Wingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 2lit i; :;,4'M • ; • • 11 FRIDAY, JULY 18, ;890.• "•' Tike Sank of Faith. I have a never.falling husk. A more bleu goldeu store, No eartdtly ba. k is half so rich, How then cab L be poor? When all my stook is speut aad'goue And 1 without a grote, • 'I'm glad to neaten to my bank, And beg a little note. %oenetimes, my backer smiling says, Why dont you oftner come, And when you draw a little note, Why not a larger soot? Why live so niggardly and poor? Your bank contains a plenty, Why come purl takea one pound note, When you might have a twenty. Yea., twenty th ,usaud ten times told FIs bat atria* sum, -TtoWlutt the father has laid up •tiebure in (lariat, Sia Sun. 1Blind unbelief will lead the child To say what is not -erne, ai tell the soul who feels self lost, These notes belong tb you. The bank is f all of precious notes, All signed and sealed and free, Though many doubting souls will say, There is not one for me. -'I've been a thousand times before, • Ana never was uegleoted ; , ;Sometimes my banker"gives me mlire Than asked for or expected: 'Sometimes, with blushes in m'yfiace, Just at the door I stand, •I"know if Moses keeps me. back. I surely must be damned. .Sometimes I felt a lit I've managed things taut ah ! before the da •I've felt as poor as e le proud, o clever, yea golio er. -Gine, then, my bauke 'is so'iach, - 'I have no cause to h eros,, I live upon my cash to- ay, Aud draw again tomorrow. And if you have but one small note, Fear not to bring it in'; ''Come boldly to the bank of grace, The Bander is within:. The •leper had a little note, Lord if thou wilt thou can ; ,The Banker cashed thianlittle note, And healed this sickly man. 'We read of one young man, iudeLtd, Whose richea did abound, :But in the banker's book of grade This man was never found. ti .,der the circuuaetanCes, of•Moptttae zOtild. aor urge-mt reggeat. rentlie uietfif Digby, and there was no obKnoe fol• mo to rt to Raybury until tI a 11 o'clock stage •next day, unless I footed it..and that alaoald not fur a itionient 'stave hesitated to do. baa. it hot• been for the fact that'the toad to Eaybui'y was the vilest in the '.country. '1 always felt lilr,ir'swearing- when 1 rode over it, and ddiibtless I shciu!d have' yielded entirety to the ''sin of pro.;. fanity if 1 'lino attetupted to walk it. Go to my house atiil 'stay to -night, ,nr- Marsh, said the Iiitiaord.. 1 chic give you sothe veuisbn pie and a pot of beer for your supper, and a nice slralcedoivn before the kitchen fire.. Pray, sir, said a sweet voice at Grigg's elbow, is there nb way to go oh,to Raybury ? Not to -night, niy dear, st>;id Griggs, Softening,,ns the light of his lantern shone over the pretty face 4f a young" girt whoth I had ebarcely seen before,, she haviha been an 'inside !passenger. I think you will have to put up with such accommodation as tiny 1holfie offers. I shouldn't wondtlr if Sally —that's mydaughter, mish—will 'let Vint have half, of her bed, eeeiug as' you've been iritfortunate. , r ° I must go air, she said, earnestly. I have been sorlte months from home, and have begin iummoned thither-'°lby. the ilineet elf 'fly father, indeed, sit, 1 caniiot:tle ay here, for the dispatch said my father was dying. There were tears in her voice, bat it was too dark theses whether they" dimmed her eyes. . It's too bad ! said. Griggs';,'but 11 couldn't let Digby goon' any adc.ount ; because, you see, if Mrs. Grig s should! be took, she'd die afore we could gets ImDr. Luston here on foots You see, when she has these 'spells„ 'she's awful`'!]! 'Hello ! Who's coming uow l ; 'A close carriage drawn by two dark hor'Etie had come up and halted lly the side of the'overti reed coach. It was just light enough to show the that there were t''to men, in the 'carriage, and that they wore cgps with the visors well down .and wr muted well about the throat ; but it jvai; a chilly, raw evening, and one needed to be itiufiaed, . What's the difficulty atilled one of' tlie men in h hoarse voice. Stage upset, said, the landlord; axletree broke, and everything gone to; thunder. ( Well, you'll get your house filled to -night, if you're the' landlord of thea place back,,gonder, said.>the stranger. Any gentleman here that would like to go on to R iybury ? We would take `one !hundred dollars was just the amount I arae tate morality of the proceeding, had about me, and it seemed, Very I gave the than the contents of the possible that dices fellows had got ,information to that effect, wand: that I Wa4 to be.robbed-perh ps murdered. tIf I had been alone 1 should have felt 'no fear, for 1 was uw• itreally what is called a dare -devil. sort of a lellow,and I h.td cuniidence in. i,y eourage and 'strengtlt, Is welt. asut a pair of 'trusty revolvers ,1 carried iii lily breast • 'pocket. , . Bet Miss i1 'tell 4 What would be_ and was gratified to find tliltt her Bet, lr coin.) of Irer'? If they eohllnered tine fat her was out of all danger acid in a ocher barrel of my revolver. , It settled his business, dor him,ao effectually that he .cltuledius no more trouble ; and that botch the ins t were;dettd, I lifted lilies Axtell lute ',the ctiilriage and drove as; fast as 1 could to 'the „u.ei:t .villrtgP, where,1 roused tiie proper authorities and placed them tin poss'Qb ion of the facts. Then'I molt Miss'A >4' Ii home' 3ut see the wretched, dying thief, Iis.ng by the Banker's, side, Ile cried, "Dear, Lord, remember ins,” , He got his cash and diet!. 'Though all the banks of Britain bre'a'k,. The Bank of England smash, Bring in your notes to Pious Bank, -And surely get your cash. D. G. FA NIGHT ADVEN'IUR8. .During ttlh j't3ar 1569. I was eifettloy- `• bd'by the Bank of Rayburn to ex- down. . • , she would be tvjtelly in their pow. -r, and if they were what 1 took !hens to lee—then God help her 1 We had travelled about half the distance through the woods when the horses were stopped. abruptly, and one f the en t•oe up in hie seat and boat provtd%ntial. tali way of a speedy convalescendo. The two robberh were recognize/1.11.s' bill otlenders; .'ley edclr had been ittI o}ie tiute iii feeEs,tate,t,prison, and were! ,•., well•Icnowtl 'tis, cie�erate characters. Oonsi(leriagererytitiug toy escapa°was 0 1N. ell faced us Perham the reia nr will be interest - Miss Akfbll grasped my arm, and, tI l,pAty that Ytit#o was terrified by, the 'hawk way'hi Which her breath era*, but she laid not, cry,, out, as huost tIf women would have dobe. There is no need of Mincing matters said the man.with adinirable coolness, and I will come to'tthe point at once You have $5,888 ?t„your possession, anu, icy friend here and thyself are in nee3'of•ib We pla'e,ned the accident ,to the stage by stewing, the axle half iu two, and, .ve happened along express, ly to take you down to Raybury. The lady we did not reckon upon, but could not well be fifigal'lant enough to 'Afuse so much beauty in distress. ad now the question is will you or 'l i 1'you;not give us t,his•money. Zost,decidedly I will not! was the t'' 1 r'chatrge Money between it ked the I stepbed-quickly forward, ail .'said Bank of Mutual Redeiit.}ition `with which they did business •iii the city. tar was not a very interesting employ- ment and. gave me but it small salary, but just thea times w r�e dull and work; 'scarce, so l was glad t'iit get. anything, ','to do, especially as I.. bad an aged. mother depending uplin me,, for sap poOne dark, drizzly 'Novembete 'night —nearly. all November, nights are dark --tile stage front Raybury broke. • down`f►opeieisslly, fitjeen itiile§'from its: destination. Of. curse, gig, accident! 11 r: .)•happened in just the worst part, of 'be road, where it was next •to im- g}wiuible to get a csrrttty,e of any 'clad, sine where the only place of entertain- r;inent. was a rude log honed, dignified, tby the cisme of the Jetfersoi, inn. Mr. 4Jrigg•s, the 1L t.Uoid of idle ztavern, was `soon cit the spot,i>~ id git`ve cat as his opinion that the 'passengers' .•lead better to into his !tonsil for the Might, ba't, as sellae half, dozi'th of %'thein were d tterwh'ied to 0 0n, there !inns no altt,rttative blit to et out ,an old express wagon, Which \,its *risked •a away in is 'remote. .shed, and dtapatch *Alvin on their way. 'rho 'Stage Horses 'iysire.znade,i'vailatet,. and the Osten•ggers piled W *Asel 'sit !mate and long tbefo4'a I could get Ay value it of itahe rt,ins of this state and reals 'ttbe "wagon, it 1.1 ruins l'ed oft, and tett t',ui, `'with half w iloz.it ittore;b, hiled. .It was'absolutet necessary that t should be in Itaylii ry that night; `else .'1 lhould<'cstuse !keriouet it►conVertienne tit tuts hank•tiie next wetting.And And i� I had l,ryten 445 afii*tr '' uotigrlitn ated lion by t li:'oitltudtr ill. my I4.ttsltl'egt9; 1 .felt n ear,, ,httii to ha behind hand clow. tl 4 ttat t it° bt ad sr5c+lse�+�:�lr, Griggs ,' 5 rlitsjrttd 1f 'lt ' e 'not possible for,,. bids tri let Trio lt,ivi; iorso'•for Maybury, uuld in 19itnibertt[l `tliid return *he Abbott" in gond. eontlitiiin .text davt , But lie only shook, ;his .head, 'lits luta only one horse his stable, he tkaidt acini Aire. Gcik� �,t was *abject to ittreadittl spells o% elVe s.,.i . and Might d C ahonld!be greatly indebted if , they would gibe ins a seas. And then I lutrodui:ed myself—henry Marsh. And li`ere's a young; woman as is going, too, said the landlord ; her .pa's sick, auntie must tett there, and I wunldu't'think of l►av!iSng Digby 'out. ou account of Mrs.'itrings' uncertu;in health. Miss-Alias—what's your name,tlty dearl Axtell, 'said the gi.r,tl,', Madeline 'Ax- tell, My, father is 1I ward Axtell of the Raybury bank. The president of the bank for which I worked. I knew Judge Axtell , very 1 waso tell Miss Made- andable t well, v, line that his illness was not couetder- ed daugerous. But still she iuetstedi upon ge,ing.ou, and at last after.' con siderahle conversation betrreen the, two strangers, inaudible to as`, they, consented to take us both. 1 assisted, Miss Aixtell juto the car- riage and took with her the `back seat, our Companions occupying the' front. , Only ong lump of the carriage was burning, atld that gavij, a very dim light, and tits farther we went the deetet seeded to•grow the darkness. It tea a lone} 'road at an time td, Rayl/itry, bit ow .it was y articular''y : gloonhy, and 1 wa`s'contideitt that Mies: Axtell showed tor, 'some degree the; vagile,'fdrbodings winch I could nti't i prevent thyself from 'e tperiencin4, for slit; Brow closer to me; and once she aefed me }tow lours it , would lie cl ed Iii nvilln—th neck before we readied . o a t viiIiaget We citing at last to 1Te`tblock resac�t -�a lo,',ittrett:lt• of timber which tete ' seated the ctilttitky' .at tht point, Anil p w a There was envie t'talt?e Intl .s t` rn Was not a 'belise'for they tvbole Ore miles, and bo i sides *ere wooded altna'st to the eel rut. Ak the hore'cl Itin ,e`ed into the bspit: re Then we must ''use. force saidrthei mar, and' warn von now that Iiwill murder yobefore 1 will allow yo'ti to escape with the money ! give,it up 'ed to know thitt'during that uncom- • f„rtable;night I -fell desperately in love; with Miss Axtell, and so successfully did. we both plead With her father that 'rid) old nabob as he was he consented to marriage ; and pow I am cash - tier of the Rebury' bark, and i1adeline is thy wife. God bless her 1—:t'ew Torr% ti ee/dy. Times nod Changod. A;t'Sumpter, S. C., : there ;was large crowd of colored people at the depot as the' irtiin pulled iu. An old bt'td-head. ed 1Jttcle Jerry had his head eii't'&f the coach set apart for colored passengers, and •a man on the platform reoogtiiciecl him and called out: Hullo, Mr. Sti, vers ? 'is dat yo' 1'. The old man1d4ed straigbYat trim, but iiiade,�ti espouse. .' 11e1Io l' Mr Sti'vers! Ne 'response. Safi, Risser Sti ers, has yo' losted yo' hearing ? pevs8'tied the man, as he peaceably, and,h pledge y.ou my honor . drew 'nearer. that both yourself and the lady shall Roy, was yo' thlktn' to me? sternly be left at the i►ekt village safe end unmolested., _ , 1 will'iiever ”'jive .a cent of the Money, said I, feeling my indignation riga at the scoftndrel's coolness; not a cent -of it unless it is taken from my ,dead body! As he spoke the man pulled elf his coat and seized mc';by the slh'erulder. Quick* thciight°I leaped odt,of the carriage, dragging hire with'ine, and then begenttie struggle. Don't use 'the pistols! {titled ,tleie vil- lian who'Waktakina•care of the horses; they would'he heard too far; .knife l him if you have got to dtbp his,wind ! My antatonist was a powerfully built fel low , •and exceed'ingly strong, cut I was l the andathletic and we Were very ne rty matched,. Over and over we rolled in the mud, sometimes One -gaining .lin advantage', sometimes the other,14iit. neither giving up the struggle.„ 'Once 'I had him• by the throat and life gurgling Cry:for help brought the other man to the Elliot. d'wo agains�t •one was Allier fearful odds, ,but I'fre1t no disposition )to yield. They eat hie and crushed me with their wetalit, but they„ ti never once succeeded in iprinioniug my hands, and; I flatter thayself that 1 gave them some blows that tb'ey felt sedsility, to say the least. But odd' n time I felt my strength giving wiry, and that I could not! hold out teinyth, longer! How Miss; Axtell ,,,"��t�tt'PsIt 1 do Iiot know, but Jest as t, tsed larger.man .oX the two had planted his knee on my breast and was raising ,a knife to strike it to my { itin light s led b heart! saw ,yethe dt t; •� y the carriage lani'p,that the young lady had got down 'frpn, the vehicle and Wits hurryiege'to`ir 'd us. I tried to snout to her tgg escape 'motile she head 'a chance, biltt if she Beard sh`e,dtd not heed. She came straight on; anal the next moment 1 n t •,, e a=., heard a cry of •/ age and, ,parts, and the man on tiny beast tumbleilioff violent ly and Iaykialsing upp?in tlih.kround. She,h 'd Made a slip Noon's with her scarf and "tad Ming it over , his head while lie was too much 'engaged to notice lien ,presence, Ai `sd now the e brave girl will tugkiug away at the scarf with it'll nee, might, aid the than (' •,,1 Ill' T .t 11 ••1 was ctic%ing `eine! etvtill'1'ing et a tremetr dour rate` ,1, �,, Suddenly l►e ,iwilched,. the sca�rf froth bet,' hjtnda, tad thtii%r, with n wild oath, he eprta'tie upon h.33br and both we t down to the grountt'., reakirit loose elronl the •other ni'q''�, v' . n': he wee , etwee. e'and him,an lift teloot at iv>§ ltoti ', and lira ni�q a it irttl of lite life in'eie to let DV>i tint ,iI 't4 itttrble n'r . fear 4s tri ,i ori hit `i sd, '1gIvI (la iii `ciA tvi,- ,,, " dettiauded the ofl man. '&artin. Wliat's de matted, Boy, does yo' want anythineenf meZ Why, how yo' talk! Becht) tio' has got de hoodoo. 15oes yo' evidently reckon yo'knows me? Of co'se I know's 'yo''. Yo'•is ole man Stivers . When d'i'd yo' .know me? Last fall. Why. 1 .dun wonted wid yo' fur three months'. An' when you `dnn,Y ,workticl wid me •what was I' a•do'fn 4 • Drivin':. Lb1�i'mewls fur Iiurlilel John e01,i. ' Ezaktl-y; `salt. .]slit 1 want,yo' to. ttnderstan' dat dat is -a bea`0 o' differ.' ence atWixt drivin' dem mews fur' i urnel d'ohnson an' ridin' on de kiver- ed kyars,.along wid whit folks. I ipight a-knowed yoti last fall, sah, but i yo' now desialt to ' ieriiteate any $ ,. 'elenbisted cenversaeh `tin WO me'yo ik;us''gt some siponsible getn`len to in- ! troduce you l nese of tli (p1 ere and panted anal strutga ed th tti;lt tics! laud under foot T w'it's confide that ilia two .nen stpalre ` `#:r /101 WOOS ]blots.. w•i1.o preppy br}tht boy --be is a mip�letQr'e sots, by rills way whit!, ex- plotlte,tt-•-and hu ,got away wits desiguiug shophepor tbo.otlter day'in a way that did credit to his peri+ata$ !, Thin, dollar !lite been practising minis litte slight of hand tricker nod whole the boy strolled in he selected pith far a Object, (, ,a • , Y,oQ see this pebble ? said he, s lie .lolled?it on the .;palm of . '!tis ,,,ttitind;. Now y9u don't, but you'll find a Heckel• on flie brit. of y. ur !ilii. a . , Jdte reached over and trioti the nicjcer; Just watch, this teow„ : fie, continued,. The' boy .,,lif so. lite pebble •waa trsnsforthed to a nickel, ,«'as,tlegt my peb'tile'? ingnire� tl;e youth., cauriouslyrl,,. Certainly, wee,the nn.t tyer. Not content with pee .exhibition ,e1 his smartness, lie rolled the pebble in his hand find it disappeared. The l�qy pickedbe nickel offhis hat. !tint; self, and faked otit of the shop ,with the remriric LT, 7f that w4. my rubble; then this meat be my • ,nickel. The proprietor ions too tnuch.estonisbed'4 has logic to object and the minister is,worldly enough t enjoy his son's tierformance and stqwriting his ser• nlon and laugh in !.tis :sleeve a>< the cuteness of the'chiill VAT the old btoclt;' —SI. Paul 'Frees. Figs and T sues, hitt was `qb g Miss Mid, ctell's ha' S pin called out to bre: Miss Aitke , top your Tread and do' 0 move nt 1 tellu. of r � she obs ecl'r and ysitilitltatieouel I e, of ray '`tl t the d �d 44 Chihli:ea'r Doiiygi. . „ little girl who bad nd'tt ti'efn in school. long enough to knov' fill the ins , and ants of educat tin was late one morning during her -first terfn, Bring a written excuse fr'dln ydlar mother this lifternoon, said the `.tha`eher, 'and Hattie retired to hies di lkt Where she began laboriously writingl4, Presently shee , accom'p?,,Ished, , the following note, and laid it triumphant ly ly ,v'n the teacher'' desk : ¢, tt for e e- sense Hattie e egscuse 'But this, isn't from 't'ou`r tin jeoted the recipient. t No'm, said Hattie, innocent!' Every titan is ruled by wiiAA he loves. • e. The gate's of heaven are always op n., man generalltewalks the, 1way he loo cs.. •Loveemessages are always written rP, ' No "irk 4sriglrt , in his religion who eing Tar. ob. , But i[ thought if I ,wroth, it it my.elf; I shouldu' have td 'spl in it to h • that I was hila. A cerin little boy, accordi the Chicigo Herald,liad greatly a • nu- ed his mother bj� renning awy to the house df a neigltlor id staying here until some one ivassent for 1 jig. Tired tit huntiti4 for him, lits mot ler at length called ,on the mother of he children whoiu he thus ebught, nd in d Alis 1 is not t;l, `1,1iti giving,. The wenicest•inan islthe one who is a slaverto'his own desires, t• Everl!,!(tlhristian with a long fack ie lotting his light shine through ernoky 'glass. • The man who is,willing to do wrong 'them. order to gam riches can never enjoy them. You don 't,hiiv'c� to be distgreeablit to be good, oy,ldok like a corpse at, pickle, to be ii,4hteou,s. The foundation merles of n church it a of a goodf teal niore c.0.... nsequence 't an the ste0ple. ;Man,' '."..-rod has no ps`e for ,.the man, wlio *mines! Himself snnetified simply he• cause be feels bad.''t • A phgtograph can now be taken •rquicker than a mule can kick, �iut it still t�tkes just as long to,l'iatch. ati,o g as it dict when thfi mountains Were l,iew. came to an understanding with her;, Wl,en I auk. • willing ,that deer sho ld c,'ll ou,your ebildi-en slip said; I wiltI write a�note to thitt effect and pin it on liis arm. In dile noteI wi 1 stat what tiffte I want him sea!coin and ' on can set accord! ' gly.. t, , r d agree, his la" t r d t 1 other s a e , T�e � (( i child and:o,day er,iwo after�rsrd tl e. phi! appoi red at her house +itb a .tote pt, ne on his sl 'eve, Stili did of lock att immediately, bul allow ; Itim; to plat with h`or clilk ren until She tilni'inht `t might be dale , tn. "'lend him lfntne, hen she o i ed the note nd �ound it contained. t i of but seri b in�+e. 0 ,' Greetitd". The racist bo:.nmon t'orms of greeting. are : In English speaking countries: liotD• are you In France': How do you carry yoiii- self ,8, one lD my �Is O e t ie expose , t i, 'r_ - ' 1 r • st of the Man, and, before 1 could , �Why4 George, said she, what ti0es it'dget er in etiiidued ±Xrhispere ,, lied Ora to hie, com' anion t felt his Sold his mestn 1 ' t ati'cb of Steel a on m � forehead. It .•. Well, antiwar t•eorg¢. mv: inseams that diSttn try oautgi l t>u. wbrd . 1,110 y i ,w a,• ' tits* to ['udol er�h t�eetientr of , Ira isle wit I wanted to o me �-•.�.tht� ktr�t � wad �ft�'M6ve lion-� � sort i acro rvrali' ti if � viouid talk! i�wy DOW �t� Iii Germany : How goes• it 1 In It 1y : How,ilgqea sberstand 1 In Svlitzerland Greet, you ? „ In Tolland ': ld.a`ve you had s good dinne•.1 ' , In Poland'; „,rt thou gay ? r • , Iii China': Is your stomach to order l w, In Persia : D'iay thy shadow never be' less t . , In Burmah;:; Give rue a mall ? In Japan u t H r not e 0 -Wittig the 11!lohat iwedans : Peace be with you 1 , : • Atrnoid• the Arabs : nit? "� rant thee his favor and send thy fancily health! Never Casae flack. (,�e 1, `1lte (x'Prmai'is are given t'q ,staking lifeekather serltiusly; yen theiriokeg have often a sotiibr cast. Anything r'etnai ti le about t)y,is nibitintain ? /rafted a tourist of a'dr v - ell , o, a'i ewiered the chisel', t� ere is n,4thtng peculiar al3oht t e hll itself but ti „ e .o► e, . !sere is a s"ub"s!' $tory connected with tt, Wllat is, that' . . A youni; lady, All ' entlea/t4 went out for a walk oti the Ally; they stscend- ed higher and ltlgttor,pnd—neva% came' back 'gain. Deur rho. t 1lrl `e"ver bec'a'me of then i , Tl3'ey ;mill d'o*h On til'e otAer side: In >+irihlnd a „radiant `s bailding aol �' Il)OY . ttl h • t ofal�o 1 f �t`► ,g; y„ .intra, to co9iimonate., the ,slrbr inereasing' n tuber of toiirystg, , good subtitl(ute for then cream it* cot en is the Heiden tllte of an egr w'kt:i a tea ,slibotrful.,c , sager, and two tali. • spoonfuls of watel' soder. Th'nga otic would 'tithher !lave ex- presso • defllirently.--•••Photographer pleas look a little pleasant. Miss. lino* 8 h►'rde t i iia a`iltls Ifni. r moms We, eo • Nafs9 the it's im. Eel • * lel l h taw irti . �� 11fe vita if l Yt �l *AM Witl1'ili4 0 0 A fh0tXfloit { Qts THE 11 0).0 This question of !iasis of t true ha; s0444'ty, The recii afrnau�and� a''wo cAcli utlter ftoul tl of .Goel's iue'thaada Tuw,ur i a. litx0p Qngeuieut on r ght 'rtt'tl tlsl�N, '\Vuy ell i,te the r,etft so lotto! ill the wt,rds, f' wti ti►adterra,while le rea�oit'n(sss, .bey Alford a. prompt w v4ituatt's .freedom vied ; here tt sees American maidenl lunch as she 'pie !Vis a sortofireel to• the house. 1.11 ' o `;;seat a 'change tough, of cou(se,l to malltir, i?itut womat}tgivutg,,-nt gadding and the.1 and bsl9rishnesei, nils cll{tn room., illi fainet 'Single t7±rried. lif spons'ihilhy of ca 4itiereitt from co liyineiteal altar w tie surrender o �refer,'nce. • ' Hol,nes ,parties sli i>;1d go 'The girl th;at CQt °conviucedt befo preba ly 'wait a No girl in her set drinking man, Who talked in L Charles could right girl, tecat cheap or cheap Tasteful, not exi woman attraetiv to' blame for ext eetiuter owyof was . r .ne+, attact, a difference betwe one of Queen Every, woman k adorable to her cent calico as it in some fashion snore: tQ.,`'drP,ta ot: titan to send tw year, Doi►'.•let tit " keep hqusd� a{ve' having 'l»eon;as 1 the Iieshwauhe as in yonder Which was acre woman who 'lid tib opportnnity a11.1'iuuse affecti In ng !health, mselectiarry i :on the sly.,M 'the happ'ie'st of song, 1 • shakes "an , • God's guidance marriage a veri the: Catholics kite wedded enc 'cure and toil. - Thrilling r• What's to be janitor Of th terror. The. n floor is about t tell: thesespeop 'to collapse the diem killed tie I`ll attend ti chairman in re timing t'i'the ed to say that next feature it tainment ri col for the benefit fund. .,. 'Before the t .the selection t the great !tall a su'a preserN( tiseusand lives To prevent to the tins,he with common diem with me lightly dredge Men* **.First tboie wat fur stieet,just tto 1 uy--Ah cant zee a push an and I wux.tut Waste not, adage, and ins by rutting newly baked, slices being is loaves were lustre oltl,n