HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-04-30, Page 4White Paper on Taxation, Public information Meeting THREE SPEAKERS Judd Buchanan, Liberal MP' J. Waldo Monteith, Conservative MP James Renwick, QC., NDP MPP Open DiscuSsion Period Monday, May • 4th, 8:00 p.m.. MITCHELL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Free Admission Sponsored by Mitchell Chamber of Commerce Pizza Patio Tavern FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT APRIL 30th and MAY 1st "THE DIMENSIONS" • Pii za Patio Tavern on the Bayfield Road, GoderIch POSITOR; SEA FORTHI• ONT., APRIL 00. 1970 Saturday Plight MUSIC BY "THE TOP THREE" HURON HOTEL Dublin SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents "STREET NOISE" SAT., MAY 2nd DANCING 9:00 12:00 AT T SEAFORTH COMMUN TY CENTRE Dress. Casual "Admission $1.00 We Reserve The Right To Refuse Actinkssion In the Red Knight Room FRIDAY & SATURDAY PARISIANNA — BEVERAGE 'ROOM — FRIDAY & SATURDAY Ray `Renwick Oldthne Fiddle Champion ,Ample Free Customer Parking Visit our Beverage Room for Tasty Chicken Wings, also Colored TV • COMMERCIAL Ham .Seaforth, Ontario .•• DANCE C.H.S.S. CLINTON, ON THURS., MAY 7th Dancing to 'The Two Minute Hate' Admission $1.00 with Student Card 9 p.m. — 12 p.m.. THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH cordially invite you to visit GODERICH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL ' GODERICH, ONTARIO , As a part of 1 MENTAL#HEAVII WEEK MAY 1 ;;MAY 7 the Hospital is again having OPEN HOUSE AND TOURS SUNDAY, MAY 3 1:00 pan. to 4:00 pun. As a pot of this, there will be displays sliming the work and activities taking pktee in. the Hospital. Individual Departments will illustrate their own'part in the treatment patients. . Any grotrp may visit at other times daft the week by appointment: GODERICH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL • „Hon. Thomas Wells, Minister Ontario farmers -- through their regional co-operative, United Co-operatives of Ontario -- now own a part of a Saskatchewan potash mine, one of the world's biggest according to Robert McKercher of Mc- Killop, U.C,O. president. UCO is,,one of 19 owners of Central "farmers Fertilizer Company, of Chicago, who exer- cised this month an investment option for 49 per cent of Noranda • Mine Ltd.'s potash facility at Colonsay, Saskatchewan. The agreement that Central Farmers had with Noranda to market most of the plant's output -- through, its membership consisting of UCO and 18 other large regional co-operatives in the U.S. -- remains in force. "Sothe 30 years ago, when United Co-operatives first started supplying its members with fertilizer, we little dreamed that we would one day become part owners of our, own potash mine," Mr. McKerchersaid. "But as competition grew in this important area of the ' province's agriculture, we 4-H Groups STAFFA #3 4-H by Carol Miller The Staffa "Saucy Veggies" met at the home of Donna Wad- dell for the last official meeting. Mrs. Jean Garey discusSed menu judging, Mrs. Janet Chappel talked about Vegetable Round Up and unusual vegetables. Mrs. Ca- rey prepared parsnips cooked In the pressure cooker and cooked egg plant. -Crop Report .by M. Miller ' AssiStant Ag. Rep. for HuTon Fall wheat wintered very well - on 80% of the fields with the re- maining 20% in very poor condi- tion. Spring cereals seeding is progressing well as soil and weather conditions permit, but• is behind schedule especially in the north of the county. Early turnip and processing pea planting has begun in South Huron. Pasture • and hay growth has been slow to date. WANTED . BOTTLE DRIVE and MEN'S OLD SHOES Boy Scouts will pick up on SAT., MAY 2nd 150 PAIR OF MEN'S SHOE ARE NEEDED ""these shoes will be taken to Clinton- Secondary School, re- paired, cleaned and given to the Salvation Army.' 01101111!MIAIIIIW St. Columban CWL Annual Penny Sale Thurs., May 7 to Saturday, May 9 in Mel's TV, Main St., Seafortir (former Gingerich's Store) Draw will take• place at 9 pan: on May 12th at St. Columban. 11111111111111111111.111111 HURON LIBERAL ASSOCIATION DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY MAY 1st . from 9 to 1 Musk by the Tvvilights of Zurich Refreshments Lunch Available ADMISSION $2:00 PER COUPLE - Everyone Welcome The Dance is open to the public but restricted to those 21 and Oyer. realized that to provide our mein- bership, and our patrons, withthe service that co-nperatives regularly provide, we had to go basic, that is get intothepriniarY producing • end of the fertilizer bqsiness. Our membership in Central Farmers Fertilizer Company has enid us to do this, and now ha ultimately, led to this great purchase in Inining facilities, which are valupd at well over $80 million." When at full production, the facility can produce 1.5 million tons of muriate of potash fertil- izer. Enough ore is buried 3,360 feet below the surface at the site for 100 years of operation. News of Brodhagen Correspondent Mrs. Kek Elligsen Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Koehler Galt, visited on Sunday with Mx. and Mrs. Earl Bennewies. Miss Tracy Beuermann is also spen- ding a few days at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolfe visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mick Connelly at Watburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen, Terry and Warren, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice and family at Goderich. 'mr. and Mrs. Norman Benne- wies visited on Sunday with their son and daughter-in-law at Lon- don, Mr. and mrs. Ray Benne- wies. Every week more and more people discover what mighty, jobs are- accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 52'7-0240. WANTED Gardens to work with garden tractor and roto tiller. Phone 527-0336. " rismelillmmelaliemsaMissimostiniesmos The Seaforth branch of the Ontario Red CrosS Association was represented at the recent annual meeting in Toronto by the president, Mrs. Reg. Kers., lake and the treasurer, Mrs. Norman Scolns. Neighbours and friends pi Jan Recall° gathered. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schadea, McKillop, Friday evening to ho- nor him prior to his bpingtrans- ferred to Ottawa. it Mrs. .1. C, Crich is ,a patient in Stratford General__ Hospital. 'Mr. Becalio has been at the dins Forces Base at Clin- ton for 18 years and during that time has resided at the home of Colleagues Honor Miss Smith A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Ruth Cluff on Friday evening of last week when some thirty friends includ- ing post office staff and couriers gathered to honor Miss Mae Smith upon her retirement from the staff after 16 years. Court whist was played with the following as prize winners: 1st. Ladies - Mrs. Thos.Wilbee, consolation - Mrs. Allan camp- bell. 1st. Men - Bruce Coleman, Consolation - Geo. Miller. post- master Orville Oke read an ad- dress and Miss Cluff presented• Miss Smith with an ottoman sew- ing kit. 144r. and lam Kalachuk in anKtiP183.d.dreMrsW.Iiik"1:11pCsilurlicehnnreerh piece o) ietnr ,gifts. presented him andhim witha several Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Binks alvira Pepper5, Gravenhurst, Mr. and Mr6. Roy Pepper, Exe- ‘ ter, visited tOeir cousin Mrs. Mary Malcoln1 at the Kilbarchan Home, Seaforth, recently. Mrs. Emily Marks of 100 mile House, B.C., Mr. Cecil Connell, London, Mr. )Ind Mrs. William Francis, Royal Oak, Mich., Mr. Harold Whitman and Mrs. Elmor. Mitchell, Lansing, Mich., were here attending the fimeral of the late Mrs. George Connell. Mrs:Maurice Clugston has re- turned 'after spending, a month at, tha, et hAomlbeertt her son in Medicine H Mr. and Mrs. W. Middaugh of London, were guests at the homes of Mrs. Cartwright Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hawley of West William Street. Mrs. F. L. Hutchings of Stan- ton, Calif. is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hawley's on West William Street, Zach McSpadden on Goderich St. and Mrs. William G. McSpadden and Mr. Earle Mc- Spadden in McKillop. .a..••••••••••••••....MY • SHOWER for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoff, (nee. Audrey Hodgert) Brodhagen Community Centre May, 1, 1970 Music by The Bluewater Playboys Ladies Please Bring Lunch Classified Ms pay dividends. CASH - BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, MAY 1st 8:15 15• Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not permitted) Proceeds for Welfare. Work Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRIDAY and SATURDAY ' May V-2 - - DOUBLE FEATURS - "HELL'S ANGELS (ADULT ENTERTAlisiAtiENT) Jeremy Slate --Tom Stem Showing at 8.30 'p.m. In Color "THE GAY DECEIVERS" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) . Showing at •10.30 p.m. 'Kevin Coughlln Color ' Cortoon • BEGINNING THURSDAY, MAY 7 OPENING NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY SHOWING FOR ONE WEEK THURS., FRI., SAT:, MON., TUES., WED. May 7,ToMay'13. — DOUBLE • FEATURE — "EASY RIDER" riesident Adifises Potash Mine Deal —LOCAL BRIEFS A McKillop Schools' CONCERT r•• in which pupils from all the McKillop School will participate, will be presented in the SKAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM WED., MAY 6th at 8:15 p.m. Admission, adults 50c, students 25c STAG Seaforth Community Centre Friday, May 1, 1970, at 9:00 p.m. Sponsored by The Seaforth Fire Brigade with proceeds for ANNUAL FIRE WORKS DISPLAY (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) PETER FONDA Dennis Hopper --Jack Nicholson In Color "A TIME FOR KILLING" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Glenn Ford... George Hamilton Color Cartoon Women's Hospital Auxiliary PENNY SALE IN MEL'S TV STORE — The Former Gingerich's Store Friday, May ist DRAW WILL BE MADE 9:00 P.M. — SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE — TICKETS AT THE SALE STORE OR FROM ANY AUXILIARY MEMBER 411111111111•11411111111111111111101111111.11OW PERTH-HURON REGIONAL SCHOOL OF NURSING Stratford, Ontario, Canada ANNUAL MEETING Notice is herehy given that the. Annual Meeting th e members of the Perth-Huron Regional 'School of Nursing Corporation will be field:111 the Perth-Huron Regional School of Nursing, at 2000 hours on Wednesday, Gth May, 100, for the pur- pose .of .receiving the annual:reports of the offi- dais, electing officer for the ensuing year, ap- pointing Auditors, appointing Solicitors and, to consider -other lvsincss.. Miss Mary F. Philpott, 4ti Secretary, Board of Trustees ALL DOUBLE FEATURE vp, 1\ Opens at 8.00 p.m.. Mt Phone 524-9981 . .' . A AlAtAno COGO ER101 alcriffirerir SUNSET,---*)' SHOWS ,d) It DRIVE1N THEATRE %%IQ CP °VIIVAlit'" CLINTO .411111 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 'PHONE 524.9981 ...----... THURSDAY & FRIDAY—April "Marlowe '' Starring JAMES GARNER and • Uetective Drama "Fever Auto Racing Story — Starring NICK GAYLE — — Heat" ADAMS HUNNICUT—A 30, May 1 Fast Pace And and JEANNINE RILEY Saturday, May. 2nd — 3 Great Comedies • . — First Feature — 0•04144010., .. , , a4t100e074y/ , ! „, ,, 76eKETTLES 4 , ,, HAMM tA a i irie MAIN. Arthur litiNNICUIT Ill ..-A MERKEL. 110 de COMA .'-t14 Vi, - \ viol. • '1.. ,oh VIRGINIA Jo tiauntww "SHAKIEST , VALUS ,,,-R-. — Second Vows-ammo MICKEY cad APANC/S — Third af il House GIN the loliong Feature ROONEY Feature IN the ', tn-- I. THE ---- —. if WEST" tea .., '. . "HELL'S l p s•',142,:isHmapopERN. etive,:i.,1 1121j*V "PAW 4, „. 0, PLUS SECOND FEATURE ANGELS ADMITANC, R",J,742:1" mu 01 •CI ON jo”DyTmUccREAESsZtEtxtlycRIA31-Nly THE GLORY PI CAI. ThMPERS . -WHEELS" . WED., THURS., '.• p tor,A, ... Mita ,. SIDNEY ,,,.8,,,,,,,s FRI, SAT.---.May PIM Nit*" ...c.„0 POITIER ft • • ttcnNicotOlt• 6-741-9 II - , ,, — and --SP . . ---- • ACADEMY AWARD WINNER istrazimizturiN ,.. , . COUMBIA PICTURES posentts Stanley Kramer production ''''' .. '4 .SpencerTRACYISIdneyPOMER !Katharine HEPBURN $ , guess who's coming to dinner Ail CO ttettafteR' g 4 3 (ADULT altERTAINMENTI ar rw 4. q to