Wingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 3; -be is Idcit ex. with 4 r day. :in 'I+nta e►, ;some ld wash hirfl-ifor el lie haled, ,a nickel• enic1;er ntttiued;. ale 'watt iron the In • 4 iGlpn ,o'f ebble iii ...y.. d. The tat !rim; )p vitll r cobble, el. The Dished 'a , minister is son's his set -- t hi d bloc!(,' vlik% he nl.t • always , way he r written • gion who. e who is g ffacb is t smoky do wrong ver enjoy agreeahl"e : -orpse church rsequendl ran *leo imply be - be taiten k, but it, cls m4. Aga' int' *eke f greeting, 1p ries: 1 o* arry.sill- t Sand u ? .•,V id s good nutacla in . v ow never well 9 tis : Peaces irrant thee - ily health tq ,taking their eekett ;bout glia of a.dele- , there is h !; itself connected eeniiil went hey iiscend. nevli} came become of other suite. Ys• building lnatre, to inereesinf 0 cream ill+ of an 'e et ;et, tied two • le. et ;lave exp ograpl►ar -• nt. Mis till!!} ;rd� a r • 0 Ili A aerixtOn .ext Marriage. Weir' caves SeleN Qoo» ADVION ON TiiE SUfJEOB, 'ihis�queetion of, miirriange is at tate hasis''of 'true hapniuegss and geea Floyetrr In caths., The famous bouquetieres (women bou- quet makers) of Peri* begin their train• Mg in the florists' strops, lay the areen¢e-. nasnt,uf,briilel,bouquets, and after, . that tin the tuipgung of cokore. p tris C tii>ria to he the utile at flowers. They; eouiety..' The reciprocal attr'la'etion t of gee,µ; .inn tiie�,g>?irtleris of its surre unsling } , a mau'nnd a woraal1, sYl►giing,otit couniryside--�•tlfe orchitis ut g41ti,tllla'n, f the lrqea at Mdntronge or libMepay; hy- aclntlt 'at Boulogne and lilacs at I4euilly,. The mio.Aosai, the tea rose and si3we of the corium* flower i co,Aytr Nom the, south jn quantities, oostlrer ,Tioi�: ers,,are reared in Parisand 'ts ensirgnpz an$eas a l rule, Are bottle* and worn tl'iere., The?iirisienn'e must'itave flowers in leer b4x,i4tthe theatre, hillier drawing moan, onri ,muff, in her liber, in the bodice,; -of her,. cress and in' her attic ,•vutio,,--. •Philadelphia Ledger. ditch other frein the million, was one 'rl0 s. O a $ tit frust � wrtillactt f x our h, pet e TuvWWard a Ifriipy antrritige an en- •Qageuljut oh wilt principles was !t'i.quist fe, ' 'Wily (lid so ;!;Cloy engage. rut•illb acne eo long ? Otte excuse was ip the vftords, I want to be my own wasterre,while longer, mid auoth r rilu,on, vs, they said, thi'y, could>,1,t afiurd a prompt wedding. Ili Frai,Fe venwan's .freedom began when she m, - 'ried ; heir, it seemed the end. Tie r\tnrriean maiden could run around as lunch as she 'pleased`while,tite wife• wkas a sort of (recluse, 'almost haltered to the house.! There Was no need of ' o.,great a change as_ often Occurred, lough, of coa,irse, the wedded pair had to matte ntlitual surrenders, the womat}r.p;ty, i g:,,'up her flirtations and gadding. and the husbtiud his birebelor and boerishness and nomadile , life; his cllllwroorn, absorption and , 'roving ftincieee 'Single life was arithmetic ark 'm rried• life algebra. Pits re spo1u'ibihity of eating three meals was dlflerent froth cooking three 'arid the lnieneal altar was a place!of, sacrifice, tie surrender of time, 'liberty and prefer, ace. Dr.. Holines thought that both _parties should go to the smile church. 'The girl t1t couldn't get leer beau -conviuced;a before marriage 'would pr,ba ly 'wait a long time•afterward;• No girl inther senses would, --marry a drinking man, Better -marry, a man Who talked in his bleep' ori_ snored. Charles could afford" to :Marry the right girl, Zecause it would be as cheap or cheaper than .. Single life. Tasteful, not expensive attire, made a woman attractive- The woman was to' biaure for extravagance if indeed e S, nuwy was. neglected, and, as a spatter of tact, a man didn't know Elle difference between a $3 shawl and 'one of Queen yicturia's ' cashmere. i, Every woman knew, that she was,^ as ' adorable to her husband in :plain, ten - cent calico as in $1 silk ; . whereas, in some fashionable circles, it,, cost more; tei, dleys.;one darighter for p; party than to send two `sons to co1Iag; for a year. - Don'e.l.ht the !harried b ard, but -keep hgnsel,ever;Hb sin,py, the'.apeaker having i?eei an happy in two rooms on the Keshwiiulkee River, in thi's State, as in 'yonder nice new . parsonage, which was a credit to them all. The 'women who didn't keep house lacked he opportunity for the cultivation , of all.) Ouse affection's and ;races: In selecting a companion marry' j,- health, marry appetite, don't.; marry e" ' an the sly. • WO the wedding ;-day the happiest, of ani your life, a day of song. istndl}t.; gre.etino, warm hand- shakes `an`d' eceegratulations. kak God's guidance in every step, making Marriage a veritable-, sacrament, its' lie the, Catholics. 13 sept physically, the wedded should 1)6 ialike as in cul,. 'tore and toil.—Chienyo '!aloe-Ocaan. 7C#► *U*tng stat. YOU call _clUrlt spree; Magi and get all the butter out of it ; you can churn slightly acid: ereaw and geb the butter, or youcap pllurip tyxic{ga our orpatn, (:tied gc,t, 411 the butter, The sw,e+tlereanAmill; makie.' inttter, of very, mirk favor,; if you p freer its, flavor, to that of ripened Abpaw then the question is .settled eo file as, you ore e cpuc,ertled. Tastes different ; if you are; making butter to tell ,ytou atust consult the test of yodr eutitonieas.. Some o>rtltos®,have; been accustomed to eating, 'buttermilk -flavored butter do not a,, =fiat likebetter washed while in grains, but after they use, it for a whine they object te.the otlie,rt 13uttertcan bo salted too mode when it is dry -salted,, Iy1M not, when it is brine salted. The later teethed re- quires the mosxtsaltl and less labor,. besides being sure to salt .the butter; eveialyt Ernest.-lllie •fi{.e,t girl., of yours. Site always seems to; take things cool, Jasper—'Dake, thing. cool 1 I,should say she did„1 •She took two ice•creams and three,•glasees of stria the other, nigbb 11Ataikglu tN,NlQht 11011. na,. gag of .tris.' most, effective of .white Bilk, .with., tiny imam dots on, it., Int reaghes Ohs �i he ground and is beautif !lily; heti ite ed; the collar is atbroadi ane, urn 01I,t;4:sailor fashion and tijrown, back., f€ t .enough to expose the neelt very well, The sleeves are full and have9deep cuffs, is ii1 on the left side is a pocket in which; ir,r?tuck a white silk handkerchief .with a•tnonograra in'mauvq e a t• The cuffs are of mauve silk cablyhtl with white sleeve has, and•the cp a�r!, is also of the, colored silk. A soft Vrlte silk tie>,i', knotted ie,,,front in sailer fashion, Thee haberdasher ,announces;that this 4 per funned so , thoroughly with violet;, that even two of three visits, to the cleaner's 'will not dispel the Odor. A more femi- nine looking robe de nuit is of pale rose silk, withits collarand edged'wtthi lace, andacravat of lawn and lace, such as the gFejntleme>i of the court of Louis Quatorze wore. "The height of folly, or iiarmony,'as you may choose to call it, was reached by a—a—a sometbing—I 'shouldhate to call it a roan ;,A4e mourned deeply, in a material sense,. for an uncle :*ho left him a pile of money. ' His sleeping robes 'were of white ;silk, With oars; Cellar collar' and pocket of,Y black crape, while' it black bordered handker- chief was the pother adjunct. New York Letter in Philadelphia Times. It;itha mighty unfortunate man who hasn't, something to be prop of. There's Smirkiue who never wearies of displeylng collection of • retie books, while Pnrbly is quite as happy, in showing his sore thumb. Ferocity' of Red. Alfa. One evening I found that a countless multitude of red ants had collected about two trees close to my tent and were mak- ing a thoroughfare of one of, my ropes. I thought it best to discourage this, so I got some kerosene oil, the beat antidote I know er;insec;pests of any,kind, and, dipping as;feather into it, began to anoint the rope.;thinkine, in mysimplioity, that they would not like to cross the oil, and would be obliged to find _angther road. There was a perfect storm. of indigna- tion. They rushee!;, together front. both sides, and tlrrew"thenmelves on the oiled feather in the, spirit of Meltus Curtius. They died', of'course, but others came on in scoresaanting for the same glorious death, art0 had to give up my idea of dislodging/them by kerosene.—"Eha," the Naturalist, in St. James Gazette. Greek Arglriteeture and Dipdern_•Genius. We may,as well concgde that in archi- tecture, sculpture and poetry the Greeks have not been surpassed by nations of nnodern times. But this concession cov- ers only a:ptnall space,;in the boundless 'field of human, effert. Within the in. closure of thoseCTrectan walls that house our patent sysl;.ein dire womders that seem to belong to a different wo ;id}; and to a higher order of .beings than tate world and the men for wiled('• Homer sang. •W e copy some of the betutilrul forms of Grecian architecture, but w.e.,add to our 'buildings the results of ages of scientific plogess. In heating, lightnrig, draining; ventilation, the elevator, and a thousand devices that promote comfort 'and en- hance beauty we hays made 'mere prog- ress in the present century than was Achieved in all preceding ages.—New Or. lq a Picayune • t Thritit'ng Tptsode in Dfow Ho}It. What's; to be done? whispered the janitor 'of the building livid with terror. The. walls are cracking, the floor is a13'out to fall, 'and•yet if you tell:theset;people the building is going 'to collapse there will be hundreds of tfieln killed trying to get out• Pll attend to that whispered the elrairman in reply; My friends,he said, turning to`the audience, I am request- ed to say that at tae cotrelusion o: the. next feature in :the evening's .enter- tainment li collection will be taken up, for the beiiefit of the Gant monument fund. 'Before the ore,hestrt}e,,had f Aished the selection that follgwed title speech the great !tall was enigfy. ' The chew, vu's presence of tided had Saved a ttieusatld lives. JQR TILE BEST VALUE RDERED CLOTHING, H*T• , ---Cn TOr-•--e,e, BS PAPS ARTS, o ,.i RS,, CUFFS,, Cheap Sr W B S' T E' I. S A valuable•suggestion—Rev, Long, necker—Dear, I de wish I could think of some way to make the congrega,tien keep theit;,eyes on nie during tl►e.ser- mon. Little Tommy—Pa, you ,wtent to put the clot'!;, right behind 1 the pulpit., Stanley seems to be at the height of good fgrtune,. Famous, courted, the pet of .society, lionsed by won arcing,, and princes, and mow about to marry one of the brightest and most charming of women, it is . difficult to see what more of worldy, good he .could desire. The lesson fqr other newspaper,ruen is. obvious.. Strike out, discever a new continepitt, and do it -pretty quick,too, while there are any new continents left, to discev�er. --Messes J 1 Elomuth & Seta have a,large stock of tweeds and all kinds, of olotbg,,aed are giving deckled bargains in stylish suis,d. Drop In. and leave your order£or a suit,, No trouble tostigw goods and §note prices., To prevent layer cake from stiekino to the tins,tte- sure to rail) there rilnoothi wtth contmoti table slut, and ;ellen oil' tiietu with melted butter, after which nightly dredge with sifted their, :First Messenger 13oy-1 say, qer•; elloie wat far.yer rennin' down the street just now .? llecend bllessenger Boy—Ah chane off, . 8ems Bloke gtw the a push an started,:the a ruuni�g and Y wez .t up lazy to, stop. Seel Waste not, want +t1,ot, adage, and tunny; a crumb Can be Saved by nutting a loaf of bread or cake, newly baked( with a hot knife, the _ shoes being,as neatly cut as if the o TUB xr,rd•elt I'1.10 infar-- Sar readers th t i IWO ^h p0.40101 Nuns Ic.iaveS were cool and twenty four beast By its timely use'; strands of hopei••'mnises'have been t•ttl l Y r. .tttt,;n olcl, 189 g I r , 189O jS 11:es. to Ixltln that her stock of - e. •e, ce• Pint ttl a 1 ���,����iero has arrived and is now opened 'out. The stock is well-. assorted, and contains.all the fas.iionable styles for this year. FEATHERS, FLOWERS,, - RIBBONS( -- LACES,. - ETC, A'laage stock of - -• FmAN'-Q`. G0 0 D 9 always on hand. U. P 1t.,TIML TABL,„ .r•.. Titans arrive and depart us follows : Ln.},WG Ai,Srli-1W 6:380, m .:.. .. For Toronto..... , ....5:35 a, in2ai,p.m .. •• 2:15 p.m 2:16 p. m For Tees�yater 2.15 10:304). tu 10:30 ' e3 -13,A L'v-D TIR47: N'K .LEY' A. b. STRATIiDEE .AGENT, 5vt�ouAat. . Through tickets to all points in America -North. West iPacilic Coast, etc via the shortest and nil popular routes. Bat,gage, checked through to, destination. Lowest frelght,rates to all points. Lenaa(ti'i i#1f Planus. The -other day`I'saw a piano that had been 'returned froin a city nearly 800 miles away because "something rattled in it,",and the dealer, who had spent three days ill trying to find the cause of the difilculty—finally attributing it to a defect in the sounding board—returned it. No'.v there was nothing wrong about the sou}lding board, and the piano was in good,,fondition, blit l)ad been hurried.; ly shipped, alid a sc evvz: in the swing desk attachment was not firmly imbed- ded this caused the rattle. Now itis just this kllid of a trivial oversight•thateauses metre than Go per cent. of the trouble knokvn as rattling. I remember about two ,reentlas ago in a place in Baltitnore an upright piano had to be taken back and taken apart and a day spent over it to' atop ;such a disturb, ante, which was caused by frothing more than a small piece; of ,shaving about a quarter of an iaae; t i;erig that got in under the pressure bar;. It cyttltl ,not be seen and to fhtd it cgata•liit,of money.—Xusi-; cal Conner. • ' ---TIME TABLE. , L1tAV WINOItA?l. AItaIVI:.AT WIAMAal. 0: 3dia.n1.Toronto,Guelph,,1 aInterston, Sc. 5:80 min. 11:111 .t •• 10:10 " 3.40a�p. nl. 7:25, " 3:401).m. 131::8100t1111 s1 K0 p, 10- I1 m 1010,4( " Clinton, " Palmerston, Mixed..., ..10:15 a.m. . London, Sic.. 11:00 " .' 7:45 p.m. Kincardine, Ste 6:30 a.m. 11:10 " 0:50 p.m 114RBE'4.1 S Etig P. Taf'R. MALCOLM McDON' LD, (ATC or Itri'r.cY,) 111101na purchased'tne barbering buss loss pf Messrs. Sefiastian Bros., is prepared to give all 6lti„qustonlcrs send; as many new ones as patronize him; "Aatistaotion in ail lines of the profession.. • The .MI'LE DEPARTMENT ' contains a 4aried assortmentaof Silks, Satins, Satin Brocades, Plushes, Velvets and M„ttutle Cloths, to choose from. Perfect fitting,. and latest and . most fashioha;ble garments.- An inspection invited;. First door north of B,;k3, Gerster's jewelbry store. Wingh ,pa, March 20,,;1 90,, 1415 S �”' $ �" �" Ta� SHAVING AND HAIRCUTT,IN,G are Ty. specialties. itsl.Glve no a call at t sa old stand, opposite•G•pjrlon and yleintyre's store., 56. MCDoNALp,,. TILES ;TILE8. ARMRR9',TRR x R�'dii 6lF,UlLc'f3is. —v$J arc ine MaehinaOiL 0 TRY IT'(»JCE ,AND YOU WILL USE NO •OTI-I ER_ Every O Every barrel,guarauteed.,; Wo are the sole manufacturers of the Genuine Lardine. Also ciylinder, Engine ,; Wool and Harness Oils. Mc i B1103. ,; II Ca., T' el. JUST Q-ENED. GFt H ANL R. A. of the Kingham Brick Yards, have on hand a law, `stock of tiles for:drains ig Purposes, from 11 inchesAo, 10 inches in size' which wili: be sold cheap, and 4tn, most favorable terns. t'artners ,ntondin:; to drain•, alhould see our Tilos for theuisilvea,,.betore deciding to use lumber • o A large quantity of,. IIIISTALASSaltIGH On hand, and wllla`be Bold at lows'tVliving la' rapt, ELLIOTT BROS., u'intthant 1} ,, c 11R�lu�� u� ,, I t she: to r,cod t9 0, bottlt s of my remedy Iftltri 40 h4y Of votir b imps it the will /land the their 'Fxpra s and Post • ()ales «'1 ` y'NmaroAkAWN rec well!t Agiotoatast apth, TCR'"l'tu't't tl has just (opened up a c Geoeralet! PfouisIo.�a!�d GioGerf Stora! nea,,rly,opposi.te the Market. 0 The stock consist§ of - Sugars, Teas ,•!..robaceos,. Spices I aisens, ,Curra it: Datts, Figs and Prpges. CANNED GOODS OF ALL' KINDS—Filuit, Peas, torn, .Salmon,. Corned Beef .and •Said i ncs,, - All kinds of Bieenits. Dried Meats, Fish„}B,tltter, Eggs and Liverpool! Salt. �!,•ai'ull assortmentt,of °RQ KE Y AND CtLAS W4R ; in sets or separate... O: BrAter, Eggs,, Dried Meet, ere., t,aken:;,,rn exchanges•.” A.s we,, bt .f•fbr pash,.,we are able, to :,elL _at,,tlie.,.chtani)et zt}tes., By<, call ig and iurpecting our goods,yoa,;rvi,LW oblige: March 24.8911. a�. ■ W inginam, Ont.,, A Mewing to .Every .1404.§0p :n;? • HOLLOWAM 11AND OIN)*N1 ThosetAdtttsiee bave.stood the, tett 01•11ity year experience; and •ateltenounged'.1t,he t' rleatetg6r; fee Family nab. '. z.L$" 04i6 II tam ;5s Av _OWi; n l?ueity, ths. b.O , GotJ'ect all•dieordofis..pt the LtVYi.2�, atom 1 N , D ti f� a invaluable in all aolypla its inch rental to fet�tla es 01 a i a•»t+a to the only reliable reins), for had lege, *Drell,.,u:ae^te, and old wounds. b'..1t BRO:1011I11t$, tut p� r`naoA'rs, eat -oils, s, (IOI.DA, GOUT, R cuRnisMI., 11LADtrLAa AWEt,.-Ilra3A A:d1) 'ALI. 51 Ila DISEASES ,fee Attsiet' A,ot, t Ia&A3;;d I`1` itAS :tTO N. UAL Ma ufde ur n NOW o>tf6rd. tato, 3 L d t ori Only t 7B N a fer.thtr abode � u c y . y i 'Ii and sold byallg t4 Hent! unreal. tloti:cil:e Vondorti throughout the world. dsr ' Reay tt' , 'I c timers abound look to•thb LaltaI.'ou.t1&e i30 etrt Pot& :If: ft.n ..+'hid :,' . a : ' ,.1 ,fid fltreet;, Teeud !s,: tlity•;ai O:nimez i • 799 re,