Wingham Times, 1890-07-11, Page 5lempany iverrr
answered alt
A, in- Toronto,
t up at the,
10 city, grade A
After retutn4
a 1•i
t a n old
atcheon, a jolly
ie ti000nipaniecl
L89i@ted us in,
,t the Union
er of acquain-
ius, P,luevale
aevale ; Messrs,
lohnstosi, John
>, Morris ; Mr.
l'. Ross, Bruce -
Dr. Macdonalclr
with hie
ott, l" tu'ua, an&
)titche0n arrang-
e was iu' chary'
a separate car bet
miter' and Blue.
�o. 119. John
oeate the berths
s, In this he'
Leech. Shortly
fur North • Bay
settled down,
o think of those
✓ to talk of the
By and by,
dropped off to
Mr. McEwen
,kin in the last
RD 90. Morning
ing up through
what a dreary
ishkeg, nauehkeg
trees 'and small
•aring here and
Line in sight of
t was a. lovely
t North Bay at
and in the best
to proceed on aur
view the prairies
J1.11e 30th, 18900
the members of
Canadian Order
led divine service
,n ehurch.
oined by a fart/ •
s from Wingham,
r, Lncknow, etc.
ole hundred in the
parched from the
The Rev. W. 11.
tor, delivered an
ietiral sermon froth.
e religion and un-
ud the Father is
Ile fatherless and
lictien, and to keep
from the world."
or,'sters formed in
ui'nmd to their h ,11,
1g brethren were ).-•.
ned by the niernberiR „
l cvan:osh•
while handling
is shoulder dislocat-
led to and is on the
11 as could be ex -
Poor Writing.
ors have any idea ot"
itage it is to a manu-
early written or bythe
n and again.have) hacL
ig on my table for ti,.
Lifting off its reading
because of the poor
,rs had an,' conception
an manuscript to edi-
ie far more careful how
wares to. the editorial
Script, for "example; tine
guarantee that there is:
it. Yet, look at that
;each taking it up. It is:
14 am. patient with,lier,,
ersonal, interest in, her;
Yet 1 know of two cosi-.
here her manuscripts.
sed by editora,who, ac-.
e afteevvard. that they:
;in, IOW, that woman..
ry upon herself. I. tell
thingtvhich snakes zu4'•
against a manuscript
ting.—Interview in Nem,
tl Advertiser.
tithe's Tnveattona.
the number of appal%
as 18,01, and the num.,
anted was 9,410, against
Is and '2,024patents in
3ritain in 1888 there was
mpared with. the iuime-
Lg year of mire than
pplications and nearly
fits --an increase which
> thoditicatibns of tho
II'B coririiag ..
i,me down to breekfailt
fn lull force." Batte'ot
ger lin said, •satins ones.
a :..•S,%AI rt 11„46
aPra."dartary aC $Vltlentlk
The' Presbytery met at tViiigliana,
'duly b, Rt. r A McKay, Moderator,
aniioeueed that his terra of office hada
expired. The. Clerk; stated that Mr
rf Howie's name was next on the roll by
order of induction. Mr Howie was ac-
cordingly appointed Moderator, Sten*.
ing Committees for the year as felloWa:
State of Religion -Messrs Sutltnr.
land, MacQueen, McFarlane, and their
i reshytery eiders.
Sabbath Schools,—Messrs Geddes,
A McKay, Mcl?ouald, ' Anderson and
'their Presbytery Eldora.-
Temperance,—Messrs llartley,Law,
Davidson, Stevenson, and their.
Presbytery E'ders and Brown.
Home ,4lissioes.--Messrs Ross, For-
rest, McBee, Howie, McQuarrie, and
their Presbytery Elders and Jones,
Finance,— Messrs McLennan, D
Davidson, and their Presbytery Elders
Ate and MacNabb.
- ,,4 Sabbath Observance,' --Messrs Mur-
ray, Fairbairn, McLennan, G McKay.
aril their Presbytery Elders, The
first named in each Commiteee to be
Elder's Commission in favor of Mr.
Daniel Meikclejohn was presented by
'the Session of Knox church, Belgrave.
The following AsseniblyCommissioners
reported diligence: Messrs McQuarrie,
McDonald, Geddes, Anderson, Stra.
than and Fisher. Thefidlowiug
session records were handed in and
committee appointed to examine thein:
Knox church, .Brussels ; Cranbrook ;
'Melville church, Brussels; Dungannon
and Port Albert ; East Ashfield. The
committees appointed to examine
)v11ss 1' iken,' Wingham, lips been'
visiting hero, this • week.—The corner
stoma of the Methodist church will be
laid on the lath inst. Mrs, \Val"t.wiu
is to lay one, for Senator Sanford ;
Mr..Bdward Leech is to lay another
for his brother, Mr. Jos. Leech, There
is Bowe talk of having two more, but
riot ot yet decided.—Mr, Thos. Nixon
has sold "Lucy and bought another
raoer,with a record of 2,36,. -.Mrs.
McPherson is ill in bed, hut is expect-
ed to bei out again soon,—Another
young teacher took up her quarters at
Mr. A McE,vee's, one evening lately.
—The following teachers belonging to
Bluevale have returned for their holi-
days: Robt. Stewart, Wm. Stewart,
Wm. Smith, W. 0. Bartley, Jas, ).ic-
Cracker' and Miss Bell Duncan. --
Miss Hattie .Reid has been appointed
organist in the Methodist church.
There will be no more service in the
Methodist church in the morning. This
is the resnit of the union with Brown-
town.—Mrs. Messer was called away
suddenly Sunday morning, to the bed
side of her mother.--.Mr.Davicl Patton
is building a stone wall under his barn,
which will add to the, value of the
farm. --Mr. S, Lagrant and'bride, on
their wedding tour, are the guests of
Mr. Thos. McKinney. Mr Lagrant is
one of the leading agriculturists of
Senilac county, Michigan. His wife
is a sister to Mrs. McKinney. -.On the
old Jackson farm, Mr. Timmins is
raising an addition t'i the tarn. lblr.
Fleuker is looking after Mr. T's inter-
these records reported them carefully
and correctly kept, and the Moderator
was instructed to attest thein in ac-
cordance with the reports. Mr Howie
tendered his resignation. On motion
of Mr McDonald, seconded by Mr
Law, it was agreed that his resignation
lie on the table,and that the congrega-
tion be cited. to appear for their
interests at next regular meeting of
:Presbytery. Mr Forest was appointed
to cite the congregation. A• petition
`from the congregation of Licknow,
transmitted through the session, ask,
•ug leave to sell the old Knox church
roperty, the proceeds of .sale to be
applied to church purposes. was read.
'On motion of Mr McLennan, seconded
by Mr J41cRae, the prayer of the
.petition was granted. On motion of
Mr Sutherland, seconded by Mr A
.McKay, it wits carried by a small ma-
jority that, a Presbyterial 'visitation of
the congregations bo in:;tituted. .Mr
McQuarrie moved, seconded by Mr
McLennan, anis agreed, that Messrs
•Sutherland, McDonald and Fisher be
appointed to prepare a series of ques-
tions and other details relative to the
Presbyterial Visitation scheme., to be
presented next meeting of Preshytery.
^According to notice of motion giveu at
last meeting,—It was moved by Mr
Mellen: an, seconded by Mr Sntlier.
land,that the system hitherto practiced
by the Presbytery (If appointing com-
'ntissioners to the General Assembly
•'in rotation, be discontinued; and that
instead, the Presbytery appoint three
Ministerial Commissioners in rotation, ,
the others by open vote and all the
elders by open vote. After sumo
° discussion, it was agreed that this
motion lie on the table till next
• regular meeting. The Presbytery
adjourned•to meet again in the same
place on Tuesday, September Oth, at
11.15 a m.
Presbytery Clerk.
Wingham, July 8, 1890.
J. M. Godfrey has returned
againbore "'j��
aFter a two weeks' visit to
friends in Stratford - -J. S, Anderaon,
teacher Lower Wingham, is spending
his vacation with his father, in this
victniby,-bisa Maggie s Portoriield has
gone to'Qliaton to try her luck in the
Third Class examinations,' We wish
her every sycoess.—We are glud' to
see the old, dilapidated side walk, be-
tween McClelland's corner and the
Foreuters' hall, isbeing replaced by a
new one, which:will be greatly ap-
preciated by pedestrians —Miss Tillie
Lane is spending a week or so with
ler sister, Mrs A Treleaven.—The
Presbyterians held their picnic in
Scandrett's grovgon .Friday last. The
day being cold," the numbers there
were not w fiat who expected—but in
spite of ail, every one seemed to enjoy
themselves. Prcfesser Morgan and
daughter Fairy were there, and gave
several pieces of Scotch music, which
added greatly to the enjoyment of the
day.—Mr John Budge, Sr., who went
to Berlin some tiro ago to have a can-
cer removed, is, we are glad to learn,
progressing favorably under the cir-
—Manufacturer of --
Aro now offering a large range of
0 3CD
Pu 41
co ;t
Flooring, Siding, 'etc., dressed to order on the
,shortest notice.
Wo have over 100,000 feet of Dryl
Lumber in our yard. and can sup•
ply seaseed stuff of all kinds.
A call solicited.
• Wingham, June "Oth,1800.
in Plain White, Crossbar and Figured, frorn Sc. upwards',
Lo4.of other Dass Matertalt,
suitable for our ever changing climate.
FLOUNCINGS that are intended to please every taste
interesting prices.
PRETTY THINGS IN EMBROIDERIES in desirable widths; and at
popular prices, It will pay you to look through them.
and at • very
Vacation, reconciliation, 'backsliding
rind dissolutions. -Miss Maggie Heed -
bell called upon us last 'week.—Our
'athietes won several prizes at Wroxeter
on the lst.—Mr Barr and Mrs Caen?
are adding beauty to their farms by
building new dwellings,-iietween six
and half a dozen went to Kincardine
•tfi try their examinations. — The
Temperance picnic was real nice,--
Rev -11 Carson has taken his depar-
taf'e and Rev °rowel Vow reigns in
his stead. --There was no service in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
(tilt oDnb roll LAB? MOO
tisti Robertson, of Stratford' is•
visiting her brother, Mr G M Robert -
eon, teacher.
(Tills wi ss.)
We are glad to learn that Mrs.
Lincoln, who has been confined to the
house through a severe cold, is con•
veleseent.—Bente of our farmers are
busy repairing their barns by shi'igling
Jse. Nine Reboot was closed en Frifley
lash fee the summer holidayo, the
teacher, Mr. Robertson, accompanied
'bv his sinter, left for their. home ueiir
.4irtmitteraou & ondo) inn ratuge
For the next 'Two Weeks,
ALL, and have a look
mn1agqnun}}o�����th /stock of•
arafrl?, 'pan
r. -The Best and cheapest; a large and choice selection. We
believe"invprotection that gives protection.
For comfort and durability in footwear, do not fail to get our
BOOTS, SHOE'S a.nll SLIPPERS. They are right every time,
Nothing so cheering and refreshing during' the oppressive weather
as a GOOD OUP OF TEA. you can get the correct thing every time,
• The Brown Anchor.
through our t
the greatest novelties of tt.e day and at the most popular
PRIN TS in all the latest patterns and newest, designs, from 5c
Muslins, figured and plain Lawns ; Ginghams, Sateens, Flan-
nelette in all the novelty patterns.
Ladies, this will be the unique opportunity of the 'season to
at less than two thirds of the regular price. •
Ladies,please note, this Sale is for Two
Weeks,. Only.
11%::1 ,AS0 ., it Black and Colored'. Must be
sold. A. large and handsome. stock to select from,.
A' complete stock of GENTS' rIIRNISRINGS in all the latest
novelties of the summer season:
TWEEDS AND PANTINGS, in all the finest worsteds.
Ready made Clothing always on hand ;'and the greatest novelty of
• . our goods is their very low price.
Ladies, don't fail to hove a look at our ,OPERA SLIPPERS.
.Our,Boot and Shoe Shoe department you will always find full of novel-
ties in ladies, "children's and men's wear.
(of the late firm of Nickel & Dore),
Top and Open Buggies,
Carriages, Sleighs, Cutters,
Phaetons, Road Carts, &o.
Special Bargains Will be.:i;i:en in Top and Open Buggies for the next two
All kinds of wort: made to order by first-e)ass workmen, under thesuper.
vision o1the rraprietor.
Repairing, Painting, Top Building, &c., done on short notice.
Those in need of anything in our lin .save monoy by calling before
purchasing. WM. DORE, Wingham, Uut.
We also Lave a full range of
�1 . r. e e see G.R.OeC.Ej .B IeE>.S
MURRAY & '• o.,
—Successors to R bZ nobineani wurtrataeturerersof—
sawn son' hand, and at the lowest prices, to Meet the tunes.
NO TR IBLE TO STIOW 000u8_ ._—
P1PAse give tis a call ana'have n.look at our steak before purchasing
elsewhere. "' ' ' ' Yours, • eery truly,
•., �' ..b;,•.'1LLS.
0 -- ---
We have the patti'rns ef'it. M: Abbinsob•Ia:Yd can tupply repairs -for a11'kifids of implement&•
1 1 AIPI I Off' S -P CIA E' 5'_.:'.
The patronage of the public solicited.
ImdOnnection with Mt ah?ot•c, 1 wish to•aay that 0 havo leased my foundry to the'nbove arm for a term
of yearta They come to Wingham highly recommended as r,rst•clnss mechanics, having had extensive •,
experience in mill work.anibrepairs. I would ask for them a continuance of the patronage exteated to Me
during the past eighteeil•years. . it M ROBINSON; '
Wingham, June i6th,.tb40..
DlliatY'S ihLR
Hasa most complete assortment of the Lt.TEsT,•,G', and',.,
Mon OnARM-NG AR'rIMESciil.ti.
Watches, G1ocks, Jewelry -7.
.arid . SilVev.Go ds:,
rat GAN Eft: „BAT 1411141INS.:;.
air Cts A rtterrrnN GIVele xO , It >ti llOrg':f 1 t,'. ',WltiK'•'k' ,:a
•,.i +O • GRT 74) .(+REErZV''% await .k'o1i. YOLTII 31ii'EI 14..MA ?w