HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-25, Page 2• b'1bl:l} tau (Lti1. J L71LY «fi. ;13JO. 'r boat Duebtt, Io 'ineluam town, there mese did dwell,. the? ,.,.t loved to make money well; • To tln.. w.,d, built note! +cud ehurcb, Llsine all ,posers to get rich ; 1:'1 be such, was his life's goal, 13!,t joined the chorale to save hie. soul. I t*, ton, kept store, aud in this way Those who laboured, in goods he'd pay ;. A son of Vulcan he employed, Hint to 1114 Atoro he thus decoy'd Idj wrnn;l,t for hien day after day ; Z`~'iteu through itis job ue atkod his pay, He pit! b)to, 9s others before, Gave hint t do:'hill ott his store t ' `I las yin tee, ,vas the usual w:ay l-`,tll mint t Rn'.1 •(inner got their pay ; Witco to los r'. ire, these duebilis weut He 014':Lys. +3e;4 at big per cent. But this ease, dust man's wife did meet, And coved th:;: he would not be abets. 1'u het: own did slyly plum, ass wtt t ; t every woman can And being a stranger to this man, blot well succeeded i e u her pian. In his store, she diel boldly dash, And asked far goods, alt if for call. With bvsines3 air, and smiling face, To wait on her he took his place, And goods on goods he did pull down ; On some she smiled, on some she frowned. And to him did han„htilly say, No such high price for them S'JI pan. .lie then, with most complacent touts, Twenty par cent. off he took, Then to the lady did Ray, I have lost my profits to -day, By .attic;,* you have it all your way, But. to sell thus it does not pay. Then with somewhat reluctant will ,'laced lie=fore him his owu duebill, And unto him, did smiling say: Out of this, please take your pay : Thou changed Ins looks, his 'miles obey fled; At the thought of being so misled. ,_ Behind tho counter 1te did prance, As if he lead•! St. Miliaria' dance, He seized the bill, and on its hark The amount he !,lured, least further back ; The lady left pleased, with her plan, But disgusted with that mean mars. Another plan, she quickly made, How, rest of duebill would be paid; Straightway she sol: ht a lady frieudt Who, in her need, her aid tied lead, Ansi unto her tido bill she ' to sold. e.nd it turned out as good as gold, !c (s Now, I will tell you, friends, the way In which this lady got her pay.; She to that store her way dial wend, J a Before this pian site tool. her stand,' i f 'With well filled purse in per right hand. Then this stntall man, with smiling face; Before this tatty tools his place; To her re:;nesrn made kind reply, i Por ott that purse he kept his eye,', And many things Rho bought that day, ti *And as to prices she had h€r woe. For the cath, he was sure she'd pay, ; et ' And, as her parcels up he piled, r tv lie kiodt ' ono IN13 L •4 f r," 'lift atilfIlt SPItAQtin Pankra n. it tot a it !:ti,,, t e 1, Qv1t3 night the hear, ef Flan ?,sine woods, . SII Vrottiu dieser ,.r t ,le ad *thaw, ethos over lt: t bead zed ;thott'ilere its a cursed the doer eclfiey, and stepped o into the nigho She wea5 very tit: for this trty:e t ori; had been hard, a her invalid ir;. tn' r had tic;, ticcl tt,c care thee u Ilia! The dishes feel beet, w:ashe:;, an the table reset tt.l' t)r.'alsi'itdi; Glee. , th'zd Leen fitted at the iee•Pt,e.reit spying ott the ltiollutain road, In ,brother's t;rut't rixatle, her bed stuoott • ed op, toed 'Ludy h act. sung elle Penh tuna after another, as Silo helot ..te mother's war ted btettcl, till sleep eanie to the sufferer, The girl stood motionlsset on the doorstone, and looked. ;eages'ly at the Works, Through the whitlows and 1 doors of the casting-roouh, Which were 1 open this December 4iight, a fiery gleans shone from the redehot iron running through the moulds. Now • and then clone to sharp explosion, with a superb play of fireworks around the month of the furnaoe. The violet, orange, green and Orin,-• son stars did not attract Mary's atton- tion, It was an old story to her, and her -heart was too heavy for ber eyes to see any beauty itt it, Size looked aogve the casting -room, up the high Krick chimney to the top house, which was perched an an immense staging just at the mouth of the chimney. Her farther wits there ---for it was his night oil -,-and lie had been drink- ing when ile came home to slipper, Fortunately her mother was asleep and lead been spared cruel anxiety. Meryws heart had stogt still es -bet father took his lunch can, without his usual Rise or tkie (J-ood night, doily 1 Take good care of your mother, which made. her happy every night. Hie had stumbled over the rag neat, and utter- ed a curets under his breath, lie never did this except when he had been drnikin heavily, Poor John Cronin 1 7 -Tie appetite for liquor and his weals wt,l had ,newel him to drift from one work - hop to another, front city to city, lid front state to state, carrying with nu his wife and Only child, The ,brought with her ---the reminders of 'l;'ettwli,days, anti lilttry helped arrange , thew b the bare living.raetn, The curtailis onthe windows were in but white, and the new stove ebone try resplendent with its Stine,' plated sly ornamentation and lettering, The he 'Star of the East, .Bangor, Mains, ut Mary read an the oven door many 'd, times a flay, nd1 Mother, site said, holding her stove, re rag in her bend as she knelt before the range, 1 always give the name an d extrai.pulislt, ler it seem to mean au til meth, to eta, This is seems first rant el I homy 1 Nobody under ust and •r ' hems over us, and smelt heaps' of rooli) t- 1 r 1- r night 1 `,Che intensely cold air may hare brought. hied to himself, Rhe thinks.. coarse There Wee an ominous sheets above and the child l,larried up the Diet. ladder. John Cronin ley asleep on the floor 1 Mary had no time for thought, She drew the: bolt and secured the elevator. Then she seized the handles o the tear and wheeled it toward the fiery pit, The weight we's great but she, chid nut feel it, The beat grew more and more intense, Could she guide the car and dump it ] *fore she knew. no. iti it was done, le cent was reputed the Jioit pushed h cit ;and the boll rung The oievatu4 ht d gone down she and the floor had been ri'pinoecl, Then Mary crouched besido the sleeping man ancli caoank,i and cried all round 1 Mary's intense delight in all saw, and the deep gratitude she ex. pressed for all that wits done for her, tnacke every one anxious to give her pleasure. She ,was timaghtett 1 and unselfish, Huth thio whole sett.etncht. learned u, love Crnniu's (Um, Was a child utiruly 1 Thn mi would call i\Ltry in to ,help hor, arta t 1 soon the Lulhaplry little one was listen- v int; with wicie-open eyes and dirty cta Mouth outih expanded into a smile to her 5 aeeount of sortie Saint Patrick's Day parrada, or a Fourth of %ply exhibi- tion xhibs-tion of fireworks on a BJostort Common. To Mary, versed in e ty lore and sights, tile country was a the thing to be desired; but the Katandin children tired of the ihonotouy and Jonelinees of a life it) the woods, quid never hear 'enough of crowds and noise. So, Croniu'o Oat became the story- teller of the settlement. Often the workmen stopped and joined the circle of children that crowded around her in the smuttier twilight, and listened to her story. Seems it different place somehow, since Croitiu's Gal culue, said many of the people. • The children don't light half so touch as they did; nor torment the critt'rs. They're nice folks, tlletn {totems, . With rlueb li she got from her friend, 1 h atctory q.narters of St. Louis, Pitts- , i e+.t'watrand other ntanufaetur• 1 m„ centres are wofully alike, and'had } Dot been for her mother's stories, liary, the little girl, would 'have bee eyed the whole world paved and cut tto ,harrow, dirty Street,:, with n h reek of sooty sky above, crossed itlh elothe,,liaies,• Oh father 1 father 1 Wake up 1 1 can't tray here nit night,I If t mall for li u help you'll be dit111:issekt. 1'in it raid to stay. here alone! a Alter The men slept tin it w:,as it7iuossibio' red her, ei Then, like n light n ` dash, tjt4 truth flashed upon hitt,. 7'he vii liquor drank in the woods the aft'ei'zioon before ; his return to. hia haute for sttpptir; his difficulty i.n ,ening up the ladder, tit witiuh Jite Brennen lead unenspeetiltgly laughed t the Cleat few bourn dutittg *deli belies. fought the stupor that was coming ern tide Ito remembered, but smut had • followed flush, father I don't speak a word, Jim firenuan is coming up the ladder! The furnace is all right. 1 have dumped all night 1 ,Tito will think f • have just come to tell you how u,oilter is, No one need ever know; dt�th; father 1 John Cronin was on his feetaia ai ip instant, sobered for life, 1'u took , i`tiary b hand, ;rimy from ' her Open the dost, ue said 1ltlsl;i,y, helm 1 Jiro Breuuuu's reed head np hove tete piattul'ti. I Vi'et[, mato, hew goes it ? ,Hello oro,aaehiml. Mary lfid fits work, 41. or t't1 poar- t wn weukut ss, but suddenly shti LA"' UM, Conscious of her inner streuncli it he knew she would stray until resin - Before her /nether was taken Mary's hattds and feet and head h been at the service of the whole sett meat. Every one loved, petted a tyrannized over her. In spite of her medlar's sharp b short illness:, from which she was no slowly: reeoverittg, the summer ah autbnin had passed happily with Mit ler father kept sober, and uo 0 suspected his past shame. Jot Cronin was as gotd workman, a soon he rose front being a driver one i f the Roar -horse wagon whit carried the ore down frau/ the moor tain to the Works to being a top haul, The duties of a top teen we'r'e of very responsible nature. Bight tithe t hour thr elevator, .built beside tla jimmy, carne croaking and groaning to the top -house with its lond of e or linr;stone. The top-tuan fatten the elevator with a bolt, and the ew the iron car to the roaring lute, the elhimttey. Over Ibis thea en rested while the t;tp unto pulled chain which opened the bottom art precipitaatou the anass of ore and roc ill ad le nit T ar 1 blu • • bSt. if t Yd y u man 4 awake tut^! Gat.trt rules, you I;,atety, co ue In toe p•huuae ; butt gttt�as we hose woo t at ltd, as loin as there s is mei/ :,,Goner I the case, Had a t►ald .elt;lu4,ttld you. ming 'un a Yuu ruck all ioott out. here, go lung, John, put the t ttljd bei ed. 1'11 tend to tired ter tit though tt zz't Irvine, - Tbtaiik yeu, ,fleet, said Otoniu, • ontt•, Nary you toilet be tared, Not u word was spot between the it us they went demi the ladder d hurried down the the lull, lbs meets we,) were lomigii,g ti„tihe dour the furnace `room. 1>`b,st ed if here ain't Orortiti ted his r t 1 tope the unssid snide inti„'tee, She'd probably been up all night tit her. Never seen such a pinekl�. tie e'uuian as that gal in ell wy,izfe'l d .tauter. Bush, over the ret ',fridge Mary ut, with her hand ,#oirtispecl tightly her father's, She gave his band a Ie squeeze ooee,when alts felt a hot r drop uu her 'own. .`!'here was” at le on her tared, pale face, and e at content In her blurt. Father titer, Linea, friends, riptttation,. 11 •d. , 1Vhen they had:passeci the group of ses duct clustered newer the bridge the woods were before neer,, her err said, ;nary, does ntttrher know o. Don't le't's ted ic„r, father.. ti well thitAk I were, to iitVHt you, tf is atvakt3. ' (,you'd not followed ,hie last night, rye doyt.0 know whit phlrittt have. named wry nodded her bead vigorously. could not speak. you ; t never °vt•r 1 eery erted with joy on iter father's All, the terror, lonelanesa and . bt the (tight were over, like aa. ,,ream best of sell, the burden selest,anxiety t,hich had weigb 1 ht•r t+tnd her toot her was; laid i, is%too Nevgr Again would dui for hie ,rte p ite.i the fettt that id t t,u ntret,rtant, or Walk wide tired irtthn'htl,n through the slurps of ey softly opened the door and the further still sleeping, • Mary d the'daauapi•rs of the Star in the and soots a good breakfast wag parattien. t; Cowan told Itis wife of hie tion, asthe eat • liy her bedside, r;ry haul gone to sieep, but he of tell her ,lien at what a fd-arfui f 'atptiering to their , rlield it hod'' bought. His intelligence and e?rehece '\von hitt the pndltion of n; need tOday 'Mary and her r;” who Las reeove'red her health It t Woods: zit th e Ltailt ' ii n in tieir nee/ house, Which ex- a'tlaryte day dreams. t'e•tt fine man; that Cronin, said I, �' r. e in author►ty, the other day, el Ins daughter are studying try together,' and lie has some telnotiorhs ,,tout r.,aating the out of the ore. 1 shouldn't prised if we had a rare find in girl is a pretty. and latdjr,l'illtl , , said anotlher. The whole seetras to be fond of her. Cronin passed �7it the otlh+iif the red bridge', himself lznseau, the worth/ and.; smiled nntl , Where would on be to'dtty not for Crotzin'a z12•.-1'out%'s zlioti. fug, gird looped by tl'hut time her father lit cuttld be roused and that'they might ly get houho without suspiuio),, The elevator was eo;uina again, and await she utast narv'e lharsetf to roll rat the heavy car to tinit aatftti brink. I Well, she had done it once and ells oeuld de, rJ a''aatn. Again aid gain she bent herse.f to the heavy.task, pa The hours abet all by ; Mary is Uuted them by the loiads fu :---eight to an hoer. At first they went' of quiekly, for she dra'aded the ri�tutn ufl the ear ; but as the night drew' cin } thr.child became de+sirons of an over -tats puwering•desire,tt, sleep, 1a:rh The dreadful sense of the rerpon t,vi ait,ilfty,ths lonetiness.and the mitten/r Chit alness of her position left her. She 84i began to forget her desire to save her fatiter, All emotions were swallowed 1 we up in oris sea of sieap, which surged lin around her, malting. her sick alit giddy, lift At last she became conscious, that f tea sun rills mutt do sa.,rnethit. She etre „;;lied ' re id i which was enclosed on ut through the next dutnping, and then!ito w . opened the door of the warm ttsp house 1 sant ry fourth side opened on they sides, the ohinine . tle She closed it behind her, in order theft•; a,o(1 ui her father might not feet the cruel cold fuel au and set on the icy platform, lot:lcin;; ( N of down, down on the shapeless works be- i Sh I.; Iteattl her. 1 she The intense cold revived iter, and 1 I " seemed to freetee the sleep out, `The 1111n December ,noon shone steadily, and : hap_ sties wind, now rIbin , blew the chars } 's 1 coal sniolce away from liar, Front 1 SlieZc y 1 this great heioltt, the settlerileut see:lzi- t11 ed crowded at's'her very feet. Eau.kl,lictve house stood out frnlm' its pure white! 1 tut', einrotutckiti , and :elites thought of rho H t chatted, bowedttnilel pat, Itis R/nrI89, tittf gate's deslaerte, t , Fier mother tame from the Catskill t tat As duebill come from ladies pulse) f:Mout:ton.! regiol , and her nature re- t;h Which she gave to hen,, to pay voltecl at the wretched pensee they Up Jr ail the goods site bought that d`ay. I hid. called home. Tlica sunny, old or That bill aside she smiling took, t brisk farm house, JEtx ,inking t i us„ built, in the Dutch ed 3placing it oekei book; k,. } way ; the fertile fields, the crowded di .els elle teat, he signed with pain, Dee Ycr. i li s wouldn't rid eAug tt Cede barnyard, grandmother's flower o-ar• of sin, '=cin those ladies, laid there Edge,.' teat cluebilt dict chauge frauds. Tit, third vow'd she'd beat the other two, �Vthioli see did, as T'1l prove to you ; To dila same store straightway she weut, And tool, tip that riuebtti every coot ; tt}i caned for goods, to make as dress T. be lirtt.cia•is tsrid,nnt h,,, lose. Then for such goods lie made a dash. No shade of doubt she'd pay the cash. else across the road, the mountains !framing the little vale, the peace, the clearness, the stability ---Story knew them all through her tnother's words; sights and tears, A great resolve leach crept into the child's heart to try and reproduce that peaoeful life. To be retpecteble and 1 to stay in one trace was wheat s Witlt'smiltrtg face and eager eye, I Said, on those goods you cau rely, ` 1 But when she looked tut;ui o'er and o'er, ! She turned as to to leave the store, Bold on 1 he said, 1 yet may boa Something t' better suit your mind ; Into these,, ton, she thusly pried, 13ut yot she (idn't seem s;atisired. i Least this cnstomer should be lost, He offered her the goods at coat; , To his enzrearics her ear she loot y cunt, Willie Rho selected, lee dill smile, And larger green that parcel pile, Then mita her did blandly Any, Y )(I've • et, rn,;re bargains of roe to -day, Y,u'Il cede again, I know you will. -- And tools up that (Melnik ever c lit Again cattle forth that same dctotal!, n'anl f'it''fo6. ;foods to he seat DIG ent she left she heard him groan ; )i: a't 1 tot 1 aciott•t'' l be fond did mart Ai he psee.4 up ani dodo, the store; "Wilmot taltv.tysdid, tine will deceive, Prom now clean bank to lfYnther Eve, An.I C'il (4,311 oat mei leave that place, Bola) tomb women again I'd face," Titus ba liuhttenhrl his hnr,ietie•i heart, And thug theta itadrasgat the start, And thug thirst dutititll wont around, , , And thn4 those ladies held their i;rottttd `;' I 'Those ladies mored y lenrthed at Noma. New, iii cnn':lusiru, l: wom:l Ray, • i'he,t man Reid oat and wont away, P But Wingharn ladies ofteo etiil, =Ohdtrand laugh About that Durhbitl, Rt X lived rut'. 11 !only her father would net drink 1 Thera sated a day to the. child when she be;>;an-to see her way clear. A. letter arrived from a Man with whom her father had worked, before bis hnarriaaoe,.iu ii L'enobseot Jogging cam 15e wrote of an opening for the ftttii at the Katandin Iron Works, Maine, lair wages and a cuwfurtabie N haute were ready. f still When. John °comet read the letter, 1 all, his old lore for the woods same track to hien. 110 could feel the cold steel of the gun -mitre], and the supple aste t''od bend in his hand. Before long and the neon, was got wore y t to a It sot Ir ter which t • r g Lht.h A t!u,ru .lt the.. tamii,y from Boston to i dtttn Bangor, tuid from there to the Works, ent 8 sixty tuile'e north, 41(lie Six month* had .One and . v gone, every day brought new .heattties i llm to �atalh t s din. No>v end there the child left the TI ter 'he tour aid r ate,Lave ,,aired my life, yin/ savedhe Work,:. As God hears 1 willvt•r ttrinI; another dral,l... e lir. poke. the vow he nittat�t. n i friends to each.'Whetwould' b N down the chiuhatey and into the for nice below. :l lien the car was re- turned to the elevator, the belt pushed Lace; and a hell rung.; the urea below stetted the tttachineey,anti the elevtitor began its downward journey. All, tide rctquin d ? methodical care Ness tante wet:efttlness. The cltildretl of the baba settlement 'had told )Bary of en awful ataJaa night„ two winters before wl t g a long :, se I,owui rr Ler fa to thel negleot of the -blight top -man, For fan explosioi had'' occurred which father p, wreckect,and burned the; Works, and keel, ly brought all t'Ite rnen,iit the top.Louee pNave iu to a fearful death, sit; to it eta, 1 It leave them all, and go book to the old peek r 1 wtrnderin di ' as g. azepuraEile fife l labut .Her ayes traversed over the road, t1 till they rested on t her e ' 1 lIi ii Ire t of de t I first hour; 1 Then enrmetbi,; � hl erred 1 ed t.t " them lznwi watt • delve, swerecl aliother purpose. Ilei patient listed mother was there= -}ice meth(' ,,.. ,wlrii'11nigtt would have died itt the; city, the! 1 feet s Brownville doctor Stiid, bad t.bis i11-. i a city overtaken Ler ,there her motile,' 1.'h found opens Enst; 112 pre Job 1'esoiti after ;Il did t, cost o been pests foretha motile land ga rejoice steels `d;,ltit tomo b Ile an clhemis firetera sulphur Ire sur him The' one,, too settle* John side ,f beard thought ifit was t ro vii , and the old, fru ed hs tvoutd noed ..the frenb, bracing, nt air of the' plountaitrs for many day, end all the cttrefctrtit that tiler's good wages could buy. r tier mothers sake, for her e sake,she must go on, O1t,G4od me awake twits the fervent l' that went up in the frosty A. shout from below, a ratilo of chains and again thine the elevator, creeping up the ell ntney like some gigazttio beetle. i lacy went to work with fresh enthnaiasnt, Between triptt she eat outside and suffered r e ed tv' ith the ecilt3, But such tottering was positive joy,after the detitjty numbness site had fought within. o wonder Ji.arn'ta heart bad stood with fright lvlititn her father reel- ed through the door, nor that she esolrved to follow 11{zd to the top house to make sire thatifhe bad not fallen ep. She had Watelleti the ftirnatce, knew b 'the shower of S sparks 1 is that. e eat up that the ore was being pert 'tegularly ; 'hut at any Mom, loop aright overtake hint -•-a sleep It swath] surely meatt disthliesal disgraen, and possibly death to elf and others, ie road was white and lonely. frozen river heed no word of en- ragement for het as ,she ero3sed the odd bridge. The stars were far- away and cold. She avoided, the `34)(4" tters Works for fear of beim; seen by some of the hight•force itt the oasting.room, must Le Around the charcoal houses and but shb. through the thick smoke, up the hill illtve los she had, iug oeib of six,E man won "Father, get up 1 Mary called, in a clear whispor, let alio shook Jtia ghoul - der. loather, do;youhearl Would !In movhisr had , lien ,,semi Bight's tvorlt been ht vain 1 e,,ris ib e.idtle:lly I ital k anilig a orlt�, with its black, ttnsiOlhtly beta . ngs, Icing tow of charooal•houses Whiie in his heart he icad did groan, rat. tit sulphur fumes and axpl- l leaps 4purple-tinted slag, the refuto f the t;toti, and acres of trees dead tatter %%eta let Tllliib. w A Benton paper opposes woman Suftiage tet thin strain; Wtltnon, r' Iet retrlarirs,,have alt fate neeessua'y quail. in ties tv crake good ttit%t1; hitt thr3y th i#iust give their tbna add attention tet tet; whits the thee, ard' beiya, That i$ hal true ; life/ wise tr:c.tlie'r aArt dd to Lt art- +ht•,St Cow,hr;T4 Atkins �ttrlri ittl3lk to .1 , L Drat keast,'tit River, leaping frau) one fiat ton'eato another, and ,�+adhering the ivtd eetd!n,zl flowers along the banter rte wandered br,nido Silver Lake, Melt reflected old Chairliack and :tdtttei$fCk Mottlttaitis upou its polish. d srtrfale:e. Hoi' mother would not ber venture far. Two fierce Cnliii titdli. ettgea at the hotel told What El ;ftleds uorltttine1l Heider Mrd. Crottitt's touch the alt,, wooden better', g ew' into Et Hoe „ rr J.ItP tri ViP.re at fens �iCEtty ,pit3K t# t riled t tff, teat Viiia Mitt • IS The worst hotit•s—growl ono to throe= —we're past. The moon set and the sutra began to pale. A faint, pink light spread throng!) the east, tights spread here and there itt the Houses below. The Inen of tine day force were being roused, and the wolten parii,g their ,horning Meal. ' more, lou;l war dumped, It halt past five, Mary thought,. was not sure, She, might t tonne (Alma or twice, Yes, for there was rho boll ciang• w het. It lacked Rive minutes ttd Mtn I:rennan, ttte,day top. id collie in five minutes. 1. over a bride -mid up tba ladder the I child wentwith cl.illtsd hands and feet, but with a heart waren with love and desperation, Surely that is the elevator telae is ratttitig up bt�side her 1 Now she stops' for breath oil the landing, waiting for the wejeotxxe lienee frdirt above that 1 will drive her fears a, ay, net €atlrer t will lilegb,nlld kieti lien,. Awl w' ghee?" 'tit' � d �r with r *dial SIS,AouI` the l lbllifl Mary, I dvdeidept ! said • Sarva Veer carptlt, A. sheet ef etitllsy JIy paper 1'Yi11 t]tt melt(, damage to carpet told fetsuttura than aaby«. thing ever ihtvented, No eareft l house. Wife would have ene about, Wilson's 11ly Poieau Pada will quioaty auri turtle tsar, r uy otltett meae 'fetish mord It placed near t,e baht ,ohne' ties #lien earl htekest; iiilsou`t Aids Wi 11 kill tit every Aleayr ythe Hennes iu slur r }yid: ki314 eJ ',tit 4I'i/ �1(Jtei �� ,,• r