HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 6prr, C @ f 1i LA' i :IVF'+ .• G d ,Ott „41,44* **,'5130•'• C` r 1,11 Ifwge nig 1#t1 C1/u1tv,t FRIDAY, , J {J L' 4. ;$90 IURON COUNTY COUNCIL. (ICON n ED' no ton new news.urbotte.) The Jut.o session opened oil the 17th inataut. in Goderit h. AR the mem• tiers present except ti• D. Wilson, of Seafortlt. Application of Mr. Toni to have East Wawanosh added to bier. inspeO. tortte was read and referred to the school committee. Application from Iilessrs Parke, hlnrray, Tern ell, Bur.PY Vas, Rohl), brute and Wilson w e received lior the k+ . S. ltttspeetorship of North, Huron and referred to the school oom'mittee,. A Kam -tient of. in- sane indigent persons• suppot',tea by the county was read, showing the following, and referred to the finance teal mittee h)avid Kiusman, Grey, per weei 11 2 50 Christina Morton, Grey, per month. 7 007 Eli Harris, Howiok, per moth., 1 50 00 Mary gays, Morris,per week. Isabella i3ay, Clinton, per annum11.Q0 00 Thos MoPltaii, Goderich, per weals 2 00 0. Liugard, Stephen, part last. year 45 00 ,A, petition from • teaebers in the viciaity of Wroxeter,. asking that an entrance examination be held in that plane, was read and referred to the e01i00I comniittee. The county auditors reported that, the books of the county Treasurer co>rreo`. They els° audited the public' and high school accounts of the county,. The following .shows the amount of school moneys iu the hands of the township treasurers from 1889: ,'ovent)llip of Aehfteld..... • ... , 104 24 • Hallett 354. 90 +' 1lic)iillop....,....•391'00 Stanley ..... , .. , 46 "+ Stephen ..• .. 116 70 ,t 31 West Wawanosh ... 12 93 "•Hrowiok ...•.. • . 54 23 " 11'Horris•.. -.... 3+4.03 The count v Treasureor submitted a report, showing that he had. loaned $15,250 on first mortgage% at ger • Qr[. •444.4>,a•,,,„ ..• 4•• `487,91V t3 atrth e O 354'100. Wtoatter,••4•, • WE MAY HAVE TO PAY r. t;ilArMAN, ISSUER PURI IC,RC'ONN lore QIN"+lSt17r0.N0Trt1fY Ofsfes•--" Ste" linekaterct Ititt•oY, Os'r1 I attw of Money tq "loan on Farm security at,itOw " committee reported, foil rest. rya Cc4lut.lssu,n obartt}' . d non" other things,Ir - . recomn+eu tug, at isz The finance .-, that $200 be paid the village of Zntieh 1 l r MOI tie LOft1 • cif otes, for the erection of a lookup there; that n, States, 'ote Discounted when tending t4 the United #lad ,ou not bettor bring it to the Warden and Clerk petition Lieut. Governor to instrtlet License Colntnis. stoners to pay the County. Treasurer residue of such money as is to their credit in the banks and which wee received by them to enforce the Cana- dian Temperance Act ; F. Follt.ud, of Clinton, to be paid $l per week as. ward of the county, *17 to be paid o , P, Wilkinson, $73,47, to F. G. Neel $30..to be paid for 20 weeks support of: Mary Hays, Huron Farmers' Institutes to be paid $2.- eael, ,44 bt' paid for support of D.Iransmon, $1,50 per week to be paid .reeve of Gotlerieh1 for support of Juba A, Mitchell, 820 to Henry Day for arresting Jtta. son for horse stealing, $9,75 fitlr sup- port to Chas 1.inaard, 430 fon support of Eli Harrison, $42.55 to Alex Munro for gaol supplies, $S1 ,2O to J.• Jenkins for work on gaol, 669 to Fraser and Porter, 88 Mrs, Dickson for making gaol clothes, 1 to J Walker for repairs- to Court House, $84 to J. Strachan; $10 tor lockup keeper at Dungannon, Amount re- quired for curreut year $48,425 17 snaking county rate 1:. mills on the w.'1 on equalized assessment of the• 1. went' Iif-laiv to be passed to raise Lam„ school grant equivalent; Warden and Treasurer to have power to borrow. $25,000 until taxes are paid, amounts to county papers ordered to be paid. A motion to erect a House of In- dustry was negatived by a mai rity of 18. On motion of Johnston. aria Erritt Provincial ASseniUls is to be request••; ed to amend law so as to permit mold., cipalities to procure road material' without loss of time as at 'present. On motion the county Beeistrats l5 requested to report the prolr,rrtiona'tel amount to which county is entitled of fees actually earned by his office but not received by him at end of year; I aty o 0 0 i._it1t1Y1 W.INGRAM TANNERY at once, and gtir the rade hest price IN CASH Treay your I.ZDES,. S.I.lEF1'SI.INS, CAL ',SKINS, TALLOW,. $,e:.,tbe some way, ' a you reed ro anything special in E,AVY '.' GLOVES, caltan.asee, R'a?n ss, Sole, ,aper and french LEATHER AND FINDINGS I •ala awls 3rept in stock tor Shoemakers. . •.V 'R CHAPMAN, Wingham, ---___-_- tainOam tints ...in PU8G10IlED- 7E;S•I;1tY It IsII,? .Y 84QItlSIN11; —AT Tail^•- TIMEa QFFlCpr.' ,IpsEPHtNtt; STrItgll •V`T,.ikTOix,M, ONTARIO, 10149A;l futon t►r*oa, trfO i+r yetar,iuo 4V aiut til A,TVEI1TIH11 ,g TLS: AT REI SON'A,SLE ''> .A'rES iae0 I erne 1 $a tao rao a 4r cont, filth a oo, ' One Co' awn 85 00 „ . 00 6 Money of advanced tt the a Mortgages at 0 pear. Notes I IL•tlf 'i, 20 00. i« 00 I t2 00 4 U.0 of paying at the end of a») y , quarter 6 ,)O 3 00 i 2 00 1.0 , privilege actid. unn lu<:tr L. r and accounts loll ROBT. 1410/411100. e TL117Q0• Loral t,n4 other oua»at advertisements, 8e. peeling OYYtwE.--l3Laver Block, 1Vingltnnt, 14 , for tieat.p,sert her and au, dver is meet , le. e e ling .._.__L_______,_____..,..._ • ivaortlnu• ices,h»Onio r cutype, 10 c. for first in. VP," •.n y sertioa,44r1Gpettlle tclb°c9uont inset tic t.' 'Ji .. r'• x La••rylnot ,Hivatione )3A.:',\ AI._ ,./...lm0`11 NoI44a1 nntiuc +t Ill be tharFuc4sbGaE 1 Advtrltaementsof1,os,koun ,sFay I T2Nc3H A M , and Busib,s Mimeos 11 anted, not IXOOdinu 8 fines I nonpareil, $a per month, , 1 100O,00Q; '.'%'et+ $400,000. 110aaui7 And Farina 1u1'SL I0, not exceeding 8 lines^t. ('yp7)itti ,, , a for Blit month 6Uu^poor subsequent mouth Itresid;R1C- Jellx $1'4ART, These tutus will lie tictly adhered Special rates for lo,lno}' advertisements, or 141• ' o .Slice 'resident—A. G. lietts,tr"• longer periods, uts without speclfle directions, will bit 9 Aavertisu t it •ed nudireetlgly , Trim. " alt'•' g,s. ossTORS t t'd till forbid nand uhf 1 ICE-COLD DRINKS AT. . THE Et.'`LIPSE." —CRE AMER1 BUTTEi'MILK-- 4,0o the glass.) Soda -Water, Cream Soda, Milk Shake, L etuoD.ade, Ginger Ale, et0., etc. JOIN KESR.. cent, since the beginning: oft the yeas, the clerk to ask payment of same also Statement of collectiQ.ns rrom non- .of any balance from past seconded resident lands between. Jan. lst and- Mo'ved , Dat nhaa ', s event eo ded April 30th, 1890.:,--• -- by Mr. , ....... .......4..$' 25 49' •luuniepality's ,appealing from the 24 17, 58 15 God mach Tp Hap ......•...•.......•...... Howie& • Eullett.• Morrie •• ,•.. I-• Stephen.... Taruberry .. • V est Vtiaw.anosliw.. Hayfield ••••• .............. ..... 'Mussels*. .................................. 0813.95 i By-law regulating width apart of i sleigh runners is repealed. Council adjourned: 512; 31 15 46 • 39 43.26 18 11 22 2 - tion o.- the assosssneots for eogaliaa. tite current; year, the final equalization of the assessment rolls- be :left to decision of the count' judge Carried, East Z1 awanosli. to be taken from 2' Orth Ituron and'. added to .Pest 52 251 fiuron school inspectorate. 11 251- On motion,- December ;session ''.Vas 30,• 93 I .dispensed with. Mad ad Cbmniigsioner Ansley sub mitted his report._ It showed that 0 .?- number number of bridges had:. been repaird ; nn acs 'Thirteen. • and other work done,.and gave et de -I From the fact of Cllristis betrayal by.; by. hi from of the list iltJ'uneI Judas the latter is supposed to have been', fly. him* $tone January 1'st bill: June the original of the unlucky -thirteenth... 1 i tle. who brings disaster upon a feast;• This) Wm Dickson„ jailor, reported, ` superstitionis very general, and so strong i ,r uaur e t l t id in runtime JintN 4'hr'crnn C, Aa tion, .( )•s f contract adt01'tluoments must be Cashier—J. TtillvRt.•L,.. tl 4 y v GRo 10').0) • t Itch gee too menta nuts Io a in N obi, A. B. LRSF4(BUL... • Changes Ot' con t Cae - ° w thee 1n ' \vednosday noon, in order to appea t, En'vity:a Hank houre,Y0 to 3 ; Saturde ,10 to that weekli. ELLIOTT PROPRIETOR AND pnnLiatiERS 1. noppnait+ of 53 mid uptvbri?s received and4 nt°sect ai nwe4 also received at' currant Special Deposits rates of interest. Drafts on (treat Britain and the United St to bought and old B. WILLSON, Assn. 11IhYBII & DICKINSON, D A V - 4. 1 IS OF1Ltl U 1TLEST1LES. of j%4 Wi•+trbam Briclr'Yards, here en band .a large stack pities!or dra"*img 'purposes, i* inches to 1,9 incites in size, avhieh Farmersasedcheap, to d sin on oirtf'avorable terms Eborill see our Siler for themselves before deciding tonselumber. _ largo quantlt.Ti or ga .T. LASS on Hand, mad win been?dga't 1ow-ditrivingproflt. ELLtOTT BROSgham, i that stating that there were ten prisoners hs it been in France nparticu ar a' in the jail at present, nine males- and Paris there existed years ago. and rosy. one. female. The report of the school eommit3ee Showed the following applicants for the position of School • Inspector for fait Elnrou.:—R. Park, Goderioll ; L W. .Lurray, Jas, Turnbull, D'. A , Clinton • ti' Ht Burgess, David Robb, very. possibly now, a classof professional diner - out called Quatorziemes, whose' business it was to• be always prepared' with•a,dress suit handy for summons t9' take the place of some recreant guests, and thus prevent an assemblage of the unlucky thirteen. In regard to the or-, anization of "Thirteen Clubs" it maybe.. Chilton ; E W. Bruce, Toronto , J.B. observed;that this,superstiticn has never. j, Wilson, J. W. Moran; all furnished been considered to hold good except where ,- certifcate's from. the E •locational 1 the number thirteen has occurred acct x epartut,ellt showing that they. were dentally. The absurdity, therefore, of the formation of special clubs to meet on the 13th, to dine at 18 tables or to do any- thing else with 13 in it,.beeomes at once obvious. Such institutions.do-.not fill the bill. --New York Herald. drily qualified to fill the position of Inspector except Burgess and Alor gat'. The salaries committee .reported in favor of the olr'rk getting $1000 per antrum and members of council to be pat?, 83 per day. The council refused to grant the members 03;pi'it day. . A ballot was taken for tits appiut- merit of an Inspector of .0t1.blic Schools for•NrlrElt Hurtle, which resulted in 1.1r, Robb's being deelare4 elected u an' the fifth' ballot by 25 to 28, 1 OgrsYs. D. Wilson all7ettt. The report of the equalization corn lnittee, 4.8 follows, was adopted :— TOwssfin's. • The Queen bas taught all her daugh- ters and granddaughters to make bread and butter and yet there is not one of the girls but buys- tbese'supplies for her husband, remarks a synical Yankee editor. Very well. Did you; eve hear of your fiirls making butter: l4 1),D. Wilson 4fltl Kel1Y if she could find a substitute A91 o.3G A811 °ld rr• • r.+.rr.•+.ryer.ltJ r119 , Coibcrno .4•,4 ,•••e 1,346,079 Gad.er1Ch 1p ••,r,• 2058,509 EMORY'i. 'Mind ' wanderingenved. Boo in 0n0 *canis Testimonials frau all . parts of the Ache. Prospectn'v. inemoleent on application A. Lofeette.26.7 Eifth&O. 7e*xk Grey 4 , 1 ..* - 1,8. 83,855 EPi1ePsy:. 'Cnnfferer0 worn cramps mad ner- rosa debility are surely cured by an improved and absolutely un- equaled aaetlxo.+B Treatment by letter. 'fiendfC.11'ac?onnt nfsymp- toms and add1ess, inclosing post- age stamps fsir answer. "UMW Witt,"' sew York. co is the .time ;to taint your houses, -and • ON F a M PROP E T'2 - AT VERY, TOW RATES. SSE 111MI OFFICE—OPPOSITE THE MARISET WI1GIIA't UCr011Eo. 4Tii. lass • HALSTED &.SCOTT 13.A -MFR'S ' Rit, MAODONADD.., V J0138011tr+E STIIEFt.w, . ONTA14O. W MORAN, R. TOW'LER, bl,}).Q..M., bletn112r QOl1oge Physicians slid Surgeons, Ontario. —Coroner for County of Huron- Office at "Tits rimusiaor " • \Y1ng4ralt, Ont. D1t. 3. A. MELDR1JM, Honor Graduate of Toronto University, atrd :Mernbet of the college of Physicians and Sur4e0na of . Ontario, streets, formerly occupied by Drer . Bethune d Patrick wisomia1 '•• . • Os?, Jsephine:Street •Wingham, Ont, I 3,' W. SCOTT;. J. A. SALVED, Listtiwe'. Mount Forest. Deposits Received find Iest . « Allowed.‘. Mone3 Advanced to r'arrne'I 'and Business Men, On long -or short time, on endorsed' notes or collateral security. Sale notes• bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada at reasonable °barges. Special' Attention Given to Cbl- locting Accounts_ and, Votes. RUBBER ; PMT is the -- PEST in, the. WORLD il0v'iCk r • •.s s r,•• • 2.202,7181 ALL A A LINE ,,4..r•.. 11 . 4. .. 2,O33•820 :P trlCtl! tit •• • 1,772.10.1 ROY'AIJ MAIL STEAMSL1 IHorrnt ,r r, r .•r. .r.r• CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. • . .: .. 1,834.350 'S *teens •• '64 1943$dG TteNnrn •.. ` • ... .. . .. 1,932:415 Morl Greal. or Quebec, Tuc'.rersilitth .. In terry or Liverpool. amts ry •••..... 4..• 1,103,607 i.shirr"N.... • ..., • • • • • •. rC iol4,1ti4 1:IIU(T OA11IN, 245. Single • $95.. II/ fro .. .carr• , • + • 1.2954'11 ttATI Sr $45, $69 aY15.3G0 11112101 $05. $1Oi) and 3 i.trifalosll.,•• 1.4Gtl,G7ir alb Return, Recording to Ideation of Statcronme. •' • r • r' Above rotes do tint Apply to ,t. 3ti irY'LLltillatt: rr„r+r. II retails .0 X$ C irLAoF•s, 9$. PARISi'tb"' of Ione +rovagsof >4AilDINIAN'. NO OCA.TTL10 CA1tlarleD 80 ,8'1 INTEliM e sits 820, Return. Sou. 1t0 "1 .. r..• .4.. • • +..+ .y81e Sterrwe at irafee1 Part, Benlit ... r . • • , 234,44 1't Al 5 to it'. k ?., A l C "rlvyyMn,'tYrt01, or Emits'..... ...••••••rr••.•.,•4r ri4i,:ttglrl H1:,NTt J-/a.Y'FS, \V 0i101 'rt'iirltr,:l ..... r ... r ......... •... $313 :ar 1 .. . [ VANSTO113,. 11U BAnRiSTEgi• SOLICITOR, Etc., Etc, Mate and Company funds to loan at lowest rates >. lofreat•d commission Mortgagee, townrt Afaunropry charged. stdsd O7l3'ICE—Beaver Block, W INORAM, ONT. Agent in Canada --'tea erof4tinte'l Bank of office.Hours—From 9 a. m. toy p. m. A. E. SMITH, Agent. MAIMS TIPEL011 Carpenter and Builder, Alone germine un102S stamped "Rubber Faint.Co, • •Lieveland, O1:I0," We alsohas•e the best Rudy Mina ?thts You can gets 3' shadnge 10 desire, a i p in quantities 3O H'N STREET, WINGHAM, ONT., (Opposite Lloyd's Factery.) J. A. MORTON BARRISTER arc., Wingham • Ontario. EYER4 DICKINSON, H. W. C. 1Itierera Q. C. I E, L. DICKIRSON, 13 A,• BARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS, F,te.,.Etc SO' 'triton for Bank of 'Hamilton ,..Con1rn3 s den a d taking affidavits for Manitoba. Fade., 0 1. AI1d,' Village property Nought and sold. Money (p funds) loaned on mortgage security sit 53 per cont.. Money invested for private persons,' upon the beet", ntortg,pg': securities Without any expellee to 040. lender,. Lands for sale in. Manitoba and the North-' west. ' Office—Sent's Block, Wingham. SASH, DOORS, FRAMES, BLINDS, . r., &e. Promptly attenr?lti to, WING iteO l FSTISTRY.—J. S. JEROME, aiSolMM, D Is manufacturing Celluloid Plates' Vulcanite plates of the bestrl\ateria as cheap as they can be got in thee'" Dominion. All work Warranted. Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of tenth, the only safe anesthetic known. TARE NOTICE.—I will extract tenth for, 26 cents each. OFFICE t In the Beaver bnlb'c 3 opposite the Brunswick Iiottl. ENTISTRV.--.W. H, bMACIir`•tALl3. sM• D 311.ker of Vulcani0', Celluloid,. Alloy, Wive. Gold, etc.,, c., Plates, ranging i1, prices from 3600• upwards per set crowing and br(ain,trdygewprli. Teeth ex traed without the least e,. Ilse of Vital. izedtAir. Had Office, \Vinglearri, side• entrance op• posit° the Queen's betel, opefrilafty(SdjrtlaYs except- ed) from 9 Min to 5 p m. Will, bo at Blyth every 2nd and 4ttl5aturday of eacifintulth—OalideatMilne a. hotel; Gorri0: lst and 8rd Mondays of each month: - Office at Albion. hotel. *acting 26 cants. SAW '1Lit STAVE, FAC imIi . McLean ea an; P 'se, For Wi,itewashing And Halsomintng, ask for LA 'A 's and dot's tale anything elec. hu Ohne ea, FIAL0r) Al AIM ME11t.CI Ir TS,, .. 8 Manufactu rere of and Dealers , in PINE, HEMLOCK HARDWOOD WARM, Tt, Pine and gedar SHINGLES, Lath, Staves, }leadingar e1$r Wood, .edar ?os , f Jcuri VitItaiE, etENERAL 1N8'CRA,NOB SENT Wmenatt,• ''ty OBBI_l'i' CUNNINGIIA:iI, INSURANCE, FIRE AIM, MARINE? GUELP1i. Mills adjoining G.T. R, Station. I\liaPtt,'if, ONTARIQ PDEAN, JR., WINGItAM, LICth",NSED AUCTIONEER ONUR FTHE COUNTY: OF HUR. ' Sales attended in Any part of the Co. Charge+ 145lletat0, JOHN CURRIE, Wison/M4 9NT., • 7.IOENSRD AUOmiON11ER FOR one COUNTY or' BUBON. 1 All orders left at the Totes office promptly at end 'gd to. Terris reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, L10RNBRD Allem:coat Pett Confirms Austin; AND Batton. All Bales attended to promptly and on the Shotes Notice. Charges Moderato And Satlsfaetion Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements Can be Marie at th. rams' 0)11eo ONi W1NOttAif.• $OLTON do 1i AW11NS I', L. Its V. L seaytroas' Ann Civsr. E1tO1sEER LIS 0WE1i. AND WI101rAM. Ail orders left at the afiide of the Ttnlas x111 reg. evolve prompt attention 'ri Pal:Raba, Relit*l sr bents i\tviotoN Corgr, tesysir ai« 1Nxs limos LICDNIEO. W41011.71.X., - . e?1r.. t. , .'• r . . *abed years old,I all of 4' ',tilt , nt y now, 1 right off r 10 reel, tai ,.the sand to Alma npl FIero's thirty years .vengenlnoe Itnocked in three Minutes 1 A ,CHiLD P Jimmie cook, 1,3 Te' pn dltlenta‘d A child preacher, 4/ear years in the. pulpit. •R the Elsas4 MaY ;ed til hear the chile ,'Cook, a little fetid (Clem, Carroll c0 , iuntil late in the afte ",fellow would preach iquickly In the neigl he opened his servi 'reap church Was All to sure enOngll,lt ir well as in yea0. 'mere than a half'h p .shall that his were barely visilxl' lied the pulpit..' gent face, is quiets speaking uses ve gestures. His wo during the whole asted about thirty elsi'<Iausted and ou rlttsitated for Ian tihoughts. In the pulpit 1 tmuoh at ease and as a man who had tion of his life p speaking is,natu ;childish, has,a, fu1 .words effective an to flannel shirt, a pair of jeais 1 ,way down the to muddy boots; H bright and 'Clea Abair neatly cepa .pearanco of arty from the ba $s mother. The child pie in a clear voice, ;Hebrews and t •we escape if we ,.tion, which at 1 by the Lord, an SiF ,by them that h •was a remarkab ;speaker's age. tthe way througl gently, and etin :of elocutionary- walked, locution ry- walked fro,*,si .as 111s Word>s'we with Ane hand Ming with along from his vest, ,conscious of a The little fell glowed as he ix subject, ° appea £rom their evil vation of the yet really beau •ner, admonisht ;children acco the Bible, and :sequences of 'of the Lord,. At the con 'tchild preacher 'benediction a tion. A smal .up, and while ;to the little f ..about him, sh ink him for hi ;them all his pleasantly inn ;asked by the ;l,isttallc hepe Abut Mr. J. int!.. Edgewood b ,the solo'aap Jinlmi,I sve .gig preaClnn ;one:day," he impressed w Yip ge out an( put down aucj began p $e saki 1i ;happened been preac iior two yea When the raised the s an extent 'edifice fro 'site side of 'were unabl time, and t • one. tilever feet. Ono ° hawk etr, htj wind 1 an the air feet upv'ar 'pavement. pression al the iee co half a min middle of :—tilbany' lfh'3. Oro ""ppot gent Yaed. 'Sft1t Brown- wa I1yfsyl Yf][tig(y4