HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-07, Page 6E HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAR:MTH, ONT., MAY 7, 1970
Anchors, Bumpers, Bottom and Deck
Paint, Compasses; Outboard Oil,
Etc. 1970 50 H.P. Mercury EL & 4
H.P. Mercury. 1967 Harley Davidson,
Electric Start.
Phone 527-0775
Car Salesman
Huron County's Most Progressive Ford Dealer
Requires for the Exeter Area a Middle Aged
Person, preferably ' with some Sales
Experience, although not necessary, to Assist
In Our Merchandising of New and Used Ford,
John Hopkinson
Larry Snider Motors
EXETER 235-1640 I LONDON 227 -4191
Huron County's Largest Ford Dealer
Take Part in NEWS OF
Music Festival KIPPEN
Topnotch Feeds Limited Are Now Ready to Serve
You With Bulk Blending, Bulk Delivery and Bulk
Spreading Facilities From Our Branches at Seaforth,
Stratford, Brussels and Wroxeter.
This Gives You the Opportunity to Have Bulk
Fertilizer Spread on Your Field' for the Bagged Price.
For Example
Bagged Del. Farm Bulk Price BOread
5 7 20 - 10
15 - 15 -‘ 15
• PHONE 527-1910
Giant (Deal Pack)
Bold Detergent
47 ox. Tin
Sani-Flush 55c
(Deal Pack) 20 ox.
Easy-on Spray Starch _ _ _ 54c
14 ox. Peas or Cream Corn
Del Monte Vegetables _ 4/77c
13 ox Box •
McCormick's Arrowroots 43c
Delmonte-14 ox. Tins, with onions or tomato tidbits
Spaghetti Sauce _ _ _ _ 2/31 c
Baxter-19 oz. Tins
Beans with Pork 4/75c
Austral (Halves) 14 .oz.
Peaches or Pears _ _ 4/$1
Liquld-24 ox. (Dpal Pack)
Lux Detergent 53c
12 ot.
Scope Mouth Wash _ _
Ogilvie 14 on white or chocolate
Cake Mixes
McCornilck's-L131/2 ox. Box
Graham Wafers
I Mitchell Fertilizer & Supply Ltd.
WANTED ------
I• ;
Come in and pick up your copy of the 1970 Field Crop
recommendations and Chemical Guide for Weed Control
Miichell Fertilizer & Supply Ltd.
MITCHELL, ONT. Phones: 348-8631 or 348-9901
Smok Cry 0 Va H
BEEF LIVER lb. 49c
iniiieciE BACON :13:-.1ereee
RSTEAK/ROAST lb. $1.09 •
lb. 55c
lb. 69c
At Hensall
Council.. Hears Deputations
Mrs. Maude Hedden
Albert W. Shirray is a pa-
tient in South-Huron Hospital.
Miss Ann mickle of London
is spending a few days with her,
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MIckle,
London, visited Sunday with the
former's parents.
Miss Margaret N1cCorrnack
of Ottawa, Northern Ontario
champion figure skater spent the
weekend with Miss Troyann Bell.
Both girls have attended Strat-
ford Spring Skating School for
the past month.
Mr. and Mrs. J.L.McCloy
and family of Don Mills were
week end visitors with Mrs.
Alma Hess.
Mrs. Carl Payne attended
the Registered Nurses Assoc,
cation of Ontario Conference
in Toronto.
Mrs. James MoAllister, pre-
sident of, Hensa W.I., attended
the Officers onference at
Hensall Kinette Club report'
a successful rummage sale Fri-
day evening in the Arena auditor-
ium. Cartons of used clothing
not sold will be given to the
U.C.W. for their bale for Over-
seas Relief.
Dies at Home
Paul Boa, R.R.1., Hensall,
a well known district resident,
died suddenly at his home on
Monday. He was 56 and un-
married. He leaves to mourn
his loss five brothers, George,
R.R.1:, Hensall; Jack, Goderich;
Malcolm, R.R.1., Hensall; Mor-
ris, Windsor.
Public funeral services will
be held from the Bonthron Fu-
neral Horne, Hensall, Thursday
7th, at 2 p.m., with Rev. I. F.
Currie in charge. Burial in Mc-
Taggart's cemetery.
Ten boys and girls from the
Hensall area played in the open
piano solos at the Mitchell Mu-
sic Festival on Monday. This
section of the festival was held
in the Main St. United Church
with Mr. George V eary, A, R. C. M.
A.R.C.O., of Hamilton adjudica-
Plano solo, grade 3, Three
and Twenty Pirates, Debbie Con-
sitt 78, Sharqn Finlayson 79,
Floyd Upshall 78, Donald Sara-
ras 79.
Piano SQ10, grade 5, Spin Top
Spin, Linda Thompson 81, Di-
anne' Baird 80, Tony Kyle '79,
Paul Raeburn 77, pat Joyne 77.
Piano solo, grade 6, Rondo,
Linda Bell, second prize 81.
They are pupils of MissGreta
Okay Loan for
Hensall Firm
A loan of $100,000 by thee
Ontario Government will be gran-
ted to Boise Cascade Home and
Land, Ltd., of Hensa,11, Trea-
surer Charles McNaughton an-
nounced this week. If
The firm manufactures travel
trailers and mobile homes: The
company is building a new 72,400
square foot plant in Hensall where
they will manufacture mobile
homes. The travel trailer pro-
duction will be carried out in the
present 65,000 square foot fac-
tory. The total cost of the ex-
pansion will be $922,000. Mr.
McNaughton said the additional
facilities will create 71 jobs with
a potential increase of 161 jobs
in five years.
' The interest free loan will not
have 'to be repaid provided the
firm meets certain conditions
over the next six-yearS.
The turkey and ham smorgas-
bord held in St. Pauls Anglican
Church Saturday afternoon' was
successful and well patronized
with over 175 served and several
dinners taken out. Mrs. F. For-
rest and Mrs. Jean Turner were
convenors for the smorgasbord.
South Huron Masonic Divine
Service was held in Hensall
United Church Sunday evening
attended by over one hundred
Masens who are observing their
Centennial, and a large congre-
gation also was present. Rev.
H.F.Currie who conducted the
service introduced the gudst
speaker, Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev.
Marshall S. Jess, Grand Chap-
lain 'of Collingwood, who based
his thoughts from the message
"Be Humble and Remember,
delivering a very impressive dis-
The Don McMillan family of
Goderich provided musical num-
bers. A fellowship hour was held
at the conclusion of the serVite.
The Kippen East W.I. will
meet in the Legion Hall, Hensall
on Thursday evening of next
week when the hostess will be
Mrs, Campbell Eyre and co-
hostess Mrs. Lois Broadfoot.
The roll call is 'Name a veget-
able and a viamin it contains' and
the mottb "In this modern elec-
tric era all a woman has to do
to run her home is to keep
plugging" will be presented by
Mrs. Al Hoggarth. The program
will be .presented, by the 4-H
girls arranged by Mrs. Grant
MacLean, Mrs. Ken McKay and
Mrs. Robert Kinsman while. Mrs.
Charles Eyre, Mrs. Jack Sin-
clair, Mrs. Ken McKay, and Mrs.
Dave Triebner are in charge of
It was deputation night at Hen-
sall council Monday as groups re-
presenting a variety of interests
appeared before council with
their requests.
Robert Baker, Jr. asked coun-
cil if there was any way to have a
large smoke stack removed from
the vicinity of his property on
Mrs. Norman Long
Mrs. Charles MacDonald and
son of Stratford visited onSatur-
day afternoon with her brother-
in-law, Robert Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kirk
of St. Thomas visited on the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirk
and family.
Miss Mabelle Whiteman re-
turned home since spending the
winter months in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride
enjoyed the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Love in Cairo, Mich.
Mrs. Reid Torrence recently
returned to her home from being
hospitalized in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter.
John Thomsen of Kippen was
successful in passing his' grade 7
examination of electric steel gui-
tar. He got first class honors, re-
ceiving a mark of 95. He is the
grandson of Robert-Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Doig of
Grand Rapids, Mich., called on
Mrs. Long Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Tom Burke of Apsley,
Ont., visited a few days with a
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. W' L. Mellis.
Mrs. Norman Long, Kippen,
won a lamp and Mr. Vivan,
Cooper' of Kippen, won notions
in Seaforth Hospital Auxiliary
annual Penny Sale at Seaforth.
Mr. Oliver MacKay of R,R.2.
Kippen, is a patient in Seaforth
Community Hospital, Seaforth.
His sister, Mrs. Bessie Howe,
of Woodstock, is / guest of her
. Sister, Miss Margaret MacKay.
Congratulations to John
Thomson who successfully
passed his' grade 7 electric steel
guitar exam with ls,t. class honors
receiving a mark of 95%. John is
the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert
Thomson of R.R. 2, Kippen.
Elizabeth Street. He said he could-
sell some of the property for
homes and future development
but he is concerned about building
until it is removed. Council pro-
mised to contact the owner, and
advise him of the condition of the
smoke stack and request that it
be removed at once.
Mr. Baker also inquired re-
garding the removal of large
electrical transformers which
serviced the saw mill which was
once located there. He was ad-
vised to contact the P.U.C.
In answer to a further query
as to whether Cook's Division of
Gerbro would provide good drain-
age near their ramp to prevent
water backing up to the proper-
ties on the east, Reeve Jaques
replied "I'm pretty sure they
mentioned they would put In a
culvert for drainage".
Gerald Flynn appeared on be-
half of Hensall Firemen and asked
if council would consider donating
$100 toward a Fireworks display
on May 18. He said the cost of the .
display has risen -from $410 last
year to $478 this year. Council
will consider the request.
David Kyle and Gary Alex-
ander appeared again regarding
a drainage problem on their pro-
perties. Mr. Kyle asked if council
would consider paying for the
drain from the Verlinde drain to
his back fence. After lengthy
discussion and many suggestions,
he was told that council could not
do this and was referred to
By-Law #9, 1967. Councillor
Knight said that while it would
be simple for council to pay
approximately $100 this would set
a precedent that council could not
Mr. Kyle suggested the village
should have investigated more
thoroughly the Verlinde driin
which he said is costing $700.
or $800 and will' service nobody.
He reminded council that it would
also be installing drains for new
'development but Reeve Jaques
replied that no decisions had been
taken concerning development.
Harry Klungel, proprietor of
the Queensway' Nursing Home,
was concerned-about the condition
of 'the sidewalk and boulevard at
the corner of Nelson and Queen
Streets and suggested the instal-
lation of new sidewalks and the
replacing cement of the present
boulevard with gravel. The con-
ditions present a problem for
visitors at the Home. He was
told that E. R. Davis would-be
sent to patch the sidewalk and
the Street Committee would visit
the location and make a decision
Eric Mansfield and-Anthony
Charette appeared on behalf of
the Parks Board and presented
the budget for 1970. Accepting
the budget would mean an in-
crease of six mills over last
year end this would only bring
conditions at' the Arena to a
little better standard than at
present. Council was told that
due to, the fact the Arena has
been let go for the past twenty
years, the state of repair is
bad. Council promised to
consider the budget and advise
the, Park Board it's de-
cision later.
Town foreman, E. R. Davis,
in his monthly repePt informed
council that he had cleaned the
boulevards and taken three loads
of refuse to the dump, had filled
with top soil 14 .holes left from
tree stumps,., had cleaned King
St. West of the tracks on the
south side of the street, had
delivered cold mix for patching
the streets, had patched some of
the streets and removed the
snow fences. The dump has been
bulldozed and will be open on
Saturdays and Mondays for the
summer months only. Council
was told that Mr. Davis had
five loads of gravel dumped on
Oxford St. West but that more is
needed. Complaints were.being
received regarding the condit-
ions of the streets where the
Union Gas Company had installed
mains. The foreman was asked
to inform the construction com-
pany responsible to have the
damage repaired.
Councillor Knight reported on
the Firemen's Committee. He
had attended one of the Fire 7
men's meetings and they are in
agreement with signing the
Mutual Fire agreement. He had
been informed that Exeter would
be Hensall's first back up and
Brucefield its second. The fire
chinf had told bhp that the
Queensway Nursing Home is
intending to have a hook-up to
the Fire Alarm system and an
agreement will be reached re-
garding responsibilities in-
volved. The fire chief had sug-
gested council accept the Fire
Prevention code. The new fire
truck is well underway he said
and some of the committee as
well as the fire chief will visit
the factory to see that specific-
ations are being ,met.
Arising from a recommend-
ation of the Planning and In-
dustrial Committee, council de-
cided to take an option on the
James Taylor property on Queen
Street at $3,500. The O.M.B.
and the O.W.R.C. are to be
contacted regarding 'a meeting
in the near future.
Council was advised the
Board of Education had asked
for $'49,339 and the County
$25,334.71. Bills and accounts
in the amount cif $7,206.46 were
ordered paid.
5 lbs. 45c
3 for $1
Orange Juice
2 for 73c
5 lbs. 59c
100 411111101