HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-06-04, Page 4*, OF 1* " OP SEAFORTH 4:ed TEEN TWENTY -V PRESENTS :• LUCIFER F. J. & the Impressions • —2 BANDS— CONTINUOUS DANCING' FRIDAY NIGHT, JUNE 5th DANCING 9 to 1, Seaforth Arena DRESS: CASUAL SOON $2.00 each or $3.00 per Couple DRIVE-IN THEATRE CUNTON Sox Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK WED., THURS.,' FRI, SAT., MON., TUES. --- June 3-9 SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK "OLIVER" ten Moody - Muni Wairn Oliver Road le Color "7 GUNS FOR THE MacGREGORS" Robert Wood Color Cartoon WED. THURS. - FRI. June 10-11-12 • — DOUBLE FEATURE - "THAT COLD DAY IN THE PARK" firmly Moak' Mickool term In 'Color "DAYTON'S DEVILS" (ADULT ENTERT'AINMEN'T) " Rosy Cahoon Leslie Nielsen Coler Cesium xtictoocczbooccet PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONED May 31-June 2 VIVA MAX • Peter Ustinov — Pamela Tiffin — Jonathan-Winters "Some heroes are born ... some are made ..some are mistakes. PLUS ANGRY BREED Jan Sterling — James MacArtur — William Windon "Buck the establishment; make love 'riot war. June 3-9 BOB & CAROL ..11( TED & ALICE Natalie Wood L, Robert Culp Elliot Gould — Dyan Cannon June 6 SATURDAY MATINEE Bob Hope in CALL ME. BWANA June 10-13 Walt Disney Production THE COMPUTER WORE TENNIS SHOES Kurt Russel — Cesar Romero — Joe Flynn "Programmed for laughs." ALSO IT'S TOUGH TO BE A BIRD A featurette. June 14-17 ONLY GAME IN TOWN Elizabeth Taylor — Ware% Beatty "Dice was his vice; men herr" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT June 18-20 And Saturday Matinee 1.000 PLANE RAID Christopher George — Laraine Stephens "Hitler knew the Plan! But the allies bet a thousand planes he didn't know the place." PLUS YOUNG BILLY YOUNG Robert Mitchum — Angie Didcinson "Bitty better learn fast ... or die young!" June 21-23, JOHN & -MARY • Dustin Hoffman — Mia Farrow VI1L-1 ati June 24-27 "Contemporary love story." THEY SHOOT HORSES DON'T THEY - Jane Fonda — Michael Serrazin "People ere the ultimate spectacle." ar • ADULT ENTERTAINMENT June 27 SATURDAY MATINEE • NAME THE KILLER 'WHALE June 184uIY 1 DOWNHILL RACER Robert Redford — Gene Hacknun —Carmine Spars "How fest must a man polo get from where he's at?" ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ON THE SAME PROGRAM THE BRAIN osiiia Riven - Eli Wstlsch , . "The Brain has rocked thawed* with hughtlit" 11111111111111.11neeng/ Saturday Night MUSIC BY THE RYANS HURON HOTEL Dublin There' Will Be A PUBLIC DANCE To Honor The SEAFORTH BEAVERS (1970. WOAA 'GRAND CHAMPIONS) .. on Saturday, June 6 Dancing 10-1 SEAFORTH ARENA MUSIC BY ROYCE RIEHL Tickets $2.50 — Refreshments Available Tickets available from members of the Recreation Commit*, or the Canadian Tire or Sills' Hardware —LOCAL BRIEFS— 0 19" Smiles . . . • "I'm sorry we won't be able to use you any longer", said the boss to one of his employees, ,tblit it should give you a great deal of satisfaction to know it's costing us $200,000 to replace you with a computer." Ontario's Largest Spring Fair CLINTON SPRING SHOW & 'TRADE FAIR Over $5,000 In Cash Prises Joyes Midway Friday and Saturday Friday Evening, June 5 8:00—Huron County Dairy Princess Contest (Inside Arum at Northeast Corner)—Lots of Viewing Space Ladies Division Exhibits On Display in CommUnity Centre Auditor- ium — Many New Classes Concession Booths Open Visit all the Trade Fair Booths on the Arena Floor , SATURDAY NIGHT - JUNE 6 HORSE SHOW. 7:00—Judging Heavy Horse Teams, Pony Teams, Roadstersi etc. in front of Grandstand Clinton Legion Pipe Band will Entertain M. L: "Tory" Gregg, Master of Ceremonies for Afternoon and Evening Programs • One Hour Variety Program by the "Country Cousins" James R. E. Snell, President , Robert M. Gibbings. Sec.-Treas. RR 1, Clinton, Ont. . Huron Central Agricultural Society RR 1, Clinton, Ont. HELD OVER! THE BLUETONES All This Week JUNE 11 12 13 3 NITES ONLY "The Chaparrojs" CAPITAL RECORDING STARS INTERNATIONAL NIGHT CLUB ACT Just back from an Eastern Tour of Japan, Egypt & Thailand DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING GROUP Pizza Patio Tavern ON THE BAYFIELD ROAD, GODERICH Mrs. Cecil Pullman ns in Stratford on Saturday attending the graduation as a nurse of Miss Barbara Gardiner, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gardiner of Cromarty. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrath Sun- day and attending a birthday sup, per for Bill McGrath prior to his leaving for Thunder Bay where he has been posted with the Ontario Provincial Police were Miss Mary Anne Kunz, Mary Aubin, Mrs. Ken Betties and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith. Seaforth W.I. Notes Seaforth W. I. will hold their regular meeting on Tuesday,June 9 at 8:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Haugh, with guest speaker being Mrs. Larry Wheat- ley. There will be demOnstrat- _ion by 4-H club girls, and roll call will, be "My idea of what the 4-H Homemaking Clubs accom- plihh". Lunch committee - Mrs. A. Crozier, Mrs. W. Munson, Mrs. Jasr Keys, Mns. Mae Hil- lebrecht, Mrs. J.McNalrn and Mrs. G. Elliott. Interest On Taxes Higher Logan Township Council mee- ting Monday raised the interest rate from 2/3% to 1% per month on all outstanding taxes to take effect July 1, 1970. The action of those present at a meeting in Mitchell of all Councils and . Planning Board members of the municipalities affected, in appointing Phillips Engineering and Planning, Ltd. to-prepare an Official ,Plan and Zoning by-law for the Townships of Fullerton, Hibbert and Logan, was endorsed. A 'letter was read from James A. Howes, 0. L.S., regarding the verbal complaint from the owner of lot 30, con. 6, of not receiving a culvert on the Liffe Drain (formerly Bode) stating that the owner of the lot had received his allowance in the original con- struction of the drain under the report dated June 18, 1952. The Clerk was instructed to send a copy Of the letter • to the rate:- payer. Department of Highways ap- proval was received on the regu- lar by-law expenditure of $118,500.00, also for the crushed gravel contract of 20,000 yds. at $1.01-1/2 per yd. General Accounts amounting to $8,3'79.50 and Road Accounts totalling $4,262:09r were ordered paid. BAKE SALE Saturday, June 6th at •3:00 p.m. MEL'S TV STORE SE AFORTH Auspices Unit 2, •UCW Northside United Church BROWNIE'S Miss Evelyrn-Cardno has re- turned from a month's vacation in the States. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Orren of Mt. Clemens are spending the Memorial: holiday of the States with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dunlop. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack- son are spending a few days in Corunna. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hender- son of Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Wilson. Mrs. Tice, Hamilton, Mr.and Mrs. Chas. McGregor. anorfam- fly, Brighton, Mr. and Mrs.Lau- rence Ribey and Miss Margaret McGregor, London, Mr,. and Mrs. Percy Huth and John Ferguson of Clifford were week end guests of Mrs. Ross McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M: Hays of Detroit, were guests of Mrs. C.P.Sills over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eva of St. Eustache Sur-le-Lac, Quebec spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke. Miss Elaine Oke of Scarbor- ough spent the week end at her home in town. • Mr.. and Mrs. Gib Hubert • and Barbie returned to Ottawa after spending a weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Racho and family. Mrs. Norman Hubert returned with them for two weeks holidays. Mr. and Mrs. James Arm- strong and Miss BeatriceZakora of Clinton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crich on Sunday. Mrs. James MacKague (Doris Ferguson) and her daugh-. ter Anne of Willowdale and Miss Elizabeth Grant of Waterloo vi- sited in town on Saturday. PART-TIME WAITRESS REQUIRED for COCKTAIL LOUNGE FRIDAY "and SATURDAY , EVENINGS Apply to • COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth ot".twoonmterro.worroolowitrotworowtoworrio.Mweet Chicken Barbeque Canadian Forester's Hall, Constance Thurs., June 11 Adults 1.50 12 and under 75c; pre-schoolers free. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 52'7-0240. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JUNE 5 0:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c 'or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not permitted) Proceeds for Welfare Work . Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion 01111.11111111Millinilso Fr 4,7mE HURON iXPOSITOlt, SEAFORTH, QNT„ JUNE 4, ET YOVR FRS ;I, hopping Spree Tickets at FINNIGAN'S Saturday, June 6 1:00—Parade through Town Starts at Legion Hall, through Main Streets to Community Park — Featuring Seaforth . • High School Band and CFB Clinton Trum- pet Band, Business and Club Floats, public School Children's Floats, Decorated Bicycles, Clowns, etc. Judging of all livestock 2:00—Official Opening 2:30—Baby Show in Arena 3:30—Livestock Parade The Restoration Comedy About "04144Cour Stets" cgroF6CTUREpariR...s.urommo P041:Cas764 WEBAKIE-T0118E11,101E TRILOR• J1/1 BALE. ecit an mas Aef OM to mop. '41 In the Red. Knight Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY MEL )tITCHEN TRIO — BEVERAGE ROOM — FRIDAY & SATURDAY CLARE ADLAM ., TRIO Ample Free Customer Parking Visit our Beverage Room for Tasty Chicken Wings, also Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario PLUS 2nd BIG HIT! minute to pray, a; second to diem Owes all McCord give's themi Wed , Thum,saris Fri. and Sat. rl mimemw 13 3101141toy June 10,' 11, 12 & who holds the deadly key to the GEORGE INNER ORSON " HOUSE PEPPPRD STEVENS WELLES o 41F- CORDS' MAW kifitSNG COSKAtION Resents A CUM CE MENU NESE NUM* a t MU INTEL PRODUCtoi THE LaST GRENWIE STANLEY BAKERSALEX CORD HONOR BtACKMAN p.":: RICHARD ATTENBOROUGWRAFER JOHNSON ANDREW REP URI EITIITIIIMUT "liAvster coon Sun, 7 Mon.8 Tue. 9 ommmammonium....mominmee What Cannot Be Restored! NIXING IMMANSIBIll AND 0111141 MIXING THAN La AND ennui' BeYond any fear you've ever known! PLUS 2nd BIG FEATURE! Mercenaries breaking; into Red China race against iwai61 GREIODE #57,War: DRIVE-IN 11 HOLMES DRIVEN THEATRE THEATRE CLINT VIL E HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 A UNIVERSAL RELEASE in TECHNICOLOR® THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY JUNE 4, 5, 6 Starts WEDNESDAY! A UNIVERSAL PICTURE MIXING DANDLE! AND-DIRLIN GODERICH SUNSET Suggested for GENERAL audiences. Adult Entertainment Adult Entertainment CARLOW SI 0 0 0 0 0