 'i R
rt ' Fri
1r �sr
JUST' ' ,,
eeeerwfmtaG� ac,
has just opened up a
Gensral P
/10VISIOn and tilocely one,
nearly opposite the Market,
The stack consists of
Sugars, a 9 Tobaccos, Spices Ra.s is, Currants,
Dutys, Figs and P�rueez.
CA.N NEI) GOODS OF ALL MINDS Fruit, Peas, Corn,; Sahnon,
Corned Beef and Sardines.
All kinds of Circuit::. Dried Meats, lihh, Butter, Eggs and Liverpool
Salt. A full assortment of
CROCKERY AND t"��"• T y�' �3 WAR
"hd� .e1.n.�..'«'.�vU.Y a
r in sets or separate.
Butter, Eigs Dried Meat, etc., token in excha.ntie. As we
buy fin. cash, we are aIle te, sill at the ('heapeht rates. By
calling and inspecting our goods y'ua will oblige
' Vin) M
arae l "S, ((aril), . Winghan, Ont.
A s • Every arb 'iC M
HOLLOWAY "� `4i . tr ; Nits) p`+ +a it's..f, •t.��M7 tt�5pra tpr'.a p� yI■■tY
1C:9 k' P : M..."�A 1. ,HAa,4 k'1.`.J Y Ino ■ ■
These re ;votes hese stood the tett of day year' ter room and el3 t.:<nouneed the best Medicines for
Fnuidy use.
,ty I ' Purity tho,,blood, totted all dise-il TN et the X,tV>•,R, OTt,'1tAC,Y, 1t2D,itY"`1 ,AND BOWELS And eta
, , *ea
• L'
r` et 1
1 to P .1 # a
memento • n ell contemns() lu s talc rid t Ol, •
lust a dwri a t
haVA 1 ,t
1TUIforI3tOhAe To9nit reliable
tt.ltiablo leu ' Sv for hal legslMi, r s)ost s. AulX9o
rtis, and
d r u rv;an•, n
j , lii�tl�I�g,.XcatgYel00I(q, ln9,TOJT ,L'GAbOLiR Na!lfitrlas AND*
T.I/R P bt1s aISUA6ls IT IIAS NO hoUAGto>, at 1(1v uxtortt. Late 53, Oxtail Street, Leaden,
:norm �ar tendert Chst15we K Otltivo remedy £cilre lovn"- and sold ell Medicine Veadoa tro:tiout ihu world.
Issue, etio ;m, + maseavotpn ,'.
,,lnk4HtS�yMR1yy@4,1MpWyR7K4,VQ^0rs . °e
leatt:b �
1 ad *end toocnitkp3 at my .omase �t to any ft av vendetta luthhar,t•ei'lithls3rs soull look to t$S "nsirl on ;Onto. it tal
titwili sand hcx *cprWae3 Port D est Ad,rete RetyeCt,44
t�xlosd �ltk'0ot Lontlph' t'10y •;av s>rulittnr4;,