HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-04-02, Page 5SEA oft to
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ating Leone Rowat; Norma
Riley ; sMargaShort.
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Greens Win IHL
championship Trophy
By Gary Gray
Captain Ken McLlwain and
a Grant Carnochan provided all
the scoring punch needed as the.
Greens overcame a 3-2 'deficit
With ten minutes remaining and
edged past the Blues by the score
of 4-3, to win the Seaforth In-
dustrial Hockey League finals
in two 'straight, games. The
• Greens won the opener last week
by V. 5-4 score. This marks the
second year in a row that the
Greens have, taken the honours,
a feat which no other team 'has
The Blues were first to show
en the scoreboard as Dave
Broome scored his first of two
goals on a pass froth Mery
Agar, with the game just three
minutes old. Less than four,
Minutes later McLlwain scored
his firSt goal of the game assis-
ted by R. Powell. Both teams
battled har,d for the go-ahead
Ilk goal but the goaltenders - co-'
oper the Greens and Osborne
ef the --Blues•f were at their best.
The Blues outshot the Greens
in the opening frame by a 13-3
In the second period the
Blues again were first to strike
• as Broome's shot deflected and
.caught Cooper going the wrong
'way. About a minute later Vet-
eran Jimmy Watson sped down
the- right side and sent a per-
fect pass out to MeLlwain who
was cruising in front and the
Green's captain made no mis-
• 'take as he beat osborne cleanly
. with a ten footer.
The score remained dead-
Phone 527-0770
PERSONALIZED Shown are members of two Seaforth Pee Wee Teams who
took part in Saturday's Minor Hockey Day which was' sponsored
by the Seaforth Legion Branch 156. •
'held it's SpriteePat-Alc %we The Seaforth Snowmobile Club
and dance at the Legion Hall with
approximately 140 people ie at-
tendance. Everyone enjoyed a
good: selection of food prepared
11‘'N.,, by the ladies followed by a dance,
With Spring coming on we
• all have to think about storing
our snowmobiles. The following
is a check list of• storage pro-
' cedure.
1. Wash or brush all dirt or
rust, accumulation from skis
and springs.
2. Lubricate (grease) ski legs
and spring slider cushions.
3. Check wear condition of ski
runners and replace if nec-
Apply Metal Protector on
eptire ski assembly. If un-
available, wipe entire ski as-
sembly wittreloth or ragsoak-
ed in Oil.
1. Lubricate(oil) steering Mech-,0
anism linkage. Apply light
machine oil on throttle and
brake cables, at cable ferrule,
2. Coat all bard surfaces Of brake
mectranism with oil. Avoid
gettipg oil on brake shoe.
Coat all electrical connections
and switches with Metal Pro-
tector. If unavailable, use pe-
troleum 'jelly.
1. Remove the drive belt.
2. Lubricate driven pulley shaft ,
with low-temp. grease and
wipe off excess.
3. Remove centrifugal governor
bolt and gover or.
4. Apply oil on al moving parts
of governor.
5. Lubricate dr e pulley. shaft
wt:h lo mp grease, and
wipe off excess.
6. Oil governor bolt and reas,
semble centrifugal governor.
Spray entire pulley assembly
with Metal Protector.
Note: Leave drive belt off pulleys
during entire storage period.
1. Lubricate (grease) each bogie
wheel until the old grease is
flushed out entirely. •
• 2. Disassemble cross shaft from
bogie wheel set; then clean
bogie wheel assembly and
• cross shaft of dirt or rust.
, 3. Spray bogie wheel, springS and
cross, shaft using Metal Pro-
tector. If unavailable, wipe
with cloth or rag soaked in
4. Greese rear axle.
Inspect track and replace all
- missing inserts.
2. Release track tension by slack
ing adjuStifig bolts and leave
in this condition during en-
Applicant; "I 'm looking for
a position, sir."
Boss: ,"What kind of position
woulibypu prefer?"
-fire stbraar •
gee: S wawfile Ar sileekd. 14e ,;.$,v
Stored i•rr suclfa. that_ track
does not stay in .contact with
cement floor or bare ground.Lift
rear of vehicle until track is
clear, then support with brace or
The carburetor must be dried out
completely to prevent gum for-
mation during the storage perfect.
1. Assure that fuel lines are
disconnected, then start the
-1 engine and run it out of gas.
2. Remove air silencer, if model
so eqiipped (Single cylinder
models only).
3. Pack the• carburetor throat..
with a clean piece of cloth
and turn the engine a few
more times. The suction
should eliminate the remain-
ing fuel.
Engine internal parts must be
lubricated to protect cylinder
walls from rust -during storage
1. Remove spark plug(S).
2. Pour about one spoonful of
Oil into each spark plug hole.
3. Turn the' engine for about
,., 30 second. On manual mod-
els, crank 10 to 12 times.
4. Replace spark plug (s). ,
Note: This operation should be
repeated' monthly during the,
storage period. •
Drain the chain case completely
and refill with fresh oil up to
maximum level plug.
i. Disconnect battery and re-
move from snowmobile.
2, Clean outside surface of bat-
tery with solution of baking
soda and water. Remove all
deposits from connection '-
posts and rinse with clear
tap water.
3. Check electrolyte level in each
cell. :Correct if necessary,
using distilled water only.
4. Fully charge battery and
store in a cool, dry place.
1. Disconnect both fuel and re-
helm lines at the fuel tank.
2. Drain the fuel tank by re-
moving the drain plug.
3, Remove filler neck and spray
Metal Protector through
filler pipe for about 5 sec-
onds, to coat surface and
prevent rust deposits.
1. Clean the vehicle thoroughly,
removing all dirt and grease
2. Inspect fiberglass cab and re-
pair damage • if necessary.
3, Touch up all worn metal spots
where paint has been scrat-
ched or peeled off.
4. Protect the vehicle, with a••
cover or titepatilin to pret.
vent dust accumulation dor-
ing storage.
This_ looks like a lot of work
,but this Operation can be carried
out ih an hour or two an it Will
save 'a lot of time and' money
when next Winter arrives.
Team standings: Things, 119,
Thrumps, 105; Campers, 93; Gol-
,fers, 66, Oddballs, 62; Tipsters,
The ladies' -high single and
triple the ;previous week was
Doreen Eisler, 241 and 658.The
men's high single, Don Eaton,,
270 and triple, Jack Eisler,662.
Last week Howard Jameft was
top man with a 381 single and a
783 triple. Betty Leonhardt
took the high single, 256, While
Jackie Melanson came up with
a 643 triple,
The' Legion League will end
the schedule on Friday, April
3rd. There wilt be three weeks
of playoffs, followed by the ban-
quet on May 2, at 6;30 p.m.
,Team stand gs: Lions,114,
Panthers, 95; heetaitti, 74;11-
gers, 71; Cou rs, 70; Leo-
pards, 60.
Ladies' high single and trip-
le, Sonja Nielson, 288 and 678.
Men's high single and triple, Bill
Brown, 3,45 and 789,
Season's highs - Ladies:. high
'single, Henrietta Brown, 301; high
triple and average, Betty Smith,
713 and 188. Men's high single,
John Coleman; high triple, Jim
Scott, 884; high average, John
Coleman, 232.
Team standings: Astronauts,
140;, King Pins, 122; AlleyKats,
95; Town Cryers, 72; Chicken
Chuckers, 010; Little Joes,26.
Ladles' high, single, Hazel
McGo-niele, 227; high triple,
Helen Nicholson, 634. Men's
high single, Jim Thomas; 301;
high triple, Merv. Nott, 651.
Team standings: Newfles,
98; Busy Bees, 92; Firecrack-
ers, 87; Commercials, 78; Dig-
gers, 78; Spitfires, 71.
• Ladies' high single, Anq Noble
303' high triple, Sandra John-
son, 695. Men's high single,Jack
Beard, 271; high triple Jim Fin-
layson, '760.
Season's highs - Ladles'
single, triple and average, Ann
Noble, 333, 779 and 216. Men's
high single, John Coleman, 369.
high triple, Reg. Dick, 900; high
average, John Coleman, 227.
Playoffs have commenced.
They will last for six we6ks
with all team participating and
total pin fall will determine the,
champions, etc. The Intertown
Bowling banquet will be on
Friday, May 8th at the Tavistock
Memorial Hall.
Team standings; Noble Lanes,
120; Genesco, 100; Canadian Tire,
95; Habkirk Transit, 94; UDPC,
45. The •high single and triple
went to Ron Henderson, 365 and
So long for now. May see you
next bowling season.Thank you.
A chronic complainer was
driving a waiter mad with her
unreasonable demands. ',Why is
it," she barked, "that I never,
get what I ask for here?"
"Perhaps, madam", replied
the waiter, "it is because we
are too polite."
The annual meeting:was held
at the curling club on March
31st. It was noted that the mem-
bership in the ladies' club had
•reached a new high: The 'Offic-
ers for 1970-71 are, as,-follows:,
'pasti ,Presitlent ,w1Mao Habkirk;
President - Ina Scoins; Ist.Fice
President - Ariel Wood; •
Vice PreSident - Leone Rowat;
Secretary - Bernice Langstaff;
Treasurer - Alice Reid - Pub-
licity - Frances Ball'
The following are the com-
mittees for the 1970 season:
Bonspiel - Frieda Slade; Verna
Campbell; Sharon Wilson. Buy-
ing - Flo Smith; Norma Riley,
Special Events - Mae Flabkirk;'
Ann Cunningham. Games - Ann
LavertY; • Ariel Wood•,,, Mert El-
liott. Membership - Mary Box;
Kay Sharpe. Social - Phyllis
Cox; Marie Arnston. Nominat-
ing - Marion Wilson; Jane Vin-
cent; Millie 'Cobb, • Bonspiel
Catering' - .Bea Cooke; Audrey
Beuerman; Wyn Homuth; Wendy
Tremeer; Molly Cox; Marl.
Whiteley; Helen Davies. Decor-
(Continued from pave 4)
Apartments, nis son, Norrban,
visiting him there on Sunday,
Feb, 22, 1931, left to mail a
letter to his wife in Goderich.
He stepped on a manhole cover
in Front Street at the moment
of, an illuminating gas explosion
and .was hurled over the Union
Station parapet to the taxi drive
below, suffering fatal injuries.
His father died next ddy without
being told of Norman's death.
A double funeral was held; ser-
vices at the residence and St.
George's church were conducted
by 'the Rev. J. N. H. Mills, rec-
tor, assisted py Rev. A. L. G.
Clarke. The Star reported that
"there was a good turnout of
the Masonic fraternity". Mili-
tary honors were paid 'at the
grave by the firing party in
charge of Sergt.-Major George
The Lewis family's summer
cottage, 1 •Pinewood", was on the
lake bank a few miles sduth of
Goderich. When the present Oa-
nadianINational station was built,
Mr. Lewis bought the old frame
station, had it cut in, two and
hauled to the north side of Co-
bourg Street, where the halves
have served since as summer
The present owners acquired
the property froM Mrs. Julia
Lewis McIntyre in 1951, having
previously resided in Seaforth,
Where Judge Hays had practised
law prior to his appointment as
Crown Attorney of Huron in 19481
He was appointed a Provincial
Magistrate and Judge of the Ju-
venile and Family Court of Huron
in 1960 and a provincial Judge
in 1968.
Judge flak was the first
President of t e Goderich Hor-
ticultural Society and .has been
a director of-the Huron County
Historical Society since its for-
mation, These interests, shared
by Mrs. Hays, are evidenced in
the fine old home and its grounds.
At The
By Lee-Hee "
Trips and Tips
oy Ottri Hopper
Well folks, the bowling sched-
ules are about completed and a
number of leagues are already
in the playoffs. It' ;has been an-
' other good season with an in-
c rease of many , higher "games,
Now that most leagues' are in
or about to start their playoffs
for trephies and the year-end
banquet, I would ask each league
- to. have their secretary give us
the story of trophy winners and
banquet features.
This will be my last "Down
at the Lanes" column for this
season. \,,Vhatever will take place
next fall remains to be seep.How-
ever, in the Meantime, keep
knocking those pins over and win
yourself a trophy. It has been
nice to know so many were inter-
ested and always looking for my
column. All I can say is 'thanks'.
Before I list team standings
etc. of the various leagues, I
might mention at this time that
the circulars are out in regard
to the tournament at Walkerton.
It will be held at Midtown Bowl
again, sponsored by Labatt's
Ontario Breweries Limited. The
Reifies' event. wilt begin. Sunday,
April 26th and end Sunday, May
3rd. The men's event will com-
mence on Sunday, May 10th and
end .on Sunday, May 17th. It will
consist of 3 games,, 6 man count
with foul line in effect. Averages'
are taken from March 1st, 15 ,
games to be eligible and entry
deadline' is Wednesday, April
Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth
St. Columban
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Read Weekly by Nearly 10;000 People
locked for the rest of the, period
• with the Blues again outshoot-
ing their opponents, this time
by a 14-11 margin.
In the third period both teams
came out strong and at the five
minute mark Art Strong beat
Cooper to give the Blues the
lead 3-2.
The Greens then roared back
and Grant Carnochan blinked the
light behind Osberne as he de-
flected a fine pass from Geo.
Reeves, to tie up the game at
three apiece.
- From then on it was a goal-
tenders game as' Cooper and.
Osborne bah made exceptional
With less than eight minutes
remaining Ken McLlwain fed a
pass to Carnochan at the Blue-
line, he let go with a forty-foo-
ter which went over the right
shoulder of Osborne' who was
partially . screened. This made
the score 4-3 and from then on
the Blues pressed hard but were
.unable to beat Cooper. The Blues
outshot the Greens 18-11 to out-
shoot them in the game by 45-
25. There were seven minor
penalties called by Ref. McClure
,„and Muir.
Members of Champion
Goal - Jerry Cooper
Defence - Geo. Garrick, Gary
Betties, Verne Scott.
Forwards - Ray Powell, Jimmy
Watson, Ken 'McLlwain, Geo.
Reeves, Bill Boshart, Jack
Ungarian, Brian Flannigan,
Don Jefferson, Grant Car-
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