HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-04-30, Page 6For the Finest in by RUSTCRAFT cT" and COUTTS HALLMARK 10c 15c - -25c - -50c GIFT WRAPPING and BOWS . A Large Selection CHINA - NOVELTIES - GLASSWARE SLIPS HOSIERY - COTTON GOWNS and DUSTERS See Our Selection of Children's Wear Far Spring Good Value and Style Complete Range SUIT SETS Children's Play Suits Shorts - T-Shirts Stretchy and Regular Hosiery • aron.e 1.1001(S• AND .STAtIONERY STORE The Friendly Store In Seaforth — "the friendly towns • • • V 0 • 0 • 0 V • ' Leen Van de Ban who supervises the Fertilizer facilities at Topnotch Feeds Lim- ited is shown with new bulk blending, delivery and spreading equipment which is now available to assist area farmers. TILI ER FACILITIES AT 10111•11101.11POIM • OP N OTCH • TOPNOTCH rEEDS LIMITED r • I Topnotch Feeds Limited Are Now Ready to Serve You With Bulk Blending,' Bulk Delivery and Bulk Spreading Facilities From Our Branches at Seaforth, Stratford, Brussels and Wroxeteia. This Gives You the Opportunity to Have Bulk Fertilizer Spread on Your Field for the Bagged Price. For Example Bagged Del. Farm Bulk Price Spread 5- 20 - 10 66.75 66.75 15-15-15 74.75 74.75 PHONE US BEFORE YOU BUY • PHONE 5274910 • • s • ' 444 T EXPOSIT HE HURON EXPOSI SHAFRIIII, ONT. APRIL 30, W$ OF HALL Hospital Worries? Leaflet Tells All Correspondent COrrespondent Mrs. Maude fieddeu Harry Horton who has been confined to her room with illness for the past eight weeks Is improving in health and able to be up and around. Mrs. Alberta McBeath is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. OBITUARY MRS. JOHN PFAFF Mrs. John Pfaff, the former Clara Matilda Baker formerly of Hensall, passed away Wednesday, April 22nd, at the Sunnyside Home for the Aged at Kitchener where she had been a resident for 5 1/2 years. She was in her 90th year. Surviving are three daugh- ters, Kathleen, Mrs. John Neil, Alvinston; Helen, Mrs. Tebbutt, Londoni Ruby, Mrs. Alvin Mc- Nicol, London. A son, Nelson, predeceased her in 1962 and her husband predeceased her in 1964. Also surviving are 10 grandchil- dren aed 15 great grandchildren. Public-funeral services were held Saturday, April 25th, from Bonthron Funeral Home, conduc- ted by Rev. R. U. MacLean. In- terment followed in Hensall Union . cemetery. RONALD MAXWELL PECK " Ronald Maxwell Peck, (Phar- fnacist), Burlington, formerly of Hensall, son of the late Dr. S. Peck of Hensall, passed away Saturday, April 25th, at Brant Memorial Hospital, Burlington, in his 50th year. He attended Hensel]. Public 'School, Clinton High School, received • his Uni- versity echication in Toronto and served four years with the Cana- dian Air Force in World War Two. Surviving are his wife, the former Joan Arnott, formerly of Hamilton, one son, John, and one • danghter, Debbie, his mother, Mrs. Janet Peck of Halton Cen- tennial Manor, Milton, and one sister, Elaine, Mrs. Howard _Kerr, Burlington. Funeral services were held Monday from East Plains United Church, Burlington. eiremeofteere.e.e . Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 (Continued from page 1) one time. - Visiting should be limited to a short period of time. - Persons with colds or infec- tions are not allowed to visit any patients. • - Children under 14 years of age are not allowed visiting pri- vileges in the hospital. - Visitors are asked to refrain. from bringing food or drink tO the hospital for patients unless the approval of the Head Nurse • is first obtained. - Patients are not allowed to visit one another except in the Patients' Lounge, to reduce the risk of cross infection. - Visitors to the Maternity De- partment will be limited to the husband of the patient and one other person. - Visitors to the Paediatric or Children's Ward will be li- mited to two members of the Immediate family. Visitors are requested to re- KIPPEN Correspondent Mrs. Norman Long Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dewys entertained recently at their home to honour her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fa- ber on the occasion of their W41:iding Anniversary. Progres- •Zive euchre was the entertain- ment for the evening. Little 6-year old Joanne Vor- stenbosch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (nee Audrey Priestap) Bert Vorstenbosch, Mitchell, and great granddaughter• of Mr. 1210:, bert Thomson, Kippen, won first prize for piano solo in Stratford Music Festival. Honor Bride Elect Miss Janet McKercher of London was honored Friday eve- ning when neighbours and friends from McKillop gathered at the residence of Mrs. George Wheat- ley, North Main Street, and pre- sented her with a shower of gifts in anticipation of her approaching wedding. Mrs.' Robert Allen, Bruce- field, and Mrs. Larry Wheatley, McKillop, joined with Mrs. Wheatley in hosting the event. Mrs. Everett ,Storey read an address in making the preSenta- tion. At the same time, a pre- sentation was made by Mrs. Al- len to Miss Helen McKercher, formerly of McKillop who now resides in Stratford. frain from smoking while visi- ting. Smoking is a health hazard and potential danger. For your protection and that of other pa- tients, please use extreme care at all times. Fire drills are held regular- ly for your protection. Do not be upset if the alarm sound& The staff will take every precaution needed for your care. Only your Doctor can dis- charge you. When he does, please arrange to leave the hospital by 12 noon on that day as we are al-. ways in need of beds for in- coming patients who are booked for admission at 1:00 p.m. A staff Member will aecom- pany you to the door. What To Bring With You The answer to this question is - as little as necessary. The only things you will need are your personal toiletries, such as brush and comb, tooth-brush and paste, shaving equipment. These Services for patients are listed: Radios and Televisions are permitted provided they meet the following requirements: (1) that the radio or television is electrically sound. (2) permission of your physician is first obtained. (3) the television picture is not larger than 12 inches. (4) that the.televisionis•equipped with either a pillow or ear speaker. (5) A release form must be signed 'before these items may be brought into the hos- pital. These can be obtained at the Business Office or at the Nursing Stations. Through the co-operation of the Women's Hospital Auxi- liary, TV sets may be rented for use while you are apa- tient. Ask your nurse for de- tails. Inconiing mail will be de- livered to your room. Outgoing /n o may be given to visitors or staff. StaniPS may be Obtained from the Tuck Shop in the front lobby. Telephones are available in private rooms and to use these just Dial 0 and the switchboard operator will place your call. A pay telephone is located in the patients' lounge and is available to patients and visitors. No extra charge is made for blood transfusions, however, you are urged to arrange for donors to contact the Red Cross inStrat- ford at 33 Market Place or tele- phone 271-o330 to replace the blood. This dedicated group of volun- teers work many hours to make Seaforth Community Hospital a better place in every way. Daily you will see them doing their part to make-you more "at home'/ and comfortable. They sponsor the following: „ Gift Shop - located in the front lobby. It has a great variety of items fox your friends and your personal needs. It is open daily in the afternoOn aact evenipg r, Tuck C art - A small Proi!ision .eart that is brought to thelloors for your convenience each TueaL, day and Friday afternoon. Candy Stripers - Teen-aged girls in red and white striped uniforms who assist our Nursing Staff on week=ends and holidays. They help by transporting pa- tients and running .errands throughout the hospital. The information leaflet con- cludes with a ' suggestion that patients and visitors remember the Hospital in their wills; ',While it is true ,day to day operating expenses of the hospi- tal are covered by the money re- ceived through insurance pay- ments, no provision is made for purchase of new equipment, im- proved services or for operating capital. Your board must raise money for these purposes and is dependent on gifts front indivl- duals or organizationaand grants from area municipalities. There is a continuing requireinent for funds for these purposes go that the facilities in your hospital may reflect most modern medical de- velopments.- Fop these reasons we suggest you may Wish to remember Seaforth Community Hospital in your will." Name Omitted Iii -'the report of the O.E.S. birthday party, the name of one of the Charter Members, Mrs. Janet Baker, was omitted. Mrs. Baker was the first chaplain and is the present chaplain. The winner of the fan Of $25 in $1 bills was Mrs. Lila Me- Kenzie of Strathroy. OBITUARY HOMER J. mpLI,EN Homer James Mellen, 1 Tor- rington Crescent, London, died at 'Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday aged 61. ' Mr. Mellen is a former resid- ent of Seaforth where he • served for anumber of years as manager of the distributing facilities of Supertest. ' He is survived by his wife, Kathleen, two sons, harry and Tim of London and two daughters Mrs. A. F, (Dianne) Sheppard, Niagara Falls and Miss Brenda Mellen at home. He is also survived by 12 grandchildren. The remains are resting at the John T. Donohue Funeral Home, 362 Waterloo Street at King in London. Funeral Mass at Holy Rosary Church, 712 Whet- tier Ave., Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment will follow in St. Peter's Cemetery. 1101•1111oNlimanimillaniolis 1111110, • it •