HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 53•
1{ivlcarfline, ie.
with her parent
;on, of the 4,
'rt tlderssai,t
;in; 'friend's on
lay.—Bev.. MP
farewell sezrnlsoti
on Monday last,.
Jr, 'Tohge in,
esteem by trig, '
entry and theist.
a prosperity and,
int to his new
1 leshertcm circuit.
o' ed another of,
to, his, premises,
Pearn remodel it
lin. recuse: --Tile
lii.te, of,. GAelph,.
n tie nee hlttir..
last 'week, The,.
tuug»t by Mr, G.
i the Sunshine
a wry successful,
lr. J, Whee'ler's:
t whish those tt as.
ted, Besides the.
ings, there was a,
terary programme,.
the pupils of tha.
;he Misses 11o114,
cher of flnRtS ini,
ug manner. Ad..
ed by Revs, Tongs.
were •to many.,
attrative features,
ere a ouplieef base- •
en the team of the
Brussels Juniurs
In ' and a picked..
7. Both matches:
:ed, but ' in r each
. upon the home
assets by 9.to 7 in
rule and S.AN° 74'
lnings. The ' boys,,
ever their succes$..
cepared to accept
y junior or school.
visci 'to try their('
d Mrs. 3 Connery{,:
Blaelc Well and his
ic on. Friday, -Mr.•
n, of. the boundary,.
eld' of ,b trley, from,.
vas pulled on Weds; ,
tied 4rfeet 5 inches.
: on Saturday, Junes.
to. adjournment;
gent. Robert Olark,
placed on roll as,'
of as farmer's sen,,
`ronz. the Mayor oft
ad and laid over fora.
;ion. 'A communes- •
raison, 7•0 drain on
d. Moved by My'..
by Mr. Bailie,tbatt.
isting of the Reeve ,
m. and Todd, be an.
ill disputes between,
the, municipality—
.easuer's report for
glance and receipts;
13:40, and expendi-
ving $90.06 on han&
received and filedf.
Mr Still and Rob{,
•n killed, wore struck
ward and Isaac Mo.,'
: on roll as tenants,.
ers sons: A special
I made towards cutt
18 and 10, eons. 4 and
ed gravelling between
L. 2; The following.
paid :. Win Cameron,.
rip hall, $10; Edward
tri between 18 and 198,
Dunkeld, lumber for,
Council adjourned to,
iy, August 16th.
A.11pI, R, Tp. Clerk.
e a grand fight, on
at Brussels, over the.
y succeeded in making.
e.—Itev A. 1\fo$ibbon
1(! Methodist Church,
the foundation of the.
1 .begin this week—.
ad Kearsy spent the•
snday at the review ofl<
tool lesson in Wii ghar.
lltrtley returned from
Saturday,. --Mr +damps.,
is celebrated lecture on.
Irester'.s hall, on '(41on-
e lights make a good
Y,, o picture on the can=
tneY v'as delighted -:-Miss,
Winglunt this weep.-'
Nixon's Lucy did not,
she made a good records.
Cr; w, q found on the plain,.
This WM just enoughx,
t,: 'Wilco is Fly .Prison.
id not b., put to better'
osnatin;:1'liex, Antes, CJoekr,,
,thiugetluats Aileinn'el?ads.,
Ingle Schaal Boar&
A special, meeting ot, the public
Schoolrd was, hold on. Monday
omit) t. .4,11, the zfeealil)erel=pres•
;wit x,.foun applications, in ad -
„Edition to the eight read at lad
lineettng, were read, Moved by J. A.
Morton, stocouded. by W. W. Inglis,
that whereas the grade of certificate
held by the present principal of the
Wingham Public School is that of a
fjret Class te'auher, and whereas eon-
siderieeg the growing;. importance o£
the town and itl pnhlipeschool service,
Mx DUB, Tissrs,-1onf when the r
iniquitous Corn ,caws are a thine of
the past, and, Free Trade will still con-
tinue to be the conimuicial penny of
Great 13ritain, no child need be pinch•
ed with want parents provident
and thrifty as the heavenly Giver,
whose.Providenee no, shristian gstl}t
says; arid, in carrying, out the same,
:his use of neitnsis sparing, just ala in
:the hydraulic press a thread of w:atr'r
teen raise tone. klow different things.
'were in 1820,.14,11own as the dry year,
Father, moth4r, and three. of a. fawily
ii would be detrimental to the best sallied fortlibreakfastless, on a sunny
interests of Wingham that there should Sunday morning. Our parents took
he any apparent retregrossion to the us to a paslt next the minister's.glebe,
where we were allowed for once to run,
romp cull 1 ottereups and daisie,,s, and
chase butterflien,,atld bumblebees, tilt
father's walk of ten miles should
bring us wherewithal to banish the
pangs of. hunger.. For my own part,
1 would have preferred to have been
alone in Stonebead Park, where 1, had
one of nay Sunday�S"ohools, where 1
conned itiulte'sgospel,end the npocalyp-
tic yisiona vouehsaf .d tp St. John in
the lone is'e of Patil>.os, My other
Sunday School was the churchyard+.
"Mausoleums, pyramids a>Itsl tombs",,
were my text book,or as the quaint
but saintly Herbert puts it :
My body to this,sohool, that it may learn.
To spell its elements, and find its birth,
Written in dusty heraldry and lives:
Dray's Elegy, a gem of purest nay
serene, I had by heart. I had a
Barrier's collection with. Blair's grave
in full, and sepulchral Graheme, as
Byrm,wiekedly calls him I had access
to, through our School library. A,s
the lesson of next Sunday has to do
with the Great? Teacher's views on
Sabbatil.Observance, I conclude with
a 'few lines from Grahame's. Sab-
And he: who cried to Lazarus. '(Come
Will when.the Sabbath of the tomb is
dead,,and reunite the dust.,
Transformed and purified to angel 'souls,
Ecstatic hope ! belief 1 conviction firm !
W. LrT,rcoow,
quelifiiiatipn of our head master he it
therefore resolve d, that the teacher
naw to be engaged shall hold at least
tlie•saame grade of qualification as the
present priticipat.
. Myr.11orton, in speaking to. his
motion, pointed:ollt that Kincardine,
e l
-IPWltlitr'i'tou anlii, Ctiuton, have model
schools, and that \Wiugjtarre was well
'situated to he granted. such a school
when a,lligh.se col ia,establisbed here
which„no.dount, would soon be done.
A teacher bolding any other thana
first class certificate could not teach in
a model school: and in appointing,, a
principal we should consider this
please of the.neatter. The Wiugham
school is noted as the best in N,crtb
Huron, and the hoard in appointiug a
successor to Mr.(*roves, should jealous-
ly guard the good name of the school,
As citizens, w,e are proud of: the plei
tion held by our schools. A. town's
educational fiaeilitiee are great incen-
tives to draw.,people to it, and it should
be the, desire of all to maintain the
high standing.tu 1 good name gained
by our schools.
Dr Ohisheine, said• that no. doubt
many oLthese who applied for the
position would use it only as a step-
ping stone to Unit something higher. 130
"IM thought eat no one should be appoint-
ed whom,the,l',nard had not seen. As
to. the Model sohool,be was not in
flavor, of it, We do not want a lot of
striplings practicing teaching. on our
Mr. Pettyapiece thought as the
present teacher beld, only a second
class certificate when he was appoint-.
we might be able to get a teacher
f om those holding second Class cer-.,
Mr Gordon said the Boar l should
select the best man applying for tele
position. There were many good ap-
plications in and it was the duty of
the Bgard to dp ,the very Lest that
could be done for the town of Wing•
ham in the selection offs successor fon:
Mr Groves.
The yeas and nays were then.
taken on ;Mr Morton's motion, midi
resulted as follows : Y'eas—rehears,
++ Morton, Gordon and Inglis -3. Nays,
`aMessrs Bell, Moore, Chisholm, Petty
piece and Abraham -5. Motion lost.,
Mr Wan, Moore then nominated Mr.
4. A. Musgrove, o$•Whiteehurah;Mr.
-W. W. Inglis nominated. Mr D, A.
3ac'aonald, of Ripley, ,and Mr Morton,
Mr 3. -J. Rooney, of Peterboro.
A vote was then. taken and there.
voted for the appointment of Mr,
11. Musgrove Messrs..Moore, Ahra
ream, Pettypiece, Chisholm and. 13n11,
tt,nd for Mr. D. A. Macdonald, Messrs.
Iuglie,Gorden and, Morton, Mr. Mus
grove was then pitted against Mr, J',J,
Rooney, with the same result, The.
chairman then declared Mr. Musgrave
appointed •principal: of the Winliam
public school, and the'board adjourned.,
East Wawanosb,
1'04 Jas. Bona left for old Lo,'ld n
on Monday Inst. -.The l4 eOlintrst
family, and friends paid a visit to th”
1'a eco shoreof Fort Albert, Wednesday,
--11r, I% McDonald lifts disposed of ins,
tarns. to, Mr D. II. Wiglittnan, and
people ore wondering bow it happen( di
—Rev .3. Iiv,,,IsartQ preached, his fare-
well serwuon in the Westfield Church
on Sunday last. Rev I. Sayan will fill
the valiancy caused by leis clepaiture
ordon McInt:
Capital, $1,000,000. Rest, $450,Q00,
President—Jona F-TUAmr.
Vice•a'rositialit—A. 0, rtastsAY,
TOM Paocnoe, 01IAtf. Guanr:X, GEO Ro,tcn, A, T
Wool), A. B. Lax (Toronto),
Cashier—J. TURNBULL.
Savings Ban$%hours,10 to 5.,; Saturdays, 10 to
1, Deposits of Sl,and upwards reetaived and'dgterest
Special Deposits also received at current
rates of interest,
Drafts on Groat Britain and the Unite 1, States
bought and sold
B. WILI,SON, 4piurr,.
Save 7rou Carpets,.
A sheet. of sticky f1,y paper will, do snore;
damage to oarpot and furniture than any,,,
thing ever invented: No careful hguso,,,
wife would have one about. Wilson's Fly
Poison Pads will clear the house more.
quickly and surely than any other means.
If placed near the light where the flies are
thickest, Wilson's Pads will kill pints every.,
day, and,olear the.,house in short order.
Sold by ail druggists.
—Mpnufecturer of—
A'1'4 now offering a large range of
'MR II0k130s etn. 'gat
a i •spJi 4w3S Flu
Flooring, Sidtrg, etq., dressed to order ,on the
shortest notice.
We have over 100,000 feet of Dry
Lumber in our yard, and, can sup.
ply sewed stuff of all kititis.
A call solicited.
tVingham, June 8th, 1800.
in Blain, White, Crossbar and Figured, from 5c. upwards,
Lots of other Dross Materials”
suitable for our ever changing climate.
1' LOUN'CIiNGS, that are intended to please every taste, and at very
interesting prices,
tRR'ETT'iY THINGS 1N EMBROIDERIES in desirable widths, and at
popular, prices. It will pay you to look through thein.
On Saturday afternoon' last, a barn
66x45 was raised on the farm of Mr,
John Scott, 10tH. con. There were
over eighty 'able-bodied men willing
and anxious to be , at work. Two
captains were, chosen, Messrs John
Porter and Mr Muir, who chose their, ..
lien, formed sides, and after an ex-
citing contest, despite the oppressive
heat and the burning rays of the sun,
the forayer captain and his men won,
but it was only a mutter, of one or
two rafters between. there. Nu
accident happened, and all went well,
The framing was in charge of Mr.
John Abraham, 13elmpro4 who, with
his men, deserve great praise for the
manner in which themateriel was
prepared for putting 'together. The
frame stood on a stone wall nine feet
high. .The mason work, wits executed
Ly Mr Anderson, which reflects mucin
credit, upon him, for the e:teellent and
subatancial building. A number—J1
Young ladies fc.m the neighboring
arnrs assisted, with their' usual greice-
fuhiees, in preparing a srrnhptttons
i;e?past to refresh the inner, plan, Mr
Scott may he proud of bis new. Rea:, .
t:ession and the line proud of its.ina.
`Wi sows 31'iy goblet xadlt.
Rave an cnorin '11s sial., 'arou h Canada
ora are kept by till oreetiets. Nothing
Dills Ilouse Viten Auto or Cockroaches
like Wilson's Dads One packet lasts a
'lv ,;t'0, P.P?0 kills flies by the
For the next Two Weeks,
01 t
arato4, araPit;
The Best and cheapest;; a ]arse and choice selection.. We
believe in, protection that gives. protection..
For. comfort and. durability in footwear, do, not fail to get oma., •
BOOTS, SHOES and SUPPERS. They are right every time.
COME ONE, COME ALL, and have. a look tahrougli. our
mammoth ,stock,ofr
Pants Mt sling atEl
• the .greatest :novelties of tLe day an le most. popular
PRINTS, in all the la eftpatterns and newest desi;ns,,fr'om 50
Muslins, figured and: plane,, Lawns ;; Gin hams, Sn;,eens, Flan-
neletts in all .the novelty patterns.
Nothing so cheering and refreshing. during the oppressive weather
as a.G000) CUP, OF. TEA., you. can,get tbe correct thing, every time,
from -
• . .Brown.., cher
Ladies, this will, be the unique.. opportunity of the season to
at less than two thirds of the regular price.
Ladies, please mote, this Sale is frac Two
Weeks Only.
sol c A, large. and handsome stock to select from,;
1S, in, Black and (:colored:. Must lbs
Acomplete, stock of GENTS' F, ]:iNISHJJNGS in ,all; the latest
novelties of the summerseason.
TWEEDS, AND PANTINGS.,in all,.the finestwor,steds.
Ready made Clothing always. on hand,; and the greatestty.novelty,of
our goods is their very low price.
Ladiee,,:don't, fail to have a look at our OPERA SLI ?I'E1S.
Qiir.l3oot and SIMe' department you vill'always find fuA.of'novel-
ties in ladies, children's and men's wear,
We also have a full range of fie*
.,."e���' Q� eatC.E. E.S
always on hand, and at the lowest prices, to meet the tinges,,
(of the late fear) ofDORE,. 'Nickel S Dore),
—sArrr'AC'rURxa OF--
Top{, and' Open Buggies,
Carriages9„S1.eighs, Cutters,
'Phaetons, Road Carts, &c.
Special rBatgideswill be,.givera in Top incl Opon Bogies for the next two
• months,
Alikinds.of„work matle,to orilor by 0rst•class workmen, under the super-
vision of the proprietor,
Repairing, I',ainttnp, Top fuilding, ko,, done on short notice.
Those in need of;anythinc ip•our inc'will save money by Calling h, hors
purchasing.. WM. DORL,
o -
M t.RRAY l C0.,
—Successors to 11 M Robinson, manufacturerers of•—
NO TIOU',I3 ,E rO: S:YIOW GOODS - •..,-
We have •the patterns of It:11. Robinson and can supply rcpa:rs for all kinds of implements.
SPEiCIA=, ' t
Tbqpat,Conitge of the public solicited,
11IUliltA� & Co. ,
0 _ •
In Connection.with.tho,aumo,1 wish. to say that I have leased my foundry to the above firm for a Urn)
-of,yoars. They come to wingham highly reeommen led as first•class mechanics, having had Evterrtive
'experionee in mill work and repairs. I would ask for them. a continuanto of the patronase extended to n:e
aurine.tho past ettrhtyon years. It M ROBINSON,
Wrngbani, rung 26th;1500.
Please give me a call and have a look, at our.,sl;ock before purchasing
elsewhere. ' ' • - ' 'tours, very truly,
Lardine '' rac j'. 0 Oil.,
trcry•'hatrel guaranteed.• We aro the , the Alle mw:utartutwrt nI tl:c Gconine,Lardine. A so.Cylinder, Rn:,ts
5,ual mr1 Iiarnres mite.
1400.'011 BRQS.
't I,