HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-28, Page 10SCREENED TOP SOIL CEMENT RACKHOE WORK GRAVEL (12", 16", 24", 36" Buckets) AU kinds of Digging, Trenching, Etc. EXCAVATING & GRAVELLING Building Sites, Yards, Drive Ways, Etc. Light Dozing • Loading - Back Filling LYLE MONTGOMERY CLINTON, Phones: 482-7644 or 482-7661 11111111118P' 0 7tilews of Ratepayers Reject Levy SEAFORTH MONUMENT . WORKS All Types of CEMETERY • MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries, arc; 'invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620 -CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Oundas - Or Bill Pinder 527-1382 Bus. 527.1750. .4•1 TED HOLMES 145 Deer 'Park Circle, London 471-6005 Are you taking full advantage of the tax savings that are thiddtigfi the use of the Registered Savings Plan? effweevea .SYNDICATE LIMITED 'there riqt cot trade with (.1,1110o/cc - 51111EAN CONTRACTS "ANNOUNCEMENT" So that we may give you better service we have arranged a seed Pick up point at HARRISTON FERTILIZERS Division of Cyanamid of Canada Ltd. RR' 4, Clinton You can arrange your contracts and seed requirements with ' Howard McKendry or Ralph Buffinga. Kick t he habit . ITS A MATTER OF 'LIFE AND BREATH/ Your 7 Christmas Seal association can help. . . FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON HOW TO QUIT SMOKING HURON-PERTH TUBER- CULOSIS & RESPIRA- TORY DISEASE.. ASSOC- IATION 121 WELLINGTON ST-, STRATFORD, ONT. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. PUBLIC NOTICE 1970 CENSUS AND ENUMERATION The Huron-Perth Regional Assessment Department will be commencing its annual census and enumeration programme in the City of Stratford, Town of St. Marys, and all towns, villages and townships in the two counties, June 1st. It is expected that it will take approximately two to three weeks to complete this work. Special 325 t St. Coluniban Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kale Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaid attended the convocation of Wa- terloo Lutheran University on Sunday when, their son, Thomas Roy, graduated with honours and was awarded his Bachelor of Arts degree. lie also received the Alumni Association University Gold Medal for honours in poli- tical science. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cronin' and Mr. and Mrs. James O'Con- nor spent Sunday in Kitchener with Mr. and Mrs. David Regier. Mrs. John McQuaid, St. Tho- mas, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane. "Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Butters, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Murray. y. M. andMrs. Jack Morris and family visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Morris during the week. • Mr., and Mrs. Glen Butters and children, Hespeler, with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Melady. Miss Elaine Murray, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mur- ray. Mrs. Ray Murray and Mrs. Francis Hicknell attended the C. W.L. convention in Londoula.st week. Mr. and Mrs. Ron ButterS, St. Thomas, with Mr. and Mrs. Gil- ber Murray. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinsonault Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver recently. . Mr. and Mrs. .John Moylan, 'accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moylan, Kitchener, attended the funeral of a cousin on Satur- day in Wayne, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Coyne, London, with Mr, and Mrs. Lewis COyne. , 14777H,E.•FIP.KON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, Ohl T. MAY 28. 1970 Hibbert MinioTwister Strikes Y I Two Barns Damaged A mini-twister dropped to earth south of Dublin Monday alternOon and within minutes up- rooted trees on four area farms, twisted one barn and took roof- , ing from another. Lorne McKinnen, R. R. 2, Dub- lin, said he was standing at the kitchen window, "It had been raining but now all I could. see was a wall of rain. All of a sudden a tree was uprooted and fell to the house", he said adding "It was all over in three minutes. During that time the storm uprooted a row of large maple trees and snapped off others on the McKinnon farm. "Some of the trees were three feet across and they had been there more than 50 years" he said. A portion of the barn roof was blown off in the storm. Across the road a row of big evergreens were uprooted on the farm of Jack Feeney. Dalton Smale found the wind had twisted his barn and eroken off trees while a tree was blown over at the farm residence of Fred Fawcett. The storm moved east with severe damage in the Sebri,ng- ville area reported. BUY YOUR. BUTTER & EGGS Wholesale at Finn Bans ODKPIK• 1980 H.M. xhe Oueon in r;ghl of Canada 13 Cu.-ft, Frost Free BEATTY • REFRIGERATOR $349 — WHY NOT . BUY THE PAIR — SPECIAL SAVINGS when you purchase a MATCHING RANGE, [ • ...... ...... 'WE NEED TRADE-INS 7 ar .41 4 0 Correspondent Mrs. Ken Elligsen Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Heuer- man visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuerman and boys in London on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ahrens, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ahrens, Phyllis, Marilyn and Steven and Darlene Elligsen visited Mrs. Rachael Ahrens in Milton Hos- pital on Sunday. Ida Scherbarth and Lavina Mueller, Stratford, • spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leonhardt. • Mrs. Lavina Beuerman convalescing at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and the neighboring Mitchell area. The committee is composed of Clayton Looby ,George Ducharme and Lou Rowland, all of Dublin. The Dublin students transfer- red to Mitchell Secondary School following the closure last Sept- ' ember of Dublin Continuation School and disSolution of the old beard. The school area was assessed 13.5 mills under the former board system in 1968 and 20.32 mills last year. Perth County Warden Ross McPhail attended the meeting and assured ratepayers he'd support them both in Hibbert Townsnip council 'as 'reeve and in county council. Hibbert Township clerk -trea- surer Mrs. Anne Burchill of Dublin said Sunday the county education board wants $8,314 from Dublin ratepayers in 1970," compared to $6,056 in 1969. The ratepayers' objection is that their educational assessment Ratepayers with Students being transported from this police village to Mitchell Secon- dary School have rejected the 1970 tax levy from Perth County board of education. At a special meeting Friday night attended by 41 ratepayers, a three-man committee was formed to meet with the county board in an effort to resolve their 'complaints of being taxed higher for educdtion that ratepayers in FUNERAL GEORGE FALCONER George Falconer, a well- known Tuckersmith Township farmer, of R, R.1, Brucefield, died at the age of 66 Saturday in the Clinton Public Hospital. He had been hospitalized since early March. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Falconer, and was born in Clinton. For more than 20 years he served as a member , and one-time chairman of the former Clinton District Colleg- iate Institute School Board. • Surviving are his wife, the former. Bessie Lindsay; three daughters, "Mrs. Harry (Marg- .aret) Torrence, Goderich Town- ship; Mrs. James (Kathryn) Keys, Stanley Township; Mrs. James (Elizabeth) Bell, Exeter; one son Bill, Clinton; three brothers, Lawrence, Stanley Township; Frank and Mervin, both of Tuck- ersmith Township; two sisters, Mrs. Bruce (Jean) Hyatt, Platon; and Mrs. Erlin (Katheline) Whit- more, Tuckersmith Township; and 1Q grandchildren. The services were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Ball funeral home, Clinton, with burial in Baird's cemetery. is higher than that of Mitchell - five miles east when students from both areas attend the same school. Mrs. Aurchill said Sunday night that 1970 tax figures for Dublin are not yet available. However, an increase appeared inevitable. The clerk-treasurer was unable to say how much more Dublin ratepayers would be asked for education this year compared to 1969. Mrs. Robert Cronin is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital where she underwent an operation. Visitors over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ma- loney were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kelly, newly-weds from Dublin, Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ma, loney, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Maloney, Stratford, Mrs. Carmen Fadden and children of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maloney of Seaforth. Mrs. Ken Siemon, having been a patient at the SeafoEth Community Hospital., Mrs. Laura Mogk also re- turned homelast week having been a patient at the same hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice of Goderich on a trip to Nashville, Tennessee, and at- tended the Grand Ole Opry Show there last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe, Mr. Lorne Wolfe, Marcel, Dar- rell and Dale, Dennis Bennewies, Mrs. Myrtle Smith and Kevin _spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' Earlyn Wilker at Lakeside and celebrated Marcel's birth- day. Mrs. Ken Elligsen and Mrs. Mabel Higgerson visited Mr. Harry Proctor who is a patient at the Victoria Hospital in Lon- don on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mes- setschitadt; Detroit, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norrnan Berinewies and other relatives in the corn-, munity. Miss Cheryl Bennewies has completed her studies at London Teachers' College. She spent the• weekend in Toronto and Ottawa. Upsets Soil Balance Overuse of premium fertili- zers can cause an imbalance of micronutrients in the soil . and `thus upset soil fertility, says Mr. Russ Johnston, Soils Division, Ridgetown College of Agricul- tural Technology. • Mr. Johnston said that the ' margin of safety for micronu- trients in the soil is a very small one. The main micronutrients - plant food nutrients used in mi- nute amounts by the plant - are manganese;Aboron, zinc, copper, iron and molybdenum. Farmers are often en- couraged to use premium ferti- lizers all the time, says Mr. Johnston, even though this may not be necessary. Farmers who *rant to try these fertilizers should start by doing so on a small acreage. A typical example of how overuse of a fertilizer can lead to a m lcronutrient imbalance can be - seen with phosphate fertilizers. Many farmers who already have a high soil test continue to add phosphate fertilizers; this leads to a zinc deficiency in the soil. Overuse of the fertilizer adds to the cost of production, and extra zinc will also have to be bought to overcome the deficiency. Farmers Should atteriipt to N work out the' right nutrient pro- portion for themselves so that they do not add fertilizer when they really, don't have to, adds Mr. Johnston. BURNS CLEANER . No Smoke, No Odour fit MEN'S ALL-WOOL SUITS Shorts - Regulars - Talks Up to 89.50 Value, Now One 4Price .50 - SPECIAL — GROUP OF MEN'S SPORT i?z DRESS SHIRTS "' Short and long sleeves To Clear 2.00 each it BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR The information required is basically the same as that required by the assessors in past years and is nec4sr,anrifgr,24;1 the completion of the assessment rtiltfOr each municfpaIityll' sr BUILDING SUPPLIES SEAFORTH 527-0910 . CLINTON 481-9514 HENSALL- 262-2713 Enhance' Your Climbing Roses and Flowers Fan Trellis . .•1.89 No. 86 Wall Trellis ...2,.99 No. 100 Wall .Trellis . 3,35 Flower Box ...'5.49 CEDAR PICNIC TABLES LEGS ASSEMBLED BRODHAGEN .••••••••••••••• All enumerators involved 'in this programme carry identification cards. Therefore do not hesitate to ask to. see these before answering questions or divulging information.. Your co-operation and assistance in this programme will be very much appreciated. Further inquiry in this regard may be made by telephoning either Goderich 524-7326 or Stratford 273-0510 or Zenith 66500 for long distance calls. '9 BALL MI MACAULAY NT GINGERICH'S SALES & SERVICE PHONE 527.0290 SEAFORTH Free Home Decorating Service Trade with Confidence" Trade With 'S DIVISION or Dena° CORP. 262-2605 K. HENSALL 'HEATING OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527.1224 — Seaforth (Not as illustrated) THIS OFFER GOOD TILL JUNE 6, 1970 — dirtilliseet00111111teettiellibetaadilMnremel