The Huron Expositor, 1970-05-14, Page 64:7-TrECHURON EXPOSITOR, SEASORTH. ONT., MAY 14, 1070 Ownpm... BAKE SALE in Melanson?s TV Store (formerly Gingerich's) SAT., MAY 16th 3 to 5 p.m. under the auspices of St. James' CWL Pizza Patio Tavern MAY 15th — The Blue Tones MAY 16th -- Randy Paris MAY 18-23 — Nightly Entertainment dove paid and the silver' dollars Pizza Patio Tavern on this Bayfleld Road, GoderIch In the Red Knigi#,,,Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY "HUMMINGBIRDS"- - BEVERAGE 'ROOM — FRIDAY and SATURDAY FRED WELLS • • Ample Free Customer Parking Visit mir Beverage Room Tor Tasty Chicken Wings, also Colored TV • COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario Plan to Attend THE BIGGER THAN EVER ORKS DISPLAY Lions Park, Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY 22nd Immediately following parade by SDHS Girls' Trumpet Band ADMISSION $1.00 PER CARLOAD • Draw For Chaise Lounge, Bicycle and Tran- sistor Radio Sponsored by members of the Seaforth Fire Brigade /i GRAPEFRUIT 3Ft5or Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 farmelovre0omlesomfteamolo...11.0."....I BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK "HELL'S BELLES" Jeremy Slate - Jocelyn Lana (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Showing at .8:30 p.m. In Color "MADIGAN'S MILLIONS" f' Dustin Hoffman Elsa .Martinelli Showing at 10:30 p.m. Color Cartoon • SAT. - MON. - TUES. May 16-18-19 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "CHE' Omar Shard - Jack Peleliu' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Showing at 8:30 p.m. In Color LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Joseph Czerwinsky, at the CoMmercial Hotel, while playing cribbage with her son, Joey, held a perfect hand. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sher- wood of Brockville were week end guests of his sister, Mrs. E.P.Chesney and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archibald of Tucker- smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Walters and family of Hanover were guests of Mrs. W. C. Bennett on Sunday. Mrs. Cora Barrows has re- turned from Lakeland, Florida after spending the winter months there. Miss Alice Bannon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bannon of Seaforth has spent the east month visiting relatives in England and Scotland. She is now working as a secretary in a London, England university and was walking-home from work one evening when she ran into Mrs. Bruce McMillan, who with Mr. McMillan are in ' England on a business trip. They enjoyed a visit at the hotel where, Mr. and Mrs. McMillan are stay- ing while in London, England. Mr. and Mrs. McMillan are former residents of Seaforth and are now living in Winnipeg. Alice was their baby sitter during their stay in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brock- lehurst and TOmmy of Islington and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Walker and Mark of Farmington, Mich. visited at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hoover. Mr. and Mrs. H. Barry re- turned last week to their home at e!Schadeview" Lake Huron after spending the past five months in Europe. From Fun- chal Madeira they took a Global Tour to Lisbon, Portugal, Brus- sels, Venice, Rome and Lucerne, Switzerland, then to England where the latter visited her sister-in-law at Walton-on- Thames and Mr. Barry visited his sister in Cumberland. They flew from Prestwick, Scotland to Malton by T.C.A. SHOWER for ,Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Higgins (nee Barbara Dietz) at the Brodhagen Community Centre Friday, May 22 THE BLENDERS Everone welcome ' Ladies. Bring ,Lunch CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY 15 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games. $75.00 'Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes • ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 • (Children under 16 not permitted) Proceeds for Welfare Work . Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion DON MESSE JUBILEE SHOW THURSDAY, MAY 21 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE 3 HOURS ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING RESERVED CABARET TABLES 3.50 TS. RUSH SEATS 2.00 CHILDREN 1.00 Sponsored Jointly by Clinton Recreation Committee and Huron Fish and Game Conservation Association. Mail Orders Accepted - Cheques May Be Made Payable To Ibug Andrews RAY and SUNDAY EVENINGS "THE PRIME OF MISS JEAN BRODIE" SUNDAY NIGHT, MAY 17 ONLY — GIANT TRIPLE BILL - "THE OBLONG BOX' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Maggie Smith - Robert Stephens Showing- at 10:30 p.m. Color Cartoon ' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Frankie Avalon - Shirley Eaton Color Cartoon For All Ages Seaforth' Community Centre "THE 1,000 PLANE RAID" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) ARLO GUTHRIE Showing at 8:20 p.m. In Color Climaxes Varied Career As Publisher of Weekly Spring comes late too the land north of Frederick House Lake. Even in May, the ice flows in the 'fast running water and here and there mounds of snow remain in protected and shady areas. Irwin 'DaVidson Willis was .working with a survey crew for the Terniskaming and Northern Railway in 1922. Working above the'bank of the Abitibi River north of Connaught, the crew spent the May morning cutting out small trees so that water levels and integral part of the community, flow Could be measured. devoting itself to the activities Suddenly, the axe Mr. Willis of the town and its people. was using struck the tree at an A twelve-page weekly, the unusual -angle, flew' out of. his' Herald goes to press on Wednes-hands and ricocheted off the tree day and is delivered to its 3500 trunk, smashing into hiS right readers op Thursday. A winner knee with tremendous force, of several Canadian Weekly First Aid was administered Newspaper Association Awards quickly by the survey boss and a for excellence in editorial pre- makeshift blanket-stretcher pre- sentation and news coverage, it pared to lower the injured man is a paper whose editor speaks thirty feet down the embankment out when he feels it necessary. to the waiting freight canoe, pit- The paper serves ten munici- ching and bobbing in the turbulent palitles in Simcoe and 'Dufferin river current. Counties. Four full-time plant Maneuvering the canoe was employees and two girls in the not easy. Ice bumped the boat,. office work with the owner, pub- the current swung it wildly from lisher and editor, Willis and his' side to side and rapids and sub- wife Helen, to bring out the paper merged rocks created a real and constant danger. Even the ropes secured fore and aft- to steady the craft were inadequate and broke. At Connaught, Willis was loa- ded aboard 'the -baggage 'car of a freight train and moved to Tim- ' mins, then still •a. rough frobtier town. The wound was cleaned and su- tured without anaesthetic at the small hospital run by a group of dedicated nuns, but -without anti- biotics and other iwo`nder' drugs, infection was inevitable and spread quickly to the thigh and lower leg:. With his condition worsening, the Workmen's Compensation Board of Ontario, then it its seventh year of operation, agreed to move Mr. Willis to more ad- vanced care in Toronto where two , operations and"six months of hos- pital care were required to save the man's 'life and his leg. But flexibility in the knee was 'gone for good. Infection of such depth, dura- tion and extent contributed to a failure in the circulatory system of the area. The fibrous tissue formed following infection crea- ted a stiffening in the knee a spontaneouS fusion of the knee joint. David Willis learned to live with the stiff leg and for 47 years it served him well. He held many jobs and was engaged in several careers, each one contributing to the background of experience, • knowledge, understanding and ac- ceptance of life which led hirii to Alliston, Ontario, and that town's weekly newspaper. Alliston is a typical central SEAPORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents "ELI" SAT., MAY 16th DANCING 9:00 — 12:00 AT THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Dress Casual . Admission $1 100 We Reierve The Right.To Refuse Admission ,,,., ALL DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS ,_ , ,, ‘ 74. First Show at Dusk •7,.., Phone 524-9981 N'? i IODERICHv_i) asnprow SUNSETo • *WV UNT° BRIVEIIN THEATRE -1' C ' HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 _ _ _ _ _ THURS., FRI., SAT. May -14-15-16 :••.:, , NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES mum. ' A MARK ROBSON PRODUCTION 1:1;roDYs Goldin Steve McQueen 'The Reiverg'. A National General Pictures Release . (ADULT_ENTERTAINMENT). A Cinema Center Films Presentation x-FiDN'Tinr6 ,,,,10,—"m„—ohows , 4111. - . (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • • "BLOOD . FOUR "TERROR OF - "NIGHTMARE SUNDAY, (Adult NIGHTMARE "MOTHRA" OF - DRACULA'S Entertainment) MAY IN TONGS" SHOWS 17 WAX" CASTLE" , - • , , " "BLOOD 410NDAY • and "NIGHTMARE OF (Adult TUESDAY .— AND DRACULA'S Entertainment) — IN — May 18 WAX" • CASTLE" e - 1.9 .-, WED., u eterriee Rod wiNNING., "TO Taylor THURS., & HELL . Claudia (Adult FRI., Starring • Cardinale WITH Entertainment) SAT. Paul "Auto and — "The Newman, Robert Racing HEROES" At • Flying Wagner May 20-23. Joanne Woodward Its ,Bestl" i .. * Game in Africa" . WED. - THURS. - FRI. May 20-21-22 — DOUBLE FEATURE — Now You Can Soo Anything You Want At . . . (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) • Vincent Price - Christopher Lae In Color "MURDER CLINIC" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) AU. STAR CAST In' Color "MILLION EYES OF SUMURU" Ontario town, the crossroad o Essa, Adjala, Tossorantio and Tecumseh Townships. The first settlers built a mill at this point in 1847 and incor- porated their town in 1874. In the early 1860's, a news- paper, the Alliston Star, was founded and in 18'72 its succes- sor the Alliston Herald was first published. Like so many. weekly news- papers, the Herald has become an 4-LniliiHeral.d.with her husband.Du- Helen Willis works hard on Du- ring his recent 'hospital stay and convalescence, it was Helen who ran the Herald with Competence and strength. She shares her hus- band's, enthusiasm for life and his zeal for the newspaper business. This team seems to have un- limited energy. On thp go from early each day through the evening, they do a fine job of news gathering and editorial writing. The editor walks easily though carefully on his artificial leg, ad- mitting only that he tires a little and sometimes finds himself a little uneasy near the high- powered_presses. But there is no- thing unsteady about this man's motivation nor his down-to-earth acceptance of life. which is representative of their community. Mr. Willis bought the Herald nine years ago after a remarkable decade in Hong :Kong, ,the Indo China, Siam and Thailand in such fields as adver- tizing, market surveys, office management, construction, busi- ness and accountancy and many years since in senior positions in Canada. Fifteen years ago, the right leg began, to give Mr. Willis in- creasing pain because of further deterioration of its circulation. At that time the doctor'explained that eventually, the leg would have to be amputated. - Two years ago the prediction became a necessity when a major deformity in the ankle developed from'post-traumatic arthritis. • This was present in both knee and ankle joints and there was also demineralization in the leg bone. Last, September, it became a reality when Mr. Willis entered hospital in Toronto for a Gritti- Stokes or end-bearing amputation of his right leg at the knee. Sever- al weeks later, he was admitted to the Workmen's Compensation ..Board Rehabilitation Centre on the outskirts of Toronto for inten- sive therapy, physical rehabilita- tion of the stump and prosthetic fitting. Under the care of Dr. Antony Kennard and the Amputee Clinic Team, David Willis first exer- cised -the stump to strengthen it, then learned to use a temporary prosthetic limb and later a per- - manent end-bearing prosthesis. The WBC Centre is a 520-bed physical medicine Centre whose staff Is dedicated to the rehabili- tation of those who have been dis- abled through industrial accident or disease. Each year 5000 men are treated for their, injuries in this spacious, well-equipped Centre.Fro in the• time of his accident in 1922 until the present, Mr. Wil- lis has been covered by the Com- pensation Board, first receiving compensation payments and later a permanent disability pension. When he required active medical treatment he was returned to full compensation benefits and all medical and hospital bills were paid. Saturday Night MUSIC BY FRED HARBURN and NOREEN HURON HOTEL Dublin lu tU • • • • • C a 0 • • 0