HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-04-09, Page 84,4114E :HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., NMI. 9, 1970 Council by by-law apPtO.ced acquiring land fr Alex Ram- sey s and Alexande Gardiner for the South leibbe Athletic As- sociation. An agreement was signed be- tween the Perth County Board of Education and the Authorized Officials of the Township, to pay the Board's requisition for funds on June 15th and Novem- ber 14th, 1970. The 1969 Financial Report was received from Monteith Monteith S.: Co. Charterec11/4Ac- countants, and wag adopted by council and the clerk instructed to have the report printed in a local newspaper, the surplus for the year being $5,628.00. • , The Campbell Drain, report was read and adopted with Court of Revision set for the next regular meeting which will be held Tuesday, May 5th at 8 p.m. so that Council members may attend a meeting to be held at the Mitchell High School on, . Monday May 4th. STAFFA Correspondent , Mrs. John Templeman The South Hibbert Athletic Society held a successful old Orme dance in Staffa Hall Fri- day evening with a large crowd in attendance. During inter- mission a ticket was drawn on 'a 200 lb. pig which had , been donated by Ronald Pinder.Win- ning • ticket was held by Miss Joan Annis, R.R. 3, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar and family, Wingham, and later visited with .Mrs. Robert Duncan in Wingham General' 'Hospital. Misses Edna and Janet Miller, --London spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller. Mrs. Garnet Taylor is a patient in. Victoria Hospital, London. The final gathering of the Cameo shading •, class was held Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Hamilton. Nine- teen ladies have enjoyed this course under the leadership of Mrs. Jim Tubb, Mitchell. SEE 14E. • -DATSUN PICK-UP ON SPECIAL $ copc THIS WEEK ONLY FOR al 'Ur a lho DATSUN-The more-for-your-money car • - AVAILABLE AT - GERALD'S SUPERTEST Datsun Sales & Service PHONE 527-1010 SEAFORTH' WANT, ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 SMITH'S SPECIALS FOR Thursday - Friday - Saturday Miracle Whip SALAD DRESSING, lge. 32-oz. jar • 550 Maxwell House COFFEE, 1-lb. bag Libby's D6p Brown BEANS,' 19-oz. tin 1-1' Allen's Assorted 260 Minnette's Best Choice Peas, Cream Corn, Green Beans. Wax Beans or Kernel' Corn Stokely's Vegetables, asst'd 10-oz. tins $1 Cheery Morn TEA BAGS cello bag of 100 690 PRODUCE U.S. No. 1 - Large Heads HEAD LETTUCE each 230 -5 for 490 doz. 59.0 Florida Indian River - White or Red GRAPEFRUIT Sunkist New Crop - Size 113's VALENCIA ORANGES FOR ADDITIONAL 'SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY 830, TOMATOES Clark's Fancy TOMATO JUICE, lge. 48-oz. (tin DRINKS 3 lge. 48-oz. tins 8:0 v2' lge. 28-oz. tills 5 370 Smiles . • • Specialist: "Could you pay for' an operation if 1 find one 'necessary?" Patient: "WOuld you fi ne necessary if I couldn't p y for it?" • • TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone. S27-1910 Seaforth family. Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer and family, Kitchener, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Timmer and family. Mrs. George Dundas has re- turned to her home in the village after spending the winter months with her daughters in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin and son and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meehan of Senile, were Easter weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS for DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELLERY, FINE CHINA GIFTS FOR EVERY OCCASION All Types of Repairs Phone 527-0270 SUPER•LASTIC RACTOR TIRES Non-Rot Du Pont NYLON Cord Lowest Prices Designed for the best grip yet Super-Lastic Nylon Tractor.Tires are built in, two grades to the same high standards as our truck tires. Bumps and impacts are all in a day's, work to these extra-rugged-tires, designed to withstand the roughest oftoperating conditions. Rear tire is molded in the 'open-centre' design that sheds earth as it grips. Many-other sizes are available at eqUally low prices:-',', Ply 'Farm 'Farm Rat- - Hand' Master' ing Price Price . Front Size List rice - Tube Price 400/12 4.00/15 5,00/15 5.50/16 5:50/16 6.00/16 6.00/16 6.50/16 6.50/16 7.50/1 6, 7.50/16 4.00/19 13.49 8.67 9.76 1 2.1 9 13.95 13.95 15.30 14.95 15.95 19.70 20.95 10.40 12.40 13,95 16.35 15.25 16.45 15.70 17.85 20.40 22.40 12.70 2.52 2.64 2.24 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.71 2.71 3.05 3.05 2.77 4, , 4. 4 4 , 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 18.25 22.85 20.60 25.90 22.65 28.25 29.40 36.75 14.70 16.75 16.6(1 8.05 Rear Size • Ply Rat- Iraq List Price 'Farm Hand' Price 'Farm Master' Price ' Tube Price 8.3/24 4 49.75 33.50 - ' 6.65 . • 9.5/24 , 4 '58.0' ' 34.45 - 6.45 11.2/24 4-. ' ' 68.40 41 .1 5 52.95 7.90 14.9/26 6 120.00 , 70.30 83.20 11.95 11.2/28 4 67.20 46.95 54.80 7:95 12.4/28 4 76.70 54.95 - • 62.80 8.90 13.6/28 4 91.80 66.50 71140 . 11.60 14.9 /28 6 127.50 74.50 1 01 .94 13.65 16.9/30 6 154.50 95.90. 100.30 13.80 9.5/32 • 4 77.70 41.95 - 11.50 11.2/36 4 • 91.15 59.10 - 15.20 11.2/38 4 100.10T 61.55 63.25 9.35 12.4/38 4 106.06 68.50 80.30 10.50 13.6/38 6 . 123.60 86.95 12.90 WE INSTALL & FILL ALL SIZES tnnnoinn cannomn TIRE tiRE • • • .• Hibbert Awards Bridge Contract Free Delivery Correspondent Mrs.Bob Cronin Miss Helene Looby, Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Looby. Mrs. Tom Butters is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital in London. Mr. William Stapleton is a patient in the Seaforth Co.rn- munity Hospital. Miss Kathleen Stapleton and Mrs. Dick Box, Seaforth have been in Florida for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Staple- ton have returned from a two month stay in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krauskopf, Jarvis and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krauskoph, Jarvis with Mrs. Nicholas Krauskopf on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hum- phries, Palmerston were visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin and family were visiting with relatives on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Butters and family, St. n Thomas were visiting with Mr. Thomas But- ters on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Scaini, London were visiting with Mrs. Johanna Schoonderireerd and family on the week end. Miss Marian, Looby, London spent the week end.with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Looby. Miss Joanne Stapleton, London, Mr. Jack Stapleton, Lon- don and Miss Kathleen Stapleton, Kitchener were visiting with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton on their return from Florida. Sister Marie Brebeuf,London Was visiting with Mr. and Mrs Hugh Benninger and' family on the week end. Mr: and Mrs. Dick Tate and Mr. Jack Tate, Dearborn, Mich- igan were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Coville. Mr. and Mrs. 'Tate were attending the Hoff-Hodgert wedding inSeaforth .on the _week end.. News of VARNA "Correspondent Fred McClymont The local Boy Scouts are having their spring ',Paper Drive" on Saturday April 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ttobineon, Larrie and'Kathy and Carol Ann of Willowdale, spent a few days at the hcime of Mr. and mrs. Fr4d McClymont. • A Baptisnial service waS held in the 'United Church on Sunday last when Lori Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Clarke, was baptized. EXPLORERS MEET The Explorer group met in the Church Tuesday evening with the president, Miss Cathy Taylor in charge. The Purpose and Motto was recited.-Miss Brenda Dowson read the Scripture lessofi, Miss Sylvia Wilson gave the prayer. Miss, Nancy Faw- cett read 'the minutes and called the roll, which was answered by naming a spring animal. Miss Sylvia Wilson took up the col- lection and Miss Sandra Web- ster dedicated it. Stars were given to those who were absent last week. Mrs. Robert Taylor read 'fp:il -the study book. For crafts, work was done on the "Mammy Dolls". sipip.swo-uelowmiamp-aigig. ror Your SPRING GRASS SEED Requirements ' We will have available a full line of grass seeds. We are over stocked on RED CLOVER MIS is your opportunity to use Red Clover for soil building puSeS. We will have avail- able by Seeding time ;plow-deWn mixtures, priced to sell. R.N. ALEXANDER Londesboro )- 48207475 Hibbert Township Council, meeting Monday opened tenders for the construction of abridge at lot 30, Con. 2 and 3 and the suc- cessful bidder (subject to the approval of the Department f Highways) was Wm, Giesen, Lucian, at a price of $29,275. Fourteen other tenders were received the highest being $54,473.00. A Subdivision Control By - Law for the Township was given third reading and passed, and the registration fee ordered paid, with certified copies to be sent to' the Department of Municipal Affairs and to the Registry Office. NEWS OF St. Columban Correspondent • - Mrs. Joseph Kale Recent visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Jim Doyle and children, London, Mr. ' and Mrs. Warren Regier and children, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maloney. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Melady, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, Jim Melady, all of London, with 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady. -- Miss Elaine Murray and Miss Mary Lou Murray spent a week- end in Nashville, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moylan and baby, St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan. Mrs. Nora Maloney has moved to her new home in Seaferth. Miss Mary Lou Lane and Miss Catharine Ann Lane spent a few days in Toronto. - • . Miss Karen Kale is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Frank O'Rourke and Michael Murray, Toronto, visited Mrs. Michael Murray, • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaffney. and Miss Debbie Gaffney, Peter- borouth, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan. . Mrs. Michael Murray spent Easter in Toronto. • Sister Jean Moylan, C.S.J., London, Miss Catharine Moylan, St. Thomas, spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mr's. John Moylan. " Joseph Hicknell is .a patient .1n Seaforth Community Hospital. Correspondent Mrs. Allan McCall • The annual Easter Thank Gf- tering Service was held In Duff's United Church SUnday evening with members and guests present from Moncrief, Blyth, Brussels, Winthrop, Londesboro and Sea- forth churches. The choir was also in attendance. The ushers were. Mrs. Hugh . Johnston and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Mrs. William Roe, the U.C.wv President, was in charge of the service, opening with the "Call to Worship", giving a warm word of welcome to all present. Hymn 118 was, sung with the organist, Mrs. Ian Wilbee, at the organ. Mrs. Campbell Wey read the scripture from the gospel of Luke, chapter 13, verses 1-36, followed by comments. Hymn 115 was sung-Mrs. W. G. Hackwell led iee-pra-Yer. arol and Keith Wil%e contrib ed a saxaphone duet entitled ,• e" and '!Just a Closer walk wit Thee", accom- panied on the piano by Mrs. Wil- bee. Mrs. Roe announced Alma College and Westminster Lon- don Conference that is coming up in the near future. The offering was received by Mrs. Ron' Bennett, Mrs. Nelson Marks and Mrs. Ray Huether and'dedicated by Mrs. Roe. Mrs. Nelson Reid introduced. the 'guest speaker, Mrs. Roy Galway of Listowel, wile is the convenor of leadership develop- ment of the Huron-Perth Pres- byterial, She chose as her topic "Wide Horizon", taken from por- tions of the London Conference held in Stratford recently. Mrs. Gordon MeGavin expressed her appreciation on behalf of the U.C.W. for coming to speak on such short notice and, to give the meeting so much to think about in the' days ahead. Mrs. Roe added her thanks to all that helped with the program. Following a hymn, Rev. Dock- en pronounced the benediction. DESSERT EUCHRE _The-nanaeal Dessert Euchre sponsored by the Walton Wo- men's Institute • was held in the Community Hall Wednesday af- ternoon, starting with a smor- gasbord dessert at 1.30. Seven- teen tables were Jin play for the euchre that followed. The prizes given were for High Lady., Miss Pearl Thamer; Low, Mrs. Ham Sholdice; Lucky Chair, Mrs. Eva McCartney, Seaforth; thee travelling prize, Mrs. Roy Turvey, Brussels; Door Prize, Mrs. Robertson, Londesboro. 16 TABLES. PLAY EUCHRE There were 16 tables in play at the progressive euchre held_ in • the Walten Community Hall Friday evening. The prize win- ners were:, High Lady, Mrs. Ed Miller; Low, Mrs. Gordon Mc-' Gavin; High Man, Stanley Hillen, Low, Fred Dunk; Nearest birth- day, Miss Shirley Johnston. It was decided to have another euchre riday evehing with the commit e chosen to be in charge, Mrs. arold Bolger, Mrs. Roy Mrs. Ernie Stevens and Mrs. Willfamspn, Mrs. Harvey Craig, Doug Ennis as convenors. Lunch was served by Mrs.„ George Blake, Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. George McCall, Mrs. Laverne Godkin and Mrs. John Bos. ‘'t4-H CLUB MEETINGS Walton I "Fruit Cups" held their sixth meeting at the home of Gail Searle. The roll call was answered following the 4-H pledge. The secretary read mi- nutes and questions were given by the leaders on " Fruit Salads". Joan Bennett and Gail Searle demonstrated "Peach Layer Dessert". The sixth meeting of Walton II "Fruit Loops" was held at Heather and Cathie McDonald's home. All members were pre- sent to answer the roll call. Cathie McDonald read the mi- nutes. The leaders gave notes on "More Ways with Fruit". Marie Nolan exhibited three dif- ferent salads. Protein Ideas for Fruit Salad Plates was displayed by Beverley McCall. The de- monstration of "Banana Bread" was done by Annett Zuiep and Linda Roe. Mrs. McCall brought Strawberry Bavarian. The dishes were all sampled at the close of the meeting. • Miss Rosemary Ryan has ac- cepted a position at St. Mary's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. WarrenCurrie, Douglas, Heather, Tom and Mrs. 'W. H. Currie of Hamilton, visi- ted Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall. Weeknd guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Huether 'and family !were: Mr. 'and Mrs. Marshall Field, Yvonne, Frieda and Ray of Vineland and Mr. .and Mrs. Frank Burke, Sheila and Stephen of Wingham. Mrs. Pete McDonald 'spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Watson. Messrs. GerdOn and Charles Murray motored to Burwash Sa- turday to spend the weekend with theer brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkby and News of Walton old Thankoffering Service Smith' ' o'r 523.4399 Phone '627-09,90 WE HAVE - cONTRACTS for GRAIN & HOGS TO SUIT YOUR REQUIREMENTS NOW IN STOCK . . GARDEN SEEDS LAWN SEEDS FERTILIZER 0 SEED GRAIN . SEED CORN • LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH A FULL LINE OF FENCING SUPPLIES STEEL AND CEDAR POSTS . . ' • e • 0 dl a a FRED W. TILLEY LTD. n •