HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-06-04, Page 15UTDOOR-ETHICS
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by Stan Paquette
Assoc. 'Ag. Rep. for. Huron
Wet weather last week delayed
field operations and consequently
the-remaining acreage of corn is
Just now being planted. Cereal
crop and hay are, growing well
with moisture adequate. ' Pre-
paration of bean land and *-
plant incorporated spraying are
progressing well. Livestock Is
doing well on abundant pasture,
Classified Ads pay dividend&
the Weeklies
In IEOnnvillI0
lister "At4fore
o Congregation
00?pOiri:oFtd.:.:.seoci.Fm;- i0,t1.1';;;4.411,1F :4#: 1910,44
Wholesale at Finnigans'
No. 100
Wall Trellis.
No. 86
Fan Trellis . 1.89
Wall Trellis. 3.35
Flower Box ... 5.49
By Lee Hee
The Blyth Standard reports that plans are in full swing for the two full days of action at the 19713 Steam Thresher's
Reunion being held in Biyth in Septem-
According to the Mitchell Advocate
Petty Officer 1st class Terry Thorne,
son of Mrs. Thorne, town, ,and the late
Dr. P.R. Thorne, has concluded a Chief
Petty Officer's Course and out of a
class of 74, he was one of the two to
be ,promoted to the rank of Chief Petty
Officer. He and his family have returned
to Halifax to reside. In the same paper
we note that 'Mrs. C4vin Christie, R.R.
2, Staffa, in the new president of South
"Perth Women's Institute:. The election
took place recently at Motherwell Pres-
byterian Church during the 68th district'
annual meeting of the Institute. Also,
front the same paper, Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Tubb were pleasantly surpriSed
on Wednesday tevening by their friends
and relatives at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Fawcet, on the occasion of
their 37th wedding anniversary.
The Clinton News-Record reports that
according to Recreational Director Doug.
Andrews the summer playground program
may be dropped this year due to lack of
Interest. Mr. Andrews pointed out that
there would have to be between 100-150
children in the primary school-age group
take Part to make the program worth-
while. Application forms are being dis-
tributed soon through the public schobl.
From the same paper it is noted that
three new members are initiated 'into
the Lions Club at their recent meeting
and are as follows: Rev, A. J. Mowatt,
Minister of Wesley-Willis United Church;
Paul Grunewall, R.R. 5 and Ron Scotch-
mer. Guest speaker at the Lions minor
sports dinner was Duke Harris who has •
played professional hockey for the past
nine years. He anticipates being drafted
to Vancouver.- for the 1970-71 season.
There were 102 entries in the Luck-
now Horticultural Spring Flower Show
according to the Lucknow Sentinel. Mrs.
Jim McNaughton was top point winner.
The Ripley and District Horticultural
Society also held their Spring Flower
'- Show with 112 entries. Mrs. Norval Stew-
art was top point winner. The. Sentinel
also reports that Ross McKenzie, former
editor of the Paisley Advocate and for the
• past 15 years has served with the daily
Sentinel-Review in Woodstock, has re-
tired after more than 50 , years in news-
paper business. Another interesting item
in the Sentinel relates that Mrs. Teresa
(Austin) Courtney; H. Li, Dungannon, has
• Just completed a family tree of her great
grandfather' and great grandmother, Philip
Austin and Jnhanna King. Both families
settled north of Goderich in the Kings-
bridge area in 1839 and 1841. Father
Snyder officiated at the wedding 1111843.,
July 23rd, one hundred and twenty-selien
years ago. There are close to 700 direct
descendants of this one marriage,
The Exeter. .TiMes-A.dvocate relates
that,., ratepayers in the Township of Hay
*ill be 4)014 "alnibit 7.5 mills higher
on their taxes this. year. The total rate
• ' for township property owners will be
92.45 mills, compared to 85.02 " last
The Goderich Signal-Star reports in
• a .stery that the biggest ball game of the
- year is-set-for -June 17th at the.Canadian
Forces Base, Clinton: The game, spon-
sored by the ,Warden of. Huron County,
will pit the oldtirners of the base against
The oldtimers from Clinton. All proceeds
of the gaine will be "donated to the Huron
County. Children's Aid Society. In the
same paper we note that Dr. G.F.Mills
was sworn in as sqUadron commander of
the Goderich Power Squadron -at the
boating organization's second annual grad-
uation and commander's ball Saturday '
night. Also in the same .paper that the
Goderich Rebekah Lodge No. 89 held
an interesting meeting recently at which
veterans' jewels were presented to several
members of the Lodge, on the occasion of
their annual birthday party. Mrs. Alice
Abel received her 60, year jewel as a
token 'of havIng been a member for 60
years. The presentation was made by
D.D.Pres. Mrs. Margaret Bowra. In re-
porting on the Blood donor Clinic, the
Signal-Star relates that the spring clinic
of the Canadian Red Cross Society Was
held at 'Knox Presbyterian Church hall
on Wednesday with 204 people from the
area 'making donations. Also, Mr.William
Madge, yard foreman at Goderich.. was
honored recently when officials and
fellow workers of the Canadian Pacific
Railways when they made a presentation
of a large ornamental wall clock on the
occasion of his retirement. Mr.Madge
started with CP in Windsor and came
to Goderich 25 years ago. He retires
after 45 years with the company.
The Rev.,,,Edwin Hancock, the
newly inducted minister of the
Egmondvilie United Church and
Mrs. fiancee); were "At Rome"
to the members and friends of the
congregation on Sunday afternoon
and evening.- The congregation
had been invited to come and see
the many improvements which
have recently been made to the
interior of the manse and to enjoy
a social time.
Much of the work had been
done by volunteer membersof the
congregation under the direction
of Robert Tyndall, chairman of
the manse committee.
1VIrs. LeonardStrong and,Mrs.
Norman MacLean showed the
guests tire renovations. Mrs.
James Wise, President of the
U.C.W., and Mrs. Bruce Cole-
man, President of the Twilight
Circle, presided at the tea table
in the afternoon and Mrs. Earl
, Correspondent
Miss Miry McIlwain
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim
and Greg. of Winthrop attended
the Oshawa Quarter Horse Show
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of
Sarnia visited on Friday with Mr.
and Mrs, jack Medd, David, Jim
and Kerr!.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan
Spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Daye Dollimore of Ajax.
Mr . and Mrs. Sam McClure,
Clare, Shirley and Douglas, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson McClure and
'family spent the week end in
Niagara Falls.,
Mr. Andy Thompson, Miss
Carolynne Robinson of London
visited on Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson and
Mrs. Irene Grimoldby is
spending a few days with My.
and Mrs. Russell Fleming of
Mrs. Ken Reid, Paul, David
and Jane of London spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Luther Sanders.
Doris McClure spent the week
end with Sharon Thompson.
Mrs. Ella Jewitt and her aunt
Miss Lillian Adams of Clinton
visited,on.Sunday With Mrs.Edith •
Vincent of Goderich. ,
Mr. aticlAirs. 'Jack Crozier„
Brian, Path, Kevin and Lori of
Listowel visited on Sunday with .
Mr. and Mrs. Gedrge McIlwairi,
Mary and Sandra.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale and
Cheryl visited on Sunday with
-atir. and Mrs. MurraatScott,'Mel-
anie and Meribetla of Belgrave.
Mrs, W. L. Whyte is a pat-
ient insCHnton Public Hospital.
We would like to wish her a
very speedy recovery.
Mr . and Mrs. John Thompson,
Mr. Ken Thompson attended the
funeral on Monday of their aunt,
Mrs. Wihiani Meye rs of Chi-cage,: -
Sympathy is extended to the ,
. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Goodfellow. .
of Don Mills spent the week end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Riley. and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaster,
Carol and Mark of London spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Papple, secretary Of the H.C.W.
and Mrs. William Strong, Secre-
tary of the Twilight Circle ,pre-
sided at the tea table lathe even-
Serving lunch in the afternoon
were Mrs. Emmerson Burst and
Mrs. Allister Broadfoot. Hel-
ping in the kitchen were Airs.
Charles Eyre and Mrs. Ed.
Boyes. In the evening Mrs. Robert
Tyndall, Mrs: • Alex Chesney,
Mrs. Elmore Stephenson and
Mrs. Chester Neil assisted. The
flowers were arranged by Mrs.
E nunerson Durst.
Appreciation was expressed
to all who had shared in any way
towards making the improve-
Mrs. Evelyn Shera and son,
Warren of Egmondville, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Stanbuiy of Goderich.
George Hoggart and Harvey.
Mr . and Mrs. Jerry Riehl
and family of Huron Park were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Riley and family,
Mr. Harvey Hoggart, Miss
Yvonne Pryce of Winthrop spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Dedrick, Jeffery and Jim
of Simcoe.
Don't let
lack of cagh
hinder a
bargain buy!
Iliat house you hesitate to
buy today because of the
cost of .11 mortgage,:,.. what
will it he Worth in ten years
or longer? hist look every-
where at the _record of
inc 'eased real estate valties
over the years!
So come in and discuss a
mortgage loan to help you
enjoy that drearn,home
right now ... and own it
while its long tern value
rises, Borrow today at
Victoria .and Grey..
Kingston St., Goderich
"Where you can trade with confidence"
So that we may give you "better service we have arranged a
seed Pick up point at
- Division of Cyanamid of Canada Ltd. '
RR 4, Clinton
You can arrange your contracts and seed requirements with Howard McKendry or Ralph BUffinga.
Earn a place in
someone's heart
Give to the
Red Shield Appeal
The marriage of Linda Hoover
daughter of Mr. and MrS. D. L.
Hoover, Seaforth to John E.Brald,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Braid
Dashwood took place at the home
of the bride's grandmother, Mrs.
J.E.Keating, Seaforth, on May
23rd at 5 p.m. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. J.C.Britton.
The flowers and decorations were
white mums, snapdragons, and
shasta daisies.
The bride, given in marriage
bY her father, wore a white peau
de sole dress with chantilly lace
trimmed with sped pearls. She
carried a nosegay of shasta
daisies and sweetheart rosebuds.'
Miss Carol Bell, of Seaforth,
was the only attendant Wearing a
. (Photo by Phillips)
dress of deep pink silk Crepe with
a nosegay of shasta daisies.
Donald Selling of Elmira was
the groomsma.n and Douglas
Hoover, brother of the bride,
ushered the guests. ,
Mrs. K. Brocklehurst, of Is-
lington, Sister of the bride played
the organ.
The groom's gift to the bride
was a gold wrist watch with gold
.. chain link bracelet.
A reception was held at the.
bride's home.
For a wedding trip to Northern
Ontario the bride wore a mauve
shirred silk dress with matching
fell length coat and corsage of'
purple violets.
The couple will 'reside in
SEAR:4TH 527-0910
CLINTON 482-9514 ,HENSALL 262-2713
Enhance Your Climbing Roses an d Flowers
News of
To Oiscup This. SubJea
8:3o 'kr.
JUNE 17;1970
All interested are. ited to attend
Dr. G. P.. A. Evans,
Medical Officer of Health
Prade with., Confidence,
Trade With C
262-2605 -
• •
The unwanted children, the aged,
the destitute, the alcoholics, the :-
potential suicides, all the thousands
in distress turn to The Army,
The Salvation Army never refuses . ,
a call for help. To provide
the homes, hospitals, clinics, and
other services necessary
for the dignity of humanity,
The Salvation Army needs your help.
NOTE: "Home, Care" refers to care of patients
in their own home.
(Not as illustrated)
• JUNE 6,1970
"NO, I'm not the catcher—I'm the shortstop!"
.4... 1