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Wingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 7
pa. g. xatt , at MOiil`iING1,, 0-4 SEPHINE STl1Ek ,, ,er Yea;, Inad'liiitae l s.' c ,o tt.i v ltAT1:St Ino, I $ ttw 105-s2o'oo I pis 0Qitt •a 001 12 00' 6 •m:lt 1.2.04t' 700 1Wh oI I �t vertiBMhents A0. pS Hue, nr line fotleavh a(lksoquenyt .R type, 10�. for firer iw Bach submqusntliserticr:A gcd'less tdian 2Go, amid, Str4'ed,Situattons,. ted, not &recediai;l' 8 linea•\ de, not oxpeddin1Y $.11nes subsequenthimith k' tly adhered' to '. - advertlecntents, or Io,r,,, lspecifie directions, vt III be 11 1 : 'Yr c rdi S ' - •d ac o 3 It o 1. �`• nca 'i U' d a n It er paid 11 i'verWsmnents must be i40 110on, ia,r4fder to ur!pety+ iJF OTT OPRIRTett �rh PdsLi81t1tR STREE as and 'Surl:eons, Onxlob ounty of Bute l-- ' ' " . Winghanr, 01st• , ri Toronto University, and Physicians,and Surgeons of K • Denier of and Patric% d by Dr. Bethune. LWCITOR, Etc., Etc Jr"' • t" Inds to loan at lowest rate's• a charged. Mortgages, towel' 7t3 bought and sold. WINGUAM, ONT. rd9:¢TON• • SISTER Icc., Ontario SON, 4 . C. I E • L DICKINSON Z. A. semc TORS Etc Etc., So ianihton, 'Cenrinilisi6ners'"too Manitoba. Farm, Town and': ht ,and sold. ]coney (private gago security at R. per tent. •,gate persons, upon . the best Without any expense to the' e.in'Manit'oba and the North 1Singham r 1>,C1IANC ANI) INSURANCE.' he snore on that fatal.. morning. He tent i. them, but saved the letter, which was r t' -' noproduced in court, and in which the ▪ A,. PLOT TO SECURE $4¢;000 THAT statement was elude: "I have a g s JJ WAS FINALLY EXPOSED. 'stiff' ii,bout your size vylllcil l can use." Burns acoiilentallyl ,1eArned that • D. it • s, Tile Secret of Burns', Ituupl+eorntIeO After Pills. tied Matilda sverp imarl<ied,; and heilu Had ilr,•ft 'mournedk!,r by lila Itagt at once,retut'isied to Peeatenica, .Ire said , t that 11! w91 d not have ed if,, his girl l Girt -who Doctor and Aratfida ()vetnhn.li : hndn t. married, but her weakness mail am Nark. the doctor's evident treachery led thein, ',Abouteightlyears ago a Ulan living ill to overreach, The sequel. was,that tile' 1 bo t : be ca11 d doctor spent two yettt•s in prison for his � Thio a for i, Ills;, ss MAY g share ill the fraud. Burns, got off lighter, linens for shcir , insure<>,,l lsi;;iife in Cite+ and the woman ssa13 not`,prosecuted. , Provident Sets itlirs tI.ifc+,••Ass}Irallce ceryl- But" how about the ,man whop tile', ,Lra.t3yofNew'i;(n Idle"$6,000. He mads boys saw skate into a!sinkhole,;in tile; tale policy payable to a young lady for river? Well, they simply lied. --Chicago 'whom he had developed a singular de- Herald. ;gree of fondl,>,e,sa.i lilt had never married. c"1GAL"A ,t 1 d , •Shortly afterward he took out an adds- 'THEI i• N MINE DF \VAX. �tional $4,000 pplicy in anlrtlier conipan' , •1' •, .••i ''' r'i' land proceeded thereafter/pout Tout Isis re, t - A Curious Industrial Yield '! t American Capital Will Control. rrilar business. Be was inoiolthealtllg(tnd A k, one do/7 in December. he Wont to the river The wax mines or ozokerit deposits of . or a,s nson, of skatin,gs declining any eastgin Galicia:0.svhich al Syndicate of .l Am dean ea capitalists have leased or pur- •,00mpatly. p fte,aent skinjming over the American p. 'smooth, surfa4of the river till he reached chas©.d, said D,i 1. Fox, of Pennsylvania, ' a point threera?iles froi>,>; town?, where be who,recentlyre,urnedtr,oin,the oil, fields passed a grodp of mpn loading woo, of ,:A.ustro Ilungary, " ifprm: one of the ,shouted a greeting to tll'eni, and passe Most curious f eii�'.ls ;of industry imat�aw tec i'lized him,a able. They ar la't,ilnd around Boryslaw, t of sight. They r, (,•.. g I on a Iu remarked on;iiis grace as `a'shater, but which is also th center of the eastern oil 'they' never saw him again. district of that art of; Austria. They r • , have been for, lanerati tips in the posses - A ; =AR CASL,, i ,.,. i f , 4•- y, 'Burns never came, backLto town .,#>,s- sion of Polish yTeWn of .the (most avarici- I 4Pecatonica friends never y 11w hind i gin ous class, who have worked them in the 1 and,lua lost' was mourneit, itterly. In g• most primitive manner. The wax lies in{ Slay= twor"algroupof bays, came up from beds, like.clay, at depths of from 350 to i Ithe count•yl;along the river, four miles 000 feet. Shafts are sunk to tide beds. { J from town, end said . they saw a ;man The sides are curbed with timbers, but • 4whosedescriptionanswered that of Burns in such a careless and unscientific way ;come skatigg;toward them the adorning tha4fthey are constantly ,caving in and of his disappearance while they, were at- bu yiing workmen in the depths. From [ ltendin g, :to'some inuskrat traps: that h? four 'to six men are. killed lin this was, ,seas performing some, Marvelousg.yra- every week, The owners ,o>? rile ma Remand that he suddenly disappeared persistently refuse to go to., the expense in an opening in the ice. "Burns' friends of making their shafts safe, and the • •f niif the marks of hi skates from the laborers are at their mercy`.' lid them, on Thp Boris id 'kl a one of Depew'. Latest. I found the Southern people very interesting. The iiegroes are much •mare, vntert. ining than I expected to find,tlleln. You know, in the ,;North etl'ai:ely if ,ever, see the real dttrkey tlig'ragged, lazy and hippy, all. he is naturally. 1 overheard one, conver.; ration tbeitween an old aunty i n{I . her daughter that wil'1 amuse you, 1 know,. Here itis; • The It to soant Dols, ... Liza aIle, hey yo,'druv up all them' ellicken,i.yet A. JEROME, IAnioOAM, y' vnufacturing Celluloid Platte tote plates of thedestin aria • sap as they can be, got it he nion. A11•work,Wivrrante, ' administered for •the painless to only safe anesthetic known. °• ill extract teeth' l r, 26 cents. ' Beaver Block, opposite the , • H. MACDNA1I, WINOIAM. Gold, eta., e• of tc., Mates, r8 ging , !es from $600 upwards per set ' ng and bridgework: Teeth ex least pain by the 'use of Vital • - e, Winghan', side entrance op. e t. • except. se Sunda P open dafl y of aly P ru. Wih be at Blyth every y of eechnionth—OafceatMilne s 1d Srd Mondays of each month— al. ::Ntracting 26 cents.' ,INSURANCE AGENT ONTARIO INGIIAM, INSURANCE lit AND 1IA1 INE,. GUELPH. , Wiscuast, PIONEER FOR TUE. COUNTY • OF IIURONi` in any pact' of the Co, Charge) Vt. EtII:, WINQnent, Ob3�,� fief/HIR POR THE 0001411 01 ' `i�fitoN: It the nags shies promptly at •tsouabin.: end ERSOlr, MOIR ;r0R CuutitiEe litiho2 ANa Bailee,. • led to pr6iiilltiy and On the hones ate and-Satletnetiort Oiidrantted. arrang(iltleiits, can lie inade.vit tin O`er i )LTON A, IIA%V1 I1VS S[IaVur0$s, AND elyit 1tnotNa8, 01s R4 ANA WINGI;IAIL at thd'ottlei 01 iih* PTO yell) to tentldn • 41 ', •••• Diriblet( CovRt Dianna of 1N$I ,a'rAea i:toe sEs. iso a _ �. .�' • , ou. „ "111 w wax fin is only fifty ,very point where he ` puti. A(lown to within 200 y ds;Qf, where the acres in extIt, and upo?'i that 10,000 -le' trr:ppers had, treed a muskrat. shafts have beep sunk. Twelve thousand .Here they found a hole about ,ten feet men live and. work on that tract. The cross, forme by a spring, which pre- owners;of the deposits have made im- •ggented the lwater frond freezing. i e< mense fortnhes from the product, as it Okate marks. led to the:very edge of the is very valulible, bringing, eight cents a l hole, and there were lost. , i t. , i, i.' pound at the pits. Its use until within a I iIt looked like accidental death, and few years was• confined solely to making .Ails Matilda, the charming beneficiarty caudles,, but the manifold, uses to which I hinder the,policiesof;life insurance, askied parafiinye has been adapt d has given this ,31 t the none be paid her. But until Galician deposit a muc wider utility. 'tl body wasproduced and identificatil'c�,n The region is intensely, Catholic„ and 'fixed beyond a douttt, the soulless cog i ; holy days are constantly occurring, upon 'ration decli><1ed to contribute. kib in which occasions vast n>taimbers'of candles Ap 'l theI well out o£ the riven are used„, The ozokerit flies in veins six- I hes thick. It is dug It was his first visit to see hAr and: the family dog was, in the parlor, Yes, lie is a very Wee dol; and A very int ,ifgel}t, deg He n 'rely comm .rated that he hoped they would Le fl•i,{�;I,dx hope 1111 H xl bo. oitl N l; l (i 'hen e !nu � a the tali; lagged, she followed up the, dog suitjeat. , He has the strangest lukti ti, ',,f hid- ing things ,in out -of th,ze=way 'maces, No matter What he teki i a fancy, to he conceals It and tfieu suddenly brings it to j '!},t. , The intelllgept, U lute tidently knew • they were tal.ipng,of pin, for lie pee - sed out and in„n. rninuta or two came back with an ,ci(d `collettiion of cloth— coat-.tails, parts of Breeches and pant legs—in his mouth, and laid them at the young man's feet. g On leaving he asked as favor she would see him to and after that night he more. Ynae tam 'ie , Yo' sho' Yo drove 'ern all up ? Inas nla. f, 1. pf Yo' count dem 'o[nckens, Liza Jane"S Ya(estp,a. . „ How many was dere, Liza Jane 1 ()nj+. tight, Liza Jalle .1 Armes To MoTnsaS.—Are yon disturbed at mghtl and broken of your rest by a sickehild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting, Teeth? if eo send at f ante and get a bottle of • 11rs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Itis value is incaloul- able, It will relieve the poral ,'littl'e, , sufferer hninediately, Depend upon it, Brothers ; there is no ;Melaka aboiit,it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhtea, r •h and Bowels, cures Wind Colla ant, ro ulatea the Stn R e, softens the Gumq, reduces ln11p in ation, and gives tone and energy to the whole tsystem. " Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing- Syrup" foriychildren teething is pleasant to the• taste and is the.. ceseription of one of the oldest and best female phyp�cians and nurses in the United gtates, and is fors s41e by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle, Ila' sure and ask for, ,"MRS. WINSLOWS SooxaINlt S1'R01'," and take no other kind - it is1i ,great point4f wisdom to Inde ignorance as to discover know. ledge.—[Tillston. t • mi ✓ He is a simp'etoniwho imng,i,nesit»at the chief power of , wealth is to supply tvnnte In ninety-nine enses''.out of .8 hundred, it creates more wants than it supplies^- [Zimmerman. ri to was w out with .and the bed was drak;ed for the body of teen inc :Burne. Tlie, body of to man was found .shovels and raised from the' shaft with ,some distance down :the river. He had 'buckets; 'atnd windlass; The owners are inti Burns' •, clothes. arae' skates were the only' merchants, itpnkerS iinti hotel -.on his feet, and in one of the pocicets•wps keepers,i an the region. Everything is 'Sound Burns' open raced watch. The mortgaged to them. t The men .shave `identification seemed complete. .,i1, , their, hetids,Ieaving only a tuft ofi• lair at e �� But chief among tlhese who examined each teni ale, The women+also she,;pe their Sand identified the, body was Dr. Pills, heads„wearing mohair wigs instead of ,who had:passed upon Burns' application their pittA}aelg l head cering. • ;for insurance. Ile, seemed exceedingly "Tllerle, s more in •this prim%tive field ,-4 interested in the, case, .. making Minty of minggnaln'ax passing into the control ,tis to `Pecatonica .and comforting of Anae'rican capital than ap` ears on the ;• da by &,most daily -visa He cheers surface,,,; These deposits have interfered r so effectually that on'the Fourth df in no sriiiall degree,w'ith the. market for i 'July they were ma rried,,attidthegirl laif American paraffin,? in Eipopean mar - 'aside her weeds the day she Nils wed• kets, a'nd American paaaff}'ile is an im-; For some 'reason the ,cotupany'i Call oh- porta t product;,• The ales who will 'jetted to. ipaying the intiorance Mooneyy, control this Galician n natural paraffi and suit Wbrought ' compel the. aTe gretitly interested in, .the American : artif}raal araffine and they intend,to ' They found urns ha(l,;apode a Will lay P i. which the ctor inherited all his ,little have 1 the market,_m one sway if they worldly v�eil'lth, and,.,this, wit)} ,some can't in another.".,.'—New York Sun. other facts, still induced, them to quee- .9., A•' oars Old tion the validity of the claim• The case one Fundred and Seven r ,s,, did not come tp trial until, the fallowing MrsTanchester, of Bildershaw, near , ,winter, and tikes the defendants; /attor- aney naked for an, adjournment until the tollowfng,clay. Was. he going to offer a .coluprorpise? , x: til Next morning. the court room, was ;filled.and,eyery one was,on tiptoe to see "how mucid of the $10,009. Matild%,,secrur- led. Bill Evans, a barber, was placed in the witness chair by the'defense1 1,.,,, Were 1'you ;acquainted with John "Burns?” he waif asked. "I wasp" he,replied. "Is he living?" '•]le is " ,,, ,t• "How dot' ou know`" . iii ,�,. i ' "Because 1 ani looking right at him 'now!" tlis Dunn n'r�JRNED UP. 3 1 All eycSfollowed the barber's keen *lance. Jddge, jury, lawyers` twitnesses, •cveryboyt ose up and gazed, an horrified ' ;interest at fan apparition near then door it 'here stioi,Ci John Burns soppnd and welt The bar r was discharged he tool; the stand, flis identifi tion,, in- u do sed. n complete, . q .ee stanta e u: 4i i 'd suet' an ,>:,ven D�i}tp�'da, broke dos, P , though, something more tan 'icy et see••- 'ng him i,txtiity »ave movesd lel • l } tTlie doc - tor grew w)aite and red au white again, then fainted, outright. q , Burns told Lia story.•, X e.apd,,tb,e, f `and'the dgptpr'tonned ting 1scla, ..,e top- `,$10,000 o;g - ' 10,000 from the insuratlaeinompa l s. Hawaii young and careless. 'find wo i iw take semi) . risks. 'The • 11oc r rill,. tb take '$2,090, .the girl ',o0 ', In he, vial 'to have .,tbg:,balarice .t'1'llen be tells to marry, Matil,+�a, and sett$ i4ielc„ is ,ve the tiotiutry. 19.. passed the,wood, aulera on the ice' And almost m e4late ,y after took orf line skates, ;(vent tallage An h Ito wo e� truant oft' t'rou 1, , , s g 1 1: , ' at were bare,ofiilynosy, and `got'it trtaa� relation ten miles froiii .jlome, > Yid \vent kis Chicago, Then hes \r,,cnt,;tilr„to Wis, 'kplisin and 'found wo, St liar eiswrn il. Ho with the ,Q�t pl.k1rtg all otyrretii)onded i orf,- tli iitttnted nt;tirie Willthee eoniPauy de f�. , 1 1111. d wandering anted: Books learned one ing Testimonialsftom an Dere the globe., Prospeebne ar 1 on m�trdiioetion, f. A • i1a7'ME hAre.Ifse wk, a special the gate, called no Constant activity in endeavoring to make others happy, is one of, the surest wliiye of making ourselves so — R. W. Emerson. A•Ccalydina to the�Cologne Gazette,T de Giers istabout to iretire from thfi Russian Ministry; of Foreign Affairs probably to be .succeeded by Prince Logan off Rostowsky: k° •N4XN° ®. Cures 4a11tis 1st av,6:Vikooek:ozw‘ S\ LADiSe'eases. Darlington, England, is wel in her 107th • CHISHOLM'S CORNEA DRUG STORE Wingham Agency. p `HaP!i� Mlll�illt , We wish to inform the public that we:have these •, Woolen Mills in A .1 ,running order,and will thiel season give special attention to ry, i' CU TO1V WORK • ,I e 6; u, t in all its branehes,nnd twill keep in stop a class of Srat•dass koods, such as Tweeds, : 1 Fltnneis`, ear, Having been born, at Gallons Bill, �'�' • Yorkshire, on May 29, "Dalt Apple day, 1783. ;A healthy old lady she, is, too. 'she no longer rises early,`, but • sire per- forms her own toilet, ands though a little ,deaf, can see without glasses, her "sec - end sight" having come to hey about Qighteen'years back. She' also talks and walks well, and during the late harvest 'datually took part in the Eleanhi g. Mrs. anchester, whgi is a widow, ,of forty ears' sandingilhas had severs},children. er eldei'st sur''iving "chtid," is 80 years of age, And We has a grd4tt-grandson of 0. She cannot "abide" doctors and has only traveled ley train three times in her ',Only Joikrnal of BreVih. • virag , 1A. Boston Mi1,ilSnwir�e. i1 Henry Lillie'ierce, a Bpp„sston million, aire,i ` quick and abilif( and t ' e demal}cts of genius—as evidenhe of winch is the impetus nave T. 3. 'Aldri�i%" Driderstatiding dvl* trammel - 'Rig he hi: ing any IInan Intl need w�o, be, ;vested money or Mr. A1dr1<4'which has insulted in c nparative :Wb, pith ,to the get. .The *riches, with;t�ieir famous twins ; boys ,ready . tar ET;aXvard now land 1t l.,Pier9,,form• one boil+stehold. fE to saidi in Boetibxi; ,theft wherever a rare )rit of brie-a-bk 3 or;a "find" in a curl is discovered 14,y, is t dealer, his firs thougfit is to sliow,it to Ltenr,,••1'ferce or Tom .Aldrich San, L'rancisco ,Argonaut; d:i1 t. 'fin'. o i'roteetltrr trots Tho nutilor}ties Hefei at last liscove that the royal palace aft BrusBOtls is a Antely;devoid of anq. itpplianlres to pre- vent 4ttttt ij'tlring , lila tate of P aekon in in , o0se of , aii.�+ dutL4•eak ,of tiro ,,ocaurr g rhata ie .hop eVeii, Ilr:x ialarni bell, call l or 'W1.43130310 tvail.able, held most of filial', e weed" Irk tiibaolutely gotten. A ieprrt o tine slvli e }')Itatter� is under cor� on' rind al�, elle 'valtiis<Jlle pictured lildArcati , r hat., m twhiie uteri ti ken tq the ground ,hoar to. indurate their retrieval i!t edsa t '1 1a'riket, ' 'S•leetin�gs, Stocking Y`arn's, BLC.; &C., (made from pure wool only) cheap for cash pr c1 change for wool. Customers from a distance can have their rolls borne with them the same day. ', i, Epilepsy. ,,,,, Sufferers from cramps and ner- vous debility are surely:cured by an improved and absolutely un- equaled method. Treatment by letter. Bend full account otayrnp. toms and address, inolosing post. age stampatfor answer. !'NYCIEA OFFICE," New York; TIMES” _'SUBSCRIBERS. • Alf? paxtieri ,wb have pot paid for,itllerl'./' f 1V1ES ",for 'the yearn 1888, nd 388'1: pre requested to re• snit tie atnopnt at once, We need money, and hope tills notice will be sufficient, and tiiat w, eneral response will be the result. B. EI1Lro rT. „ V2TISIC_ MISS NELLU McEARD"« t�y''�!ASSI;S FOR:11,0TRUCTION:ON PMAN° A`;',` urges. ip voipe Oultut pend ftupll3eaY MUslp Roes IN BRAVER BLOCK. Is the time to paint your houses, and WINGIAM MARBLE W�RKS 1 •Takinga retro fourteen spear of my thirteen or loner c.. years businose in Wingbam, I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and the public gen. orally for Inc liberal patronage extended to me in titapast,, • S may also state that lam in'a 1position.tn Mpg' better inducements than ever, to those rcquirnai; anything in the line of anite . bx Stone Monuments; FIEADSTQNES„i,: tr WINDOW SILLS, • STONE TRIlI!MING S, FOR FENCING, 0b ulrwould tle,pleased to haY$ Puske desirotdt of; pro .euring•anyartielps in;,reygline to call and.eaiainirle goods, compare,prfcesand leave their orders, so that the goods may beseoured and ppre ared early in the season. You can select from the ateskdc,igns and obtain the finest workmanship at,the most favorable prices. Most respectfully, yours, —ie the - BAST i the WOR�°D, i;fl 'Highest market price in cash for Merchantable Waal. INGL t, do a 'Y.t ititpham ZrrLAN D SAW MILL ended tile- t tt r oe 0 vv •0 fol l is Mies. ,ies. `v6iltrll L♦11c• lid• i1i i lie al>liti,- til • GES GE TtIOMSON; Proprietor, ` Olio `e all ii>r`i,cis; First -Class Shingte sing bed'ar Posts: Cat bad ()piers , specialty'. a r r, • • 117. 'SMYTH, Wingbarn, Ont, ii•.. ,.1 None. genuine unless 'stamped, "Rubber 'Paint Co, Cleveland, Ohio," We also have the best ASILIIIIAN �►►ighaoB delivered to Tiny part 01 Wil 'air Ord by"mail prornpt y ►ttended to., OEORG It03ISON, Wingbam P.o ,r,• Roily1 n � Pa You can get any'shade yob; desire„in quantities costing from 10 cents up, WINGHAM ftOURING Milts, The undersigned wish to tender their best thanl.a• for the liberal patronage given to our firm. dating sevoralyears prior to the burning of our mill by ie. cendiariem, During the past season we have re- moddelled the town mill to the latestapproved sys- tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be Dere'wecan now give better accommodptiomt►tae ever be ore. We otter. Prothpt Ilispateli; . Fair RetTtrns, QUALITY SECOND TO -ATONE IN TB XS SECTION'. • And 'lay close personal attention to the •business hope be again favt.red with a trial by all old 1riende and many new ones, Yours most respectfully, 1. • HUTTON .26' ARR' Wingham Mill, Oct. ?0 1189. For Whitewaeliing and Ralsomininq,l:{nk for• Ai/MAST 14 and don't take anything else. g• t' v .• HAR!-WAREIERb Ingham. Oat Meal Mill Openal _.�.4 :•n. d' , ,11111,0'1. '':.. i. i'lly.updereigned;desire ,to 'inform farm ere and the people generally that they bas reopened their! it Oat I eaI Ili ieh`iia ) And q sp �,iow prepared o titiieliatie Oary iii unlimdted quantities and at the Itigiiist st i"ri. t( is r 1,1t_ 1 1., i,i,,,. They will supe Y,oustgt'nerft�lyith the BE Orisons in Oat Meal; E1. LIha4 St't�ckrde. r 4, ,1 > ..y i' 1-+ xl7+Cj A 1\l�' CANDI! ,........7,19.„..71:_,,,„1,r_4_....t r Whsa iiay 1 do IA : , . ; . , E F'T' ., d Merely to tr ri�i $IOW Baal : e 4. have tliowtl ririkle:tn, 1 etAN AItAtal.pAl„ flirt* i Batt dna jk t tPIIYDYY Or otte!t* Sitolti1i�tSt1+io a lifs.loftl'stud t I w*Pesiat mf •F ” es *met oases. Detanse others shave sailed kris* refuel for not atdnaaece -r en . 3100 ntti fee k t tile se r fir w;Itottfoo Of ray 1011011blie kerfetasl ^:c , N11�Ye7 SIVEN A'RAY YEARLY, • iA CHANCE in the hiiuvi '1 tE pis. mv,zol rrEL W1s)1 to intimate to the penile 't!pir+ghafja and Punroundingconntry,iilat•be t148fltpncghasnd theT;ness besitteds ,1Ltel,t,�tayrrleif ,.w' by afer';Sr?,.',31. J. Rbeauth Ai,ion, ,and will iconduot it in the pµfidiht; one deor480l' of Mr T A Mina' store'. Ds0U13I.E 12.23) SINGLE EA RN.1 heavy or light, mode to aider; .. l A inti ]ln'a�a4 Horse B1an ets, iSlogh B lie, h Wh1pe burrycorlib6,, r i ; rueht•,, ew,, always on hand. I 1 Repairing tin ptofl ptly dori ,TlxI e prtronaee gf•.the pubnc sivelted, and • ronin wgrk and material guaranteed, C: ECH ir; 7 r, 1 tui ham. March 44 3800 MATTHEWAMBLEk1 t rl'SS MA, �v y s on hand a lir Stock of kIORSl Y3WIHETS, livil �1tTCOMltd' MS lit 1;1 ilii:a; . T.lt'lm,,, , vAL.ISES era;; 4,• y, hfeh will be., pohi "Ai botl'otu pried, 1t tt RAltfi RIR5, double 40416, beide tlo 4racr. C0 I Sheet hobo$, and natiadattiltidn itdirfhteeg. ''lit' 1VA On eoiltited; - '' '1• •' 1 ,c;..¢ ii 1•i ,.Y IlH!l..Onlissite thi+ 140 of ;11 1ii11t+in, m141114 Ruatit! hiaLwit, Fey: c ;