HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-28, Page 20Turnpike Standard - is similar in construction tit etrigindl equipment tires us hen new cars came isith thi:se sties except those tires were Hut Tinmpike Standard ,us rnadc with Dupont Nylon - a m uc h superior cord pot' n dim pound stringer than steel! Since this Faciirry• t)olir price is so loss. the owner ds%1.1111LIN guarantee risk and road hazard Habil. Ili. I See catalogue). Turnpike Deluxe - like the racing whippet, is bred for speed all muscle no fat: Put' it through its paces hour after hour - it slays cool. keeps giving you the cush- ioned ride lacking irrso many of today's highsmileage tires, Turnpike Deluxe comes with a 20-month 'No Wear Out Discount Alhnvience. and 'No TiMe-or- Mileugc Limit' Road Hazard Insur- aim:. (See catatoguc). TURNPIKE STANDARD TUBELESS SIZE 'f factory Price Door COSI Foch each after Cash 815(01.1,1i 6.0013 6.50/13 9.97 10.97 9.47 10.42 7.75/1 4(7.50/14) 11:97 11.37 5.60/15 . 7.75/1 50.70/15) 8.1 5/1 5(7.10/15) 10.97 11.97 12.97 .10.42 11.37 12.32 6.00/16 tube type 10.97 10..2 TURNPIKE DELUXE TUBELESS., SIZE factory boo, Cost # Each Price each ofter (ash Disteeht '6.00/13 , 6.50/13 11.69 12.69 11,11, 12.06 7.75/1 4(7.50/1 4) 8.25414(8.00/1,4) 13.95 14.95. • 13.25 14.20 7.75/1 5(6.70/15) 8.15/1 5 (Whitewall 8.45/1 5 only) 13.95. 15.69 17.25 13.25 14.91 , 16.39 (Whitewall - 51.50 extra, except where noted) f Factory-Door Pricing . . - is a Ilryilpt! method of distribution. It brings,,consumer tire prices unettiplled ins us here in North America by costs ordinarily included in consumer price. C'tis- tomer pays. as a separate amount. the fadory to store freight at truck load rate. Sl.tineach, Wheel Balance and•New Ave: SIM InnegivAlltlMn BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE Steel wire tires may make a comeback BUT ••--- • • • There are nwn:y different kinds of belted tires using combinations of steel, rayon, nylon. polyester and glass: l-k”.112,4!,1*, expert opinion points to Poll ester arid Glass for body and hell plies, as heing the best combination for North American driving condi- tions, Or course the initial unit price is, higher. but the cost per mile -- surprisingly loiter. For your own protection. check erWerntnent• D(1.l.. stampings On the.tire side' wall. Look for the generic words "N1'1..51TR and 61.ASS-. Then check the tread, - it Should he the widest:limiest you've dyer seen. With these yiin can he sure it's the latest and best in materials and manufacture. i , Price .. , POLYESTER GLASS Whitewcrli ' . '.- .- ..,.. ..... . .,.facturers ,.. f Factory door price. No Coupons. Add freight cost from factory to your local store, Installation 51.00. 78 and 70 series tire • Pits Most , t- • Price List-Door t FactoryPRICE- Door Price after Cosh Discount 08/14 645 '14 36.60 ' 26.65 75.32 • ' ' cr of our Turnpike , C78'14 695,..14 38.70 27.45 26.00 -Belted tires issues 878714 73 5 /1 4. i 41,10 ' " 26:65 25.32 'or tires soil) under ninnis brand name. F78 14 G78 14 775/1 4_, 825 ,'14 44,25 49.65 27.95 29.95 • 26.55 28.45 ' list. the legitimate H78 14 855 14 53,50 32.45 ' 30,83 is a wholes:11s. dis- F78 15 775 15 ' 44.25 • 28.75 . 27.31 the manufacturers' 078 15 825 IS 49,65 30.55 29.02 ic ,c1.iNsilicci its tho H78 15 855 15 53,95 32.60 30.97 ; price. 1r is corn. .178. 15 885 15 57.05 38.85 36,41 :,,,paper and other a to distinguish he• or., more dint:rent lit most tire mane- L79, 15 915 15 59.15 40.45 38:43 D70 14, 870 14 695, 14 735 14 44,10 45,45 30,45 30,95 28,93 29.40 F70 14 775 14 46.50 29.95 28.45 price for similar G70 14' 825 IA 52,15 31,95 30,35 n opposite !Amin- '170 14 855 '14 59,85 37,95 36.05 ' ice. les sour iii:stit'• F70 15 775 15 48.95 33.55 31,87 tadian Tire i ou gel G70 15 825 15 52. t 5 32.65 31,02 and you can see for H70 15 ich lesc 36.58 ' 855 15 61,40 , 38,50 • Manu List The nianufactur Polyester Glass a list of phew.; his own world-f t .from this price tire, dea ler enjo' count. And so, list prier ‘,111115. 1 suggested selling nuttily used in n meth sumo the lice qualities offered faeturers. Canadian Tire', quality is show factuter's list P tuner that it Ca the best for lesS, votaSelf Ito>, nn SO-MONTH Wear-Out Discount Allowance ROAD-HAZARD INSURED - No time or.mileage limit (See catalogue) 78 SERIES -shown , 0.-THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 280 1970 •Expert Tells How Motorists Can Halt Air Pollution Clean air will be obtained sooner in this country if the motorist assumes his share of the responsibility. According to George M. Galster, director of automo- tive technical services for Champion Spark Plug Com- pany, "the auto industry has already made and will con- tinue to make tremendous improvements in achieving cleaner air. In a, few years the internal combustion engine promises to be virtually free of harmful emissions. ,t "However, clean air will not be attained until the operators of these vehicles maintain them at levels 'and at intervals somewhere near those recommended by the manufacturers. "Very simply, cars with en- gines in sub-standard condi- tion are reducing the effects of improvements being made by the auto makers," Mr. Galster said. He cited Champion studies, reporting that a five percent incidence of engine misfiring, will increase harmful emis- sions about: three times the, normal rate. This is true whether or not the vehicle is equipped with an emission control device. The misfire can be due bo worn out spark plugs, wrong plug application or by long periods of "slow speed, or start•-stop driving. Other ig- nition or fuel system mal- functions also can increase unwanted emissions. Mr. Galster also referred to an independent study showing a seven percent re- duction in unburned hydro- carbons and a 10% reduc- tion in carbon monoxide emissions after a tune-up. Mr. Galster remarked that well over half of the vehicles in the United States need at, least minor tune-up work, and the majority of motorists are not aware, or do not care, that their cars are operating inefficiently. Mr. Galster said, "The in- sidious thing about this situ- ation is that the driver of the modern V-8 engine can expe- rience a considerable amount of misfire without knowing it. At constant speeds there could be as much as 10-20 percent misfiring without the driver being aware of much difficulty." He said to make sure emis- sion control efforts by manu- facturers achieve maximum results, motorists should schedule maintenance on a regular basis.,. To keep en- gines in" tune they should al- so remind their favorite serv- ice outlet to follow Manufac- turers specified tune-up set- tings. Remember! It takes but a moment to' place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. • To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. e tf 1,