HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 51. lint What night have.bef''n a tif ace int- I Orient bnppenea oil Tuesday ' ast to M''Itay when driving Mr. .• Qi't,wee to 111' "`4`11e R very *fled cow. veil." .be was thrown. from the waggonon a Aes,l pile of rough stones getting has head,. lint I shoulders and finest Out` and bruised. Sgli `I oausing bite to live retired for u few Iced days;no damage done to team or wag' gon.—flow is it that entre people take the liberty of dumping their` sttrplue stones an the roadside? i)n they Willi that in the near furore the roads will be. nlacadaniized and are inking time by,the forelock and oont.rihuting thein mite to each an end, Mao says that it takes court piaster and arnica to patch hien up.—There is joy in tile' home of Mr. Albert Goble over the - birth of an infant daughter, whish happy event took plane on the evening of 10th inst.—Mr J N Pickeil dwelling is 'nearing completion and will be a model when finished.—Crops look well and promise a great yield, especially fall wheat, which, if nothing Happens; it, will he anormntts. The fruit is a failure to a great extent. 11'1' Inef4 bion leve sere at. TAO the age- tb' witli. itity here: said Sow. der• ago, now yea. tier She foil are lz is land into and. the rths 1 is. k of . the 'hat- .oly i a an+ the sion- D. all hris- rhe pine. of vers, The nay Yet suite the Iver-. the con- odist sday ;ones rich, •ale ; San- will laid, lock, 'cert Or- ilists rich, Mr. ndist best. ,leas neof gn to vocal is a ming short ction Stan- itude ill its 1• the local glued :alley, called 'aloes Spell aper; , suln Archbishop Walsh is said to. have team received a chegne for 0,0001 as his dell' fee for marrying W. A. Murray and 'Vow Mrs. Sarah, Cawthra at Toronto. Aid) ,re is ;ib usher, s Isle ;, Fells, ni 1s last Grigg' positions such as mayor, pollee: magly- 3 on trate, and has been •a member of, , q begs sehoral Vearthli,-444 Aral, oowarn '..Y 'ream Ater. Farmers are busy cutting their tiny in these parts. The Drop appears, exceedingly good this year.—A `IetuM porance society is about to be+organized in town under the name of. Royal Templars,—Mrs. N. Crawford, of Walkerton, formerly of this place, is visiting in town.—Mrs. Crawford bus been in poor hetlth .fpr some time. Tier many friends hope her visit to. this heathly locality may prove a I,pnfitto her,—Miss Ethel Wade, oi` Wingham, is spending part of hs'r holidays at her neele's iV1.r, Jas, Relly`s.—Rev. G, R Jackson, of Burgoyne, Ont., has at -,:opted an unanimous call as paster of the Baptist Church, of this place.—W.. Cl. . Kelly, of \Viut;hein. spent a few days. in town, visiting his. parents.—The Foresters of this place are making. arrangements to have an excursiuu and picnic to Mount Finest. Wroxeter. $25 Raw n. -.Lost, on Thursday, July Sr. , on the street in We. •eter, a parcel of bills an mtin • to. $842 and a pro .•' sot;y note for $000, d vn by John Sanderson In Tam - Jana Walker ated June 0th, 1883, and having a pe 'nt of $8'" endorsed on the back thereof, dated Apri tt 890, A reward of $25 will be paid for the re ry of the above or for such information as wi ead roto. All parties are warned against n • otiating th,. ove mentioned note, the same h • ,g been lost JANE WALKER. Weddings are of an every day oc-- enrrene, itt Wroxeternow-t days and the latest to report are the names of Mr. Andrew l3ruwn and Miss Maggie Barnard, last week. Miss Barnard is favorably known. In this locality for. her many estimable qualities and Mr. Brown has, we feel, got a good bar, gain.—A picked nine from R nssels, Gerrie and Wroxeter will leave sI prtly fur Owen Sonnd toy have some fritandly matches in the base ball line with the clubs of that town and tiny . others wishing to challenge.—Mr. D. M. Walker, of Prescott,- long Principal in our, Public School here, is up on st visit, as also is Mr. Alex Reid. who taught six months i mmediatel follow. Ing Mr. Walker. yr, Reid was very csucessful in his examinations at To- ronto. The annual meeting of the Ontario. Masonic Grand Lodge was field , at Kingston this week.. The Seaforth fall. races will taster place on Fairview park. on August 28th, whenX550 00 will be given in purses. Col. Walker Powell,. adjutant general,; will temporarily fill the va'- caney Created by tiib resignation of Gen, Middleton. About 800 different varieties. oI potatoes are being experimented upon.. by Prof. Saunders at the Ottawa Ex- perimental Farm. Hon.. Thomas Coffin, who was Re. ceiver-General in the Cabinet of.Ition. Alex. Mackenzie, died at Barrington, N. S., on Saturday, Y'. T. Barnula celebrated has ei;li- titth anniversary on Saturday. He is worthy, x.141,000,000. all of which he mads since his fortieth sear. . The Waterous Engine Woaks Com. pang, of Brantford, have received the gulch medal tied two certificates of , merit from the Melbourne E%hibitioni lie f 'last yerr for their sawmill ex- hu1iited. there. Dr Willatns of Olinton, is about to leave that town tti reside in Brampton. He filled -iii Clinton. many puWie A ten nen ee Was found en the main street thee day. This was Justen00gb to buy .a packet of Wilsox's Fly Poison Fade,, .and eoald not be put to better use, ' Cor exterminating Flies, Ants, Conies roaohes, eto.rnotbinuequala>Silsnn'sFada. Sold by all druggists, Take no imitations. The i'tnported stallion, Lord Erskine,. belonging tit Mr Taylor, of Huron ootlnty, and imported King of the Campbells, owned by Mr. Washington, .,K of Auburn, died last week, The animnta were valuable and were not insured. - Wilson's Fitt' Po1so4 Pads. Have tin .enormous sale through Canada and are kept by ati druggists, Nothing Trills House Flies, Ants or Cockroaches like Wilson's Pads, One packet lasts a long time and kilia flies by the quart. Mr, A. Bishop, M, 1', P. for South iffuron, and Mrs. shop, left last , week for New orklfroni which place .sL.t{iey sail to Scotland, We .wish them s -•fa pleasant visit in the old land and hope the trip' will have the desks' ed result, the improvement of Mrs, 13ishop's health, ` Ilollofva;/'s Ointment and Pills,— ,N'otahte Facts ---Intense heat augments the annoyance of akin diseases, and -encourages the developement of febrile disorders; therefore they should as they may, be removed by these deter- gent and. purifying preparations, In stomach complaints, liver affections, pains and spasms of the bowels, Hol- llotvay's ointment well rubbed over the affected part immediately gives the greatest ease, prevents congestion and inflammation, checks the threatening diarrhoea and averts incipient cholera. The poorer inhabitants of large cities Will find these remedies to be their best friend when any pestilence rages or when from unknown causes, *eruptions, boils, ahcesses,or ulcerations bei,olten the presence of taints or 'iln• purities within the. systein, and call for instant and effective curative medi- cines. The editor of the Parkhill Review in asking his readers to ptiy "up subscrip- tions eloquently remarks : " When the frereezes of heaven waft over your 'fief sof promising grain, along whish the dimples of it gladsome laughter' chases one another in quick succession, as stetn after stem after stem bows its bounty laden head in giving assent to the promise of a good harvest, re- member those whoseconstant and.: unremitting duty it is to record the incidents of life in thesurr,undings." 1. While Mr, -Win. Sontt's ;two little. ; boys, of Sunshine, Were •, ilaying ono of them attempted to olimb up a ladder in the barn. He had only site, ceeded in getting up a few steps fr'oni the' bottom when 1reiost his hold and fell to. the floor,. breaking bis. leg below the knee., . - Everybody knows what n pionia isr. but most people would And it liayd to say how it got that name, and yet it is simple eno.t gh when you come to learn it.' When a picnic was lining. arranged .t'or,, ,the custom originally was that those, who intended to be present should supply the eatables and 44rinksbles. A list .of those necessaries, Ravine been, drawn up it was passed round, and eaeb,person picked on the article.,of food he or she w;ls willing' to furnish, ai d the name of the article wfts nicked or ticked off .the list. The. open air entertainment thus became known es a pink and nick. 'The cus- tom is said to elate from 1802, so that the picnic is wholly an . instil ution of the nineteenth century. t Save "3ioair carpets. 1f. sheet of sticky fly paper will do more daznage to e,irpet and furniture than any., r thing everinveuted. No careful house. • °wife wduld bave one about. Wilson's Fly Poi ou Pada will clear the house more •qtr• ^kly and surety than any other means, If P ced near the Tight where the flies are thickest, Wilson's Pfids will kill pints every day, and clear the house in short order. •'Sold by all druggists. Prepared for Emergencies. • "Well, when our advertising 'car got along there last,season the men wanted ,one aide of a cooper shop to display some of our finest pictures. Tlie owner want- ed $25 in cash and ten free tickets for the privilege, but we refused to be robbed. He finally came down 'to $20, then to $15, and we offered him 1;10. He said he would take an hour to think it ,over, and at the end of that time I went to get his answer, "'What do you estimate the tickets worth?' he asked, „'Fifty cents apiece: "'And Lean sell mines' 'If you wish." you see how itis. My wifeis very' sick and liable to din. If she lives 'rti e can use two of the tickets to go to the circus. If she dies I can use one, but I'll have to give the other to my sister- in-law for belpingatthe funeral. That's • It 1 have just agreed to do. Make it ot0,50 and ten tickets, and you can have the 61101,.'. ! "As business is business, I agreed to his terms, but I "lover ached harder in my life to give anybody a good licking." —New York Sun, Qstlelf Witted 'dells. .• Some liirdsare gifted with a sense of observation approaching to something, very like reasoning faculties, as the fol- lowing anecdote proves: At a gentle- man's house in Staffordshire the pheas- ants are fed out of One of those boxes the lid of which rises with the pressare of the pheasant standing on the rail. in front of the box. A. water hen, observ- ing this, went and stood upon the rail as soon es the pheasant had quitted it; but the weight of the bird being insufficient to raise the lid of the box, so as to enable it t get at the coat, the water heti kept urnping on the rail to give additional a tinpetus to its weight. Tbis partially succeeded, but not to the satisfaction; of .,atm the sagacious bird, which, therefore, yK went t,q; ancl, soon returning with a bird of its own species, the united weight act' the two had the desired effect, and the sucowssful pair enjoyed. the heltflt of Minelli' 401100,43 .—.MontlIo iislr,t -A. I -I. GRI G,. TAI LOR, Every department of tho business carefully attended to, asmymotto is: " T R O' U G H," A. ;H:. GRIGG; Josephine St, *Ingham. SODA -WATER, BEST IN TOWN, at " THE ECLIPSE.", JOHN KERR. ASSURANCE .0 COMPANY, l•IALIF.AX,: N.S CAPITAL. N 8.000,e00: (FI ' nearsnee 9449 4ppitegtlone r winghaa, stems Biobeaddre ed J. IL WAR.T,• . 28 Scott Street, Tolim•ra, THE ODELL TYPE -WRITER IA will buy the ODELL TYPE WRI-, °°'A O TER with .70 oharactors, andl$15 for the SINGLE CASE ODELL, warranted to do better work than any machine made, It combines slmpllalty,with durability, speed, ones of operation, wears icliger Without cost of repairs than tiny other machine. Has no ink ribbon to bother the operator; It is peat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and, adapted to all kinds of type writing, Like a printing ,press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ton copies can be mads at ons writing. y intelligent person can boodmoanoperator In . •o days, Weoffer $i,000 to any operator w , oan equal the work of the DOUBLE C E ODELL, Reliable Ag • is and Salesmen wanted.' Special nducement o Dealers. For Pat • let giving Indorsements, &c., address O i LL TYPE WRITER, Co., 86 an •75th Ave. CRIOAOO, ILL. WINGHAIVI PLANING MILLSt JOHN WATT -Manufacturer of- f BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds, -such as - SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, FRAMES, Etc. Flooring, Siding, etc., dressed to order on the shortest notice. IWe have over 100,000 feet of Dryl Lumber in our yard. and can sup- ply seasoed stuff- of all kinds.) A calf solicited. JOHN WATT. tyingham, June 0th, 1890, c? v • Aft oo o° r .a / • al ^o g • be C - 0 G0 'g e6 ▪ '• 0 •S T H ui uasras alp rbv Are now off'eri'ng a large range of ICS COOL in Plain White, Crossbar and Figured, from 5c. upwards. Lots lie. iij ether rosy Jat atal Dross J I ,.- . suitable for our ever changing climate. FLOUNCINGS that are intended oto please every taste, at ver -o" , and interesting prices, PRETTY THINGS IEMBROIDERIES •in derivable widths. and at popular prices. It will pay you to look through theta. araplr, an, o4, araPM. The Best and cheapest; a large and choice selection.. We believe in protection that gives protection. For comfin't and durability in footwear, do not fail to• get our BOOTS. SHOES anti SLIPPERS. They are right every time. Nothing so cheering sncl refreshing during the oppressive weather as a GOOD CUP_ OF TEA, you can get the correct thing every time, from Q ''' DON& NRINTYRE The Brown Anchor. For the next Two Weeks, at COME ONE, COME ALL, and • have a look through our - mammoth stock of .Prints J 'r i, u i . a • I the greatest novelties of tl.e clay and at the most pop• ular pricey PRINT TS in all the latest patterns and newest designs, from 5c upwards. N:tislins, figured and plain Lawns ; Ginghams, Sateens, Flan- nelette in all the novelty patterns. Ladies, this will be the unique opportunity of the season to secure HAD0DRESS OBES, fit less .than two thirds of the regular price. ]Ladies, please note, this 3a1e is for Two Weeks Only. 'D.A.:RA: op•tso in Black and Colored. Must, be soul. A. large ane, handsome stook to select from, A complete stook of GENTS'i FURNISHINGS in all the latest novelties of the summer season, CARRIAGES and BU'GGIES, T. •'0 (of the late firm of Nickel & Dore), —MANUFACTURER or— Top and Open Buggies, Carriages, Sleighs, Cuttets,: Phaetons, Road Carts, &e. Special Bargains will be given in Top and Open Buggies for the n rxt.$wo months. • All kinds of work made to order by first•class workmen, under the super• vision of the proprietor. • Repairing, Painting, Top Building, to., done on short notice. Those in need of anything in our me will save money by calling befr.ra pnrobasing, WJI. DORL, Winghatn, Out WING -HAM " FOUNDRY: 0 4M URRA -Successors to R 6t Robinson, ntanufacturerers of--•, AGRICULTURiiLT LEM T . seal Wo have the patterns of It, 11, Robinson and can supply rapairs,for All kinds of Implements. , 0 R,"EP,A.II I1 'G- OF' -A ,Z, X51`-T'37g-'A.a1'RCX,A2,TY- -- -The patronage of the publie.solteitcd, MT,TJ RAY, ! Co. , In connection with 111e above, I wish to say that I have leased my foundry to the above 4irm fora term ,., of years. They come to Wingham highly recotmnended as first•class weobanics, having had extensive , experience in mill work and repairs. T 1tould. experience past eighteen nd re, ask for thein a continuance of the patronage extend ei.lo late, HATS, TIl`. S,.$.1LX HANDFiIJRCfl +VS",CO'LLAIiS`, CUFFS, Winghai±a, Inle'JSth,mtto. It tkuatNsoN, TWEEDS A D `PANTINGS, in all this finest worsteds. -' Ready made Clothing always on hand ; and the greatest novelty of ILULY our goods is their very low prise. • EI,VtdliERYNT a Ladies,,dett't fail to have fi •Took at our OPERA SLIPPE1:2S. Has a most eotnplete assortment of the Lsse.x,sr:.. ,_.. . + r, L t ioIGIJS 1', and Moir (:l1.tiTlltlrtc AIt r,r-r'o in Our Boot and Shoe Sive department you wilt always find full of novel - ties in ladies, oh'tlelrell, s and men's wear. Watches, Clocks, Je'elr. We also have a full' range of F.R.E"1711 'r"• Via'OOV e.[.l,•1`,•17 Olive on hand, aind at the lowest pt'lces, to meet the that's. NO P1 OITB LE TO SHOW . o Please give nit at (call and have a.look lit OM; atooili before .purolirasing olspviiete. ' • • " 'outs,'r ert +frilly, • T'. Ar MILLS. %a 014Silver G ►ods. itbaa4 111A0 r6 CLOSE A "CTEt` 4024 ,., Elft? H:hl,.: TO` jtgpA1nf.s11/4 A.N W4i# %;t%!`: ,a WA.1u1tA'NT10a, , Go BIGHT TO L Xv' n )(At kop. yon ntlwtl faux,