HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-21, Page 7THANKS On behalf of ,the Seaforth Ladies Auxiliary, we wish 'to . thank everyone who contributed prizes to our Bowling Tournament. It was all very much appreciated, PEG COOMBS, President RACHEL WALTERS, Sports Officer WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE • 'Dead or disabled cows over 1,000 lbs., $10 to $15 Dead or disabled horses, $20.00 each.. Small linirrealt-500 to,-.1.,000-lbs.i• lc per lb. -All other animals such as calves and pigs picked up free. We pay you for your animal at your farm.-24 hour • service. CALL COLLECT—BRUSSELS 887.9334 If no answer call 887-9335 BRUSSELS PET FOOD SUPPLIES Prop. GORDON JOHNSTON—Formerly Marlatt Bros. SPECIALS FOR Thursday - Friday - Saturday Match a Pair Promotion TIDE, giant • 93( Heinz Fancy TOMATO JUICE 'House and Garden RAID, 11 1/2 -oz. bomb • BEANS with PORK Van Camp's Puss'N Boots CAT FOOD White 'Swan BATHROOM TISSUE . • • • 2-roll pkg. 290 Fancy Peas, Cream Corn or Sliced Green Beans 14-oz. tins 990 GREEN GIANT Ptneapple.Orange or Pineapple-Grapefruit DEL MONTE DRINK 48-oz. tin PRODUCE 39 Fancy McIntosh APPLES 3 lbs for 390 Mexican Canada No. 1 Vine Rippened TOMATOES lb. 350 US. No. 1 Large, Size 24's HEAD LETTUCE, large head • • • • 'ea. 210 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's 1. Phone 627-0990 > Free Dilivery I 3 48-oz. tins $1 $1 ... 4 19-oz. tins 890 2 15-oz. tins 370 BRUCE REFRIGERATION SALES and SERVICE Meat Cases, Walk-in-Boxes, Scotchman ice machines, sani- serve saft ice cream machines and farm milk coolers PHONE 238-2385, GRAND BEND • ARNOLD STINNISSEN GROUP - LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS - MAJOR'-MEDICAL PENSIONS ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST -- SEAFORTH ATTENTION FARMERS! See Them! Drive Them. Deutz Air Cooled Diesel Tractor, Howard, Rotavator Lilliston Rolling Harrow Brillion Pulvi-Mulcher These machines are totally new to this area. COME, AND SEE THEM IN ACTION % Mile South not Hensall, on Highway No. 4 MAY 22 - 23 Hyde Bros. Ltd. Hensall, Ontario Famous Ostermoor Mattress and Box Spring Simmons comfort, quality and value in a mattress and box spring combina- tion never offered before at a sale* price.' 512 Adjusto-Rest' coils — which support 20% More weight than ordinary coils — provide resilient, restftil comfort. Complete with box spring for proper mattress support. Celebration price for Mattress and Box Spring, - sizes 3'3", 4'0" and 4'6". Queen Size: $169.95 Each piece: $69.95 SIMMONS SI M MON LIMITED Reg stpred' (ix FURNITURE • Phone 527-0680 Seaforth second century • News of Walton - Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall The mother's attended a re- cent C.G.I.T. meeting which opened with a singsong led by Marg Hickson , Anne Watson and Susan Humphries. President Debbie Wey led in the pledge. The roll call, "our mo- ther's maiden -name" was answered by 15 members and eight mothers. For the worship Heather McDonald read a scrip- ture lesson and Kim Humphries led in prayer. The members of the C.G.I.T. sang a song which had .been rehearsed earlier. Mrs. Docken led in prayer and then introduced the film, "The Shat- tered Silence". The mothers heard the girls' m'ain complaints while the girls heard the mothers' complaints. U.C. W. UNIT MEETINGS The Walton Unit of the U.C. W, met in the basement of Duff's United Church Wednesday eve- ning with Mrs. Don Achilles giving an opening verse on Spring. Hymn 15, "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung witiMrs. W. C, Hackwell as pianist. Mrs. W. C, Hackwell read the scripture from Matthew followed by a meditation on "Springtime". Mrs. Achilles led in prayer.' A "Christian Home"- medita- tion was given by Mrs. Hackwell which revealed that it makes no difference how luxurious our homes and furnishings "may be as this is only the setting for life that goes on within. "Happy the home when God is there", closed the devotions. Mrs. William Coutts chose as her, topic "Indian Canadians". F. her` Kempling spent most of his ministry among Indian folk. The first summer he ministered to the Crees at Goodfish Lake in Northern Alberta and also the Lake Reserves in Northern Sas- katchewan. Some of his comments were, "We look and cannot see where the Indians have a Social concept, for "Time", for "Sa- vings", for "Work", which are strong features in our culture. We also see a circular chain of fai- lure in their life with marginal . existence, poverty lack of self- confidence, low morale, mental and physical illness, higher than average mortality, ineffective ci- tizenship that is unable to pro- duce and-provide adequately, poor housing, overcrowding, inade- quate diet, bad sanitation, family breakdowns, social conflicts lea- ding to fines and imprisonment. We emphasize. the importance of becoming something or someone (and look on the Indian as lacking in ambition), he who has been taught the importance • of being now. We see i ntegratien and edu- cation as the only solution for these people who must be taught to find for themselves in our societY." Mrs. Coutts concluded her story with an appropriate scrip- ture taken from Paul's letter to Gelations followed by a prayer devoted to the Indian people. Mrs. Gerald Watson, presi- dent for this coming term, open- ed the business portion with a poem ' "Memories of Mother". She gave thanks to all who had „taken part In the evening's mee- ting. The minutes were read by Mrs. Hackwell, the secretary, followed by the roll calk which was answered by a flower in the Bible. Mrs. Allan McCall gave the treasurer's report and re- ceived the offering which was de- dicated by Mrs. G. Watson. A discussion on having a Church picnic revealed everyone was in favour of ,having a picnic , the last week in August or first week in September. The 8th and 16th Unit's Bazaar was announced for May 26th when Mr. Bruce McCall of BrusSels will be guest speaker and also "The Sweet Adelines" quartet from Listowel will entertain. Walton Unit is responsible for correspondence to the U.C.W.'s adopted studeet minister in July. He will be on student mission sta- tioned in SaskatChewan. Mrs. Ho- ward Hackwell was the appointed correspondent with Mrs. W. C. Hackwell and Mrs. James Clark assisting. • Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Don Achilles, Copper Contest leaders, read their list of names. June is the, first Copper Contest 'month. Mrs. Fred Dunk and Mrs. Allan McCall volunteered' their assistance in the kitchen for the Thamer-Hertlein wedding on Sa- turday. Mrs. A. McCall thanked everyone who helped make • our APF$.11.PAW:Fik§.1.1Fe.O. MrsenAt C, Backweli yeas the pianiSt nor the evening. Hymn 483 oHe lea- deth me: 0 Blessed Thought" was sung. Grace was sung and lunch was served by Mrs. E. Mitchell, Mrs.. Ron Bennett and Mrs. F. Dunk. 8th and 16th UNIT MEETS The May meeting of the 8th and 16th' Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Jim Smith, Wednesday, and opened by singing "My Faith looks up to Thee", with Mrs. Harold Bolger as pianist. Mrs. Don McDonald read the scripture from Psalm 122. The topic, "There must be something on TV" was.presented by Mrs. Don McDonald, Mrs. Al- vin McDonald,- Mrs. Don Fraser and Mrs. Rae Houston and an article was read from the "Clip Sheet" and was followed by dis- cussion. "Now thank we all our God" was sung, followed by prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs. Harold Bolger and the hostess. 17th UNIT MET The Boundary and 17th Unit met at the home of Mrs. Martin Baan with 12 members present. Mrs. Albert Clarke opened with a thought, o Prescription for you on Mother's Day" and a poem, "Patchwork Memories". "Happy the Home when God is there" was sung followed by' Mrs. Albert Clarke leading in prayer. Mrs. Ross Bennett gave the topic "Mother, the Crown of the Home", written by Rev. Alphenus Noseworthy, explaining ,hew that next to God's love only mother's love can compare. Mrs., Clarke read a poem, "Stranger at the gate". Mrs: Martin Baan presided over the business period. It was decided that four different mem- bers would write to Paul Ross, an adopted student minister. The June meeting will be on June 2nd at the home of Mrs. Jan Van Vleit. The roll call a verse on Father's Day. "The Glory of Spring, how sweet" was sung and Mrs. Ross Crop Report by M, Miller Assist. Ag. Rep. for Huron All spring seeding is com- pleted and most of the crops are up. 10% of corn planting remains .to be done with early planted corn emerged. Preparation of white bean ground is moving well. Some poor stands of spring grain are due to dry weather. Pasture and hay growth are very well ad- vanced. If. Bennett closed with prayer. MISSION BAND The Mission Band was held Sunday morning in the basement. of the church with 33 present. "Jesus Loves Me" was sung and Mary Searle gave the secretary's report and the treasurer's re- port was given by Stephen Den- nis. ThCcolleetion (was received by Stephen Dennis and Ross Mit- chell. Janice Houston is to be the pianist for the June meeting when the mite boxes are to be brought in. All went to their classes with Mrs. Merton Hackwell, Mrs. Mac Sholdice, Miss Karen Coutts and Mrs. William Roe as teachers. Mrs. and Mrs. W. J. Leeming and family and Mr. Fred Watson who makes his home with them, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Watson at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Traviss, London, were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Traviss. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether and family visited recently with Mr. and Mits. Ross pepper, Nancy and Dennis near Mitchell. Mrs. William Simpsonof Mit- chell is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Nine members of the Walton Women's Institute attended the 68th annual meeting of East Hu- ron District at the Bluevale Com- munity Hall on Tuesday when the guest speaker was Mrs. Victor Emerson of Whiteehurch who is the Bruce district curator. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Childer- hose and family of Stanley Park, Kitchener, visited on the Mon- day holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'William Murray. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether, Steven and' John visited with ,Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor, Varna. Miss Amy Love of Toronto -spent the holiday weekend with her sister, Mrs. Walter Broad- foot. Mr. and Mrs. Gibb Hubert of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. George Pethick of Winthrop and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Williamson and family of Walton visited Sunday at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Racho and family of Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut- ledge of London visited with re- latives on the weekend. • The Walton Women'sInstitute will hold an open meeting in the community hall Wednesday eve-. ning. Mrs. Harold Bolger, and Mrs. Roy Williamson, convenors for Home Economics and Health will be in charge. Bill McLean of Seaforth will show pictures of his recentArip to Europe. The 4-H girls will also be-guests and put on their skit and demonstration. NEWS OF Constance Harold S. Turner of Goderich Monday night was re-elected pre- sident at the annual meeting of the Huron County Historical So- ciety. Other officers: past presi- dent, J. W. McLaren, R.R.4., Goderich; vice - president, George L. Ellis, Goderich; se- cond, vice-president, Merrill C antelon, Wingham sec retary- treasurer, Mrs. Otto Popp; archives-historian, Mrs. W. D. Mack, Crediton; puialic relations officer, Mrs. Wesley Bradnock, Auburn; councillors, Mc- Lean, Seaforth; Mrs. William Metcalf, Bayfield; •Mrs. Frank Fingland, Clinton; Mrs. Mervyn Batkin, Clinton; Mrs. Edward Lamport, R.R.2., Centralia; Wil- liam Clancey, Mrs. Ethel Green, Mrs. D. D. Mooney and Mrs. Harold Turner, all of Goderich; Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull and Mrs. Glenna Stephens, both 'of Brus- sels. No action was taken to change the name of the organization to the Huron Canty Historical Re- search Society. The matter will be dealt with at a future meeting of the executive. About 85 people ,attended the meeting at Benmiller United C hurc h. . . visremarse ssolossertooksiersoftwass•Os Use Eipositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 Odd Jo s RequiFed To Help The Seaforth Venturers Get To • Thunderbay's First International Olympic Scout Camp PHONE 527-0883 Islianinoltestilltiprilielen111111MMOSMOMMISMOIN mesmisteemsonrsoiSissemokersomismenosmsessomior FORAGE and GRASS SEED We still have most lines of seeds, including Saranac, Alfalfa • and RED CLOVER Now after the rains is an ideal time to s6w RED CLOVER in a soil building program. R. N. ALEXANDER Londesboro PHONES: Myth 523-4399 Clinton 482-7475 Correspondent Miss Mary McIlwain Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the holiday week end with Mrs. W.L.Whyte, Tom and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of Goderich were Saturday -evening visitors with Mr. and MrS. Fred Buchanan and family, Paul, Kevin and Lori Crozier of Listowel spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain, Mary and Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie and Michele of Gananoque spent the holiday week end with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Riley. Kevin Jewitt spent the week _end with Rick Snell of Landes bore. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and family spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family of South Field, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Case Groenen- berg and family of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family. Mr. and Mrs.Fred McClymont of Varna spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte, David, Bryan and Crystal. Saturday visitors with Mr.and Mrs. Frank Riley were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim and Grey of Winthrop. Sunday visitor's with Mrs.Ella Jewitt and boys were Mr.and Mrs. Ross Jewitt of Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Ann, `Judy, Danny and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff and family of Crediton were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Linda, Dianne and Nancy. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- !twain, Lynn and Steven of Strat- ford spent Monday, with Mr. and Mrs. George Mellwain, Mary and Sandra. Mrs. Jim Preszcator, Billy and Debbie, Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Ann, Judy; Danny and Billy visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson, Brenda, Bonnie and John. Miss Margie Whyte of Guelph spent Monday with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Tom and Bill. Mies Doreen Riley of Stratford spent the holiday week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. Mrs. Elma Leitch and Brian, Mrs. Annie Leitch spent the week • end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glew of Dorchester and also at Niagara Falls. , Historical Society Mothers Attend CGIT Meeiing Re-elects President — CERTIFIED BY PROV. OF THE HURON, PxPPSIT0R4 sEAF9Rrtk011r,; MAY 21, 19 GET YOUR FREE Shopping Spree Tic et at FINNIGAN'S WALLPAPER & PAINT DIAL 527-0550 — SEAFORTH GRAVES' Benjamin Moore Paints WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 " 4