HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 4C. E WI LLIAM8
t PrtoTaaxs have been Soled ngainat the
»return of nineteen of the recently
elected members of the ()uteric Legis-
lature -.•nine Reforru:ere and ten Con'
servativea as fel bilis
North F.c;sex--Sol, White, Con,
North Eenfrew-•-A.Dunlop, Can.
South Norfo'lt-=--W, A.Klharlton,Lib.
Frontenec---Hugh Smith, Can.
West York -J. P, Gilmour, Lib.
'\gest Middlesex -Hon, G. W. Ross,
Liltcoln--James 1 iscott, Con,
South Wentworth -•-N. AKwrey, Lilr
Hauiilton--T. H, Stinson, Con.
East Middlesex --R. Tooley, Con,
North Perth -Dr. A E. Ahrens,Lib
North Grey -James Cleland, Lib.
South Essex -W. S.Balfotlr, Lib
Prinee Edward- J, A. Sprugue,Li.�,'
Welland- McCleary, Coo.
East itterham-Campbell, poo.
West Kent -Clancy, Con.
South Outtu•io--Dryden, Lite
'North Grey -George, Con,
ODD; Bruuswjck (kit.
Cjc meg
1'RIDAY,. JULY' 18, 1890.
• Hes", M. D. DALY, the uew Lieuten-
ant -Governor of Nova -Scotia, was
sworn in on Friday last,
Tele Third Party convention called
at Winnipeg for Saturday last was not
a success,. only half: a dozen being in
- attendance..
Or Monday, a steamer on a small
lake near Red Wing, Minnesota, was
caught in a cyclone and upwards of
100 of those in board perished' in the
lake, t
llama M. STANLEY 'and Dorothy
rTennant were married at West
Minster Abbey on leriiay last, in the
presences of the most distinguished
in Britain.
DR. J. W. McL. uGaz i z,ex-M. P.P ,
has been appointed Registrar of West
Durham' •Di. McLaughlin represent.
ed West Durham during three legis,
natures, but was not a candidate at
the last election.
Raroars from`various section of the
-country would indicate that a general
Wight had fallen an the apple crop
aha many theories have been advanc-
ed as to the cause. There has'been
no frost, but it is generally believed
that the peculiar electrical. condition
f the weather has been the reason.
.IT is intimated that the Dominion
overnmhut,will apoint as command -
ani in plater of General Midnleton,
Col. Chas. Robinson, a Canadian,
show assistant military •secretary at
is the Horse Guards in London, Colonel
Robinson is a son of the :late Chief
Justice Sir John Beverley Robinson.
• Dr. W. T. O'Reilly, Inspector of
Prisons and Public Charities for
;Ontario, was strickened with paralysis
Lin Friday last, and died at Kingston
Corti Saturday. He had been inspector
icor nine yeara,and was one of the best
known Hien in Ontario. He was 56
years of age, and a prominent Mason.
Ting following is condensed from
h•t American Analyst :
The body of oil cloth is called bur-
aps,suade of jute anct imported from
ootiaiid, Tins coarsely woven fabric
s limp and is stiffened by being passed
br.rug;h ii, mixture of starch and gine
nd (nee hot rollers There are four
alitiee of oil ninth, depending on the
umber of body c•iuts of paint. The
st receives Live or six. `Tlie cloth,
n pieces twenty five yards long by two
,'trds wide, is dried in racks.. The
aotory has a rack oapacity of 11,000
mare yards. The thickness of each
tt of paint is governed by a steel
ife.. Three men ata paint machine
re out one hundred pieces contain
g 50 square yards etch. Eaeh coat
paint requires 24 hours to dry,
hen nue side is rubbed with sand
fl g ue. Per revery ,color in the
ern therm artist be a block: These
looks conn from t1aine, they are two
hos, thick, two fleet &there and arse
orlt`pvrsed of several , layers of Wood.
sni'fac,: to be used, is of maple,'
issed and recrossed by part ow groves
tate form a surface of 'small squares.
to the square inch. When the
iris is desit ed to show, the blocks.
left standing; the others are put
Smite patterua repUtiug mosey
sneers `sA or '30 blocks, After
rt 15 °'takers `.to the ,dry' ing
which has a tissue 60 feet tenth
th:sit the crib ehtth• laiertte'rsa*itJlottt t[( re trig�lartsl lievei", #rout w!ktatrt+h het fe.a ter cjlhtri tr w ,...r •:".•
. - •jellied-, . ,1• , L.i w:4j. •Y„0»t '4,► ..'�.s to,....,,e. -,.V»oft
♦ "es. •ei it
�� i11C>;xK18tw1CY'
The Cl',unotl:of the Township of
Turnberry mitt.' 'in the house of George
•Bryee, lot Ili, con 1a, on Monc1ay,
July 14th, 1800; members all present.
Thts'Reeve in the chair, Minutes pf
lest meeting read and approved,
Communications were read from
Messrs tinttou ib Carr, appealing to
Qtrnnty J udge against decision of Court
of Revision, iv assessment; also from
Jude Toms,' appointing Court ,of
Appeal to be he'd in the Forerters'
hall, liluevale, on Friday, July 25th,
at 10 o'clock, n m ; oleo from John
Ansies', bridge inspector, reporting
Liuton's ht•idgd completed according
to pohtract ; also from County Clerk
re tax -levy for .county purposes "for
current year. Mr :xemtirill 'reported,
along with Messrs McPherson and
Maxwell, ;having let job of approticltes
to Linton's bridge to John McTavish,
at $50 ; also let job of Bridge over
Government drain and repairing small
culvert, to John Marshall at $10,75,
job fjniehed and recommend .payment.
Mr Maxwell reported having let job of
gravelling on south boundary line to
Samuel Snell, at $30; also lob of
gravelling on same line to John Messer,
at Kea . also job of gravelling on
saine.liue to Isaac Farrand, at $14;
also job of repairing covered drain on
same line to Arch Paterson at $1 ;.
also having bought fourcedar stringers
from Peter McLaren for large culvert,
at $1, jolts all completed and rel;gm-
mend payment of one half of contract
price , Towuship of Morris to pay the
other half. Mr Cruickshank reported
having, along with Mr Gemmill, let
job on 15en side line, con 11, to Hugh
McKay, at $10.50, job completed and
recommend payment; also that Mr
Halstead had completed culvert in W
T plot, and . recommend payment.
Moved by Geo Thomson, seconded by
E Maxwell, . that treasurer write to
county treasurer for 'boundary line
grant -Carried. Moved by Wm Gem -
mill, seconded by Wm Crniok.hank,
that the clerk notify school tru tees to
seed in requisitions for school levies
for current year before the 18th day•of
Augnst next -Carried. Moved by R
Maxwell, seconded by Wm Gemmill,
that Messrs Thomson and Cruickshank
be authorized to expend $8 gravelling
sand hill on 25th sidelines con 10 --
Carried. Moved by R Maxwell, sec-
onded by Wn, ixen,mill, that: George
Fretwell be allowed to expend his
The Council met in Lamonhy's
hotel, Belmure, June 25th, 1890,,,pur-
silent to adjournment and postpone.
merit. Me,nbers all present. The
Reeve in the chair, Minutes of last
meeting, special meeting and Court of
Revision, read and approved. Peti-
tipn of John Renwick and 44 others,
read, praying for a grant on Howick
and Carrick boundary, it being unsafe
for travel. Moved by Mr. Dunnage,
seconded by 'Mr. Graham, that the
petitiou be accepted for consideration,
and a deputation of the whole Counoil
inspect the same -Carried. Moved
by Mr. Dulmage, seconded by Mr.
Graham, that $12 be granted on side-
line 25 and 26, cons, 15 and l6,money
to be exponded by the pathmaster,
John,Zeikie-Carried. 141oved by Mr.
Robertson, seconded.by.:,Mr.o(zraham,
that Messrs. •Dulmage •• and Jacques
expend $75 on sideline 5 and 6, from
the 17th con. so%th .to 10th con. -
Carried. Acccunts passed - Geo.
Henry, $1, N! Molntyre's dog tax un-
collected ; R. Nichol, $12, for two
culverts on B. lino ; O. Rogers, $1,50,
for repairs on Fordwioh.bridge ; Win..
Leonard, $1. for'repairinr -culvert, lot
30, con. 6 ; J. Lenew, $4 , for filling'
at Sanderson's bridge, lot 15, con •6 ;
Dr. Spauee, $10, for medical attend..
ante to Mrs. Wilson; T. Douglas.
$3.50, for culvert and drain, lot 5.con.
18 • S Harding, $15, for cutting bill,
lGiabaittre>G• Or irons.
m a new purifier and made other lin-104100 happeued on due da it"� este
provements in 'their ').slant, inclining,. • �i S D1; Itay when driving Ur.
the erection of a new Wilding �k'sx32. Vrttwen to tn• „cine a. very ttj#irtted colt"
-Nips Addie Qleyton .bas arrived.• he was thrown fro i the waggon on a.
home for tier eielidaye, She ocoupiestt pilo of rninh stories getting his bend,
the responsible , peeitiou. of tissistiint t shoulders and , bait t out' and brtueed.
teacher in the Wallacelenrg Hath'I censing•him to dive retired for a few
The. Gras Company has reeentIv lint 'What 'might t a reel t ace
' s j sit Ito
School, -Rev, Thos, • :mPy., appainti'd
to the Wallace oirouit of tile° .letlie•
dist church, has taken up his residence
fu town, -The crops iii this section
loot e�ccrllent.-The races held here
last week were quite suoeessfnl, there
being a number of fast horses ie At.
sandshoe. All the events came -`off-as'.
advertised, and the decisions of the
judges were satisfactory-TheOrange-
uten celebrated the Battle of the
Boyne in Pelreeretone tn,kipg with
thetu thetown hand --A large quantity
of cheese has been shipped frcin here
during the past two weekst-It is said
that Mrs. Alfred T, Large, the widow
of Missionary serge, who was mukder'
ed at Tokio, Japnii, tliree,_months ago,
has returned, to this county and is now
on her way to Paris to visit relatives,
Mrs. Large was severely inured in her
.efforts tci save her kusbapd's life. She
has•a deep soar extending the furl
length of her face, and=two fingers are
missing from her left hand.
The extent of British :doritinioin is
8,943,562 square miles, but England
bas kindly consented to give over into
the hands of tlie Germans an island.
It is small and will only reduce the
territory of the empire -by three-fourths,
of a square mile. Th,e little island is.
iieligotand, very useful in times of
war because sof its position, •but in the
tine of peace it is of no account what
ever. It received its name, Holye
Land, or Helgoland, as the' Germane
call it, or Heligoland as named by the
English. at the .time the first mission-
ary went there, about 807 A. D.
Then the inhabitants were all
heathens. They • embraced Chris-
tianity and have become one of the
most law abiding parts of the Empire.
Althou•�h'there is a population of
2,000 or more they have no lawyers,
each man pleads his own cause. The
governor rules with as much authority
s if he were Czar of Russia.. Yet
the people are very happy and quite
,content. They justly resent the
statute labor for this year in digging 'action' of the government in deliver -
314 rods of ditch,an,d removing stumps ing them over into ;the hands • of the
on side line opposite Ibis lot in Wing Gern�ti+ns
harp town plot ---Carried.•, T,b,efollow- -
ing accounts were passed and orders
B1u ev'aie.
lot 31, con. ; 10 R Greenaway, , G naway $8 for on treatreasurerissued m payment : Sam •
culvert, lot 22„con 16 ; M. Albright, Anderson,$4.55, for «ravel; Robt Yeo, Tho Corner Stone Laying in con -
$8 for culvert, lot 20, con. 4 ; J. cents, 50for ,plank; R Agar,$5.50, for vection with the New Methodist
gravel ; E Iliggins, $8,50, gravel ; J
H McTavish, $3, gravel ; Robt An •
derson, $5 30, gravel, and $1, for
damages ; Arch Paterson, $1, repair-
ing drain ; Peter Deans, $1.25,fer Hour
to holland ; .McLean & Sons, $12.32
lumber; Geo Patterson, $3, cleaning
ditch ; Jelin Ainsley, plans, specificse
tions and inspection of bridge, $9 ; be served in the lawn and orchard,
Nettertieicl and Hall, pathlnasters,for from 5.30 to 7.30 Ateight o'cldcic,
plank, $3.84 ; Peter McLaren, $1, an exceptiorially fine concert
ceder stringers; D Iia'stoad, $2.50, fur will -be given. The Wingham Or -
culvert; Bobt Jamieson, $$500,balanee chestra will be present, and vocalists
from Winghatn, Teeswater, Goderich,
and London are expected- Mr.
Williams, of Dundas Centre Metl}ndist
Ohuroh, London, whish has the best.
choir and paid quartette in the oity,lias
promised to. be;present. He is one of
the quartette, but is about to resign to
take an extended course of vocal
training in New York. ,This is a
chance to hear one of the coining
singers of the day. One or two short
Addresses will be given in connection
with the concert.
Stinson, $2, repairs on Gorrie bridge;
C. lleibine, $11 85, for drain and
culvert, Howick and Grey bonudary ;
John Goggins, $82.50., fol road work
paid in taxes; Mrs. 141,uir, $10, for
.rent of road ; Robt Greenaway, `$13,
for culvert, lot 1,5, con. 9. Moved by
Mr. Robertson, seconded by Mr.
Graham, that the;council now adjourn
to -meet in Brown's hotel, Fordwich,
on the third Wednesday in July -
Carried. ,
Wee Deen . Clerk.
The Newbridge Methodist churi;li on bridge; John Marshall, $10.7o,
was reopened .an Sunday, Eloquent gravelling and culvert ; Satnuel Snell,
sermons were delivered by Rev. Mr. $15, gravelling ; John Messer, $7.50,
Smyth, of IIarriston in the afternoon gravelling ; Isaac Farrand, •$7, gravel -
service, and Itev. W. Torrance, of lin; ; Hugh McKay, $10.50, job on
Gorrie, in the evening, to large audi- road ; E Armstrong, $8, charity; Wm
ences The pastor, Rev. J W. Pring, Anderson, $5', charity t R Shrigley,
occupied the pulpit of the 'Methodist $2, charity; George Bryce, $1, rent of
church in Gorrie, for ?1r. Torrance. -
Dr, Spence and Dirs. Spence, of Ford •
wish, have gone on a pleasure trip to
the prairie province. -Mr. C. 11,
Magee, teacher S. S. No. 4, Wallace,
has returned Home aftera few days
Church will take place next Tuesday
afternoon, at 4.3b. Four corner stones
will be laid, by Dr Macdonald, M. P.,
of Wingham, Mrs„Leech, of Goderich,
who is an old resident of 13'luevale;
leers. (Rev.) Wallwin,for Senator San-
ford, of Hamilton, and Joseph Leech,
Esq. After the ceremony, a tea will
i.. AA
roots. A committee of Council inspec-
ted government drain on 12th con, at
lots 18, 19, 20 and 21, and macre
arrangements for bringing on the
Township Engineer. and letting job of
cleaning out the said drain, if not
visit to the lake shore at leincerdine, cleaned -out before next meeting of
Miss Ellie Cooper is at present visiting Council by the parties through whose
friends at Aima, -Miss Annie Faust, land it runs. Meeting adjourned to
of the 2nd,, has returned after a few meet in Saints' hall,I3luevale, on Mon
months absence at Dundas.-llayit,g day, August 18tb,at 10 o'clock a, in.
Joinv BURGESS, Clerk.
The shat show undertheauspices
is progressing rapidly iu this vicinity
and the crops in general are looking
more promising than for years past and
bid fair to yield above the steerage.- of the .South Huron and 'Tuckersneth
A load of young people of the 2nd Branch Agricultural Society, will be
line went to camp meeting at :Moore- held in Seaforth on the last day in
fi'ld, last week, and report lir, Ii, 0, Septenibo' and the first day in Oc-
Wiils,the popular evangelist, and temp- sober.. •
eranee lecturer, doing a good work
there, ---A lawn social was hold on 1 Judge Senklcr, of St. Catharines,
Monday evening at the residence of has decided that a youth under 21
Mr. Wesley Wallace, 4th con, in aid years is liable'for debts contracted by
of theM'ewbwidge church. himself. The test case WAS for the
ralne of suit of clothes ordered by
A sixteen -year old • Seaforth boy, the "haby,"
John Kennedy, •yonngest son of IL P,_.
extenterfelt $2 Dominion nates are
ieemiledy, bectru,r overheated while. afloat. Otis of the easiest points of
playing with- his campftnions met the
difference to dete'et Is, that in the
High Seho 1. He went ho genuine the figures are printed in blue
changed his clothing, but tnatead of inke-that is iliar;turmber of elle hilly
putting'oh heat/"tar ulothes he put. on and tem the connterfeklt is dottn ill
Renter, and went out it tt►e i 111114 ot
black ink, and p' blackat th:.t
and got chilled., in this wary he The vignette of Lord Ilnfferin in the'
ecught cold, which ultimat l+�r;results centre is stiiuutvltst htal"rett,' and there
days;no damage clone to team or wag•
gon.-•flow is it that some people take
the liberty of dumping, their' towhee
stones on the roadsides Do they thiel;
th,st in the neat' future the reads wilt
benlaoadanlized and are taking time
,by,the forelock and contributing these.
mite to such an elle Mao says that •
it tastes court plaster • and arnica to `
patch him up. -There is joy in the'
home of Mr. Albert Goble over the -
birth df an infant daughter, which
happy event took place on the evening
of 10th inst.-Mr ,i N Pickett dwelling
is nearing completion and will be a.
model when finished. --Crops look well
and promise a great yield, especially
fell wheat, which, if nothing happens:
it, will he enormous. The fruit is a
failure to a great extent,
East VIact enoefl.
What a largo sheet the Blyth Stan-
dard is 1 $o great in its magnitude
•that it beeins impossible 'to fill its
columns without drawing, on- the
imagination, Consequently a local
reporter or some Blythite imagined
a ratan to conte in from•% certain valley,
in East Wawanosh vulgarly ealled
"Skunks Hollow" in the scandalous
writings of the Westfield corrsspon
dent to the above mentioned paper;
and the San offered to wager it suin
of money that the base -ball teem
whieh \VaS located in itis nate dell'
could "do up;' the Blyth team, Now
we all ki»tw that in the place to which
this name has oeeu applied. there is
no such thing as to base -bail; drib in
e:cistenoe.-Mr. D.C: Martain,tearher,
of Blake, is home for the. bolida.ys. -
elisd Lizzie Day, tot -teller of No 5,
Bullet, is the guest of iilirs, S ] `ells,
this rstae!„ ---.Miss Alicet Harrison is
visiting friends in 'Turtilterry.» ,Mr/.
S hells had at, barn raising{ last
¶'eesw ater.
Farmers are busy cutting their hay
in these parts. The crop appears
exceedingly good this year. -A lent
prance society is about to he organized,
in to4In under, the name of. Royal
Templars,-Mrs. N. Crawford, of
Walkerton, formerly, of this place, is
visiting in town. -Mrs. Crawford has
been in poor health • fpr some time,
lier many friends hope her visit to,
this headily locality may prove a
benfitto her. -Miss Ethel Wade, of
Wingham, is spending part of h'er
holidays at her oracle's Mr, Jas,
Belly's. -Rev. G, B Jaekson, of
Burgoyne, • Out., has ao,:t•ptt'd an
unanimous call as paster of the.
Baptist Church, of this place. -W. 0..
Kelly, of Wingham. spent a few days.
in town, visiting bis. parents. -The
Foresters a£ this place are making.
arrangements to have an excursion -
and picnic to Mount Forest.
$25 Rtiw n, -"Lost. on Thursday, July Cr. , on the
street in Wr, oter, a parcel of Bilis an tilting to.
$842 and a pro:•''sory note for 5840, d n by John
Sanderson In favo. -' Jane walker ,,ted June 0th,
1881, and having a pe tit of 3.R'' endorsed on the
back thereof, dated Aprl 1t , 880. A reward of
525 will be paid for the re ry of the above or for
such information as wi cad •rote. All parties
are warned against notinting the. ore mentioned
note, the same h ' ,g been lost
'" "Weddings are of an every day oc-
currenee in Wroxeter now. a -days and
the latest to report are the names of
Me. Andrew 13rown end Miss Maggie
Barnard, last week. Miss Barnard is
favorably known. in this locality for
her many estirnahle qualities and Mr.
Brown line, we feel, get a- good bare
gain. -d picked nine from Il •nssels,
Gorrie and Wroxeter will leave shortly
for Owen Sound to' have come friendly
snatches in the base ball line with the
clubs of that town and tiny , others
wishing to challenge. -Mr. D. M.
Walker, of Prescott, long Principal in
our, Public School here, is up on st
visit, as' also is Mr. Alex Reid. who
taught six months immediately follow
ing Mr. Walker. 1V Ir. Reid was very
csucessful in his examinations at To-
The annual meeting of the Ontario.
Masonic Grand Lodge was held , at
Kingston this week.
The Seaforth fall races will takes
place on Fairview park- on August;
28th, when $550 00 will be given in
Col. Wacker Powoli,, adjutant
general,: will temporarily fill the va-
cancy created by tilt) resignation of
Gen, Middleton.
About 300 different varieties. of
potatoes ere being experimented upon,
by Prof. Saunders at the Ottawa Ex-
perimental Farm.
Hon. Thomas Coffin, who was Re-
ceiver -General in the Cabinet of Hon.
Alex. Mackenzie, died at Barrington,
N. S., on Saturday.
P. T. Barnum colebrttted hes eih-
tieth anniversary on Saturday. He is
worthy. $1,1,000,000. all of Weigh lie
made since his fortieth emir.
Archbishop Walsh is said to have
received a chegtie fol $5,000• as his
fee for marrying W. A. • Muri,y and
Mrs. Sarah, Cawtlira at Toronto.
The Waterous Lwgine eV,arks Com•-
piny, of Brantford, leave received the
golc1`nledat and two certificates of
merit from the Melboilrae Exhibition,
held last yeti for tlis$s entemill t X-
iiiliited there.
Dr 'Willatns of Clinton, is about to
leave that town fir reside in Brampton.
lie filled -iii illintonmany puulio
week. -..sire barn., of Mr, etas, Grigg positions stueli as mayor, ptlioe•• megis.
was tr.taily desliroyed by fire on tiatc, rind has been •tt member of
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