The Huron Expositor, 1970-04-09, Page 3""`"'""Monsanto SHORT TIME OFFER MILTON~ J. DIETZ YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR "LASSO 4" AND OTHER MONSANTO, PRODUCTS PHONE 527-0608 , SEAPORT It's • a sad Parliament Peter Ward As it was, the questioning was tedious in detail; parochial in scope. The Trudeau Administration Cabinet ministers seem to be able to spot their own weaknesses before the Opposition can, then steer questioners off chasing - will-'o-the-wisps. Usually, when it looks as though an Opposition front-bencher is getting close to a good point, he gets deked off on a tangent with the temp- tation of political hay-making. That old-style politicking disgusted .Canadians with the performance of parliamentarians in the Diefenbaker-Pearson era. s The people universally asked 'their members to stop 'playing games and get on with running', the country. Dief still sticks to the rule he has kept for 30 years in Parliament: '•iveven ask a ques- tion unless you know the an- swer." In his eyes, the question pe- riod is a time for the Opposi- tion to embarrass the Govern- ment - not a time for making the Cabinet account for its .ac- 1964 CHEV IMPALA' 2 Dr. HT "8" AT, BU.CKET SEATS Not Certified $425.00 Li ...a...W.0Y ••••• .•••••••• SHORT TIME ' Radio — Many Extras OFFER FULL REMAINING WARRANTY % "Craf Pito, 527-1750 • $ EAFORTH Lot Open Evenings to 9 p.m. - Read the Advertisements it's a Profitable Pastime! For All Your Contact D. E. GIBSON' London, 434-0370 MIDDLESEX ALUMINIUM PRODUCTS,. 71 Richmond' Street STRATHROY $5.00. 5c Lb. 5c Lb. — No Extra Charge — Removal of bone means less freezet and. rolling space and 5c Lb. — No Extra Charge PORK PRICES 2c Lb. 5c' Lb. 10c Lb. 10c Lb. OTTAWA - Early in the daily proceedings of Parliament comes that 40-minute exchange between, the Opposition and Governrrient known as the "question period." It's basically a ti m e when Cabinet ministers can expect to be put on the griddle for their sins, hence -that 40 minutes often produces the best news copy oLthe day. The question period-certain- ly hasn't been the same since the Pearson-DieferibakerA per- sonality feuds have been replaced by the Trudeau cool and the Stanfield siammer. The Opposition in 'this Par- liament has been t:errible,There nas been no concentrated prob- ing fpr Government weaknesses, although Lord knows, there are many, and very few strong per- sonalities have emerged from the non-Government side of the House. Some of the few Opposition backbenchers who have tackled the„ Government have received no help from -the more august names in the front row, where the occupants seem bent on playing the worm-out game of , would be for the. Government to lend ;he Tories -a few of the Seaforth -hold --the• -,S11arper ---LAberal—backbenchers,- - - annual meeting on rtnesday,April who are sadly' frustrated b a 14th at 8:00 at the home of Mrs. lack of activity. Everett Storey. Roll call will be answered by payment of fees. Re- ports of standing committees will lation of officers will take place. Siding Needs -be 'heard and election and instal-' Lunch will be convened by Mrs.G. Papple, Mrs. G. Kerr, Miss E. Henderson and Mrs. L. Dale. The W.I. will host a meeting of the Huron County Historical Society on , Thursday evening, • April 16, in First Presbyterian Church,' with Miss Belle Camp- bell as speaker- , An antique display will also be featured and the general pUblic is wel- come. party, politics, forgetting that' opinion has consistently reject- ed such shenanigans fOr years. Tne old-liners have lost their credibility. O. 4e day recently, shOrtly af- ter Prime Mintsfer Trudeau had been through that' cdnfrontation with Montreal... labor leader Michel Chartrand of the, CNTU, the Opposition again.--demon = strated ineptness. What did'the' members op- posite choose for their miin attack of the day? They talked about intricate wheat policy prob- lems. 466.1.1,1 Lest I be branded a central Canadian, with blinkers fitted to shut all problems that' aren't Ontario's, let me hasten to state ' that the wheat argument was a good one - or at least it would have' been if it had been mounted two weeks earlier, when the Government program to reduce wheat growing in 1970 had just been announced. tions. The too. 4,60 ‘irei'Prilent plays the c' Cabinet ministers will usual- -ly answer questions for repor- ters outside the Commons much more frankly than they will for the Opposition inside the cham- ber. ^ I asked External Affairs Min- 7-ister NificheliShariawhy. 'you fellows ask intelligent questions and you're after' an- swers," he said. "The Opposit- ion is just playing the party game, It's give and take in there. You have to be' sharp 'to hold your own." George Hees, the former To ;73/ transport minister - and a good one, too - is a perfect exaipple of how not to behave as an Opposition MI'. He has' virtually no credibility left because of the loaded non-questions he delivers. Mr. Stanfield showed signs of trying 'to bring a responsible tone to the question period at first, but now he often slips into partisanship, either won over by his own party's traditionalists, lor lured there by the Govern- Seaforth ment. s It's a.sad Parliament. The best thing that could hal)- , W.1 Notes pen- for the country's sake - Custom Killing and Processing BEEF PRICES .- Slaughtering Regular Cutting, Wrapping and Freezing Grinding Hamburg Patties DELUXE CUTTING mists — which easier carving. Grinding Hamburg Patties Butchering ' Cutting, Wrapping, Freezing 'Making Sausage Curing Rendering Lard — No Charge. Tuesday — Beef and Pork Thursday -- Beef Only For the Busy Farmer • We Offer Pick-up Service Up to 10 Miles: $2.00 10 to 30 Miles: $3.00 MERNEWS, MEAT MARKET "HOME OF DASHWOOD SAUSAGE" Phone 237-3314 — Dashwood NEWS OF.. Woodham Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland Misses Erie Shutz, St. Marys, * Chris Clarke, Motherwell, Kiln and Karen Earl, of London, visited during the holidays with, Misses Deborah, Nancy, Suzanne and Barbara Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler were Sunday guests with Mrs. Robert Corsaut 9f St. Marys. • Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey and family during the weekend were •Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ford and family of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. New- man Baker of Welburn, Mr. and Mrs. Don Masnica and family of Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Brock and family of Elora, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morley and Dan- ny of Exeter and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mrs. Donald Morphy and fa- • mily of Waterloo visited on ' Thursday with Mrs. Robert Ro- binson and family. * Mrs. Mildred Mills and Miss Karen Levy of St. Marys visited with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills during the weekend. Mrs. Marie Mills of London was a Sun- day visitor. Messrs. Danny Jaues and John Gartenburg spent the holt- .* day weelic; Florida. Dr. Stanley Mak of. McMaster University is one of 150 scientists throughout Canada who are doing research on cancer with funds provided by the Canadian Cancer Society. Born in 'China; :he Came to Canada as a youth and for a time worked iniihis father's business in Yorkton, Sask. He is seen here with a centrifuge which he uses to separate da maged from undamaged viruses. Damaged Viruses May Cause Cancer Many factors in our environ- In the course of several experi- ment may be responsible for ments to learn more about ,the damaging the, viruses which sur- two viruses, he 'found that in • a round us, and these dal:daub given solution of No. 2 - the one viruses may be responsible for that does not cause cancer, in causing cancer. This is the con- hamsters - there were few if elusion reached by a research any defective virus particles. scientist, Dr. Stanley Mak, 36- But in the No. 12, which proved year-old • Chinese-born bio- to be highly virulent, he found physicist in the Biology Depart- that more than half of the viruses ment of McMaster University, were damaged, or defective. Hamilton, Ontario. Other research people have It is a well-established fact already established that if you among cancer researchers that, irradiate viruses, you damage although -there Is no evidence . them. Although he is not yet that human cancer is caused by satisfied that the damaged a virus, there is substantial proof viruses are responsible for cau- that cancer in animals can be sing...cancer in animals, Dr. Mak caused by some human viruses. is working now with funds de- Dr. Mak has been working with rived from the campaign of the twe,.of„these -called Adenovirus. Canadian Cartg,,Prociely,,, to es- Robert S. McKercherdft ito- - • ' ' • ,. • Type It and Adenovirus Type 2, • tablish whether or nOt. I lin was re-elected to the ',boat, ;t1MS)litli,"fdi 'Whith causes diseases in the Case.. of directors of Co-operative III= • the huhdan respiratory system. "If we can prove this," he surance Associations of Guelph, When injected into hamsters, the says, "it would suggest that the at CIAG's annual meeting in first causes cancer but the se- cause of cancer in humans may Peterborough on Saturday. ▪ Mr. McKercher, a former cond does not. also be such defective viruses. Dr. Mak wanted to know why, It would also suggest that there president of CIAG, is president and he thinkS he has the answer. are forces in our environment of United Co-operatives of On- which are responsible in the News of RABBIT BREEDERS MEET Cromarty Association held a "Spring '70" Dinner and Dande at the Crediton South Huron Rabbit Breeders Mr. and . Mrs. Lorne Splane Mrs. Ken McKellar Correspondent Community Hall with a capacity and Miss Frances Scott of Lon- don, visited Sunday with Mr. and • crowd in attendance, 'on Friday.. Mrs. Gordan and also with Mrs. Following a smorgasbord of Sadie Scott at Kilbarchan Nur- roast rabbit, turkey and all the ry trimmings, cards and dancing to sing Home, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. MacLamond re- the music of the Bluewater Play- turned home on Saturday from a boys were featured. tour of South America, Africa and Draws for door prizes were London, England. -011 won by Ann • MacGuire, •Betty. The sympathy of the commu- Smith and Ann Zachar. nity is extended to the family oi Spot dances for LP records the late Mr. Robert Dodds who • were won by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer passed away suddenly at his home Willis, Mrs. J. Blair and Harvey ' on Wednesday. Hodgins, Elvira McCafferty and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell Morrison Wagner and Dorothy and Margaret Jean and Mrs. Webber and Don Hooper. Grace Scott visited on Sunday Howard Cunningham was the with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott winner of the Lucky Draw. and family, Seaforth. BOX'S BARGAIN BASEMENT Check the Savings on our used furniture and appliances Refrigerator's Stoves BUTCHERING DAYS: Bedroom Suites Chrome Suites Odd , Chairs Dining Room Suites Living Room Suites Loleum Remnants The most remarkable herbicide ever developed. • weeds no incorporation. • Lasso 4 will not damage your crops or ruin your,rotati plans. After,it, has done its job it breaks down harmlessly-i-n_t soil. • Lasso 4 by itself kills a wide variety of grasses in corn and 'soybeans. • Lasso 4 mixed with Atrazine 80W controls both broadleaf weeds and grasses in corn. • Lasso 4 gives excellent results with as little as 3/10-inch of rain, yet won't leach out with heavy rain. • • • Lasso 4 workS consistently in heavy and light soils and performs well regardless of organic matter. Available from your local Co-op Farm Centre or your local Aero Fertilizer Blender. For free descriptive literature on Lasso 4 and its use, write Monsanto Canada Limited, 425 St. Patrick St., LaSalle, P.O. MrS . Lemieu'k and Rose- mary of Capreol visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and girls and Mrs. K. Cacciotti. The members of. the Messen- gers 4 made a donation of $5.00 to the Bunny Binidle. Mr.. and Mrs. Terry Mulhol- land attended a family gathering on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Iredale and family in St. Marys, in honour of Mrs. Russell Smith and Mr. • Iredale who were celebratifig. birthdays. Mr. and Mrs.Darold' Levy and family of ,St. Marys visited . on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler, Mrs. John Butters.and Miss Jean Copeland were Satiq- day evening dinner guests wilt! Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler' and helped Mr. Wheeler cele- brate his birthday. Mi. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Naughton have returned home from a very enjoyable trip to California where - they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNaughton. I1E-ELECTED TO. THE BOARD tart° and one of UCO's three ' representatiVes on the CIAG board. first place for damaging them, - things like radiation, or certain ' pollutants." This year, the Ontario Di- vision of the Canadian Cancer Society must raise $3,200,000 during :their April campaign to support hundreds of scientists like Dr. Mak who are searching for the cure for.sancer. The campaign in the Seaforth area is in progress this week. !:3 US ED CHEVROLET- 1963 O'Hfc/ROLEt 1963 FORD 8 Ai CHEVROLET "6" AT SEDAN 1965 CHEVROLET "6" AT SEDAN 1966 CHEVELLE "6" AT SEDAN, 19,66 CHEVROLET "6" AT COACH 1967 PONTIAC "6" AT SEDAN 1967 CHEVROLET "8" AT SEDAN 1969 CHEVROLET 2 Dr HT"8" AT • 1969 CHEVROLET SEDAN "6" AT' SPECIAL `),3s.c• 1:114W14., ..EXPOSITOR,, :SOMORTil, OW% 01.44 Sif 117044,