HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-05-07, Page 4LOW, LOW PRICES Swanson CHICKEN DINNERS Old Tyme SYRUP, 32-oz. bottle Coleslaw or Thousand Island KRAFT DRESSING, 8-oz. Stokely's Red KIDNEY BEANS, 14-oz. Bayer's ASPIRINS, 100 tablet bottle Squirrel PEANUT BUIVER, '16-oz. Hunt's CATSUP, 18-oz. size Vel Liquid DETERGENT, king size SAKI-FLUSH, 46-oz. size Viva -TOWELS, 2's DelMonte KERNEL CORN, 12-oz. DelMonte Pineapple, Grapefruit ORANGE, 48-oz. DelMonte PEACH HALVES, 19-oz. Duncan Hines CAKE MIXES;19-oz. yan Camp's PORK & BEANS, 14-oz. Selowidoes LUNCHEON MRATS First Grade CREAMERY BUTTER. FINNIGANS EGMONDVILLE 650 550 3 for $1 5 for $1 650 490 3 for 890 590 590 590 4 for 890 3 for $1 350 2 for 8S0 for $1 3 pkgs. $1 lb. 650 WHOLESALE PRICES ON BREAD - MILK - EGGS Attention Veterans Ex-Service Men and Women and Dependents The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer H. W. MOYER Prpvincial Service Officer of London will visit at the Legian Hall, Branch 156, SEAFORTH, on TUESDAY, MAY 12th at 1:30 -P.m • Anyone wishing information, advice or assisbance, regarding War Disability' Pensions; Treatment, Allowances; ebc., is re- quested'to contact the Service Officer of the Seaforth Branch, J. C. Cornish, to arrange an interview. , In the Red Knight Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY FRANCIS SCHRAM with the MUSICIVIEN - BEVERAGE ROOM FRIDAY and SATURDAY Mike Hodgert "THE TRI TONES" • AmPle Free Customer Parking Visit our Be%erage Room for Tasty Chicken Wings, also Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL SeafOrth, Ontario WOMEN'S • HOSPITAL' AUXILIARY, QUEBEC TRIP The Student Council and Hab- kirk Bus 'Lines have arranged The Hospital Auxiliary meet- ing will be held on May 12th. Campaign Nears Completion Proceeds in the annual cancer campaign total $2,070 according tb J.R,Spittal who headed the Seaforth district drive. The canvass will be com- pleted this week Mr. Spittal said and added that any who may have been missed could forward gifts to him or leave It a Seaforth bank. BROWNIE 'S; DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Bel Office Opens at 13:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK BEGINNINmGAgURSDAY, OPENING NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY ,---- SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK 'THURS„ FRI., SAT., MON., TUES., WED. May 7 To May 13 - DOUBLE FEATURE - ;'Easy Rider' (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) PETER FONDA Dennis Hopper - Jack Nicholson Showing at 8.30 p.m. In Color "A TIME FOR KILLING" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Olsen Ford - George Hamilton Showing at 10.30 p.m. Color Cartoon BAKE SALE in Melanson's TV Store (formerly Gingerich's) SAT., MAY 16th 3 to 5 pm. under the auspices of St. James' CWL 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811, AIRCONDITIONED GODERICH Monthly Calendar' for May "VANESSA REWEAVE IS SIMPLY GREAT IN 'THE LOVES OF ISADORA'!"-uft VANESSA REDGRAVE "THE LOVES OF ISADORA" Wed.6 Thu.Fri. 8 Sat. 9 7 The HOWLarious canine caper that sent London to the dogs! • • A 11Dloo., avoduc. Sun. 10 mo,;.11 Tue. 1.2 Wed.13 Thu.14 Fri. 15 Sot.1 6 Sun.17 Mon 18 Tue.19 "The Gypsy Moths" starring Bert Lancaster DeborahKerr.„ imETRocoLoR Wed. 20 Thu. 21 • Fri. 22 so. 23 THE MOST EXPLOSIVE SPY SCANDAL OF THE CENTURY! "ONE OF THE ,YEAR'S 10 BEST!" ROBERT REDFORD KATHARINE ROSS it , ROBERT BLAKE SUSAN CLARK "TELL THEM WILLIE BOY IS HERE" A mivERsoe, PICT oe olP Sun. 24 mon.25 Tue. 26 SIMIN pannier 1.1151 man' A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Wed 27 Thu. 28 Fri. 29 Sat. 30 A FBANKOVICKSTUKGES PRODUCTION CREGORY AOC RICHARD CRE1110. PenAvmone EasImpncalpi DAVID JANSSEN.,...-.., • +,,,,,THE HURON EXPOSITOR, !SEAFORTH, ONT., MAY 7, 1970 LOCAL BRIM Dress Casual "JUGGERNAUT" SAT., MAY 9th DANCING 9:00 - 12:00 AT THE SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE We Reserve The Right To Refuse Admission TH TEEN TWENTY • Presents Admission $1.00 Correspondents Beata Malkus Marg Elligsen CHOCOLATE BAR CAMPAIGN A special assembly was held last We ;ilesday afternoon by the Students' Council, its purpose being to introduce the Annual Chocolate Bar Campaign to the student body. Unlike other years, the gimmick to increase 'sales is not the awarding of a prize to the class with ,the highest sales per capita, but a "Trea- sure Chest". For every box sold; the student, receives a key, with which he can try to open the chest. If he is successful he wins $5.00. If he is unsucces- sful, he can write his name on a slip of paper and deposit it in the chest. Every afternoon a draw is made and the winner presented with a' $2.50 prize. In addition, prizes Will be given to the highest individual winners. Three-quarters of the profits are earmarked to go to help pay for a school which the On- tario Department of Education is building on St. Vincent in the West Indies. The support of all local citizens is requested for this worthy project - in fact, '"Help a scholar with 'a dollar, buy two!" INVASION Last Wednesday evening was a big night for area Grade Eight students. With their parents they attended a special meeting designed to answer any questions they might have about the courses offered here at S.D. H.S. and in Clinton and to pro- vice an opportunity for the future high school students to 'become oriented in the school: The program star d with a general assembly in the audit- orium; a ,'welcome as extended by the Principal, Mr. L. 4). plumsteel and then introductory remarks were given by Neil Mc- Donald, president of the Students' Council and Mr. F. A. Dobson, head of the Guidance Depart- ment; the S.D.H.S. Girls' Trumpet Band performed a few numbers, the cheerleaders 'did their" thing',• and the School Queen, Miss Gail Doig, was presented. After a short period in "in- terest groups", the parents,and students were free tp wander through the school; staff mem- bers and senior students were present to answer questions. ,The evening ended with coffee or chocolate' milk and doughnuts in the cafeteria. It was, we feel, a success; we hope that we helped to straigh- ten out any problems with courses and that the transition from grade school' to high school has been Made a little easier. Thanks is dtie to all who helped - staff• members, the Grade 12 students, the members of the participating student ac- tivities, the custodians - with special recognition extended to Mr. Craig, who came from Cen- tral Huron Secondary School (in Clinton), to explain the .courses offered there. , RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hudie Walton Community Hall. Friday, May 8th Music by Wilbee's Orchestra Ladles please bring lunch Everyone Welcome St. Columban CWL Annual Penny. Sale Thurs., May 7 to Saturday, May 9 in Mel's TV, Main Sty Seaforth (former Oinuericies Storm) Draw will taloa place p.m. ms May 1421/1 at St Columba& HareelltelMaillialelteM00111111111110M1110111101110 a school trip to Quebec City. About fifty people have signed up to go, so one bus will be sent. The students will leave Seaforth Thursday evening, May 14 and arrive at the Hotel Chateau Fron- tenac Friday. They will go on a 2-hour guided tour of the city Saturday, and in the afternoon, on an excursion to Ste Anne de. Beaupre and Montmorency Falls. Sunday morning everyone will say "Farewell" to Quebec City and jourpey on to Upper Canada Village. Here they will enjoy the sights and then spent the night in Kingston. Monday Morning, May 18, the group will board the bps • for home. If this trip turns out as well as the previous ones to Expo '67, Washington, D. C. and New York, everyone will have a smashing good time. So get your bags packed and start brushing up on some conversational French,May 14th isn't far away. STUDENT WEEK The Student 'Council's attempt to boost school spirit hy arrang- ing a Student Week was, for the most part, successful.. Approx- imately half the students par- ticipated, and some 'dreamed up very original costumes. Others took advantage 'of the lenient rules for dress, and wore shorts or ,slacks most of the time. Friday was "dress up" day and most of the students had on their "Sunday .best" for the occasion. The week proved Sea- forth to haVe some school spirit, 'but that the students could exhibit a great deal more. NEWS. OF WI NCHEL_SEA, Correspondent Mrs. Wm. Walters Mr. and Mrs. Gary Simp- son of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. -and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Mr. Russell Lee and David ,of Brinsley visited on Sunday with . and Mrs. r!eorge Frayne. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole of ,London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut- ton and 'Diane visited at Monk- ton on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Pehlke. Mr. •and Mrs. Bob Bibby and family of Kirkton visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Cow- ard. Mrs. John Coward visited on Thursday at Kirkton with Mr., and Mrs. Hiram Hannah. Miss Janet tarn of London spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern and family. Coming Next: "HELL'S BELLES" (Adult Entartatntnent) - And "MADIGAN'S MILLIONS" SELL GUIDE COOKIES Seaforth Girl Guides missed no opportunities on Saturday to sell cookies. Here a group stops for a moment on Main Street and reviews the sales situation. Pizza Patio Tavern FRIDAY AND SATURDAY . NIGHT MAY 8th and MAY 9th DESJARDINES ORCHESTRA MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL DINNER Phone .524-7711 Pizza Patio Tavern on the Bayfield Road, Goderich Saturday Night SING ALONG WITH Doreen Danbrook HURON MOTEL Dublin z; ALL DOUBLE 'FEATURE SHOWS v., 4). , Opens at 8.00 p.ml, Phone '524-9981 , CARLOW GODERICH BRIVEIN #87.4419° 'SUNSET • THEATRIS ci:MES VILLE THEATRE DRIVE-1N HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524-9981 THURS., , % II FRI., COLUMIS "TO SIDNEY ...,,,isc,p1LES SAT.. -.May MIMS PresPIT PRODUC).:S GC SIR, WITH ' POTTIER 7, LOVE" TECHNICOLOR' 8, 9 1 (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) -- And ACADEMY AWARD WNW Migfflar.tr,NAVRE2R4 S ',.q.. COLUMBIA PICTURES Priaaals a Stanley Kramer roductAm . ., ' SpencerTRACY I Sidney POITI ER 1 K4th-arine HEPBURN It guess who's. ii coming to dinner .4.1 CD neretroi• g SUN., BURT LANCASTER II PATRICK CYNgAl. , A "SINGLE MON., 10th Century TUES. "CASTLE Castle - ROOM • PLUS - . . .... A KEEP. May 20th . FURNISHED" Century 10, . AO ' 11.1011141 War 11, REsinicti,cf 10 12 IIT 61 Net MX. CA C.fil I) A Cinema WED., A National (ADULT THURS., FRI , , ..r .,,,,,. ..... .s' :es .• , -,A '' ' , Steve McQueen "The Reivers" Center Films Presentation General Pictures Rettase ENTERTAINMENT) SAT. - May 13.16 .''., • . ,... -;,. NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES ,r,$."es A MANN RONSON PRODUCTION 13 AblIrS GolVa A-44.4110 N-6 .0ed II rogfittriam. Lori re,1 I k f (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) ...... Mrs. W. McConnell and Miss kay Robinson, from Northern Ireland, are visiting with Mrs. John Duddy and Mr. Duddy for four weeks. They attended the baptism of Mrs. Duddy's daugh, ter Cheryl Joanne, last Sunday.' Miss Donna Smale visited Aver the week end with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank J. Smale of Wilson Street. Miss Donna Smale and Miss Aileen Eaton accompanied Miss Hazel Sparling to her home in Wroxeter where they spent Sun- day arriving home,Monday fore- noon. Mrs. George Love of Goderich the former Jessie Scott of "Thornton Hail", Seaforth, was injured when a car in which she was riding in Goderich was in collision with another car. Mrs. Love, who is a, patient in Alexan- dria Hospital, Goderich, suffered a fractured shoulder and head in- juries. She is a sister of James F. Scott, Ann St. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mac- Millan of Wishawaka, Indiana, were Weekend guest's, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Andrews of Harpurhey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cudmore of Wallaceburg spent a few days with Miss Hazel Reid last week. Russell Hays of Stratford Called on friends in town last week. Graham Kerr is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. CASH, BINGO • Legion Hall,Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY ath 8:15 p.m. 15 Regula! Games for $10.00 Threq $25.00 Games $75.00.• Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not permitted) Proceeds for Welfare Work Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion