Wingham Times, 1890-07-11, Page 3allege.
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beat pleas
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those whe
tr, 1890,
:rs of Illinois.
d roug'fi in
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Y life by the
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116- office: 1L)""
by a '''young a
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thinking there
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first, and then
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trattf,'ht the wax
weighed he value
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inns groom, tic
ala more wax next
Wet: that's against
ousted youth turn•
werod Sal, with a
rirti Winery its far
will, replied the
d he did,
.ro yott disturbed at night
t' a siekcliitd suffering and
ilsend at "'UaWnsow's SoothingIts,
he poor lithoalues i sn am*
on it, mothers; there is lie
and ,
Dysentery a
113oltiels, Worcs wind Colic,
fltnmat 0
' tforsc3 ildren to tilt lY1
is the prescription of one of
e physicians ami nura'r in
for eek, lay ail druggists
Price ttvcritY•itve colts a
ilk for 11Mits. 'ivs:+muows
ke no tither Xtaii
Make every dish tt
the lvorit! is but w
obee e' Ten Alf, wuteue t 1f, W. 0. T. Y.
By i1ARtii.0 J rIttNCL'NI OROdfi;L'Ii.
Koine at• you have love's and; years
ago, `() ever so, tnauy years akot• I had
,. lover, too-•-fts' noble ail l good, tis
bright and promising as yonrrl, as
pure meek uprielit as a yOlIllg won can,
i)er Ike wes•stndy,Ing for the tnittistry
whew 1 first net htni. Prom the first
we .were all in all to each other --our
feiendseip was sweet, tied strong, and
sure, --like touted like Paradise to
both of tee, and the coining years
e,tretched before us • like a flower bor•
tiered path across the p'easant ficld—
ona path not twos -for that we should
lot walk t0ptkrer, side by sine,
through tile, neither of us dreamed.
Dly friends were pleased with hitn—
bis prospects were of the. brightest.
We loved emit' other—and nothing 1
else, was needed. now . happy We
were ! Now full of j .y my heart was
all the time 1 I wonder, dear girls
of any of you; are happier, can be
happier in your love th,Ld I was.
Alicia looked down at the new
'ring on her finer and smiled a little:
A smile of sympathy shone on all our
faces. Alicia and her newly-anuoun0ed
engagement were very interesting to
aa just then. Miss Margaret continue
ed ; We were to be married in the
spring --in May— when the lily-of-
theevalley would bloom in sweet
masses in our garden and the whole
'world would he fair. A friend Of ours
anode us a betrothal party as the
nustotu was then in that plea. 'every
one we kitew was there—the house
was filled with life and gayety and
the moms rang. and echoed with the
music of light feet and young
v :ice's
I was only a girl --not yet eighteen
-•-and perhaps was proud of my
power over the handsome young lean 1
at my side. Yes, it must lttrve been
that or I would never have done - what
1 did that. night. A delicious supper
was served and wine at every plate,
Yr Of•course there would be toasts it:
our honor and it would not look well,
I thought, if Robert did not drink.
I knew of his puritanical ideas, las I
called them, end decided to show my
ewer of influence over hits that
right et least. 1 foresaw that he
w0.ukcl decline to drink, for I kue•w ho
wis stanch' inItisprincip'ou ha0vcgir•s,,
never abase the power y
y,oallg men I Never exercise that
power for the sole purpose of proving
that you have it! Never dare to
tlinipee with a hu+netn soul sus lin eny
girlish ignorance teed foolish • pride,
did that night!
" ,. He refused, as I expected. At
first with a laughing' remonstrance;
then earnestly with a grieved expres
cion in his eye's as the looked at me
surprised at lily presistenee. I could'-
not bear defeat that night before all.
'our friends who were looking on in•
forested in the final vietclry. 1 deter-
mined that the victory should be
• mine—that I should not fail in the
presence of that large assembly of
friends and acquaintances, a woman's
infiaence sl clod prevail. It did pee,
veal. At last, for the sale of peace
and to put an end to the scene, he
yielded. Before we left the table he
had his glass refilled. That night the
kiss he left on my lips was tainted.
Whom could ]' blarne'1
I need not toil you all that passed.
Daily the power of inherited appetite
developed in Mtn, daily he sash lower.
In vain I begged' and pleaded and
5 cried for forgiveness for myin, Hefor
mercy that should stay myruin.
realized his pool:ton,bitt wes..powerless
to alter it. Strong in all els', he was
pitifully weak in this ; ho could not
give it up. Yet all the time I loved
bin loved him better than ever, I
never shrank from him ; what 1 had
caused him to bear, I would boar—his
life, blighted arid ruined f would share
with hint, and suffer all that might be
pressed into my cup of bitterness—in
recornpeusa. Remorse of conscience
was ever present with me. IIe wished
to break our engagement. I would
not hear of it, We would be married.
in May whet), lilies were it: blos»
sem just as we, had intended. Per'
haps I might save him after marriage,
0 how malty girls have, been chip.
• wrecked on that rook 1 If. not that,
then I could staffer with hint, and for
hies ; wouldbear the shame of being
called a
drunkard's nt
Ard s
would old
floe 11
�: cak
t an
for what 1, [.fur had donee. My friends
were powerless. to move • mai front the
determination 1 had talon, and gave
lite up tee one lost. NCX1 to ti wt)Intin s
influence there is nopower on earth
Nv, strong AS a worsen, S love.
104,tlad evil 9f ear. meal. o a letter MAI
scanned, 0: me. Hveu while I broke the
seal and unfolded the sheet a great horror'
fell down .aver me like a pall, and I feared
the worst, for 1 knew the hand that hall
addressed the envelope:
Later, when my motherfoiled me lying
like one dead, and wrenched the letter
from my hand, it only confrrmecl the
rumor she hail heard. IIs hart token his
owu life. Rather than drag my honor
down with his, rather than profane the
altar with vows that never could he accred,
rather that live a elavo to appetite, he took'
with Me ewe hand•that which (-oc1 alone
has the right to take.
One whole year was ablank to me, They
tam me afterwards that a merciful lethargy
had dome upou mo in which all was blot,
ted out -a mild insanity which was life•
saving in its effeots. Of that year I
remember rattling. It is like a dreamless
sleep to me now. When healtha'ud reason IV:slung a Amnon.
came back the tide of recollection came I It may look like a very easy tieing for a
'hack, but softened by the lapse of time member, having his speech written to de•
-and sauotitled by God'e pitying hand, I liver it during the course of an hottr in the
[tried to live for others wholly, to forget house but it is not such en easy, thing as
myself and my grief in little services for;, it looka, The average speaker gets a deal
those around me, to help in every possible of athletic exercise in the course of au
way all young people and to bury the dear, hour'ti speech. There are some members 1.
dead past in my dead lover's grave. Dieu in the House who can stand and read a 4.
have honored me with their love but no-
thing, in my heart has ever responded. I
;am happy in my simple life here among
you as it is possible for a broken-hearted
woman to be.
It is nearly forty years now since that
night in 11Iay, and the lilies bloom just as
sweet today and are just, as dear. I can
think of them spreading their delicate fra•
granoe over his grave in the little old
church yard far way, and I wear them for
his sake. At last I can tbtok of it ttill'with
calmuess and speak of it with a heart that
the greathearted loving Father who earee
even for the sparrow has looked with mercy
on my lover's sins and mine, and pardoned
ilex voice died away intd silence with a
gentle sigh and tears were on tier now-
dropped ladies. Tears were iu•our own'
eyes; too, and we held each others hands
in silent sympathy. •
Alicia was tlio first to speak. Thank you.
dear Saint Margaret, she said, softly, .as
she rose and kissed her tenderly—you have
helped me with your life -story.
And we all, as we gathered arouud her,
breathed words of thanks and gratefulness,
She smiled at us through her tears—God
bless you all, my girls, and let you learn a
little lesson from the sad story o2 one
womauis life--aud then she rang lei the
lights and we had tea.
How 71t Turned Out.
the whistle lying on a timber, and'.
just ase Ie'randie mixed the rope, his
Mena gave a shrill blast.
')Alts engine itahide its shed began to
pink', and with u sqnettl,np went Frani;
into the air. The workmen came
running, shouting to the enginfer to'
reverse the nraotiine and to the bay
not to let go, The lad was up to the
second story before be could be stop»
pod, but bete a ,carpenter happened to
seize hien and draw him unhurt into
u window.
You did well to hold on. little role
low, tin said, as he got the bay. into
Oh, X' had t^, Frankie answered ;
mother told me not to fall into the
mud with my new clothes, --Youths,
,..,M,- .IN...,....-„
GO 'lc+
speech without liftiug a hand except to I•
CAPS, :to'S,
Cheap for'KAS,s
WEBS r, : �� I i.
turn the pages, and almost withoutottang: Wishes- to intimate to the Ladies of Wingi ani and surrounding country
ing position; and there are others who eau
talk all day without getting tired; but the
average speaker perspires as if ho Were
sawing wood. An offhand speech of ten
minutes does not •oouut, but the mac who
throws his arms into the air as if whirling
Indila�u clubs, hammers his desk like a
blacksmith ynd daneos all around the
place for as hour or more is taking very
violent exercise. Zicperieuce has taught
some of them that it is not safe to make
h without fakir extra pre -
such a epeec g
cautious against to quickly
I know several members wlio take extra.
ordinary precautions. They do not speak
often. They know for weeks beforehand
that they are to -speak, and after all pre-
parations aro Meade for the speech itself,
and the day comes for the effort, they
have a servant bring a complete change of
linen and underwear and a heavy over-
coat to the Capitol, and wait with these
things at hand until the speech is ended.
tl the speaker' with the prespiration
pingthat her stock of
a I gurtmer
has arrived and is now opened ened out. the stock is well:
. assorted, and contains alt the fat•hionable styles for this year.
A large stock of
•r °' v A N O d» GOODS
always on hand.
The MANTLE DEPART1EN :: contains a varied
assortment of Silks, Satins, Satin 13rocad s, Plusltes, 'Velvets and
Mantle Cloths, to, choose $'onl. Perfect ftting,, and latest and
most fashionable garments, An inspection invited,
First door north of h .. I'', Gerster's jewelery $tore.
" I'm going now to run away,"
Said little Sammie Greer, one day,
•' Theft I gnu do just what I ohoo$e;
1'11 never have to black my shoes,
Or wast' my face or comb my hair,
I'll find a place, I know, somewhere,
And never have again to fill •
Tho aid chip basket, so l will."
"Good bye, mamma," he said, "good-bye!"
He thought his mother then would cry.
She only said, " You going, dear ?"
And didn't shed one single tear.
"There, now," seid Sammie Greer,"I know
She does clot rate if 1 do go,
I3'ut Bridget does; she'll have to fill
The old chip»basket, so she will."
Bit Bridget only said, " WelI, boy,
You off for sure? I wish you joy."
And Samniie's little sister, ligate,
Who swung the garden gate,
Said anxiously eetahe linseed through,
"To•night, whatever wilt you do
When you can't get no 'lessee spread
At supper -time, on top of bread ?"
OWVre eak little heart was full of from home. and tears e
Ile thought about 1. Itecl Riding Hood,"
The wolf that islet her in the wood,
Tho beau -stock boy who kept so mum
when he heard the giant's ':Fee fo fain."
Of the darhenight and the policeman,
And then peer Sammie homeward ran.
Quick throug r the alley•wav be sped,,
And erawled in- through the old woodt5hed.
The big chip basket be dM fill,
HO blackened his shoes up with a will :
Ho washed hie face and combed hisiiait;
Fle went up to his mother's chair ;
"I d like nd rsomca„'lasses top of bread."l her twice, and then he xid,
len ,
pouring off him, rushes to the cloak room,
where the servant stands. with the cloak
ready, and throWe it over his shoulders, as
Soon as be comes. within reach,. Next, the
member, with tate miller of his Overcoat
tttvned up high, tucks his dry au,dercloth-
ing under his arm aid makes for the bath
rooms.. There he enters the waiting -room
where the temporatnre is high •and• there
can be no draught, being underground, and
waits to cool off 'a little preparatory to a
Bath. There is no work "for. him in the
House that day, When be•has got his
bath, he makes for hie lodgings as feet as
as he ean, and stays there until he is
thoroughly ,rested,
Wingham, March 20, 1E106,
Has a most complete assortment of the LALTBST, Ciam Esr, and
Mos' • CRatteieNG Alt'rICLES in
Watches,. Clocks, Jewelry.
o•-nd Silver Go
Tau cosi ll': § "-1.1 �o g AT 9 •S.�.x'loRGAI 'a
The commonest life may be full of
perfection. The duties of home' are a
discipline for the ministries of inlay -
O. I'. 11. TIME TABLE.
Trains arrive and depart as follows c
Why 110 held oil.
Workmen were hoisting stone next
door to 1rrankie's'h^user,• where a new
building was going up, the motive
power bring a .donkey engine, The
signet for hoisting was given by the
sound of a whistle, and the. man to
whom fell the duty, of blowing this
stood out of sight of,the engineer.
One day Frannie and a small friend
wore standing as close to the rope as
they wear allowed, to come when the
'Atelier was called away for et niompnt.
The man who made the 'stets [vast
wept for a drink, an the W
535 a m.... ... ...Far Toronto
2:11 p. "
e:11 p.m For Toeswater.... •
t0:30 p. m
G JA. f-�.T D TRi7N Tse'
A. 0. mamma, AGrsT, wlxonum.
Through tickets to all • points in America—Nortt+•
West, Pacific Coast, etc., ria the shortest and a13
destination utes.Lowest frItaeight tigo lt rates to alt d through to
-----TIME TABLE.--
T,05V1m Wi\OI0AM. ARM.: AT WIYnlOAI.
0:30 a.m.Toronto, Guelph,Paltucistan, &e. 8:1025 1`n'
:4pmt. " " Clinton, "
7:25 ' Pahnerstol, biiaud......10:15 a.m.
London, &C........ ..11:00 "
3:10 a.m „7:15 p.m.
3:10 p.m. 6:30 a.nt.
ilil+t a.m.. ......Gtnrardino, &c 11:10 a..
3301 n1 1:501,.m
1010 '
535 a. 01
2:13 p.m
2:15 r
MR.1 IALdl)LN1 iiicDOtiYALD,
(tarn 01 susiey,)
has just opened up ZL
General Pniiun aid Grocer� Sthre,
nearly opposite the Mae•ket,
The stock coneiets of
Sugars, Teas, Tobaccos,, Spices, waiseus;: Currants,.
Dat€. s, Figs. and Prunes.
CANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS—Fruit, Peas, Corn, Salmon,
Corned Beef and Sardines. ; 'Eggs and Liverpool
All kinds of Biscuits. Dried Meats, Irish, Butter, Egr
Salt, A full assortment of
in sets 01' separate.
Butter, I311. S, Dried Meat, etc:, taken in exchange. A 'ws
buy for cash, we are able tai ell at the cheapest -rates. By
calling and inspecting our goods you will oblige
purchased is tpiro ared to ge eivve all old ctteto ss of Messrs.
and tiau ny its is prepared
all linesnof the professiol'atranfae hats, satistnatlol
are my specialties.
1 o C o boys l :tom -(rive mea call at the old stand, opposite Gordon
crept ftp to t` a tackler.
111tluctcity the other boy spied
14. r. G,, a7`•. r, ••.. 0 ,' •. !`iii
Rid Ntelntt t&l ;tore,
, viv
ee-TXIE i:17:t'y'1"'t5-
'lease Inforrt q10r render:1 tbttt 1 l,r:v pa estelet, remedy
too tt, ate c 1."'M'i
• L`sa F3 its timely it seth`asendsofhopele;scas-nbava beet+e ,pe sane to tib hare -VI
li gia.i tit at:d i -we botfits d nista to Key
nt n1y rdtn0 y i+ �y
+ , Ex rCss and Peet 41�ce .AdilroK,t., �)7af<p3etG:l�
Vt inguens,
;larch 28,1'8c90.
A Blessing to Every Heti; chola:. �..
PI Ara .i T
'These :emeries have stood'tlle test of filly year• cxprriante, and are pronounced' 'Vie beat Medicines for
Fanily use. '
l>v S
`. AVD
,$01 k. k
01 1+tT
STOMACH, �r,.o,
turn .
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all disorder
Parity alio blood, COrrCCt i
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Oni .a. 19
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..Gla fi� �� .� �-
IR the only reliable i (loan for 0Ui, 11 UMATI'i,1,' (tt.A.DUT kiti'SWELLINGS AND ALL SKIN'
n[s ASi3 IT 1115 twat. GMannfectured nnfy 5077(3,X:os-carers. Luta 033, Oxford Street, Loeion
and solcr,oy all ltedIsine Vendor* throe*'hbnt• •
>; " , linters should lank to the Label f,.. the l eetet'4tt1 ttntti,a. It ti o a,• Jravy- 1
lin Linn i1 Eley tr:It 6.,.1�I Y.�N tl �idiPl,#t! " 1Jtrest,t'] oncleil, they ate simrxeys
11irl,Q;tJwi+l11V1,0„ i 0,woltt ,AtiphFt, to.,a r per .e ; ; . •-, .. shd '"
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