HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-07, Page 5Talk Safety at WI Meeting BASEBALL? DUBLIN & DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION All girls 10 years and over in Dublin • and District, interested in baseball, please register by May 14th. ' Contact: MRS. JOE CRONIN or MRS. D. (YROURKE • Read the .Advertisements It's a Profitable Pastime! GARRE'TTIS SPRING Slut May 7 Through May 23 LADIES DRESS SHOES WHITE SHOES, ITALIAN SANDALS & CASUALS 20% OFF ALL LINES, OF MEN'S -RUNNING:- .f ••••• ••• . SHOES &. SLIPPERS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 10% DRESS SHO[, CASUALS , & SANDALS' ?43% OFF CHILDREN'S PARTY, SCHOOL & PLAY SHOES 20% OFF Treat -Mother To Shoes and a Matching Handbag While Our Sale* Is Qn At GARRETT'S SHOE STORE 19 ALBERT ST. CLINTON] • Visit Any of Our Three Stores AND CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTION OF APPLIANCES FURNITURE GIFTWARE 1 It Washers, Dryers, Tables, Chairs, Lamps, Ranges, Refrigerators, Complete Suites, etc. ' Dishwashers: etc.- , . We Will Assist You in Puking the Right Gift for Mother! a ' GINGERICH'S L "Your Home Decorating Centre" Ir Toasters, Irons, Vacuums, Polishers, etc. Now. of , Correspondent Mrs. Joseph Kate Mrs. Michael Murray was in , Ottawa attending the p. T. A. con- * • vention. Misses Betty and Anne Shea, London, visited at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marcy and children, Stratford, spent Sun-- day with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste • Ducharme. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and family, Toronto, Mr. `and - Mrs. Lou Murray and family, Jondon, spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Michael mull • * 4 4 • • • • • • • • • • r ray. 'Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Lane were in Kitchener on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flanaga,n and fa- , milt'. Mrs. Joseph Melady spent the weekend in Belle River with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Melady. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Morris and family, Simcoe, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Morris over the weekend. Relatives present at the,fu- neral of the late Mrs. Margaret Balige were from Detroit, Lon- don, St. Thomas, Kitchener,Sea- fotth, Dublin and surrounding district. Correspondent Mrs. Bob Cronin The Dublin Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Lorne Aikens for the Annual meeting. The president Mrs. H. Britton opened the meeting. The roll call was answered to with a hint on safety in the use of drugs. This was answered by the 15 ladies present. The secre- tary's report was read 'by Mrs. J. Statton and the treasurer's re- port was given by Mrs. W. Annis. A thank-you note which was re- ceived from Miss Judy Friend was read and a motion was moved and passed for the Institute to be- come members of Spruce Lodge. A talk on safety was given by Mrs. Harold Pethick outlining Safety hints in the home, and safe- ty on the highways and the farms. The hostess presented her program afici Mrs. N. Mackay gave the auditors report and the standing committee reports were read and adopted by Mrs. C. Roney.. The minutes for the year 1969 were read by Mrs. J, Statton and the secretary for the annual mee- ting, Mrs. W. Annis, read the slate of new officers as follows: Past President, Mrs. H. Brit- ton; President, Mrs. Charles Friend; Vice President, Mrs, J. Burchill; Secretary, Mrs. J. Statton; Assistant Secretary, Mrs. T. Butters; Treasurer, Mrs.. R. Burchill; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. H. Pethick, Dis- trict Director, Mrs. H. Britton; Alternate District Director, Mrs. N. Mackay; Press Reporter, Mrs. Bob Cronin; Assistant Reporter, Mrs. J. Dorsey; Card Secretary, Mrs. W. Smith; Tweedsmuir Cu- Staffa W.I. Elects Officers rator, Mrs. J. Burchill; Pianist, Mrs. C. Ro ney and Mrs, J. Nagle; Branch Directors, Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. R. Burchill; Nominating Committee, Mrs. H. Britton and Mrs. C. Roney; Au- ditors, Mrs. L. Aikens and•Mrs. L. Barker. Standing Committees; Public Relations, Mrs. W. Smith; 'Agriculture and Canadian Industries, . Mrs. FL Aikens and Mrs. H. Britton; Education and. Citizenship, Mrs. L. Aikens and Mrs. J. Nagle; Hot& Economics and Health, Mrs. W. Annis and Mrs. IL Pethick; Current Events, Mrs, C. Roney; Historical Re- search, Mrs. J. Burchill; Reso- lutions, Mrs. J. Burchill. The retiring president, Mrs. H. Britton, thanked all for their co-operation and help given her during her term of office and Mrs. John Nagle the chairman installed 'the new officers. Mrs. George Coville acted as secre- tary for the annual meeting and Mrs. John Burchill thanked Mrs. John Nagle for being the chair- man for the installation. -Mrs. Charles Friend the new president took the chair. She thanked the Cancer 'canvassers for their support, in this, cam- paign. The executive meeting for the drawing up of the program will be held at the home of Mrs. • Charles Friend. The May meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. C. Ro. ney and the courtesy re- marks were given by Mrs. Charles Friend. Lunch was served by Mrs. George Coville and Mrs. W. Smith. Miss Linda liodgibs and Miss Susan Friend spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer, Scarboro, were visiting with friends and relatives in the area over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Klinkham- mer and family spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klink-. hammer. ,Mrs, Toni Butters has re- turned home froth St. Joseph's Hospital in London where she was a patient and Mr. Tom Butters is a patient in the SeaforthCommu- nity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs,_ Bill Butters and Danny, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs. Don' Coyne and family, London, Mr: and. Mrs. Glen Butters and, family, Hespeler, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. Tho- mas, and Mr. Allan Butters, Hamilton, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wills and Lisa were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Weiler, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cronin and family spent Sunday' in Zurich' with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Denomme. Mr. and Mrs. Ferg Reynolds, Detroit, Michigan, were visiting with friends and relatives on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Ryan and family, ' London, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan. Mr. Lorne Cronin, Jackie and Joanne, Kitchener, were visiting with relatives on the weekend., Mr. and Mrs. A, McDougall and family of London with Mrs. J. Jordan. NEWS OF Correspondent Miss Mary McUwain Mrs. Cecil Peliey, the former Edith Riley of Constance, passed away in Doctors' Hospital, To- ronto on Friday, May 1st, 1970. She was in her Gist year. -Mrs. Pelley was - married twice; her, first husband, Jim MacFarlane of Stanley Township died in DRceniber 1952, Later she married Cecil Pettey of To- ronto who survives; also two daughters, Mrs. Harold Stolle (Christine MacFarlane), Mrs. Ron Corrigan (Ann MacFarlane) of Ajax; four grandchildren and two brothers, Tom Riley of Clin- ton and Frank Riley of Con- stance. A memorial service was held Monday night in North Runny- mede Church, Toronto. sympathy of the community-is extended to the Riley family. MrS. Wayne Hoegy of London spent a few days the past week with Mrs. Bill Dale while her father is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. We would, like to wish him a speedy re-' covery. Mr. and Mrs. Andy McFar- lane and family spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Dron. Miss Margie Whyte returned on Friday to University at Guelph. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart and Harvey were Mr. and Mrs, Ray, Butler, Donny, Debbie and Elaine of Cortland, Miss Betty Hoggart, Mr. Bill Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carol and Mark, all of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Snell News of STAFFA Mr. and Mrs.' Jack Sadler and Bob and Mrs. Ruby Reed attended the funeral of Mrs. Gordon Rutledge in Hamilbin on Thursday. It is good to see Mrs.Walter O'Brien back home again after spending the winter with her family and friends in the U.S.A. and good to see Mrs. Garnet Taylor back home again after a lengthy stay in the hospital. • • Mr.• and 'Mrs. Bruce Arm- strong visited Saturday evening with Mr. Lin McKellar inStrat- ford General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Vivian and boys, London, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.Cam- eron Vivian and Carol Ann. Misses Rosanna and Joanne Worden, Toronto; spent the week end with their father, Mr. Alvin Worden and Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family and-Mrs. Sam Norris. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burleigh and family, Goder- ich. Mrs. Lloyd Miller visited Sunday with her mother, MrS. Robert Duncan at Wingham Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mauer, Thames Road, visited' Sunday evening With Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harburn are lionle after vacationing in the, U.S.A. ,Sunday visitors with Mr,. and Mrs. John Drake and ikurray were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Finlayson and Mike, mr. and Mrs. Bruce Papple and girls, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. David Sim, London. Use Expositor Want Ads - Phone 527-0240 and Shaiis! Mrs. Don 019Ugher, Karen and Wily all of RI*, Mr. and Mrs- MiirraY SPet.t, Me. Janie' and Merlbeth of Belgrave, visited through the Week with IVIrs.13111 Dale and Cheryl, Ur. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited oirStindaY with Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer Ilart and family of Brussels. e' Mr. and Mrs. John Bos and family of Mitchell visited onSun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Marris Hos and Steven. Mr., and Mrs. Art McMichael and Rhonda of Seaforth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson and Joan. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator visited with• Mr. and Mrs. Howard 1:)reszcator and Joan of Sanford. • Joe 4431-1.44 Don o. :TIN14#0#14e-*ISited...00guedat vening with Mrs and 14Ff*fFP4, 011011444 and lamtlY;. • . ivlr. arid. Mrs. wilfre4.-.Boott Whyte, Mr. ana Mrs. Walter. DPOtt ibf geagprit attend the funeral 9.11 :Monday p1 :ivlr ' Bob pattersop f BraMPten, of Mrs. GrAgo PgtfOr$0.0; Mr. and Airso..4errY1004. family of Huron. p*rio..osito Sunday with Mr. and VATS,- Den Riley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph CileW Of . Dorchester spent the weekend. with Mrs. Elma Jewitt, 00.1/ and. Brian, Mrs, Annie Lettck, Mr. Bev Jewitt started wor,- king on Monday in London with Ontario Hydro. ST. COLUMBAN The monthly meeting of Sea- forth W.T. will be held on Tues- day, May 12 at 82IS at the home of Mrs. Alex Pepper. The pro- gram, in charge of Agriculture and Canadian Industries conve- nors, Mrs. Frank ,Hunt and Mrs. Mary Haugh, will feature a pa- per on "Pollution", with the roll it call being diA corrective pollu- tion measure". Lundh commit- tee will be Mrs. E. Kerr, Mrs. J. MacLean, Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. B. Coleman. Correspondent Mrs.John Templeman The annual meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute was held in the township hall on Thursday evening.' Mrs. Ed. Chappel pre- sided and opened the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stew- art Collect. ^Eighteen members and two new members answered the roll call with the payment of fees and resolve in 1970-' Members were reminded of the 41.H Achievement Day and the District Annual in Motherwell on May 19. Delegates to the District Annual are Mrs.Chappel, Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Miss Vera Hambley and Mrs. John Templerpa,n. Mrs. Wilbur Glan- ville volunteered to lodk after the layette for the District An- nual and Mrs. Russell Worden volunteered to deliver the 5 crib quilts which the Institute had completed to the War Memorial Hospital, London, Mrs. Carter j. Kerslake was appointed delegate ' to the Area Convention this Fall. Mrs. John Templeman pre- sented a paper on the motto - 'Look Forward, but Glance Back'. Mrs. Carter Kersihke pre- sided for the election of officers. Reports were given by the execut- ive and all standing committees. Miss Vera Hambley presented the list of officers on behalf of the nominating committee as follows: Past President - Mrs. Carter Kerslake; President - Mrs. Ed. Chappel; 1st. Vice President - Mrs. Ross Smale;' 2nd Vice President -• Mrs. John Miller; Secretary-Treasurer- Mrs. Charles Douglas; Assistant Sec- retary Treasurer - Mrs. Lloyd Miller; District.Director - Mrs. Carter Kerslake; Assistant 7 Mrs. Russell Worden; Branch Directors - Miss Vera Hambley, Mrs.. John Miller, Mrs. Verna Brooks and Mrs. Roy McDonald. pianist - Mrs: Robert Mc- Caughey; Assistant pianist - Mrs. Oscar Reed; Auditors - Mrs. Wilbur Glanville and Mrs.Lloyd Miller; Press Reporter - Mrs. Cameron Vivian; Assistant - Mrs. Norman Harburn; Sunshine Committee - Mrs. Cameron Viv- ian, Mrs. Penelope Fell, Miss Olive Speare; Tweedsmuir Cur- ator - Miss Vera Hambley; Tweedsmuir Committee - Mrs. Carter Kerslake, Mr. Lyle Wor- den,Mr. Tom Scott, Mr. Alvin Barour, Mrs, Les Hutson. Standing Committees' Agriculture and Canadian Indus- tries - Mrs, Lloyd Miller, Mrs. George Vivian. Citizenship and Education - Mrs. Russell Worden, Mrs. Ross Mc- Phail. Historical Research and Current Events - Mrs. Robert Parsons, Mrs. Wilbur Glanville. Home Economics and Health - Mrs. Frank Hamilton, Mrs. Ross Smale. • Resolutions - Mrs. Gordon Hog- garth. Public Relations - Mrs.John Templeman. Nominating Committee - Mrs. Verna Brooks, Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mrs. Ruby Reed. Seaforth W.I. 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