Wingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 70,:k HINE:. SITEEIL NTARIO. e,ar,inr«•claim ud • I 8 too, I l ... 1 $20 00 tO 00, 1,2 00 6 00 I T2 DOI0 4 Oil 00 ien,outa, C. par Hoe ;fereaehanbsequent pe, 10e. for first in,i uhsequeht inserttc I. ei:ethan Mc Strayed, ttuatieusut lot exceeding S line: at exceeding 8 line,. equent month Rimed to ortisements, or flit 11, fill dires,tions, will ba; nceordu,gly, Trim. `-'7 • Laid in advance 'moments must bein , in order to appear'. r': DTT Amos atm Penman sis5 RESIT, . Osmate id Surgeons, Ontario. y of Huron -7 . Wini iatit, Ont' �r— ionto I:adversity, mull aicians and Surgeons 0:' ;r of Centre and Patrick Dr. Bethune, OST. TOR, Etc., Etc, to loan At lowest rates\ rgcd. Mortgages, towtst aught and sold. ;¢Hoar, Una, ;TON at Sic., Ontario. E. L. Dmi< soN, 13, A, CITOBS, file Etc., So+' ton, Conk,aivsg}lrers for' lobo. Fath?, Tovvn and' d sold. Money (privato> security at 51 per cont. persons,upon the best; Rt any expense to the. Manitoba and the North-. !ahem. ROME, WrSstraai, :taring Celluloid Plates' slates of the bestinateria they can be got in the)" All work warranted. ,istered for the painless y sate anesthetic known. tract teeth for 26 cents er 5tiblek, opposite the MACI).`SIALli, • WncemeM.. ulcanitt, Celluloid,. Alloy, 00ou Awards peranging !set idr bri;,dge upwards Teeth ex pain bby thy. the of Vital. Ingham, side entrance op. vette except., Willt Abe atpIil(ifdayth every aclimotlth-0flee atMilnen. l Mondays of each month- :xtracting 26 cents. UItApV f,SGENT ONTA1tt ; [AM, TRANCE, W. MARINE? reLPIi. oilatt, EER FOR THE COUNTY' HURON. ' iy part of the Co. Charge., WINanAM,, QNT., lER rex: 'ifE commit or' Mixon. T4xta office promptly at and ,10. FOR COUNTIES lloSON AND BR1CI.. promptly and on the Shoates ad Satisfaction Guaranteed. miasma can be made at th Ova k U AH'1:1NS El•OsS AND C1V11, EiterNEEa f, nen Wl'N'GttAM. s tIMOl of the TIMRB.'w1l1 re n mews Conn', tssinta 0r !Bait ` 0t LteINme. • oe(r. ,aboutyenre old. 'rite old devil is }I ii all of,G• , my now, but he licked nisi I a a anti I'll never lhtivel off reel, i right ff the sand to stand up to 11iin again. 7iliaefea thirty years of waiting for .vengeenee Ir 'looked into tt cocked hat in three minutes 1 DAVID DUDLEY FIELD A HRA, lta ltehul:cs w :sow L'nrls Swell or.Strikiri I a Llttle Street ['robin. 1 A queer reeking little specimen of lin- • utunity with an armful ,of newspapers stood outside of 'the Grand Central depot the other Afternoon, crying his wares. l-Iiis, hair was long and unkempt, Ina • �•Atrousers were frayed at trio edges, there l A ,CHi�p PREACIlER, •wc.+ro..patches..of poverty 'on his little • jacket, but lee` eye wise :tslet(r, and ,lis Jimmie Cook, 1.3 Xnara ,ala, I resigi+'lA its ' }f3utteneli nen Showed that he wa§ !riot' an Atlanta' cundregRtlo.r. 'hero of many a gutter battle, A. child preacher, 1.81,ears old and two A pompous looking individual, with years itt the pulpit. Berean church, out his coat thrown open, a heavy canin *years the Elsas May faettory, wascrowd itis hand, and dressed in the heightof •,ed to hear the childpreacher, Jimmie fashion, came swinging down the street 'Cook, a little follow whose home is at in gorgeous style. Tho boy pulled one + n I 'the swell !Clem, t''arroll co{t>i'tc�. ,?i,t i�vas not known of his papers out, offered it to + 'until late in the afterneen that 'the little l and was !rewarded for his efforts by a 1 ;fellow would preach, betties woi;4l,sprd;aa1 }the: cp•on the back with a heavy cane. ,quickly in the neighborilooIL an 1 ibef c}ce A. ;he opened his service,•everry seat'i;i 113e - ,reap church wap filled , •itt?iuie Cook is ., ,,,,, ,a sure enoug.h,b(P 1pleacthi!r in stature as well as in year!. Ilevtveighs but little :WO than a half 'hundred pounds, and is , r is ed Hint by the collar, shook hire small that his !head and shoulders ; ;were barely visilxle whelp standing be 'iquery, and an old man, six foot two, , !hind the pulpit. He has a bright, intelli- leis.straight as a grenadier, and holding a Grawtft at a Pearl. The perfect pearl is foetid louse in the •Interior of an oyster's flesh and. has its beginning in an animal germ. The oysters annually produces a nUm- her',bf eggs which, as soon REI they develop into diminutive animals, 'ai tletcrsvn out by the !nether, ',Oceeilid'h- aCiy, hewevdr, an egg praies 'Abortive I iuhd remains behind. It is uIt Most Mi. i1P1trJlittle fellow howled wit.'pain, The ',cabmen who congregate at the depot isluiled and the other boys laughed in derision, The swell had proceeded about three steps oft his way when a firm hand Thal Meer* Call, They may talk of the tremulous music that steals o'er the water at night, Ilow the waltz thrills the frame of the danoera. who float through a downpour of ligl't, Or the magical stir of the drum -heat that pulses the echoing feet, More yet of the voice of amother when oroouiug a lullaby sweet; Alit sweeter by far was the tnusio'heard iu the lone trumpet sound, G* OSCOly}C i11 size tint# 1s 1l brass in a Sharply pierciug the dawn of the nierpi,trg' lit%lair tenpsule. Iwo ottpsulp 'rioil7 11t1- «bile tedakiuQtfvere'pruwliug 'axdend, Deetruotiou awaiting, we lay there, cooped up m tltatihorrible place, Undf}uutad and waitiup ' whatever fate fortune might give us to face. Narrow there was the boreud of our fort - trees, our riflepit hastily made. Nigh hopeless seemed pluck and 'ea:leaver, yet never a man was afraid. , Elven though iu a twentyfold'iglimber their ~,host dared not venttitte too uear, Nor charge or in the darkuoss or sunlight, lest bolduessmightcost them too dear. Yi~G4ixtul, ,to all i,nteauts "Aid pdrposth ,'h filreigu suat,r:tanftde, 'But it'hns certain powers akin to those of the parent, one of which is that of manufacturing, throwing out and gathering around itself 4.14cre, Tim nacre completely envelops it, and troy genu of an animal is soon encased' i I a beautiful prison, usually spherical in ',form, hilt po•inetitIles pearsgaped tits size, of course, depends upon the le'ingth of time to which the procei3sis cdntinued, as the pearl is enlarged isy constant,deposits from year to year. A ConatantToiii,er gent face, is quiet te.nd self possessed, and in speaking uses very good tauguageand gestures, His words flow freely, and during the whole of his sermon, which 'lasted about thirty minutes, until he .wus 'exhausted and out of breath,'he never ',exhausted for language to ;express his *oughts. In the pulpit he appeared to be as ;much at ease and as thoroughly at home as a man who had spent the better por- tion of his life preaching. His style ;of speaking is ,natural, and his voice, though .childish, h ae,a fullness which makes Nis ,words effective and interesting. He wore ;a flannel shirt, a short jeans jacket, ipnd ',a pair of jeans trousers, reaching #half way down the tops of a pair,of rough, -;muddy boots. His round little face•'was bright and 'clean, and his light,•sandy chair neatly cO abed, giving him the air pearance Of atypical country lad; fresh Iron': the hands of a kind an'4l-careful brother. Tho child preacher announced -his text ;in a clear voice, the second .chapter of ,Hebrews and third verse: "How shall we escape if we neglect so great- salva- ,tion, which at first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him." His sermon -was aremarkable effort for a boy of the ;speaker's age. He stuck to his text all the way through, quoting Scripture Slu- ently, and eyincing awonderful degree 'of elocutionary power. At times he walked. frour,side to side of the platform, as his worth; 'were spoken, gesticulating with one hand and with: the other toy- '•ing with a long watch chain'whioh hang from his vest, perfectly at ease, as ff 'The eons of llOpowercoountenhnce fairly 'The little fellq„ his .glowed as be became warmed up to subject, appealing to sinners to turn from their evil ways and accept the sal- vation of the Gospel. He, in a simple yet really beautiful and touching man, ..ner, admonisheci°diarents to train their children according to the teaching of the Bible, and warned them of the'con- sequencell of didpbeying the comMands 'of the Lord. At the conclitsion of his sermon the ';child preacher pronounced the orthodox 'benediction and dismissed the congrega- tion. A small collection had been ta.en ,up, and while this was being tur-nedover :to the little fellow the crowd gathered about him, shaking his hand and ,thank= ing him for his wonderful talk. He ,eve them all his little hand, and answered pleasantly and rapidly all the questions 'as1eed by the admiring ,crowd. During ;his;talk he pever once ailluded to, himself, ;but Mr. J. L. Nelson, at whose hot}ee in Edgewood 'he stopped, said that he was ;tic®sole ;pupticart,of an invalid. father..and heavy !malacca stick threateningly over ilfim, asked: •'•'Ilow dare you hit it boy?" The swell tried to shake himself loose, but it wus no use. Tito old man's hand; was firm.,' the crowd was growing -larger. and the boy was howling as though itis' heart would break, "You, sir," went 'bit the, old man, as the blood mounted to hip face, "are a disgrace to humanity. Old as I am, I can thrash you for that cowardly get, And if I ever know you to attain lift your' hand to :ahoy L wlil take *se law into my own hands." The swell's head drooped a Attie, and his face was pale. The old man looked him firmlyin the eye, shook bhp again, as a cat iviquld a mouse, and walked on. As he did :so the little boy, wiping the tears from Ina, cheeks, followed after and thanked'him. The old man patted him affectionately on the head unci clisap- geared Sia the crowd. There was no qom' meet wept by the small boy, who ex claimed,: "Ain't he a daisy!" Ile brushed the tears from his eyes and in a moment ':was as busy as ever selling his papers. The old man was ,a, daisy. It was none ,other than David Dudley Field, the • 'greatest constitutional lawyer in the world, brother of .Cyrus W. and Stephen •1, Field. He is nearly 83 years of age, but as vigorous as ,a man of 50. In his .young days he was a famous boxer and ;athlete, and the way he tadkled the howl- ing swell showed that his 'good right hand had not forgotten fits cunning.— Nevi York Mail aud.•Express.. Grew gloomy at moments the out lodk, though trot from tris sores of ,the "foe, Less our rtktious were ` ,rowiug and hunger might force, to a desperate blow. If Merritt came not with his forces to 'kid ere famine begqu, — Starvation might «Jetiiken our bodies and thus would, theirttriumph bo won. Taking a retrospect of my thirteen or fourteen Hasten off to Fort Trtihrball for succor, 'years bustnesu;ia Wingharn,,I desire tnost heartily to rive days had our messengers gone,. tender my thantfa to my it„ends and the public gen- Aid you ever think what your ad- vei'.tiisement in the fi,ewapapers is do.'f,ug for you .1 When yoq ;close your stare in the evening and go home to your &rside and family, not `.ttltinking1 abo;tit y,u,ur husitles at all, then at is that the 'paper is being pored over in hundreds of ,ho.tues—the homes from which your ,trade is drawn. And there is vour;advertisement doing the work, silkfitiy hut surely, and if you have t;tilien pains to make it attd•,aetive its work is all the more .effective, Thio has been repeated over and over again, and is no doubt what inspired some writer to call newspaper adver- tising a "silent drummer". • Mr. Gladstone's Faith in Homs Rule. So certain has Mr. Gladstone been ',during theIast five years of the ultimate success of the home rule movement, and of his eventual ,resumption of the pre- miership, that when he left ,office upon the fall of his government in 1880, he stored away most of hi11 bric-a-brac and other household goods in the garrets of the prime minister's ,official residence at No. 10 Downing street, where, they re- main to this day. When his son's mar- riage took place bis. Glad§tone bethought him of a pair of magnificent porcelain t,ases as a present for the bride. He ac- ,cordingly sent a man to Ilowning street, with the keys of the upper rooms, for the purpose of fetching them from thence. The other treasures stili remain undis- turbed by the Tory government, and will only. be removed ;on the death or retire- ment from public life of their remark- able owner.—Nett York Telegram. [i TIMES " SURSCRISCRSK M1 parties who have tot paid for the ” TIMES " for the years 1888 and 18bO, are requested to re- mit the amouutat once. We need money, and hope this ,notice will be sufficient, mud tut 'a general saripouse will' be tbe'i.esult. M tI S I 0 MISS NELL() N,IcHA.RD~,L� CLASSES FOR INSTRUCTION ON Pj.ntIO? AND Organ, In Voice Culture AwldIurinony demo limas 15 Il'Em> ltQlzdr:a4, WINGHAM MARBLE WORKS! Q,itr food shrinking smaller and smaller— 'erafly tor. the liberal patronage extended to ,tueul y . and so it wore steadil • onthe past. I may also state that I am in a position to cffcr• Thus wearily watching and waiting, at'bay we lay there in a ring, The Utes swarming round us like hornets and now and then showing acting. Once they fired the dead grass there to windward and charged under cloak of the smoke, But they hurriedly scurried to distance when our rifle -mouths angrily spoke And they, 'haying l$ope in their nurubera in groups mast our bullets they lay, As a panther '.a the forest, secure 'iu the end of his prey. Though keenly they watched ourencamp- went, they dared not risk life by at - tick. Made feints now and then of attacking but kept from our sure rifles back; But they held not their leagues in quiet, hatassiug by clay and by night, And waylaid us when goiug for water— we won every drink through a fight. Their thought was to weary an4 worry, our strength and our courage to drain, Our thought was our messenger 'blieut and if he were captive or slain. CHISHOLM'S CORNER DRUG STORE Wingham Agency, V?c;t V'cn Mils, better inducements than ever to those resluiring anything in the line of Granite or Stone HEAT)STONES, WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS,, FOR FENCING, itc Monuments, I would be pleased to have those desirous of pro- curing any articles in my, line to call and examine, goods, compare prices and leave their orders, so that the goods may be secured and pPrepared early in the, seagpp, jtou can sel,eat from the latest designs oast, obtain nest worki2.7nnship511•theJt st favorable prices. •i4`ont 5tepeciftilly, pure, kVM. SMYTH, Wingham, Ont. We posted the last day we lay there, a trumpeter early at dawn. Merritt of Merritt, 'f e ' nal 1� er the sldata d To anew g should ever come ou. Wheu sw,e,etly we heard in the distance, in musical cadeuce and fall. Like the voice of the Comforting Angel, the notes of the officers' call Telliug truly relief was approaching, all ready with bullet and blade, And our trumpet's reply and our cheerios a rare flood of harmony made. We rose to our feet and we shouted, and louder and louder in camp The cheers that we gave as, their horses Dame onwith dull, steady tramp: : But the Utes did not linger to hear it; they mounted and galloped away lat the very first blast ,of that trumpet, nor did we implore •.aVem to stay; Anii nothing we asked of our comrades, but there, in the hearing of all. To sound once again on the trumpet the notes of the officers' call. •We wish to inform the public that we have these, Woolen Mills in A 1 running order. and will this season give special attention to CUSTOM WORK. "Seven Handsome Ilgpthers Seen Togotl*or. The presence Rf ' seven fine looking' men of commanding, stature, wearing full beards and having a strong resem- blance to one another, attracted the at- tention of the passengers in a. car on the Sixth avenue elevated railroad. "One of these men entered into conversation with a reporter, and it was learned that the party was -composed of seven brothers, ranging frofn 85 to 56 years. They bad, in accordance with an old annual family custom, been celebrating the eighty- second birthday of their father, James W. Hughes, at the old homestead at South Orange, N. J. Three of the broth- ers live in Washington, one in Newark and one in Brooklyn. The other two live with their lather and sister.•= -New York Tribune. Jimmi i was asked hate . he came to be- gin Treadling. "I waft an the cottonfiold ;one ;day," he said, "and all at once I was impressed with the feeling that I ought Logo out and tell the people about God. X plat down my basketry and went home ;anti began preaching. God called me." He said he didn't know exactly how lie 1tappeued to come to Atlanta. He has been preaching around in . the country ler two years. -Atlanta Constitution. if. 'woman Held In the Air. W hex► the high wind struck the city it raised the snow about the capitol to such :an extent as to completely hide the big `edifice from people passing on the oppo- 'site side of the street. Street car horses 'were unable to pull 'the cars along for a • s� lime, arts tree scene was indeed a wild ,one. Iaever8l..neople were blown off their feet. Ono woman attempted to : cross at Ilawlt: street on Washington wend°. The wind lifted her off her feet, held her in the air an instant, then carried her feet upward, and let her drop on the ?paverneet. There was a curious ex- pression about the mouth as she touched the ice covered pavement and it took half a minute/or her to. realize that the aniddle of the street *as no place for her: Albany'dot`irne.l, in all cl ss of 11rst class goods, snd will uch eIn sek a Tweeds, Flannelss Etoffs, Blankets, Sheeting's, Stocking Yarns, &c., &c., A Nfinv i'lfopbet. "3lf3•s. i3rown- I'1! never forgitltb yen for ' of getting mo the ;realsl:tu you prone. baed. You're too meals to five', ,Brawn --That's nonsense. 1lt e 'do ng>; wo wouldn't : etvei 10.0 1 (mdde'from pure noel efor)vo eap for cash or ex - Customers from a distance can have their rots home with them the same day. • Highest market price in caih for l�d'erchantable w el .k CO'Y., Petro'letam Motors Growing 1'dputat•. Petroleum motors are being simplified and improved to such an extent that they may now be ranked among the useful small motors. A number of these little engines have been running for over a year in different parts of Germany acid Russia, and in I3elgium a company for their Construction has been formed, The The will angel dustomers with the BgsT motors range from one to four horse \VOOD delivered to any part o3 y gppl, s la Oat Meal, power.—New Orleans Picayune. Wiegham• y� y ,tr-Ord by"mail prompt,y attend'e`d it0s l .I7 E ( GG Mrs. Phoebe J: Houghton, of Nortli GEORGE tlarilsoN, WINGHAM LOURING MILLSg ,The undersigned wish to tender their beet thanks 'sir the liberal patronage given to our firm during ieYeralyears prior to the burning of our mill by in- oendfarism. Dpring the past season we have re- .moddelled the tow„ !pill to the latestapproved sys- ten, of Hungarlpn Roller Process mil ling. We be lieve weean now give better accommodation than everbetoro. We offer Prompt Dispatch, ADVICE To Siorrnsax.-Are yon disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a s,ckchild suffering and trying with hath of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get at bottle of ' Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Child1n Teething. its valueis editgl a able. It will relieve the boor little ae)tear immediately. Depend upon it, soothers; thor, 1e no mistake aoout it. It cures Dyseattery and Diprrhma, regulates the Stotnabh and $toyrels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Guns, reduces Intlainmation, and *gives 1 tone and energy ;to the whole system. "Mrs. Win- slow's Soothing Sy}'pp for children teething is pleasant to the taste add 3s the prescription of Due of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses ib the United Antes, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. l'rihe twenty-five cents 'a .� 008150 stair." and take no other! kind `yipa,.ews In Chicago woman' and girls are paid from three to five cents for mak- uio a pair of boy's pants. Is this in spite of or in virtue of the prdtective tariff ? Wingham Fair Returns, QUALITY SECOND i?O NONE IN -TRIS SECTION. And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again favored with a trial by all obi, an new ones. ' nd and m friends Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARI1, W ingba,n Mill, Oct. 10 11580. The Buenos Ayres Minister cf Fin- ance has announced his intention t0 burn publicly 15,000,000 of the 30,'- 000,000 of one dollar notes illegally ZETLAND SAW MILL circulated. GEORGE T{OMSON, Proprietor. Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. Car Load Orders a Speciality. oumomomm000loWf000 Oat Neal bill Opened, The undersigned d'osire to inform fatal ere and the people geo'arally that they hat redpened their' Oat 1lea1 IIYI iii Winghamy And 'are now prepared to purchase Oate 311 Unlimited quautitces and at the A CHANGE In tea arnt�s NiAm CHAS. :C).NElo :l'�UL tVtshesfo intimate to ¢li:o people bd tyingitam and• surrounding country that be has purchased the harness business lately carried un by Messrs. J. J.'Hornutl, & Soon, and will conduct it in the building one door south of Mr T A Mills' store;. Highest Market Price: Easton, Mass., the daughter of a rovotu- whiOmm is.0 i 30±1313-1-1A, tion'tty soldier, has recently celebrated _...Y._... - --•• her hundredth birthday. She remembers With great distinctness the funeral, of 'r'esident Washington. ;An English traveling baiipis't has been disceeered cheating the railroadli by ca r- ai3slittleair!doneninvthe green bg with hie hrii, ire had traveled so all about England, and has paid nig faire fok the' rcll;ltr r , - w DOUBLE AND SINGLE HAAiliESfl Heavy or hik'lvt, made to order, A (,51 line of horse Elaitkett, Sleigh Bella. Whips Ctarrycofhbs, Brushes, ole., altvayl5<,n hand. Repelling nd promptly dont The patronage of the public solicited, and ion in Work and material guaranteed, C. KNECHTEL Winshatn, March 4. 1800. tiousAN©i.! F BSS SINAWAY YEARLY., SEN .t say► Oi+ d riot *illi!, I 1111 merft'It tihstog tkalm'%r a' time', end them return a`tit ;intg._Hoo a. 1.loonGA g study. 1Rw�eiil'riint 'made 7 a the disease to Curs tlaa taise ai 1glory . F c*u* � i no reason for not nos receiveq !t etre.Seed at scours dt Ya !tour faire , r , Gii clsilir � llniaallitzlit RarMtad.1. 1• Iia lt•tl r for s 1. It sada total Softie, 7 est Ot'lico.. [t•coa a ren+' oih for trirld, alfa, i lir are ou. Agar sat• -W. i',L wVYTTI' l�grb r 0114411 Offloo: i'�ts I T fill +il' retle�'r, OIttONI'g MATTHEW AMBLER, AE NES$ MAKER N hat en haiid r, large IA14 of HORSE 131,10(8ETS, • Githal'tcomitS', bandies, • WI11PS, TRUxica, VALISES ete„ *1Sicb will be sold at bbtlotn price!, gAllaisk ', ticnbib or single, made to ottier qti short notice, aha satisfaentech lsonrenteed. sit'A tb11 bo,ioited. SuOP•-liliiiosito'thc tank of Itantilton. 1dAT~cllltre UNi}Ltfl •, b.h. lJ, �1 >t