HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-18, Page 1airoiAla
ROYAL za, smolt urf3.
iontre 1 or Quebec,
To Perry or Liverpool -
Finn CABIN, $45. Single: $95, Return.
errs. $0, $51 and 581, Wiwi(); $95, 1191 and
115 lieturn, arcordint; to location di Staterooms.
Above rates do net appiy'to
S. 1'AR1iI 'IN, or June voyage or SAItb1NIAN',
Maui LDIAXS, O. stature, µ$9,,
steerage attoient rates,
pply to H. rs A. ALLAN, idontreal, or
'Ingham and vicinity that hehas opene44 a general.
a, fresh
n hand.
used for cash, my customers will get good value.
1. e
,care tomo for fall importations, nearly 200 pieces of
st of handling; some lines less. Strictly for cash.
th to suit purchrsers.`
6y, bougpt for cash, there is extra value,
sl! and fashionably made by best mechanics. or sold by
imtnenciag on Saturday, lath June.
tore Wingliam -
ut a large new stock of
he Post, Office, and is prepared to give
otice, and all work guaranteed,--•
and . compariSal or Prices invited
t4:'R. Vtim,tone will he given out. •
Win.ghaxn, Ont.
do I®..
+, ,s-- _dam .fin•••- .,r
FANG" . . sKKr r`Y;
I be
• • '. -:
u r .WEA.THE.R, ,
Fug DltLSSSS, We are bllowin t.
pis iti'ttnil faxt y Iti1iisIins, all :ver
ntbr'oitleries, Embroidered Skirt,
in vt Nun'S Veiling., Tennis Plan-
hese e.: nti Idea Lanes. , Ali at
Special prices.,
Buy• one and •be .cool..
We import all our own PARASuf,S,
and:in value they Yfau'r, ha bear
Spt;eial larioea for July. Luck
at them,
b1.o .clave d11t1EA'r BIG BARGAINS in
every '=tl'npitrtwont, (.'tall and bee
—Air J Doh rty,'
visitor this week.
.—The route age:
town ou ltitaudaY
Toronto, ,
ONT„ FR,IDAX. JULY 18, 1890,
liuttiu, is a bust ese : Vlore were. ov r 40Q tiokets sold: on the
12t11 of July, at WI • G T It station,
of the 0 P It vas in --It is with pieta frs, we record the foot
Mr ,itellne Ives iu that Mr Joe T Ker is able to be .around,
after a severe issues
Best lity of flour,' p • + rdauitobu .If you have never used alabastine for
wheat at IP., . at A. II, Carr's.: whitewashing and kalsomiuigi,
u ,,-uet have a
Mrjolw Mutant Bluevale, was ing elute with some of your ueigabors who
have, beforeou begin house Gleaning*
a um mower ou Mo ay,'3laviug smashed Sutd only by Jws, A, Ciiuo & co. °
his all to pieces. i.
—A, log relied oe lis a foot ofpthe son of
—Mr Johu Linklat S b night to the tnlar. Mf John Grey, at Me 0a0'5. Mill, on Fri.
ket, the first load of I ty 1r' 1690, ou the day. The foot was p etty ,:well squeezed,
10th iustrMr I, is u c o the .first farmers, but ib is getting bettea
ill this section of co tr ,
Y -.'[he tallest fish'. my fs told bYa pie•
--lf your watchclechf eedsrepairing.:
go to W H Wallace, watchmaker aud
jeweler, next door to post office.
—Mr W D (larglll of, Cargill, with his
friend, Mr•Astly, wit hcil%dayine this week
at Mr John Cargill' itttiss Jeuttio Gar
gill reburued with`tu
,Messrs Lowry
were in. town this w
Ravtart, of 'Chicago,.
k tallied views of all.
gig party, who say the, got etuok on the
back of a iisti not a ile'from the boat
Iiousee, in the Maitiariven; ;
—Dr Eeriest hall, o i3ranbford,L It C P,
Gain., MC P and :''Out, Specialist in
Eye, and Throat to-•Pteaches,dpear , plums, anew potatoes,
—Mr:Tae 142G
paintedan first
seeing is nude
—Ingersoll g
of lighting then
power arc sigh
per nightie th
nights per yet
Tho fight's juts
'Where. acid,
The lively mo
And the rngrj
Kincardine Rs,
intends talclu
Sound, so an
will be uyder
(.lark,dptely. 6
elvie is saving his shots
glass Atn;ericau style, Iiut
:moil haft decided in favor
town, with 2000 candle
, Twenty cents per light
6 price to be paid::.for 30Q
ou A'blittle£or'blood,
!t ag:duet skill' makes a
quite aius poised in the -
tie demesiio the scratch,.
i;, who has conducted the
flew for t11a past few years,
up his residence in Owen
icohange gays, and ther.71'eviete.
he. ooutrol of Mr Hugh
the •Walkerton Herald. •
(18000eem of L e Ear NoseIna an oa baso,
(irat Also raspberries
uday'be eousulted at t r Meldetttn's offiie...,
, vvovu.[uva,
on Thursday, July,2• 1r, from 10 a re to 3 elle ries and other fruit in abundance,
IP ua: ' , oh apest in town at 5'as. McKelvie's Star
the prominent plat s of; business to be , taurant.
exhibited at the Wo la's. Faits in 'Chicago. •••'Always read th : advertisements iii •
itod staff wa inch ed. ' pour tletvspaper. A' least glance over —The prize li. s of elle Toronto Indus-
tiittn. They are Tull .f inforcnntion, and trial Exhibition .nd th' Western Fair are
1 , 0 B T. U . R, —A' goo e"°174,1 set vr11%.t rl wanted curry clay coir chs es of information out, The form will;b held from the 8th
Duweet Importer. Apply to Macri uitl osephioe to the 20th of tie tember the. latter from
Tait Brno, July 18, 1b90, street, i ,recur, Altvatys road the 'ads' and Jou the 18th to the 2 bh oia,the same mouth,
v-» . -.... —Miss Murphy's establishment, dross• will know what isgoi i; ou in the buetuess
world. 0
I • —Kuioerdine .tenni; hoIdins a two days'
s Rev S Jones, • f Brussels, passed celebration on t e 14thica I,Sth of August,,,
through here on his ay to Gntlerio:l, ou I The programme will col5sist elf baud cast
Friday. Here i t pet,tion, t
kle s ht way the Signal has l? ,G o i, fireme 's toutuameut,f;t,t;gy drtll'.
it: Rev S Jones, of •ussels, occupied the &e,. Cheap exo sions:willbe tun on tire
pulpit of Knox church very. acceptably;on I dhear
othe. named to a. udiue. ; •
Sunday maruiug, t r• Tones has passed ''' The oMce : •oi;tinervai.Encamp-
four score and three . ,ilestones, but bis went, No, 47, I. 0.0..F:, were intitalie&'
natural foroes are . ad vigorous and his on Monday ev; ring; as followtlt•R,. Elliott,
powers are unabated. • • C. P; Jas. Co, • rane, S. W; J. FI: His;,
—Mr Jas Warree, P ' S, of K neai'dine • contra, H. P; G. M.MGregor, .Scribe'•,
was in dile 'iieigliborh•'od for "four days. W. P. Brooke shire, Troasui'e;i; T;'J.
Mist of the time was pent ill surveying Elliott, J. Wil
the lower milldam as • its surroundings. __•g• copy
Mr W :13 I-Ititton aec0 vented him, and titled i'Suiilitte
says some of .the jun
rY ._.
tliiouu1a_mnst v1,5e1 re
oovhriiit y' ,iil-Staule oll'ilfie"'Wild
—At Clinton, tl a were 75 'otudidates beasts were minus.
a'ritiug,at the ex (nations,' 40 of these —Go to W $Wallace, the jeweler, and
w r tt0 as • e t 'r c a exa 't
laid °lass mt as
^ see his•fiue assortment of olocke, jewelry
tion,. 10 for secon and 7 for firsts. The and silverware,. before' purchasing else.
where. Sole agent for the- Reliable Rock-
ford' railroad watch. Next door to post.
office: '
--MA S Grace 's busrputting a now
TOUT On his house.
=The aaugerou ~ practice of throwing
bauwuia peeli ou th sidewalks should be
-Now is'the,,time to get a dish oro
ice urewm at 11. Rill's.
—As. we go to press cricket match is in
;taregress betweeu the ' eeswater and Wing-
harm clubs. ,.
—Rev. B. 13, Keefar, well known in
.. Windham, is at p :ent engaged in
evangelical work in < nitoba.. .
.—Jerre ku:`1i51i P lis preen jute; the
til ll On waist alsoalsoIck "y rp11 • a er:r` at
Dr To vler's Drug Ste t •, - y
-Picnialemoua1e '11 be made this -sea-
aoutn the seine vu . The
Kill. 1zoldt
the lemon mud the fello v does the tlueez-
making and milline •y, is under the careful
and skilful manage lent : of Mtss Rtaclon,
during Mise Murph s teguperary absence
in London.
a •
—There seems to be at . bright, which is
fast clearing the ap le trees. It was not a
frost this time. T e apples have formed
and now seem to' bli kited and dropping
off. A gentlemau in our office said oue day
this week, that th ''young trees are better
tliau the old,this ear, They seem to have
more u'oiarishuzet t,and cousequeutiy better
estate to bear the raau.
-7Messes J J Hotnnth & Son have a large
stock of tweeds and all kinds of clotb, and
are giving decided bargains in stylish: suits.
Drop inand leave vitt G+ erfor asuit. No
£rouble g t r a
h9 u te. rices
jilts to o
--Cot rpiaint bas be
Mg lli tbn•river at the
indulged in at nosserpl
the town boys.
—On Weduesday, lJ2
quietly away to her las
left for the Wingliam
Thursday evening,
—Mr A H, Grigg -II
.shop on Josepbiue
Post Office. See ache
Ito LE NO;' 64
oto particular Thos,Lestie's sale a,t,
for one week to er.
leahe passed.
lesthey p se
mole .
those. dis•
ill r, r result will be•m de kuowu in about six,,
—The officers of a Hand Lodge Nt,. `weeks and the di tridts will be 'numbered.
110, 1. 0.0. F., were • stalled on Thurs- Cliutou's No. is 5. At Goderiob, there
clay evening of last w ek by L Heart, D. were 52,,tvrote•fo thirds,: 22 for seconds and
G. M., 'l`one'r. titer, r` ij for junior matr tuirltiun.
—Call at Alex ,foss' book s c re and:see —Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed, repaired
the Laurance s'pectac'le.. •bole a ;eat since .and pressed also ladies': coats and dresses
E F Gerattsr" loft luau. " dyed and pressed, Satisfaction goarapteed.
Shop ou Victoria St., hest door . tie Abra-
ham's shoe shop. Ii,. ,MrronELL.
—10 speakilti'g. 4i; 'alre ball tournament
sat Douglstes, Man' }ardor Sur; says
aha Liuklater, t t}ched for ,the, Fear.
hots, as an excel `ii itn. He was .talteh
t. teat •to ill the. :place of.
illathpws, w,ho wgs•dfsablcd. Jobe only
o.rrived •from ,W' glum, Pete a. few weeks
•since,and. bring ,vat s'binx'it forst glass ball
(record and t'i11; 'i ce la; 'with Bran.
—Now as the war rl'i weather, has -nonce,
people who want a.uicemase of , =Ocx,aud afterbhe 5th instant, Afessrs
ce cream "'
acid soda, should Gall at It H111'eu
; restar•J
ant J Homuth & Son will sell all kin3s of beets
and shoeu'e,t,cost for cash. Call and see the
Mr" 17' Paterson has excbangeag his, immense, to sok a44 get some of the bar
property itt Bluevale for property iii 'gains,
Victoria street, this to n, with Mr Duane• = —On a4 after onday.nett, ,a phasseu
ger.coaoh,'wi11 be n .on the :L., H. 8t B.
mixed ti 144eavin Wingham at 10.20, thus
—Mr John liisholm son of Dr Clliak ; .ilitK. l 6` 4 iiiok ldcllty eouiieotiou for
bolm, isihome for his iolidays. FIe •ltw •fie a oderifili, Seafort , etc. Thiswill also
successfully passed' hi exaniivatiou, a .give i}bg}saul Bti. another connection for
is now recrttiting,,in, o er to do valili *' .Toro •via. C1i on and Stratford. The
Y t Ow battle at the nett. oxo crabs • ; ' CeT itw run ve trains daily out 'of;
Winn `boo ,: Maki g good connection. fete
Gtie ph, Toronto d the east.
• -We are itt iamb
Saturday, Nijlaa s u itt4ru
tains 86 pages'''•1lid
:—A few' days ago; Mi Thos Hallman
purchased a house ud lot,' situated ou
Albert street, from Mr D Cook,, The sale
was made through r S Youhill',s real
estate agency.
of a `copy of `' that
publication 0,400:
r' cumber. It cop -
is a uuique affair
?trout the B>;aud
Mr Paterson will take possession of his
Winghatn pro;ierty in a fall.
Our stook of Gents ralabings, soh
Rs shirts, collate, hullo, tie's(+t11 kinds( of:
,Underwear, &o,is very large and can't be
beat for quality or prioe.
j l outt ti & SON.
4'0111 Oheri'y name 1 a merry tirfte,"
we children used to>ea . And ad it is liere
and cherries in their a rattive rid oo, ta,
hang in tempting bung' ea in manktt trd
It iA no winder they h: Vit to be wate tell,.
per with the robins by , ay and the boys by
night, few *olio tome
preserve Sale. .
=-Tke officers of t11
far n term ars
11; Griffin, 11
1C lb; A. Xi Ciorr l
S A 1 smith ; area
'tarn T`esdwnt,» W
hobo L diet, t3 l
*Jr"Tates, 1?Oltt
- G T It "trains •for Toronto and east
le54/e Wiisban• at 6.80 a.m. and 11.10 a,m,
via W 'GF & B Division.: and at '0,45 a.m,
and 3,40 p, en., 'via Clinton and Guelph,
Good ;eenneotionsby all trains.
1e teachers and officers of the Pres,
edam Sabbath Sol 'ol went out to the
040 grounds at S 'atheled Island, on
needay. The pionio ' said to date 1ram..
to `rtip'leniah the 0002, but none enjoyed hemselves so well
us last y*: The ater was nice and
;m,an' a illocv role the ripples on
Grand Truu ,R
otatioii'wi11 bb o'f`
plating a pleasure'
oripbious of the d
by the Grand. Tru
Dost of tiokets, &c
ell gotten up work' 6n -
Resorts" issued ,thy the
Tway yCompany, has been
'Alton ii t
t 1 ills
ue to those~ j coli es
rip, as.it contaiaa dos-.
rent resorts- 1.•4911419'
k`Railway, as:" Well`"
f•The Orange
panted by Bell's
—A few; of .Wingh rr'5 youth5.and Harriston by spec'
fair ladies vis;1tecl the ountry on,: Wed- Trunk Railway, o
nesdayoveniag. and to ,k possession of was nicely d,eeorat
Mr. A. Tiplanikparl It was- a birth tion had been ma
day palmy, and 1 _,Fr does not grow 'the people of Har'
after': this, it isApthe fault of o was ti=104 e one, a
en ainment for it vu' S ingood st
>a alt , , o«, Attest i
Tepting viands tha make glad thb nu"naber pf our cit
heart; served in Mrs. 'pling's daintiest and rediotd a .m
manner, sweet music;oth 'iristi!umontal Orangemen there.
and vocal,'and livan4 'sus other amuse- merston, where al
dealt . Ail seemed*** .nyov therttselves. was celebrated.
-At a meeting hd ''rodn sday•,--On•...:.Wednesday
evening, the town' ban w;}! ;re-organited l3urst,"'fltirgr'11;wa
'with the' following offt•ere, T3r Tamlyn, of Walkerton. Re
Honorary President ; 1 ;Sebastian, (,L'resi- by, another raver
dent ; O n ,Sectary s. nd name we did no
1Vlanager; Itobt Mote • n0, `1yi ensurer:; `D made the happy co
Leade0 Co mittees were. also Guelph, assisted t
'appointed. Monday a Friday evenings 'Cargill, brother o
were fixed for regular •ractioe. Arrange- The bride was dre
naents were made for ' e purchase of new looked very prett
'music, and it is expect: that in a short 'and wedding bre
time Wingham will hav a, town band of started on a trip
which she may justly b proud, States. Only,frie
—For Ste St Marie, Po t Arthur,Dulutli present, from' To
and all points.ju the west,,Paoifio ooast.and bridge, and Listot
summer lake ,tours, etc, take one of the and brother from
splendid stem:fere of the Beatty I W T , '
Line, couuectiug at itiecardino witli•train J?lzepresents were
'caving Wingham 11.30 a` It. The fiue
eteaWers the "ignited Lrnpire" and "Cam -
parte are now running regularly, to he
followed by. another maguiiicent neer
steamer in a few %netts, See G T R agents
for datesof sailing, lowest pastienger and
freight rates, etc,
—The bridge acro
er Winghani has
tamarack plank.
under the supervisi
ley, cotinby engines
.0.41r H Clark too zona the well of Mr
Wm Anderson, Wa anosh,.:khe root of a
giautpoplar tree. wit' •h treasured twenty,.
fair feet in length.. The fibres almost
.filled the well/ Par of it may
our office(
—Mr J Galbraith
the wholostore, l,yr
pied by A W Weti:
Webster has moved
Royal Block and
iug to open ta<gene
—Tho by -1 w ill
iug at large iia the
and cowt,.,or+. othe
pounded ill found
time. Those -Ste
ou the streets May
ahi will have am
—The Intern
published at Hain
in a uetg Scott
,Foldiug 1'aolline
edition qf, 50,00
0 per 000 e • ' our.
enrmri,ed to a 1 -col
Is a:well-eouduct
the success it ha
made that bath.,
orbit side is beteg
hours, by many of
Jas Slellain peeee l
home. The funeral.
+cemetery at 0,49'
s opened a'tailor
rept, op`posltei'too•
isement, ith5aii'otl> ei.
the river at Lew-.
en covered . ;With
'he job was Ataxia'.
of Mr. John Alas -
ibteyer,'G ' ..t a surfac The b'•eezos fanged the
D Sutherland, elm et thti aehers nd all was gay tnd
John ‹itBatelle,
e, al,ch ap; oink :boat Laud the b tinsr as s feast and no
Wats immense*
i. jowl Wi sou, 3 3,iip;., That old reliable game tennie•µwas to the
John Wilscu, J W iK
bb i)tdrtver„ J 3'!'; w t:fore, promenade to .telling, athletic
tsin wit edonald attd lite
r hisholna, i.y tysi shant I, Msporcsint,yro to dd 'bo:titleg, t rade tarp
1 the afternoon's. se ttsemg ts, Mr ( Ie4,
's (onth,,, J orflitetide , ifeseryes' credit deter the
of Irritate, Dress coedit, Moline.' plett arilstEitgw'rnents th the day. curtrtizi and the boo)* .1+u
-bretdediev, Laces. Gloves unfired
i ll.Yary department well taeserlati tot* tt ` —The
ill bar hdu6 to ir,liv huh ` lNe1 iNvtts, on doe. send
► Oa loit
oolt ohxa tor bargains in above. } k,, ,,yy,, j _ I there
vw xlsl't11r 01 tego, 'tor'
•`tfnder the skilful . ntiageiiient of Mr
acid 1ifrs Stratbdee, a leasautpicnic party
Met on Strathdee Isla • on 14Ionday after-
noon* The trills' were outline and the
Water was 1ow;butthe bo is went speeding.
through the water in I' yal Macdonald
style, under the power of many a willing
hand. 'Tile surf shone do ' n in splendor
and 'tanned many face brown. Lawn
tennis was played and ot11= : games as well..
The wall Which so; abort s.paratos plonks
parties was broken dote..' cauls Isles was pleas trouble has neon taken, given, up by the ladieb fur lta.t days, The' being pr for visitors. A.
refreshments were` geed, nd trapidly die
befog prepared. Collis
appeared. Merry 'eltildri , strrigtly' youth the °din tuts fornc na
algid happymenta ell h trtilyenjoyed them heart and hand and
r j the Bltievalitee in the good
th+ltmeelves. tat night 'dr.pi ed her sable
d hofueWttrd,'
1; mala ill
n' of the town,:becor
°tory Band, went to
1 train on the Grafid,
the l.ftt1J The toWn
and every prepare•
e for their comfort by,
ton. The gathering
the procession the
the town.- A..large
en"s went.to Clinton
ster gathering of
Some went to Pal.
o the gloxious twelfth •
Miss Cargill, of c Hill -
married to DrFreeman
Mr Canipbell,•assisted
nd, gentleman, whose
learn, offloiated, and.
ple one; 1.1zss Stewart,
e bride, and Mr W D
the bride, was best man.
ed in white silk and
After the ceremony
kfaat, the happy pair
the east, through the
ds and relations were
onto, Guelph, Brieken-
. The Misses Cargill
Ingham, were present.
aluable and numerous`
banding a beautiful and comtnodious
ohureh, which will be •rt, credit to the con.
greAation and dircui and au ornament to
the plate. areht act is W 13iuning,
Listowel. The plan e gotten Ma jo fine
anti precise order. 0 seating capacity is
between 300•abd 350 he building ie 26
x 52, exclusive 6f the cove and petal.
The bseement partie rly 'well fitted for
Sunday School work, ving beside the
main leeture or echo Qom, rooms tor
iufant, adult s.ua Bibl asses. The cost
0tliv6ereti°t{)rti.°Oltor. he corner etoaes
eo Haney,' Dine*
will he laid on Tnesda at at 4,30. Great
musical treat is
-- Decor tion
, a
the Oddfellows, P
of the town, ou
different societies
on John street,
at 6 p m, and, hea
march to the cern
graves of departe
people generally
the ceremonies.
--The Presbyte
Wingham; vrill gi
on Tuesday evens
lecture room of
Sabbath School
tiokets free. .A. mo
struotive progranun
A good and enjoyabl
ly be looked for. I
array.of local talent,
Thonitt ,;will give s
her' binimitablo' st
Hamilton, the pctp
render several pieces
of Paris, a charming
solos. Adniissidip;
will be served frit;'
be seem in
taking l ossessiou of
of Yyllic 11is3 now Aeon ••
r't tatlori.shop. Mr
ernes the street iu the
,Galbraith' is proper
egard to animate run -
town ib now ill forcer
animals may be imp
cuing at large"at' any
Row their cows to run
ud then} in the hiound;,
e to blanc but them.,.,
ioual Royal Templar,
ton, ,has recently 'put
erfgobing'!-r' i dile aud
031 now :turns out its,
copies at the rate of '
., Je1•nprch. ilia been
tx ,n
.. 13*: a paper. aper, Ii p oe 1
journals ;z,:t .4SeerlOa
Nils be observed
> by
esters and Orangemen
Friday, July 25th'' The
ill form, in , procession
ar the Bulxtist: el urch,:,
d by a b'z ais,baud, wil.i
teryf `tip ' d5norate that' -
mein bars• The ,towns -*;a
e invited tottrke.part in
u Sabbath School,
an ice cream social' . '
July •.32nd, in the
ie church A:.1' the
cholas: , will *Ave
interesting a ' i#
is being prepared.
time may confident-
addition to: tuite an'
'Whiglitain people
're We are 'With
las ettootirage
Inger v./Sieve twfo;
coats. Tee Cream,
—Mr Wm Miller, th
Huron, just Cable f a the
Territory, woe in to n one day Mgt Wee
Ile has been a rest ent in the West fa
twenty years and s venteou.bas bifida spent
was selected by t AgrIcsittaral Society
and the than of Ind ce Albert tont betort4
the people of Onta lo the advantages ti
that region of the at, seleeted no avittet
e.ecount of bis g oral knowledge of
country, his log ae us:intone° with i
snccess with which le has met, and
ilea:sante say Stott tolieWat is one" t
finest districts of e Wesb,we hays no deub'
but Mt Miller wi have a number troth
this seetien for e pony, In fact, he h
visited a number f places in Outario
been very (Mee ful. A eery, et
Saskatchewan published in Prince Albert
has been receiv 'with a full descripti
the town, basin s facilities, advan
Albert is aboit he centre et the
Only five baby trriaget left,. Will tell is built uo abou, half vra.y 1
1or cost (eaali,onlyi for thirty clitse, s Regina sad P ince Albert and pr•