HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 84 hPharnac 1, Towle ''S. Drug Store '—Q— Whlaacians' and popular Prectiptions aCcuratct). compounded, • 'are Drugs airy Chenzica&s Ser sporiaUtj, •'-A fun line of Toilet Attleles, Terfumea, Sponges,- --Spoet LeleB, Oto, always in stock*- ,1'DLL '1.l.LL:11;'HoNIa CENTRAL • t 1P l? ICE, 'r. T1•;stMSW end•GitAND Ttlt.hK TOWN TICKET OFFICE: ,tvin;;httm, Ont, 112 c .inrg o am tulles FRIDAY. JULY , 1890'... Thu Last 8 me -Motion. e°oa Sabbath ev: ing last, Rev. J.".H. rliouse delive ed his farewell sermon to the people o St, Paul's Church on the above subject, tom the words fond in Acts $0: 32, 4' , d now, brethren, I commend you to od and the word ot his grace, which i•. able to build you up in an inheritance mong all them which are sanctified." Du ',g the discourse he referred to his work i the parish for the last two .years and , half, during which he had labored a' ong them. There were, he said, tw • sins into whioh 'ohurche,s were apt o fall, --one, that of receiving a new mini, ter with „coldness, suspicion, standing a of, instead of help- ing hila in his wort , and watching with distrust as to the 'ourae he would pur- sue ; the other, th t of worshipping the creature .man, in earl of the Creator. Since he had laboi tint among them the iliterest had revive , the attendance at Holy Communion ,ad inoreased fully one-half, while th = Sunday school had also been doing good work. The at-: tendance of teach was greatly better than at first, and ho school taken all. together was doin, well. He had also during hispaste ate held about one hundred uieetin in the country,' in Lower n,n school houses and n Private dwellings, , a d he hoped ed that. good had bean done 'n the meetings. As .to his rotations wit the other denoniina- .tions in town, th .31 had always .been of the most friend l aturo, pleasant and cordial, Sabbath 5 eel Eelloti5. Last Sunday wa evdew iu the different : schools. In the Pres yteriau sclhdol, ,t�tr,S. Graney took up the . st three lessons, then Mr Armour took up the next three 'lessons, Mr Gordon the fel • swing three and Ur Lithgow the host t tee, • The lessons were ill illustrated by yds, which pleased the little folks well, los 'Nand- presided at the organ, Mr Frf• died tine singing and the proceedings •• re internperaed with. suitable liVsnna,whh the children heartily snug. It must be 'ratifying to the little folks' parents and teachers tri see them , answer so well, es Wally the golden 'texts •were given with will in catfcert. The Sabbath 'drool Quarterly review' and Missionary S rvtce was held last Sun day iu the lfeth, • ist church, au intertain. ing programnne b:iug presented, The school sang "He teacloth . uze•,'' led by a Fail orches- tra. After praye by the pastor, Rev. J, Scott, M. d , the °hoot sang, "Tell it to Jesus." Tueu Kix Utile quarter6 lessons were taken tip b • the superintendent. Dr. Towler. The ..ohoel again joined iu siogiug. Then the las six le'+iloils were reviews 1, .aMittel eary service waft next conducted by the f, !lowing young ladies; whit badges,, eacih r•presentiug a country where missionary 1v •1k was being carried ou by the tlethodist church: Misses ;Lyda Yonhitl, Auce Hom th, Sadie McGreight, ,tile Anderson, Lida Agnew, SiCliia, Atkins, lydith'MoOlymibt, 0 `urlotte Grey, Maggie 'Wilkinson, Acta Main ,riz9• A• »misddeal'i:el, :eotioa wase then given by the orolldetra. A short address was d af!vexed by Miss 13. Iioynocle, on Wonted' Missionary Work, 'Then the school sae;;, 'rho Ereciors ]'old. t T:1e exercises closed tit th the benediction. .".The blackboard illust' atious were good. A large number of 1.. route tied visitors ,,'xere greed '• * , Home .ljieaiorr Su day" whiz observed it the 13*ptist isles fav School last Sabbath'l. ln:. plata of the eediaar review exercises Missionary addreesee ere giveu liy River.. '..til of the tc:lohers. M 4 A. ilieOeegnr,Mius Batter and :i•tr Kellys oke upon differenti ,phases of Ittiesidn t;'o' I+yaoli one sutpb:4• :Sizing particularly ilia reassert sid'o of the ,jtlestiorr. Mr Wriest el sect with £ ford. 1314 said iustruetive alit s upon tire !' t+luie Mitkfin , Mirk of ties de oNiiueetlau, Tie ,N •,l; as ?,'I„1.4 :,, t)r'4 • VortenaS Mr, Friend, the neve" , rt-• gilt ,r foz the .:byte.lano, are ivod n stun on Settle. clay. -.lice. I ellaill, o Seaforth, is the guest of Mrs John Nee ,s jeer now.•-�• Rev, Mr. MoFltydon, of Tiv 'ton, passed through hero on ,bia way Clinton, ou Saturday, --Dr. Whyte, El former t.i,, .t stud t With Dr, Wfibou, • as kris guest on Sunday Inst.•---Itev, G' Law,. of Bel - grave, wile. in �� ingba e on Saturday. -- Mr, and Mrs, Strutl rs, of Galt, are spending a few day. with II Ir. Robert Maxwell, of the bon ary lihie.-Mr.Jnhn Cargill and family s out the first in Cur- gill, Bruce county,- Rev, Mr. Geddes, of Whiteohuroh, was hers on business on Monday.-•-I'Iiss Lizzie Patterson spent the First with Mies lehorn, of j ;131ue- ale..-'-Tho Misses PI od are visiting in v Luoknew: Mr Rolan ' Gordon is looking after the interests of he Gerster jewelry establishment, .just now... Miss Aggie •Ross left on I'ridt ; afternoon on a visit to friends and reI tves'ili Bruoefield and elsewhere..Mr. A, Scott is at present in Bluovale look' if after the chopping mill. . . Mr. and rs. Garbtt and Mrs. L, Stiles returned fr,' • the London races ou Friday evening... ev,Mr. Kerr, of Brno - eels, was iu our to n on 1 riday., .Miss Burgess,I3luevale, win town on Satur- day... Mr. Winter, reston, was the guest of Mr, J. Ando . n, Lower Town, this week. He is tan •ld teacher, but finds' it more congenial o follow the insurance business:..,Mrs. . J. Chapman returned from Ripley 1 r at week... -Master Gilbert Agnew return +d from an extended visit to Manitoba, est week,..i11z'. and Mrs.. D. McKay we returned from their Kincardine v sit...Mrs, C.;oolican .paid Toronto a visi to see the great, much talked of carni , al.. . Mr. Prank Kennedy, of the C. P. R. telegraph oiiice, lett.. on Monday for To onto on a holiday trip,, . Mr. J. Jgnes, t; aeher in Wawanosh, was in town on Sa rctay... Mr. W. T. Farrell, teacher, Glen' rrow, gave as a friendly call on Satu day,. , Miss Campbell, Wes- wanosh, and ise Pinlater, Morris were in town on ' aturday... MMS Macdonald made a visit • Goderich on Saturday... Mr. Geo. Wellis on, a visit to the old homestead... ss Messer is with •her sister, Mrs. G• nett, this week., .Rev. I. E. Wailwin : • 1 lady were in town Mon- day... Mr, Rob arson, teabber,Gienaunan, was in town o ,Saturday...Mr.R%ichard Laorett,.Fsetei .passed through here on Tuesday, tot ussels., .kir. W. J. Chap- man and famil nesday.. , Mr. Barrie, are visi in Wingham a Svt�. George H Ct)uutry, on T cattle for Mr. McCormick, M. a. Vanallen visit week, taking in t earniva.,.•. Mr. W. J. r. Maddonald, dentist, to thedice ra of 2y Dr. whose father died sday evening of last went to Toronto on Wed d .Mrs, T. Beecroft, ng relatives Mutt friends d vicinity, this week., . 'hes started for the'Old 'sday, with a cargo of os. Clegg... Messrs. 11, cDonaid, J. Willis, and d 'Toronto during the , l erruda. Mottled.l ' �':ttCit ..„0, go l'i'lt ee'mseaa, ;wit• At itt not t will bent ith 3'c+tira>t14 ,io;' 1140c9,1150tLfueltees?.' 'slut, Mutter, •1 y'etta afftirlt 71azithher the mc, tlnor 'rano roOlity." •"fl eU, it Mails tftxpgiialble, try t Of PURE NQRW[4IA6 COD LZE lawmen/lees call • t lilerleeugta loot'+, 'wiled, ti.nd many cases 01 COtiSUMP11ON, . lymehiiis, Cough or Severe Cold 1F haves EV1iED with It; and the ativatttat6e 1R 'that', the inose setisin tivp stoenapii can tulle it. Another thing which commends It is the stiutuAating properties et the HIR popkosphites which it contains. You will find it for sato at your 111rulrfi'lut s, Iu daleuai4 wrapper. Ate sure roll Het the genuine." Svo'fi7C' .4c JAQWYE, Beflevlfle, WING.IU&bx MARKETS. Wnionan, July 3, 2690,1 Corrected. by P. Deans, Produce Dealer, t''ourper 100 lbs,. • C 2 40 to 2 40' Fall Wheat it^r bushel, :0 80 to 90 Spring „ 'q SI to 90) % Parley s; to 3fi Peas, 35 to 50. 62 55 Potatoes, - 28 to 30 Butter, titqq. 1:3 to )4� do.Rotts,• , 12'to 54 Eggs per dozdh 11'to 11. wood per cord, . . . 1 25 to 1 6o CHay Ter ton, 6 00 to 0 00, Pourldii;eepei'" Notice. Notice is hereby given that Six Yearling Bolters were impounded 'tu the Winghani pound on Tuesday,* 1St truly. One fttheta has a bell on it, one all white, one ail red ..,th star on Morehead, and the other four 8pdttetl ed and whlto. of such animals aro not sooner'elai ed,and alt fees and charges paid, they, will be•so by public audtion, pt the pound, on Mon- day, 14 .July, 2800, at 2 o'etoolc p,m. R. RANEIN, Wit (r' `m, NO 2nd, 1.390, Pouudkeeper. Estray Cattle. Came on th premises of•the subacrilier, Sluev.1e Road. near Ingham, on the 16tlt,of Awe last, two Yearling gets and a two•year=ol5 Heifer. The owner 15 egttoated to proveprrepor0g., ypSay charges andita thein away.. CHAS. It'1 NGEE40N. f tis, July 2nd, 1890, . Stray Steers. . Strayed froth the peorutsea of the suhscriher, Blue• vale Road, noar 'bag1)51», about the?niddtn of Aray, Of two yearling errs, one light roan add the other Spotted re. , nd white; mostly red, with;olcan white face. oth Have 'a notch in, the top of the left ea Any person givlog such information as will lead their recovery will be suitably rewarded. orris, July 9,1890, 01IXS. I•ID1DERSON, Desirable Property for $ale Int Wingliam. , Roe, student or has been etre ' ndin Ireland, Harris to suddenly on Thu week... •.1Vti.sallow returned•home from Brantford Ladies' College on Saturday evening., ,,.Sheriff • ; owles, of Orangeville,: was the guest of r R. Orn,-ou Sunday. l ..Mrs. Brownlee, t,lyth, spent a few days in Wingham, this sok.. ..Mr. John Reid, Godenuh, is visit ng his son Mr. J. S. Reid...Mrs.Ke1iy, ` eeswater, spent a few days with Mrs. l'o , • ek, this Week.. Miss L'radon, Teeswater, passed through hero. on her way to Ji'Gr Iyce, on Tuesday.. . Mrs. Shields, W . anosh, is visiting friends in town., is re. Barbour, Wawa nosh, is the guest o Mrs. Barbour... Mr. and Mrs. Gannet s i eat Sunday with Mr. Gannet,near Bluev, le...Rev.,1VIr.Hnghes, Listowel, was in to n on Wednesday ar- ranging for his removal Here.•, Mr. Elliott, brother of Mr. 'Thos. Elliott, re- turned from Algo a here, 'very '111. , •, Miss Gordon, Listowel, nd Miss Craig, Stay - tier, left Mr. D. M Gordon's, Where they have been visitin-, on Thursday... Kiss Deno et Bast S-,sinaw, is visiting leer' friend it1issJessi' ! Iailiday...,42is Hattie Ireland and alis: Jennie Coates returned hone to Detrol,, .Thursday morning., . Mr. and ,11rs.,D is returned from their holiday trip on Vednesday...;tirs. Yates retrained for to few days in Goderich atter the first. , : l Ir. John We1lwood has be out in the ottntry andreports crops favorable...iIr. Jackson Wilson is in town this week ..,Miss Mitchell, Mount I+orest, is visitin . her uncle, Mr. A. Mit- chell, of this tot -The Orang celebrate the 12t ` An lee t°realn .will be held on Pu the Methodist p, vited, Music will The Wingha+ Clinton on the firs heavy for them. l4icQuarrie Was th field the beat 'bdry McEw vftle school, with t Thursday aftern Institute, examin botanical stleohnel en of Wiughan Will at Harristom ocial and garden party sday evening next, at teenage. All are in - e supplied, Cricketers went to , but things were too The Voas.s-Record says best batter and ]Def., r• n, principal of Blue - o of his pupils, spent n in the MGChaniosa g the reiribrais. and s found there. -A, ver'ypleasan' titne was had hi Geo. Wude's bush au 17 intou day. About n.rto the baptost 14S 'pie gathered at the chul:'oh and took a • tatty ride to tree ground 13volqiiitvereerecte for the oltild'retl land' they thoroughly sot •yed themsel've's. the older cues also Islay :d themselves With ball and bat and lots of tleayaut eonvertlat`ious made up the batatn" of the l*ogratiime, all Kt the baviiet6, tvbic11 'swore (illicit* ezoi,i'tied and tinsel; ja PM, UAL for fxili; Ant' giiiitrtrty of first, elaau dty'pine lath t ttldiigil'!Lrn mina, r, The undersigned offers tor sale his residence and one acre ofland more 'o rtgss, situated onGeor• George Street, Just easte R�F. T s ern vheens slden o. Iti the finest location in, the town of 1Vtugharn, overlook- - ing the town and•tho north branch of the Maitland river. The house tea .one•-and-a•half story frame, with splendid cellar. There are tIso a frame stable, hard a soft aft 1v ester and 160 fruit •brees on the premises. will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms, For partldulars ,aippll' to the owner, '51105'Ft. MANUEL. For Sale. AWwarn+, lot .containing 125 acres more or less, being lot 36, con 11, East Wawanosh, timbered with pino and tamarack. will he sold cheap. Apply to JAAIIIS MoAt lI11', .Wingham ; or J J ANDPESON,,.dtelita, Manitoba. Any person or persons found trespassing or taking thrill .off the same will be prosrented according t4 law Millet y for Sale in Belmore. Tint ur.dersignrd offers fn!• hale a desirable pro pert, in the village of itehnofo, consisting of a good dwelling house, office, stable and driving shed, with one ogre and a half of land in conncotioit. Splendid garden, with all sorts of fruit trees. Will bo sold at a'bargain. Per particulars, apply in FIUinsiiaiCii C001i,, Belnto e. `'A•lZI I~OR SALE, The nn'd61w5'ened offers for sabis term, being the south halt o! tot »0, Concession 12, Past tVawansh, on easyternt8. The farm cou5i;ktsbf 500aores about. 60 of which a>;e;eteared and in a good state of o1)lti• nation, the balance being low, \'vat land. On the • premises are good frame 1)01)85. contalniig 7 reams and good cellar; bnnkhat , and stone stabling ; two wells 0f good Water• two cement cisterna; a nice. orchard. The farm, is well fenced, Would take a small residence in \Vhngitam as part nay, on terms to he agreed upeo. For terms, apply to E. L005MRX, on the premises, or to 11. LE1181EX, East Wawanosh, June 3rd 1890. %Vingharu. AGENT'S WANTED. If yett want to make Money, take hold and sell our choice Nursery stock. Now is the alae ; write us at once for terms,MAX t;RUTil1:ItS, Nariservmen, Rochester, 11,1rt BANK WANTED. The Wiringhatn Taunting Co, will pay $5 P CIOXZD for this summer'd peeling 50 :Flood Hemlock baric dellcered at their Tannery, Winghnm. aaassuttsmositslimsesemsolistseemessaseiger Diseases, ofthe Lungs, Asthina Are cured. The methb'ds, quiuk and Certain, is afrlefl byexcenent and funk effective remedies. After tour weeks' use a decided. relief will be felt. Send full ac. county of ayrnptoms unci address, iuctosiug postage stat»lis for mis- er. "NYCIEA of Mr," Nest York. To Breeders. the lfolstuan• 1468,411 bull, II 1J t ON L,A1), No. 11600 R!.tetered in the tJurth volume of the Holstein Peruvian Ilertt 'tock,, will be kept ton earvk a tiering the least/riot 5890 si Lst 11, Concession 1, Morris, ternis-lii.r,tl for Reade rows 1 therdtilthbred, stele caws, $4: with the prtvAegb Of returning 1 `te be be paid id tittle of service =;arid otiyK;Fti'Y d, 1e cut Taa ey'.4pi llry, 2 J�1GE ITALIAN QUEENS •1?A1t 13at'Ll+, Tested tiileelis, during May'Q' ve daring .luno , 7: 75 Untested �!uerus,.after Jobe 241i1 0J or 0 uutesttd, Queens after Jun() idle ..,4 00 —Comb A1411(1%0°8 on hand, tor'sdie.-. ) also. have 11, quantity of chuff hives anti smallNivea fol' sale, 1arpente work attended to to ttlltJts brandlli's'with neatness and despatch. PETER A. _,1t1 ILLE`R, 'isVinglhutrrl, 'Ont RCURSIONS to `> UROP'E, . 1? tb fro 1, >r ,ne`aee, DU Ty or Liverpool. ARS'? CA11IN, $4O, ataxia: ; $95. iit.turn. SATES, C45, t;; 0Q awl 145 Mesio; es00, t14llana e11G herein, accordant to location el Staterooms. SS.'I'A11lSiaN.oriJune t't.Ya1eip!l8,411DtNIAN. NO vAT'ri se, h aDdlIE7) tfliTl.1tAl l.DIATk, :;SQ. itefurn,,fl49- srerrage at Ir;0144'4 cst rate'„ AI'p1y to Ii, & A. Abb.IH, Aloutreal, m HENRY !A'VIJ, WI:1(min GROCEAY• NVQ" GOODS, -PAIR fico undereit nild desires:16 intimate to the:people nt \t'higham and vicinity that 'he bee opene4'a-gv(,e1' ; Mock of 'GROCERIES; 'COltl ,R' EQ1.R, TO•Lil,e=JiR ,l, , ,. L§61i00L BOOXS & ST.A ; `TON 'T. —" Also, good, fresh lalways on hand, The stock h;isin8 tloen etully selcated'itntt ifitrehasedto' r cash, ntv ett4citnors will get good value. GIVE Mt CALL, - T. T. WATSON, real liar,aite _0,_r:E 7 AC - 1. Having bought ttiolara'nly, ire order to 4eduee and melte tonin for fall hniidrtations, nearly, 200 pieces at Woods, especlaily TWEEDS, ,s.itt'he void at cost of handling; same 'fines Jess, Strictly lorrcash. tir,'a-Goods eta any length to suit: purchasers, ` As the goods neb of a superior quality, bought for cash, there is.extra value. —CCD 2M . .N'Z7 XA7;v 3iTM .r . CMie'tarly as ive expecte rush. Can ha,fe them weil and fashionably made ley best mechanic's 'xr1otd by piece. This is iiigenuine;Sale, ooutmencingon Saturday, 28th June. LESLIE S. mow. lieV*Jewt.1 Stara in 1tL r g hain • HY 1I • WALLACE- }iasust �en out a Tare new stock ot 0 itso 0 134 CD res Iia the store Ants I6o0 swath of the Pos1: Office, and iii prepared to. give SI'uat bareains rri, . Special lines of LADIES -GOLD WATCHES Oi l NTLE11I.EN'S tiOLD and SILVER, WATCi1EG, 'CLOCKS, E' EGLASS:i:S and St'EC ACtES, • t PAI itt N G and NEW WORK .'•-Dolle O l tlie ehorteet notiet+, and all work guaranteed,— inspection of Goods and chip orison of 'Price's invited Coeds left for epe. ivitlt Mr. R, ; R.-VVanstone will he given out, pH,WA--LLAE, . Ilgll, Ont. fe NEW OATENT6TOP MILICCANS, s ORPAIVI t , MILK a ti S SAP B 4J f . and - MILE. > Titything in the Dairying ti no .AVEC' 'EO11GillNG A SVEklatTy. • r Witt .04 ....... \\+yvZl c• 4 VOL. XL tIOT Fon »R1Issi 'plain. and fall • Embroideries, Ings, Non's VC nels and Zea speoiai prices, Buyone an We deport a and in vainest • Special pric 'at 1 heln. , We bags It every depth -ti them, R ..fiitz BEAU, July LQCA -11 your write go to W S' W teweier.,uaxt doer •--Mr Soho Rio eai load of potato to Stratford. School cies and' will not open ,day in August. -.First the meatus and --Our streets f+tr?,ias said BOO harpR n, ,tu 0 rt u •. -Pure . J ugh • thing yea het, Dr osvier'n 1)ri • -+11rs John It ter years, was t: daughter', i1.trs r; -Call 4 Me idle Laurance si P C,erster let -Mr Tiros 1 Duncan Stetvar red vaG't.'It There were Lr, cattle. Best •quality wheat 21t $2.40, -Rev June trussed throng Listowel. Mr Clontou feetw of by the pape -Coasidera veil over " Gr( florae. Ile is BIuevale, all Garbutt. He day. .,atr''"nXr 11'rien eing in the ' ware is thei for the fsret71 voices in tli ought to lie —Now people who A11(159(15, eh( slit. —Onr we atttd. lady, ret Week. I1Zr 4 stead, saw t( ltie,old 9oho0 , 'bad a good t Como flim hr --VOttr eh sets ler #2,7 • —44 e two weeks. of `I'riuityC etlrnyt11s beth learoe lice been i 1 e hat aI� dight tmedi . hatlatatl0 lihidvale A' ' the dates. for eeeeed •, tot: iltirds, ibr teir