HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-06-04, Page 1614TNE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JUNE 4, 1970 Spii$ Studenti;. The Glee Cle is always one of the favorite groups at S.D.H.S. Variety -Night each year. Here the group performs a number of selections from the popular musical "Fiddler on the Roof", under the direction of Miss Mary Leeming. (Staff Photo) SING? DANCE? PLAY. an %) *°tit Olit• Han Is Your thanes to turn your'taunt Into dollars KNOW YOUR: NATURE . WHY IS THE TRH, FIN•oF A WHALE HORI7ONTAL WHILE FISH Hr. VERTICAL 'TAILS S • ••• A."1:31 THE WHOLE (AMAMMAL) REOLAIZES A ,LHORimOMTAL TAIL FOR suemeRG- i NG. AO:OWL/4/4E ELEVATORS (g) ANI, SUBMARINE GIVING CONTROLS (1) SERVE THE SAME PURPOSE. ' A FISH USES HIS VERTIVAL. TAIL CHIEFLY Foe. PRopUiSionl Suggests Water Safety All set to dig out your swimming gear for the summer months ahead? Well, before yOu do, just pause for one moment during water safety week May 31 to June 6 and think about the importance of taking special care whenever you're near water. Last year saw a drop in the drowning, statistics from 1968. This is most en- couraging. However, there's one thing that is alarming. It's the fact that so many drownings result from' sheer carelessness. Let's have a look at the details to see-why. First, Over 10% of the persons drowned were unsupervised children under the age of 12. The Red Cross stresses the risks involved in allowing yoUng children to play alone. Children of this age are very adventurous and love to roam off by themselves. This makes it doubly important to watch them at all times whenever they are near water. A toddler in a paddle pool can drown within minutes if he falls face down. And a child playing with an--inflated toy in shallow water can easily be carried into danger by a light gust of wind. Another thing Is that fully 65% of the drownings resulted from accidental entry into water.- Most of these cases involved pedple falling out of boats or falling into water from dry land. Here again, lack of care played a big part. For 'example, it stands against all reason to overload a boat, yet eopl.e continue to do this and end up losing their lives. Non-swimmers should always wear - a life jacket when they're out in g boat, and. In a power beat it is vital that everyone sit in a secure position. With a respect to swirl-ming, it's alWays wise to stick to supervised areas. Swimming alone in unknown waters can be very dangerous. An effective "way of being prepared against all these water hazards' is to, take a course in water safety. The Canadian Red Cross Water Safety Service which the Seaforth Lions Club provides each summer at the LiOns Club Park offers just this. Its comprehensive programme includes the instruction of swimming, adaptability of the body to water, and various rescue methods. There. are also special courses, including survival swimming and instructor training. ree.Ja..a...oakawa Fill in this application form and return today to: Bill Pinder, Program Chairman, Lions Carnival, Box 385, Seaforth, Ontario. Full-, Name Telephone No Address . ..... Age (if under 16) ..Class X Talent, - vocal, instrumental, dance, etc.- . (Circle Cla.4s yoirare entering) Name or description of selection. (if Group, list on separate sheet) OVER $200 IN PRIZES — Amateur Talent Contest Seaforth Lions CARNIVAL — Thursday, Friday and Saturday June 25, 26,and 27 All contestants will compete in Preliminary Contests on Thursday and Friday evenings.. Entry fee is $5.00 and must accompany each entry. Each contestant on Thursday and Friday evening will receive $6.00. The top two con- testants in each of three talent classes on each evening, Thursday and Friday, will compete Saturday , night for prizes of 1st. $25.00; 2nd. $20.00; 3rd $15,00 and 4th.$5.00 in each of the three classes. In case of rain contest will take place under cover. Deadline for for contestant entries, Monday, June 15th, 1910. The time available on contest nights may be limited, and it may be necessary to limit entries, so get your application in early. All applications will be' acknowledged. Glad we're vacationing with you! 0 Oh yes, Tex-made will be along this summer as always ... . . . in the sports shirts' father wears, mother's bright dr9sses, the kids' shorts and sweaters, the canvas of their running shoes, the tarp on the luggage, the sailboat's sail, the headlining and tire fabric of the family car . . just tb mertion a‘few ways. YOu're more familiar with ,Tex-made Sheets, towels, pillow slips and other famous consumer products ... a company like ours serves Canadians in hundreds of hidden ways. Drive carefully and have a bodd time! dominion textile limited The Fabric People TEX-MADE PRODUCTS AVAILABLE, AT STEWART BROS. MAIN STREET SEAFORTH V i . • isplay Talents at Variety Night I - t — CERTIFIED BY PROV. OF ONT. BRUCE REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE Meat Cases, Walk-in-Boxes, Seetelhman ice maeldnes, sani- serve soft ice cream machines and farm milk coolers 'PHONE 238.2385, GRAND BEND Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! We Are Pleased To Announce The Appointment Of DON BRIGHTRALL PHONE, 527-0732 SEAFORTH As Our Representative For Huron County HEARING TESTS — NO OBLIGATION Service To Most Makes Of Hearing Aids E. R. Thede Hearing Aid Service- Ltd. 88 Queen St.-S., Kitchener Much of the work involved in staging a successful show is done behind the scenes. Here Judy '1effrey applies make-up for Douglas Hoover's role in the Drama Club's offering for Variety Night. (Staff Photo) • 71',zsk 11 Gymnastics is a major Part of the Boy's Phys. Ed. curriculum at S.D.H.S. and each -year they are given a chance to display their skills during the annual Variety Night. The.boys ire shown here in one of the pyramids they built during this year's show. (Staff Photo) The Drama Club of S.D.H.Z. is another popular part of Variety Night. This year they present a one act "Melierdrama" entitled ,:,Egad, What a Cad! oeVirtue Triumphs over Villainy". (Staff Photo) GERBERS BABY FOOD & CEREALS Wholesale at Finnigans We're Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary That's Right. been, 20 YEARS since John Anstett opened the. first ANSTETT JEWELLERY STORE in Clinton in June, 1950. To Mark' The Occasion And To Show Our Appreciation Of The Loyal Pat- ronage We Have Received From Our Customers During That Time ANSTETT JEWELLERS. LTD. CLINTON — WALKERTON — SEAFORTH ARE OFFERING AN Anniversary Draw 1St PRIZE — SET OF SILVER (Value $150,00) 2nd PRIZE — MEN'S OR LADIES' BULO- VA WATCH (Value $100,00) 3rd PRIZE — 40 Pc, SET CROWN LYNN • CHINA (Value $33.00) YOU RECEIVE ONE CHANCE FREE WITH EVERY $1.00 PURCHASE AND THE OFFER IS GOOD DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, Anstett Jewellers Ltd. eaforth Phone 527-1720 .V. Individual talent is not,neglect- ed at S.D.H.S. Grade X111 student, Tom Burke, performed two num- bers during this years Variety Night Show. One of the songs was his own composition.(Staff Photo) By T. S. Neudoerffer DEPARTMENT OF NUTRITION The ruminant animal, like the single-stomached animal, ab- sorbs most of its required pro- tein from the gut into the blood Stream. Unlike the single-stom- ached animal, the dietary protein - in the ruminant is fitst altered by the microorganisms of the rumen before it gets to the location of absorption. Therefore, it has been impossible to know whether the proper type of protein arrives in adequate supplies at the small Intestine. As a result, formulat- ion of diets for the ruminant has• had to be approximate and due to this uncertainty it has been a common practice to build safety factors into the diet formula. This is to say, more protein was in- cluded than was suspected of being necessary, in order to be on the safe side. This approach, however, is costly and, as the farmers are increasingly caught in the cost squeeze, it has be- come necessary to take more of the guesswork out of diet formulation. Studies are presently being carried out in the Department of Nutrition at the University of Guelph to ,ascertain the protein Red Cross The., June meeting of the Seaforth Red Cross will be held Friday afternoon, June 5th, at 3 p.m. in Carnegie Library. Smiles . . Customer: ''What's the dif- ,Terence between the blue., plate and the white plate special?" Waitress: "The white plate special is five .cents- extra." customer: "Is the food -bet ter?" Waitress: .but you see, we have to wash.the white plates." and amino add su,pply at various places in the Small intestine of cattle. The studies, are -carried out with growing dairy .breed- heifers and growing beef breed' steers. ,For - these studies the animals are surgically modified. All animals used here have per- manent openings (fistula) into the rumen (first stomach), ab- omaSum (last stomach) and the intestine. The intestinal fistul- ation is in the form _of acreen- trant cannula or exteriorized total flow of gut contents._The contents are then examine for protein content and for the amino acid composition of the protein. The reentrant cannula is separated, allowing the contents coming from the stomach to flow into a collection vessel. In order to maintain, a balance between inflow and outflow, the far end cannula is connected to a reser- voir from which gut contents are infused. • The technique has.-beeii used in the Nutrition Department la- boratories to ascertain the pro- tein flow, of animals receiving diets with high and low levels of corn. The results and a discus- sion of ....their significance are being published 'in the scientific literature. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION AT SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY JUNE 10th AT 2 p.m. Parents with children who will be attending Kindergarten -next Sep- tember, are invited to attend.- PLEASE BRING IMMUNIZATION RECORDS asemammummommis An Expositor Classified pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 52'7-0240. At Guelph Study Protein Use