Wingham Times, 1890-07-11, Page 1tof uROPE1 .
$..95, %turn.
4719 ; $90. else and
';on trt titaterucu,s.
opf SA11D11UTA1r.
xi•1t err:
iteturn, tee.
t rats,s•
Areal, nor
ribs, \Vition4 ii
o has opened'a genernl
will get good value.
' s..,d
tions, nearly 200 pieces oi'
ss. Strictly !
:xtra value.
host rnochanics. •dr' old by
a June.
,kot 47441
(1 is prepared to.¢;jve
f Price int`ited-„
will be given out.
V'inghaa., Ont.
S lit
w IN GUAM. ONT., FRIDAY,. JULY 11, 1890.
WHOLE NO, 963,
Goods must be eel
FOR DRESSES, we are showing
"plain, and fancy Muslins, all over
Embroideries, Enlbcoidered Skirt,
ings, Nun's Veilings, Tennis Flan-
nels and Lace Lanes, Ali at
special prices. .
Buy. One and be cool.
We Import all our own PARASOLS,
and in vaaue'they can't he beat.
• Special prices for July. Look
at thetn.
every department. Call and see
,E .i..
t/ i
eslie'e sale.
--The watering rt was out •,'edges
day morning bailor • seven o'cloc
—Rev A. McVey en, of Tiv=rtoi . will
preach in the Rapti t church u:+ t Sabbath.
—Mr Jas A Clin • watt clo town, for
the first time since 1 is illuees, on Thurs.
—The new house owned b 11fr John
Ifayua has now the roof over the walls.
The town hall is be Tutting to assume a
—Mr Jos Dice,
Nelson towuship, Mi
friends iu the tow
Morris and Turnbor
Rattle sin
ton Count
chips of
lie Poiut,'
is visiting
—Strawberries abtiilda nee at R.Hill's
—The ladies of
purpose giving a 1
of Mr R 0 Sparli
evening of Thugs
Bell's Factory B
music, All are it
' —The annual n
Press Association
House iu Toroq
5th, commencing
annual excursio
number signify t
will take place
m'eetig, to Chat
boat from Torenl
leer town of Wingham,
wn aecialon the grounds
g, Minnie street, on the
lay, July 18th, in aid of
tnd. 'Refreshments and
eating of the Canadian
ill beheld at the Rossin
o, on Tuesday, August
at 11 o'clock a, m. The
— should a sufficient
Heir intention of going—
immediately after the
taugtia, N. Y., beceteam-
(p —Go to W 1 Wallade, the jeweler, and
e his fine assortment of clocks, jewelry
—Leave your or for -Sti wherries id- silverware before purchasing else
early this sea on, a d tl "Ecli .e" is the where. Sole agent for the Reliable Rooke
lilacs to get fr h h,Ine-g wu be ries, and ford railroad watch, Next door to post
good full mecum. of&oe.
—Mr Moffa his wife and c, ild and
sister, called o Mr Tilos Leslie, , n .Wed-
nesday.Mr .M . is a 'aerobe, tailor,
of Chicago, form ly of Lucknow.
—A. roan from Wroxeter was ,roug1t
R U B T. O R R, before ate Mayer ednesday after ood,for
Direct Importer. abusing, his hors the street, e paid
,TIDE BEAU, July 11, 1890. n, uornival fine a allowed to ,o.
—The TIMES will be sent to new sub-
scribers from now till the end of 1890, for
50 cents.
—Mr D J Sather end is irnpr
attractiveness •of h s shop by
coat of paint. Mr rookenshir
added a new coat to lisvine-olad
a. w
—If your watch or cluck needs repairing,
ge to W H Wallace, watuhrnaker and
leweler,,uext door to post office.
—Mr John Ktewar List) 1, shipped a
mei-load of potatoes f orn here on Monday,
to Stratford.
—School closed o Friday vetting last,
kand' will not open a iu till to last Mou-
,day in August.
b'irstthe sea , just a •rived,water-
melons and bbtege et Mc elvie's.
e',—Our streets we e f.evnr d with soft
strains and soothlirr musico the Italian
harp on Saturday la ,
•. +»1?ure . Jaufihsh Paris Green justa��,.
thing you ivt ut, also sticky ay papeit, mt
DrTo icr'e i)rng Store. i+
-,1lrs John Inglis, a ho has s of been dint'
for years, was taken o t for a rive by hex
daughter', Mrs ';lark, u Demi' ion Day.
ving the
has also
--Another ship
by Mr Thos. Pears,
There were Metal
Brothers, Morris,
size and average di,
—A Re atoclt;,
oranges a, lemoi
—Dr .Ern
Edin., M
ay b
on T
nt of attle was made Town onneII.
roron on Thuruday, The regular en uthly meeting of the
bad bou ht from Bryan Town Council we
he ea le were a good ing last. Pres
00 itis ach. Thos Gregory, Reev
o pine es, bananas, Messrs Elder, Honeu
t J o vie's res- Lemmex, Agnew, 1
The minutes of
and approved.
read from the Ma
ing the Council to
public holiday, to
Wingham to attend
waterworks iu Ki
The Finance Com
payment of the fol
Bullard, teaming, e
repairs, 50 cents ;
and repairs, 812.2
0 ` streets, $5 ; I Ir
J Fleuty, rent
Payne, rent of
oharity orders
Irwin, salary,
and postage, 3
$18.75 ; Jos Co
Pettypiece, tic
Pettypiece, salar
charity for July,
new town hall, $2
for now toe In ha
charity order fo
Pettypiece, 'um
work on streets i
son, rent of pol
work on street
son, seconded
Council pay o
polling booths
asked,and the
as amended, b
by C L Williams,
that the Clerk be
for the sale of deb
and Q1obe newspapers
e tenders to be opened
be payable at the
ended b H . e
eec Y Tr
refer..the opening
sale of debentur
tnittee with pow
by C E William
that John Elder
inspector of the
Prof Morgan add
ing for the refund o
of his concert being
Moved by T Agnew, s
that Mr Morgan be
of hall reut, ori ac
being in repair—
Walker and Geo
Council, asking t
Teeswater gravel,
They intimated
Turnberry was willi
Moved by C E Willi
held on onday event°,
ol:ndoe, Mayor •'
; and. Councitlorn
, Dawson, Sperling,
filiame, Green, .
previous meeting read
communication was
or of Kincardine, eek-
oclaim August 14th, a
low the residents of
the opening of the '
ardine—Laid over, '-
ittee recommended
wing aeoouute :Joe;
c,, 89.90 ; Geo Russel;•
and W Moore, culvert;-
; Geo Barber, work etri
and, repairing pump, 84 ; , .
f polling booth, $4 ; Geo
ooliug booth, $4 ; P Deans,
o Mrs Sadler, 83.85 ; Thos
16.66; J B Ferguson, Balmy
7.35; John Dickson, salary,
el, salary, 611.25 ; George ,
t for indigent, $6; Geo
, $106.25 ; Jas Johnston,
; Thos Gray, work on
0 ; L McLean, lumber
, $11.40.; G. ,N Griffin,
Mrs Sadler, $1 ; Geo
r, 53215 ; Geo Hughes.
• May, 53.75; Wm Robft-
ngbooth, $4; ChasBarber
, $9.25. Moved ley A Daw-
by II Lemrnex, that the
ly three dollars foe rent of
instead of four dollars, as
inauce Committee's report
adopted—Carried. Moved
seconded lay T Gregory,
'nstruct'ed to advertise
ntures in the .Aiinpire
two insertion sinaach;
July 17th, money to
Bank of Hamilton,
Moved by A liawsau ,
flier, 'tat 026 l;auIced
f the tenders for dbe
to the Finance Com-
fo set—Carried. Moved
seconded by T Agnew, -
e appointed this Council's
new town hall—Carried.
ssod the Council, ask -
hall rent,+in account
a financial failure.
°ended, by G Green
emitted the amount
ouut of the hall not
'arried. Messrs J W
Moffat addressed the
at the B line, east of the
be gravelled and graded.
at the Township of
to do half the work -
ma, seconded y •R C.
Sperling, that the . - tter of gravelling and
repairing the B lin: be left in the hands of
a committee cor.posed of the lleyor,.
Reeve and Depu y:Reeve, with power to.
act—Carried. Iti r John Hanna addressed
the Counoil in r ferlince to the removal of"
the pound, on : count of it being a nui-
sauce. Moved by Dawson, seconded by
C E Williams, that e I otion passed by
the Council at last m: eting concerning the
cow by-law, being ille al, be rescinded, and
the law remain as it i , and that a notice
bo put inti the tow papers to that effect
—Carried. Consid•-able discussion was;in-
dulged iu as to t ,e opening of a drain in
the rear of the Bt . swiok house, but no
action taken. A coin . unication was read
from Mr James Shaw asking the Counoil
to pay him 81 for c ting weeds, thistles,
Rte., on a couple of aeanhr lots in town—
Filed. On motion, he (Thief of Police was
authorized to ;ter Edward and John
Sadler cut the this e and weeds nn 'r is
streets, ' Moved by A 's awson, seeouded'by
J J llonouth, that th : motion gassed by
the Counoil granting lie use bt tbaieteucl.
for keeping fat cattle reparatory : to„i 141ff..
ping be rescinded, ate, that, the .p sd-
keeper' be ordered , to allds atm* -buts
impounded cattle to nter .therein, and ,
that the yard- be elea : d out at once. --
Carried. The sum of *7 t was placed to
the credit of the Publre cllool Board: ,A,
by-law was passed tip •luting Richard
Rankin as pound -keeper for the town of
Wiughatu, The Connell then adjourned.
Hall, of Brantford,14 R C P,
P. and B, Ont, Specialist, in
of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
consulted at Dr Meldrum's office,
ursday, July 14th, from 2 to 6 o'clock
-On Tuesday last
Wingham, left for Gle
Grand Trunk Baifwa
Mr T Gregory and Mi
of Wingham, via"G T R
for Calgary, N W T.
Thos Wright and famil
ejcght in all, left.i'Wingh
steamer " Campana,” fo
Ackuman and family
Marsh, of Belmore, via
"Campana," for Porta
—It was a lovely
glowed with the brill'
of glittering points.
gallant whispered hi
sweet, as he leaned a
gate.She was tall, s
a delicate face, eyes
wreathed iu a tend
she exclaimed, "Oh
started, and his grey
green iu the starli
was hasty, and if
" tattled " all would
—Painting is eoottoing all the rage, "Gor-
don & MoXntyr a". now• meets the eye iu
jet black late s, on a .show -white back
groand. Mr S 'racey is having the whole
front of his bui d'tpg letauttfied. Mr Friend
wields the a •Bet fences and houses
on nearly ever street are daily assuming
an appearauc of neatness, under the
b euign ludas e of oil and paint.
--On Moud y evening, a-littlexeon of Mr
0. N. Griffin asked a driver ona load of
slabs for a ri e. The driver refused, and
next momeu he heard a cry. Upon stop.
ping the te m, he saw the little fellow
lying ou the road. Reeve he lied tripped
and fallen a d the wheel had pitssed over
his leg, wh ca was badly crenated. This
ought to be lesson for those who are iu
the habit o climbing ou rigs.
—On and after the 5th instant, ltIessrs J
J Rol -math & Son will sell all kinds of boots
and shoes at cost for cash. Call and see the
immense stock and get some of the bar-
gains. •-
—The music of the owing m chine is
heard in the land. Th busy far u er with
his loaded amen, now hi s him ea ly to the
,barn and .the last rays of. settiu • sun etill
finds him hard at work
—Call at Alex Ross' book store and see
the Laurtiuce spectacle, Sole agent since'
E F Gwrsper left town.
—Mr Thal Pe rs, Toro to, bought Mr
ijuucan Stewart' (tattle. "trey were ship-
ped. via G T R an Wednesd cy to Montreal.
There were two ar loads, 11 good looking
cattle. ' . '
Best quality of Hour, pact Manitoba
eebest'at $2.40, at A. 11, Carr's.
—Rev James Livingstone and fah:Lily
passed through hero on eir way to
Listowel, Mr ivingstone as been' in
Clinton foctwo ars, and is ighly spokeu
eef by the papers.
Considerabl excitement eems to pre-
vail over " Grey obe," the new trotting
Horse. He is o nod by Mr Thos Nixon,
Bluevale, and.. 11 be drive by Mr II
Garbutt. Re wet to Lieto el on Tues-
a choir to
rob, They
ay evening
ber'of good
Ind singi
r T Jackson, of
oro. Manitoba, via
and North Bay ;
Marion Gregory,
and. North Bay,
Wednesday, Mrs
of Teeswater,
, via G T R and
Duluth ; Mrs G
f three, and Mrs
T R. and steamer
la Prairie, Maui•
ight, the heavens
nt light of myriads
Softly the young
words so tender and
inlet the bars of the
oder ani fair, with
f dark blue and lips
smile. Suddenly
—, the paint." He
oat looked strangely
ht. The goodnight
the gate had not
ave been well.
]l to
v sba e
fi rewell and Mrs Gro d
enc} v
for t eir
s friends
detne0 in Tprento, on W dnesday moraine.
They cst•ry with them he wel wishes of
Wingham, for their tut re hap •'noes, and
—The patent grumb ng mabine is no
hand. The weather is too hot r it is too
cold. The fray will b drown d out and
the wheat destroyed y the ust. Oats
flattened by the wind ; apples ailing off ;
strawberries all gone, e c.
es organized
byteriass ch
Vices on Sun
re are a nur
Mr Friend 1
sing in the .Fre
were is their pl
for the faxst:1 Th
• voices in tVe e(
ought to be good.
—Now oq the warm weather has come?; ,-Robert Allen, N
people who want a nice glass of ice cream, A G McGregor,
d qct should call at R Bills restaur-` g
—Strawb ries and.
Star restaura t.
—The third excursio
the North-West left o
our station there were
Wroxeter, for Delora
ningham and L Smi
Calgary and Mrs Galb on,:Wing. every throe or
ham, to Moosomiu. quired. This
servant girl wanted minor diseases,
—Agood general s
Apply to rs Dr Macdonald, Josephine to gymotio influ
street. severe forms wl
—A number fr our town vi ited the and eudauger li
races at Listowel n Tuesday and ednes-
day. Among the were ; Mr an Mrs H
Garbutt, Mr and rs Black. Me sirs Bell,
Sebastian and tes. Grey obe won
first money in: the roe for all trotting race
on Tuesday, and Bond on Wed' iday.
tomato: s at the
over th
: Mr W
ie; Mess
b, Waw
aith and
—If you have never used alabastiue for
whitewashing and kalsotnining, just have a
chat with some of .your neighbors who
have, before you begiu house cleaning.
Sold o ly by Ja . A, Cline & Co.
u Suudav orning last, the range•
men assembled• at' their hall, heded by
and ti .m
I3 .Fac . ±i
2 Y
to the Methodist c arch, 'where th y were
addressed by Rev , olin Scott; M. from
1 Peter, 3:15," Be ady always to eve au
answer to every an that asketh you, a
,reason of the hop that is in, yo , with
meekness and far." The re ereud
gentleman deliver an appropri a ad -
C P R to
y. From
Pense, of
s G Cun.
nosh, for
—At the Mechanics'
was lately introduced
cal specimens. Cue te
availed hi cel
boyhood v m
to review` his school,
benefitted. Now deep'
attempt' of some'who to
In the Institute, ner on
thanks, n . Ma are.
th u Malay Y
any such thing exists.
to be. The plants ha
expense and trouble,
stiff paper and eatalo
appear plain that so
be taken by thobe fo
done. But the Institut
the burden on the hand
help, and the list of
complete. Mr Lithgo
glad to show what we
sider it te pleasure to
—Remember Thos Le
Tweeds,xt cost,
nstitute here,there
number of botani-
cher ie.n"tile neigh -
of the opportunity
d no doubt was
the praisworbhy
a deep interest
has risen to say,
nttl t
ill, ignorant t a
g ra
ow this ought not
e, at considerable
een mouuted 011
ed, and it does
e interest should
whose sake it was
should not leave
of a feW. Let all
specimens be made
will be only too
ave, and will eon-
swer any of your
dress. u •
—G T Iii trains for Toronto and east
leave Wingham at 630 a.m. and 11.10 a.m.
via W G & B Division, and at 6.45 S.M.
aud 3.40 pain., via Clinton cud, Guelph.
Good connections by all trains.
—It is.said th
effective disitifee
nary bluestoue (e
solve in water i
pounds to a pail
—At a late mee ng of Maitle d Lodge,
No 119, I 0 0 . , the folio ing were
cur ent term:
ce beer for the u
elected offi a
Richard een, 'Y G
b; T J E iott, P S;
and sects,
gut. W F Brookens r�, Treasu er. A G
—Our worthy ayor, r R MoIude°, .McGregor was e e ted Repro ntatiye to
and lady, returns from ale it holiday, last the Grand Lodge which meet ' in August.
—Our stook of Gents Furnishings, such
as shirts, Dollars, cuffs; tics,all kinds of
large and Gaut bo
niid0rweftr,& ,} very g
beat for quality er prideJ MIMETIC & Sorg.
week. Mt Mciu o visite the old home -
Mead, saw the old lay gro nd, talked aith
bio old school fell ws. H. terns to have
'had agood time?, But We . re glad to wel-
come`hitn home.
—'Four ohm of sixty .oautiful chamber
sets for $2,75' at t • • ifta HouseW. . Yates.
—Mr J''11 o nyn is expects
two weeks. 'Wti a the examine
of Trinity Celle , Toronto, ca
Corbyu'il name' a omitted. 7
been learned, w s' a mistelfo,
hat been inform d that ide y
Xte :has also take t lbnors f e
. Plante , .
d.home in
;ion report
no out, Mr
his, it Ease
and.atilr L.
car •is•erife.
fq depart -
—The town th s week has
ated with teiee rs, their face
smiles : Misses a •nlater, Sim
Robinson, No. 8, , orris ; Cas
wauosh ; and Mes a Robertson
Biaoltwell, Sunsh e ; Hartley,
Waters, 1#oWick Preset,
Wilson, Michiga ; Jones,
Reid, Teeswater ; Kelton and
forth x' Martell, Botgrave
Tiverton ; A L Budge• B
ltouug, Corrie.
— �n Mende afternoon here ,.were • -'Now is the t'me to got a dish nt 'pure'
eight candidates' or• cortificat ` left Wing I lee cream at R Has. •
ha>,n station. afrwere
sir Cale three feorn
1tan i'arrow, oft Nave ° Goods,
the trate and t In:Prints ,crone Goods, 1etuelina, Bin
. Thr these ere- \tfrithiK ,
1tr of
. tenon. t T?rcideries, Laces, Gloves and hosiery.
for second , otos cent oaten nd thee, act Bvery department well aseerfed again, and
, •, tot thirds, • .'Tar went to 4e ie}., filo
look out for l lgalns in art. hagathao
er telrto tali oft5
.` '
t a very safe, c eap and
lant for aurorae ordi•
ulphate. of coppe ). Dis•
the proportion of two
ul. Sprinkle thi freely
our weeks in pi ces re.
will keep down various
which are digitin fly due
nee, as well as th se more
iclr prostrate th system
—Gents' clothes cleaned, dyed, repaired
and pressed also ladies' coats and dresses
dyed and pressed, Satisfaction guarautee,t.
Shop on Victoria St., next door to Alma-
e's clearing sale.
Only five baby carriages left. Will sell
for c t (cash only) for thirty days, at S
r ey s Furniture Store, Wingha
Mr Maleheff, a n
delivered a lecture
in the Presbyterian
audience. He describ
surrounding countries w
Their customs, mantle
tive of Macedonia'
on Friday evening,
huroh, to a very fair
his country and
th much accuracy.
and religion were
aphio picture was
ges and funerals.
of the music, of
conversion, his
ermination with
ursued his studies
s and difficulties.
ultieh met by a
nglish I"anguege.
osities to exhibit.
the address, and
Mr Hughes, who is
use,the Listowel
y last, Rev E.
W. Hughes,of Christ ohu' 'h, announced to
had aocepted an
ngregation of St.
to take charge of
ppoiutment had
of the Diocese.
a to leave shortly
o appointngeut
Tam, the Dna-
dan eutlb a
!; nl
it ability ; and,
here is genera
dory to kno
1 receive a cw'
ham's shoe shop. R. MIToaEw. fully explained. A
Methodist I drawn of their marri
ended. 0£ He also gave an examp
more, and I his country, told of h
of, but iu of, to Americas, de
It was very which he persistently
abetting, in spite of all obataal
niig. Mr He illustrated the dill,
et of the foreigner in learning the
ening was He had a number. of our
and the All thoroughly enjoyed
furnished were instructed aid be
in speaking' of Rev
to succeed Rev Mr Moor
this town,
—The garden arty at th
parsonage was f rly well at
course, there int;, t have bee
more ice cream h e been got r
the evening it turn d quite cool.
pleasant promen ing, talkin
merry -making an music list
and Mrs Scott a eloomed m
guests and a very eujoyable e
spent. Ball's F °tory Ban
Methodist Mute] Orchestra
appropriate music.
—While Miss M bel Kent,, o
and a little girl fd nd of hers
een decor- to a neighbor's ao ss the pr
s gay with Souris district, Ma ritoba, they
oe county ; a large badger, wh h they at
pbell, Wa- sticks and stones. The beasts
Glenaunan; but they pluckily toad their
Turnberry; despatched it. hey drag
Turnberry; neighbor's, where they got
a,wa.nosh ; attached it to hal s ,and th
r Gr
miles live eatty, Sea. about
McDonald, beast weighed '291 -Coena
lgrave, and
were going
'rio, in the
time across
coked with
owed fight,
ground and
d it to a
a rope and
n dragged
Standard says :-0n Saud
his congregation that ho
invitation from the c
Paul's cliuroh, Wingha
that parish, and that the
been made by the Bicho
The rev. gentleman, expeo
for his new charge. Yn
of Rev Mr Hughes to Wi
' n there have see
more than ordinary pul
,although his departure fr
-ally regretted, it ie satie
that by the change he w
eiderable increase eta sitar
A ten cent piece was found on the main
street the outer clay. This Was jnstenot gh
to buy a packet et Will ox's Fly Poison
fads,and coned not be put to better
use, rot exterelinatitg%:lies, Ants, ()eek- 1 ate givingdeeededbx:z.:4111`1.115 helt Sul. 44•
rr:aohee, etc., nothing fig anis `Itilaon tPaas. Deno en end leave your or' r.or at.,.it,
Seld by 411 druggists, 1440 no ipaitatiena, trouble toshow goeslplaed quote p:Icee.
—For Ste St Ma ie, Port Arthur,Duluth
rtudall points in the west, Y'aoiiiocoast,and
sonaimet lake tours, etc, take one of the
xplendid etoerner1 of the Beatty N W T
Line, oonneeti'ig .nit Kincardine with train
leaving Wirighatu 11.10 a m. The fine
steamers the "united Bmpire" and "Cam -
pane rtro now ruining regularly, to be
followed by attot sir magnificent how
steamer in v. few r See 0 T li agents
for dates cit sailing est vabasu er and
freight rates, alai
—First the teas net arrived, straw-
berries and %tots, at Ieltelvie't+.
e tel'
tl do Son x
solo i
—Mews J
stock Of tweet's ;led all kinds of -cleft;, maze