HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-28, Page 27AIM FOR A JOB IN AUTOMO- TIVE SERVICE, by Dawson Tay- lor and James Bradley; Richard Rosen Press, Inc. 138 pp. • • • The days have passed when the automobile mechanic was called a grease monkey and ranged low on the occupation- " al ladder. Today, with the au- tomobile being an increasingly complex machine, tremendous skills and thorough training are required. For the man servicing your modern car, the term technician Is more ap- • propriate than mechanic. one indication of how the auto,service man's stature has risen is the advent of this vol- ume by Dawson Taylor and James Bradley. Taylor is an auto dealer as well as a writer. Bradley is the Director of the • Automotive History Collection at the Detroit Public Library. So it 1S--Witil1 authority that. the authors approach their sub-. ject. ; Iii describing auto service careers,• the authors point out that there are 33,000 4ran- chised car dealers, 72,000 gen- eral repair outlets and 200,000 gasoline service stations that have technicians on their pay- roll. One automotive firm es- timates that it. will need 29,000 technicians this year to re- / place normal personnel losses at its dealerships alone. As for earning potential, "Service technicians' wages compare favorably with those of other skilled trades and should continue to do so in the future." 4 MOSTLY FOR PLEASURE If you're going on 'a long trip 'this year, you're almost assuredly going by car. About 86 percent of all travel over 100 miles is done by automo- bile, mostly for visits, pleas- ure or outdoor recreation. BUILT-IN QUALITY s The, average age of a mo- tor car in this country is 5.§ years. The average truck is 7.6 years old. It's a sign that built-in quality along with good maintenance helps any car run longer. 1110RIZONTAL 1 Popular PlaYtkne device 7 Children love these .13 Type of cat 14 Italian condiment '15 Aphrodite's beloved (MYth)• .16 Beast 17 RosarY (ab.) 18 Broken piece of pottery 20 City in The Netherlands 21 Penetrate again 23 Indolent 26 Prophetess 29 Wave top 31 Rely 33 Children like to— at playgrounds *35 Networks 36 Short cuts 39 Vipers 40 Strong current 42 Modern (ab.) 45 Plague (comb. form) 46 Footlike part 49 Ascended 51 Musical interval .53 Arid spot 54 Any—is playtime 55 Enclose 56 Expunged VERTICAL 1 European mining district 2 Within 4 (comb. form) Self-esteem 4 Scionci 5 Get oP 6 Cleanses 7 Began 8 Rover 9 Wurttemberg measure 10 Title 11 Graduate (ab.) 25 Impose by 12 Bargain event .authority 19 One (Scot.) 27 Hardens 21 Playgrounds 28 Cut off shbrt are a popular 30 Mounted summer — policemen 22 Iterate 32 African cony 23 Interstate 34 European commerce gecko commission 37 Doctors (ali.) (ab.) 38 Bristly 24 Monotonous 41 Finer I I 3 4 5 • 6 il 7 $ 4 eo u It II al 15 ri 16 r, 19 N fin h 14 g 76 ' 27 ze 31 V. 33 35 41 42 at IR ill 45 46 47 44 44 Si In PI g Playtime Tara 0 o e4 + PA 9 ,1 M V' S_Nil 9 9 „ 0 Ill 0 al V V al V IN Ne ..I. soar 9 N VI 0 4:1 VI 'I V W I 14 al a N I-1 • a a N 0 42 Manufactured 43 Biblical name 44 Flat circular plate 46 Go by 47 Bacchanals' cry 48 Dispatch 50 Large body of water 52 Chinese pagoda WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 Seaforth a 0 al a Here's the Ammer 1 I2119 V''0 N i s a a 1 al w A a ,, A V 0 9 al 0 is I N a a S o 0 W o -1A. Credit Cards Can Ease Way To Pay for Car Maintenance service as tune-ups• to be charged on credit cards. Independent service outlets numbering more than 114,000 are climbing on the credit bandwagon in ever groWing volume. Many honor . credit cards from banks, travel or- ganizations and individual ,facility credit card set-ups. The more than 33,000 auto dealership service depart- ments are also showing in- creased interest in financing repair work through a wide variety of credit sources. Many banks will extend personal loans for needed re- pair work at going commer- cial rates consistent With state usury laws. • As a result, there is no need for a person with es- tablished credit to risk driv- ing an undependAble, unsafe car because he d'oesn't have the ready cash. For him, good transporta- tion is in the cards —.credit cards. The familiar -sign "We Trust in the Lord—All Others Pay . Cash," is becoming in- • creasingly rare in automotive service facilities. A' growing number of facilities and the motorists they serve are putting their .trust in credit cards. The trend is having a sig- nificant effect on 'the service • industry. The motorist need ,no longer delay vital repair work until he can raise the ready cash. And the facility- owner' has a list of benefits including simplified billing • procedures. Also, it is no longer necessary to keep 3 largd amounts 'of cash on the premises. 9 Gasoline stations, more than 200,000 Of them, are the, most common areas of credit servicing. Virtually all oil companies offer credit cards to customers, primarily fore ¤ gasoline, oil and minor re- pair services. Also, oil com- panies are allowing Such 'ALES vQrfaG SERA//CE lov, PAW/527-1750 • SEAFORTH THE TOTAL. DEALER" Complete Line of Genuine GM Parts and Accessories Complete Line of • Uniroyal .Tires ModerniEfficient Body Shop • ALL LICENSED MECHANICS IN SERVICE DEPT. • New and Used Cars • See Us for Carefree Summer Driving "Serving Seaforth and District Since ,1940" THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 28, 1970-15a In cleaning your windshield, don't forget the inside. Tobac- co smoke can put a film of residue on the glass and dis- tort vision. So, if you smoke, periodically clean the wind- shield with a window washing solvent. * * * "Let's See How Fast She. Can Gov—Famous Last Words . . . Drive Safely What's a safe distance to follow another car? Experts recommend 'one car length for every 10 miles ler hour of speed on dry roads. When roads are slippery, the dis- tance between should be dou- bled. In a survey taken by the authors, wages of $208 or $250 or more were. offered in news- paper ads. Some technicians interviewed were earning around $15,000 a year. A technician's job is a step- ping stone, to business owner- ship. "Many a successful deal- er or independent business- man can trace his start back to experience as an automo- tive service technician," they state.. With the great demand for qualified technicians, more, firms are offering technical training, often at no cost to the trainee. "Many high schools offer au- tomotive shop training and some 'schools devote entire curricula in automotive tech- nology. Qualified graduates of these courses usually receive several offers each from repair facilities to come to work as Safety experts advise' never driving more than three hours without stopping to rest on a long trip. Getting out of the car to stretch or stopping for coffee is recommended to avoid excessive driving strain. . * * * Reckless Driving Can Really Get.You Down About Six Feet, Say * * The average spark plug will fire 15,000,000 times in-10,000 miles of driving. The effects of the electrical charge wear down the plug's firing end. Plug manufacturers recom- mend servicing plugs at 5,000 miles and replacing them at 10,000 mile's: . trainees. On-the-job. education often involves advanced courses at training schools, paid for by the companies. All major auto makers 'have such training schools. Independent . organi- zations like the Independent Garage Owners ASSociation (IGOA) als6 have training fa- cilities with individual 'gar"- ages, often paying tuition for trainees. In addition, individual firms who make spealized automo— tive components offer training courses in 'their specialties. These courses,'are free of charge, "Aim For A Job In Automo- tive Service,"• is another addi- tion to Rosen Press' Aim High vocational series. It should an- swer virtually all questions about the field to those inter- ested in a potentially' reward- ing job.,.. QUIET BUT DEADLY A faulty exhaust system is called the quiet killer. It can allow deadly monoxide fumes to enter your car, make you drowsy and impair your driv- ing judgment. Don't, take chances. Have your car's ex- haust system checked. The day that' passes without a mistake is the day that someone slips up in check- ing your endeavors. From Grease Monkey to Technician, Book • Reviewer Cites Growth Of Auto Service Man's. Status SHORT TAKES ON CAR CARE