The Huron Expositor, 1970-05-21, Page 1Its A. Girl
Whale No. 5332
Small .Decrease In Rate
eaforth Holds Tax Line
Fall Victim
Mrs. Lillian Jones is In Sea-
forth Community Hospital re-
covering from a cracked bone in
her leg received in a fall onSun-
The accident occurred arthe
home of her daughter, Mrs,.
Cleave Coombs in EgmondvIlle.
Seaforth's overall 1970 tax
rate will be slightly lower than
in 1969.
Council Tuesday night adopted
a budget that resulted in rates of
121.76 mills commercial and
114.56 mills residential. In each
case the reduction is .44 mills.
Estimated expenditures in-
clude - Council Allowances
$3300; Travelling Expenses $50
The reduction as far as the
local 'Municipal rate is concerned
is greater than would appear. The
Seaforth sewer program ad-
vanced a stage Tuesday night
when council adopted a by-law
setting out the manner in which
the annual estimated usage
charge of $21,195 on the proposed
lagoon installation would be
Approval of the lagoon pro-
posal advanced by the Ontario
Water Resources Commission
was given at the February meet-
ing of council.
In explaining the requirement
to set out a financing proposal.
Clerk E. Williams told council
several methods were available
reflecting varying charges- •
against users and frontage or
including as well a general asses-
Under the proposal. adopted
373 residential users will pay
100% of water charges to raise
$11,190; commercial users 150%
of water charges to raise $4934,
744 ft frontage @ 50 cents a
foot $372 and a levy of approxi-
mately 2 mills on the general
Drowns In
Funeral services for Michael
Berry, 23, of Goderich, son of
HUron County clerk John Berry
were held Wednesday in Knox
Presbyterian Church, Goderich.
Mr. Berry was drowned Sun-
day night when the tugboat on
which he was working over,-
'turned and sank in Goderich har-
A second youth, Jim Horn-
blower, 19, of Goderich, was
rescued and is In Alexandra "•'
Marine and General Hospital suf-
fering from shock:
"The tugboat was assisting in
the departure of a Great
Lakes freighter from the harbor
when it -became entangled in a
cable at the stern of the boat
and overturned.
Mr. Berry is survived by his •
parents, • sisters Suzanne (Mrs.
Robert VOdden) Clinton and
Elaine and a brother Russel at
general rate is down .9 mills
while the -county rate is down
1.3 mills. The savings effect here
and at the county level have been
offset by increased educational
Total expenditures for 1970
are estimated at $490,433.74.
Included in revenue is an
estimated surplus of $6800 on the
1969 operations. The rates are
Lased on an assessment of
$2,349.815 up $32,0.00 from last '
for $4,699.
In an effort to eliminate dogs
running at large, council named
Bert Rossman, R.R, 4, Britton, as
animal control officer. He will
visit the town on two days each
month and be paid $25. per day.
'Pound fees were doubled from
$5. to $10.
Fees levied by the P.U.C.
(Continued on Page 12)
Fire Damages
Milk Truck
A milk truck received $2,000
damage Monday morning fol-
lowing a fire in the engine.'
The truck was owned and
operated, by Russell Reath, 38
Waterloo St., Mitchell.
Mr. Reath was travelling east
on Con. 3, just east of Perth
County Road 10 southeast of
Dublin. ,
Miscellaneous $150.
Administrative $22,093 in-
cluding salaries $9050; Audit
$2500; ?Advertising $850; Office
Supplies $650; Telephone $325;
General Insurance and Bond
$4,693; Equipment Maintenance
$150; pensions $3600; Subscrip-
tions and Memberships 52504
Town Hall Maintenance and sup-
plies $3700; Unemployment In-
surance $650; Grants $1,000;
Workmen's Compensation $500;
Legal & Professional fees $850;
Planning Board $1750; Fire Area
Board $3,500.
Police $23,350 including
Maintenance (cruiser) $1200;
Salaries $19,500; Telephone
$1,000; Office Supplies $140;
Uniforms $600; Training • $450;
Animal Control $100; Sick Leave
$360. Other expenses are Stop
Lights $75; C. N. R. C rossing $400;
Street Lighting $12,000 and Mis-
cellaneous $250.
Public Works and Sanitation,
totals $80,525 including Equip-
ment Maiatenance and Salaries
$16,700 . Subsidizible Mainten-
ance totals $18,425, Non-subsi-
dizible construction $27,000 and
Sanitation $4,400.
Welfare estimates include
General Welfare $4,500; Nursing
Home Care $18;900; Supplerim-
tary $250 and Drugs $75. Indus-
trial estimate is $500 and Re-
creation, Committee $5,000 which
includes Arena $3500.
Other estimated expenditures
are Capital - George Street Drain
$2,400; Office Equipment $650.
Debt Charges - School De-
bentures $109,379.06; Sewers
$7,187.50; P.U.C. $2,920.00;
Bank Charges & Interest $2100;
0, W, R. C. $17,846.81; County Levy
$48,547.28; Discount c for Tax
Prepayment $475.00; Taxes writ-
ten Off $6,015.11; .Farm Rebate;
$103.00; Allowance for. TaX pale
$300; Sundry $58.24; 49Serve
for Working Funds $10,000; Ed-,
ucation $101,183.74 Ittcluding
Public Elementary $50,161; Se-
condary $42,366 and Separate
Elementary $8650.74.
Estimated- receipts- include--•
$110,299.06; Grants - In lieu bf
Taxes $2,798; General Welfare
$15,142; Highway Improvement
$14,500; In lieu of Taxes $252;
Liquor Control Board $1200;
Recreation $1100; - County of
Huron - Road Rebate $10,200;
Nursing Home Care $1,081.-
Township of McKillop - Nurs-
ing Home Care $1,600; Tax Pen-
alties & Interest $1,500; Licen-
ces & Permits $1,000.
Other estimated revenue in-
cludes - Rentals $1,750; Parking
Meters $4,200; Service Charges
$1,400; Sewer Service Charges
$15,500; Silver Creek Assess-
ment $680; George Street Drain
$200; Twp. Tuckersmith (dump)
$600; P.U.C. $750; Recovery on
Taxes Written Off $2,44.20.
The unconditional grant is
estimated at $11,082.00.
On _Friday
Seaforth firemen are com-
pleting-plans for their fireworks
display in the Lions Park, Fri-
day evening...The program which
will include drawing for prizes
gets underway at dark
Rate Schedule
Advances Lagoon
New Crossing Eases Travel
All was confusion at the C.N.R, crossing on Seaforth's Main Street last Thursday but
the confusion produced results. The rough crossing., long an Irratent to motorists was com-
pletely rebuilt as part of the Main Street 'renovation program. The job was a joint project
of the county, the C.N.R. and the road contractor. Since the crossing is the only north south
artery in Seaforth traffic was tied up on several occasion's' during the day. (Staff Photo)
Scouts Spend Week-End' At • Glen 'Mac
Despite heavy rain early Saturday morning area Scouts - More thin 100 - from troops•
in the •Perth district .were on. hand before noon at Glen Mac Camp in'Tuckersailth for a week
end camp out. The Scout's persistence was rewarded and the weather by the time camp broke
up Monday was excellent. (Additional pictures on page 2) (Staff Photo)
The Ontario Government is
g to defer action by the
, .R. to discontinue passenger
service on the Stratford -
Goderich line, Hon. Chas. Mac-
Naughton has advised the town..
In a letter to Clerk E.Willianis
acknowledging a submission the
town made in the matter Mr.
MacNaughton said:
"My hope is that this par-
ticular problem, as well es others
like .it, will be decided within the
context of a brief currently being
presented to the Canadian Trans-
port Gem mission by the Ontario
Government eoncerning broader
transportation policy. For this
reason, I think it would be useful
if I gave you some indication of
the contents of the views the
Province has expressed.
Ontario's position is that no
particular pasSenger train ser-
vice should be discontinued until
such time as the Tratuiport Com-
mission determines the role that
passenger trains should play in
the future transportation system
which will exist in Ontario. In
addition, the Province has taken
the view that the test of a "econ-
omit or uneconomic service"
• lies not only in the revenue yields
• *
which the service produces, but
also with the • cost factors which
the service involves and the
harmful effects which would
occur if discontinuance would
divert traffic from less expen-
sive methods of transportation to
those which cost substantially
more. In the areas surrounding
and including Toronto, Guelph,
Kitchener, Stratford and Londott,
this latter consideration is par-
ticularly important.
Our position on the Stratford-
Goderich line is also being con-
sidered within the context of the
provincial-regional development
program. We feel that rail ser-
vice for all the communities on
the Goderich Branch line - Mit-
chell, Seaforth,., Clinton and
.Goderich - Is a part of the
problem of access- to the whole
settled area lying west of the
Orangeville-Owen Sound line and
north of a line drawn betWeen
Orangeville and Grand Bend. To
deal with transportation policy
in this area without the benefit
of tife development plan for Mid-
western Ontario due in Anie of
1970, would ignore some of 'the
long term factors which should
be considered as the Transport
Entertain at
Ladies' Night
The members of Britannia
Lodge No. 170 entertained their
wives and guests at a dance at
the Legion Hall on Saturday night.
Special dance prizes were won
by Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chesney,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hulley, Mrs.
Jack Muir and Mr. Grant Ches-
ney. Lunch was served by the
Ladies' Auxiliary of the Royal
Canadian Legion. The music for,
dancing was provided by- Spud
Grant and his orchestra of Strat-
The Ladles' Night attended by.
180 guests Was arranged by a
committee headed by Past Master
Joseph Hugill. •
Dr. R. A. Whitman of Seaforth
has been awarded the 1970 Upjohn
Postgraduate Study Award, the
college of Family Plwsiclans has
The award of4500"is one of 20'
given annually and is used to de-
fray expenses for a two-week
postgraduate -course Of the win-
ner's choosing anywhere in Can-
ada or the United States.
. Dr. Whitman, a 1948 Univer-
sity of Western Ontario graduate
said he intends to attend a Course
on Family Therapy conducted
by Dr. Nathan Epstein, well known,
professor of psychiatry. The'
course is being held at McMaster
University in September.
who has graduated from the
University of Guelph with honors
and received his Bachelor of Arts
Degree. He Is a son of the late
Lorne H. Elliott of McKillop
Township,and Mrs. Florence
Elliott noW residing in Varna.
He !Mended S.S.6 McKillop
Township and Seaforth District
High School.
Drowns -Near
Jerry Moddejonge,14, Exeter,
was one of two girls drowned
while bathing in the Auxable River
Conservation Mithority near
Parkhill on Thursday.
- A student at South Huron
,School, Exeter, was was a daugh -
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Mod-
dejonge. Mr. Moddejonge op-
erates Blue Ribbon Cleaners in
Members of Seaforth Branch
156 Royal Canadian Legion at a
meeting Thursday elected
officers for the next year,
The new executive assumes
office on July 1st and installation
ceremonies are set for JIM 13th.
Officers elected are:
President - Cleave Coombs
Past President . Wm.Dalrymple
1st. vice President - M.Melanson
2nd.vice President -Gordon Scott
Secretary - J. Eisler
Treasurer - M. Storey
Sgt.-At-Arms - J. F. Flannery
Welfare - J. C. Cornish
Entertainment - G. Scott
Property - Les Leonhardt
House Neil Bell
Membership = Bill O'Shea
Ways & Means - B. McClure
Sports - Chas. Wood
Sick & Visiting .4 E. Rivers
Publicity - D. Sills ' •
Special Events - B. D.Hays
Auditors - W. D, Stephenson
- S. C. CaMplei4
on CNR Proposal
MPP Assures Town
" Commission makes its decision.
In any case, I do think it
likely that Ontario's subMission
to the Commission should have
the effect of. at least stalling
early action by the railways,
and should help preirent a de-
cision until considerable further
study and investigation have taken
Dave Tremeer (right) was surprised to find Tuesday morning when he came to open hie
barber shop that his friends had been there before-him. signs across the shop proclalmett,the
arrival of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Tremeer. Frank Phillips (left) and Al Regier 'accept
the customary cigar to mark the event. •(Staff PhOto)