HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 4E.'V lk,LlA
1B7;, , QGIST
, 1;nreEite war friendly, titer until
Jane 80th, then it became: everting.
The i+rillianoy of July civeni g which
be s
prinoips•lly age to this star,
reaches i e ei a and, beauty. during
that month, entts shines with great
'hriili nc for two hours after sunset.
'Theis two Stats are visible for about
an hour. the last week of: this month
together, Venus in the east, Jupiter
'in the west. Saturn is close to Venue
this month, theu,it disappears, Mars
and Uranus are also•evening stars and.
Mercury end Neptune, 13iorning.
"Gnu" has a cartoon this week of
(farmer trying to dig. Around hi
]ankles are fastened chain°, to whiz
:are attached iron. balls marked,
taxes on implements, (2) on food, (3
clothing, (4;).1abor. On his back nh
is carrying the rnauufacturor,mer
artizan, olerk,,teacher and, proache
Loaded down ae ho i', he is uuabl
to dig much, vet the great difficult
J `
Olin. Brunswick House,
Wingham, - _, Ont.
wig I rn X11105
gm? AY,,3131,1X 4;, 11890.,
We are sorry that the schools board
Selected Mr. A. Id,, Musgrove as the
principal of. our Public School, not
that we have anyt,tzitigs personally,.
against him either ars att►eaoher,, or as a
man. On the contrary,, we wish him
everysuccess,.but there•were 51 ape
plications• fro the • position. There
were 8 who. wrote. $ A after their.
name, 16 First Class certificates, and
a number of Second Class A,;s. We
drink the board did, not act' with
justice to the town, or, fairness to the
school, when they appointed the
gentleman, who held the lowest cir•
bifioate of any applicant. The two
who were nominated against Mr.
1Wusgrove. held First Class certificates.
They. have devoted their whole time
and attention to schoolwork and in -
bend making it,- their life work.
Teachers. are. generally judged by
the certificates. they licld. and the
experience they, have. ]lad: At, no
distant dato, we predict a.Iigh School•
will be established in Winghath, to
accommodate, the ever.inereasing
demand for such an. institution.
Then we shall require.a Model School,
and a great hindrance to getting such
a school will be the certificate which
qur principal bolds..
That dread disease is already being
discussed. It has appeared. in Spain
and very likely will be in almost all
European countries. The commercial
transactions being carried on between
the two continents, in all likelihood,
they Garry, iii to Canada. Iii view of
these facts, we should remember that
Cholera is. a companion of filth and
foulness and, that this summer clean-
liness ought to bo jealously guarded.
Of course we do not wieh tp.say Wing-
ham is n,ot a cleanly town. .A;strann.
ger walks down its. pretty streets, and
broad, picturesgne ways,. and say,
".What a nice tonin." Butt it is. he
who goes.bebind the scenes,. looks into
the besck yards, sees all that is foul
and loathesome and vile left to pollute
the back yards. There is a health
Committee here, hnt they are not
awake to the reality. We do not
wish to point to. any one piece in par:.
titular, but for the sake ofi our wives
and children arid, the health and
happiness of the town of Gingham,
let the yards be looked after. •
22 feet
8 inches ; 2nd; J Jenliins, 20
feet, 'Throwing hammer, W Walker,feat
92 feet 2 inches; 20d, T Rose,
4 inane$. 100 yard race, 3 Jenkins
;2nd, R Wiggins. x 200 yard race, J'
.Jenkins; 2nd, R Y4 igttus• Boys' race
'under 13 years, Eye Anderson ; 2nd, a
:Arden ; 8rd, W 13rrdnock. Boot ana.
shoe race, H Johnston. 2nd,B.Perkites,
]:Hurdle race, R Wizgins h 2nd, J
A .four -innings game of, base ball
was then played between the "Unions"
uf Gerrie and Wroxeter and a picked
:nine from the Wiugllam and Wroxeter
juniors, which resulted in a decisive
victory for the Unions, The score
;Unions. 7 4 4 4-19
,Pieked Nine 0 2 2' 0-04
There was a large attendance during
'the day, and everything passed `cif
harmoniously. The committee of
management, consisting of Messrs.
T. W. Gibson, J . W. Sanderson, T. 3...
Gibson, A. Paulin, G. B, Brown,,
deserve, great credit for the complete
arrangements made for the comfort of
`visitors., The concert in thee. evening,
]wider the auspices of the ' Wroxeter
baseball club, was largely+ attended,
every available inch of space in the
hall being•taken up. Mr„, -Jos. Oowan
was called.to.the chair,, and in a neat
speech thanked those who were in
attendance for•their presence, He }vas
pleased to know that the efforts of the
baseball club in furnishing a first-elass
entertainment for the people had been
appreciated ; Bell's Factory Orchestra
gage a couple of selections, which were
highly appreciated by the audience.
]Miss Laura MoManis,the lady whistler,
, his feet are fast. Thus is our
a. The farmer supporta them
Let the crops fait, Business
o smash. and ruin.. We• are glad
such.gpod Drop prospects and
ly trust. the best. hopes may be
ed and the whole successfully
Imam, MIDDLiITON has resigned.
s !ie . is sick of Canada and
than newspapers. If the general
goes t
:to, see
He say
in a
the ' lestre; cif his glory,
the page of history, acted very,
wrongly, wickedly, under the cover of.
lois high position. If it was an error,
by Mr. Daviel Geunmill, who oecupiod 1 11xrs, 'neon, of ofi cariline, is.
the chair. A piece of pp,usic by Mss
her paren
., + days
a y
Lougley ,. a dialogue,: "" Ulioice of seen lti
song by, Misses Mr. end Mrs. Wilkinson, of the .1.
`l►acies, by the boys; r, \lee.eil Mrs. Robert 1Zedclaway and ]l.00e4 ; dialogue r"I4 .Q.131u, rr"y', w,•le iaiting Iriankle oil:
t 1 4tll, Last Sunday,_-,li e'v.. Al
Miss D1'ar.ie (xdmmell and Awn i
tune ; song Miss W,yl4er, Reading
by Mr. D. Three,; song by, ]Misses
Higgins;,reeitatton by Mies Weir;
;song by Miss. Wylie and 141r.R , Bent.
.lpy ; recitation by. Mss Mintzie lllg•
gins .; song by Mir, W. Be,ntley. hue
yowl. people remidned in the ever
and enjoyed themselves in having a
sociale hop,
any opinietts to express theteena- delighted all with her solos, A1r. Wzl.i
press is always open. Beit no I. Shane gave a couple of comic songs
matte thew thigh; his•poeftion may he,. receilin i ingtandnana♦veri i>ck to an heartytl
to his titles, power and pelf, no . encore after.eagli,. Messrs T 3 'Gib-
easy imagine that the Canadian son'ai di. Cao` Ie: Brown, two local
will shield him. General Middle favor+iter, each contributed a cnuple of,
m• I Songs, which were well reccAvedr The.
has•done noble deeds, well beco soups, ,
a hero, and for th's has been i piano
ian grecitalsofd
Mr. MeManis Allen
d by every writer, his praises Boa generalave a solo, and the programme
by every patriot, • his name he• ld was brought to a 019se by singing "God
beY once. But' he has dimmed save, the queen."
Tonga. proaeli his farewell sernlotl
in Sunshine Churele on Si,lpday hist,.
tote large ar:dienee, 1\1 r, 'Tolrgo io•,
held in the highest estlntn. by the, •
people of this, e°rl miniity and= thwart•
best wishes f'r •lila, prosperity and,
happiness, go with, him to his newe
field of labor in Ow Fleeherton circuit•,
-Mr. Geo. hoot] moved another ofi
the Sunshine hooses to, his. premises.
Tiesday, where he mall] remodel it
and,use it as a dwelling. house. --•The
Misses Id. all, evangelis,ts3, of, Geelph, ,
spent :i day nr two in the izeig,ll,l•er.
hood of Sunshine, last week. The,.
pupils of S S No 5, temeht by Dir. G.
H. Blackwell, and the Sunshine
Sunday School, held •avery successful,
union picnic in Mr J. Wheeler's
grove , Priclay hist, at which there +► as,
a large attendance,,both.old and young:
being well represented. Besides tbe.
usual pionic•proceedings, there was a.
short musical and literary programme,,
participated in by the pupils of. tha•
school, assisted by the Misses Holl,,
who rendered n.number of duets int
their usual pleasiug manner. Ad-.
dresses, were delivered , by Revs, Tonge•
and Godfrey what were 'to many.,
however, the most attrative features,
of the day. There -were a cuple:pf base- •
ball matches between the team of the
Section and the Brussels Juniurs
the school team and a picked..
team,from. S S No7.. Both matches:
were keenly contested, but • in each
ease victory rested upon the' home
team, defeating Brussels by 9.to 7 in
a nine- innings game and S,.arNo 7,'
by 6 to 4. in live innings. The boys.,
feel q lite elated over their success.
and feel quite prepared to'accept
challenges from any junior or school:
tearne who may wish 'to try their.-
strength,-Mr.oand Mrs. 3 Connery;,-
and Mr. Miltc.n Blacikwell and his
sister L+n•ily, from Winghall ,attended.
the Sunshine picnic on. Friday, -Mr.
Charles Henderson, of: the boundary,.
has a very fine field.• of ,b Arley, from„
which a sample was pulled on Weds,
nesaay that measured 4ifeet 5 inches. '
A 3 oung man who has. been actinge
rather suspiciously during the last year
arnund the sixth line, in making fre-
quent visits there, has,returned, after
a few months absence, at hie home in
Manvers township, 'This time to re-
move all doubts for suspicion and- on
the evening of Dominion day a timelier
of guests assembled'at the residegce of
1 ,r John Arinstr•one, whore. a nninister
was awaiting and Mr D 0 Ferguson, of
Durham County and Miss Mary A
Lennox, of Howick, -Were united in
the holy bowls of ►» atrimony, by the
Itev 'T A Wright 'The bride was
handsomely decked in comely apparel,
end looked a prize worth the young
man's winning,. She.was the reoipient
of a number oftvaruable presents,.botb
useful and oranameu};al,, 'The; young
couple, after bidding adieu tp their
many friends, departed on Monday to
their new home in ttie Towaehip of
Manvers. Their friends wish thorn a
prosperous journey down the stream
of time together, -At Mr Fred Genre's
barn raising his son Albert sustained
a rather severe injury' by a fairing
stick which streak him.on the head.
Dr. Spence was summoned and,sowed
up the wound aud,b. is now recover-
ing as well as can be expected. -•"Mr.
Joseph Bothain, of,, the 2nd line, £4119 -
tabled a sevete injurly last weels,.while
ringing pigs. -Mrs Eli Hushand, of
t know, is at prevent visiting her
parents, Mr and Mrs McGee, of, the
2nd con. -A garden party was.held at
Mr. Richmond Falhs', Eordwioh, on
Dominion day, under the auspices of
the Ladies Aid Society, in, support of
the lluildin fund of the new Metho-
dist.church,-Mr, 3 A Wilson, of the
14:th, line, is nnw home' from the
Toronto Medical'College and to his
honor, has been made the recipient of
the.2pd scholarship of $80, at his
second year exarninr,tion. This speaks
eiel1.for a• -I owick lloy.
of judgment,
make it public. The best,
The picnic in Hawk's bush on,the
first was a grand, success. There, was
a very large attendance . and all Went
off without a jar. 'The teachers seem -
of nen may err. "An open.cenfessron ed to use their very best endeavor to
od fort the soul," A fault cannot
he :fergiveu till' it• is confessed,
ip ..
he national ,holiday was celebaetied
leis village on Tuesday last in a indulged in. The swings were also a
constant source of,. enjoyment. Tlie
young people -of 8, 5and 6 must ria
congratulated on their.,cookery. Why
everyone feasted oii. dainties.. The
good things, were in,,abtindance and the
waiters most attentive; Mr. McKel-
vie, of Wingham, did his hest to make
all go pleasant round him and ice
make things a ],success and they
succeeded. 'There were over.•100 rigs
there, and no mosgiijtoes. Everyone
seemed to go -right in for a good time.
Under the guardian eye of parents and
guardians a' few ,;social dances were
ilmanner. rly in. the mimingnen, announced., the. event, and
r on the celebx•,ated Bell's. Factory
ss Band, of WW1-lam,asciwed by
early 0..p. R. trail?, and discour-
.sweet music. Art nine . o'clock a
d Calitliutnpian trades procession
k place, headed by Delle Factory
se m
nd. Many of,the trade,• rep
resents cream, lemonade, eta, wee freely sero-
ns were good, and Oh of these ed. But then there was an intellect -
Bated no tattle amusement. Imme• nal feast as well ; Dr. Macdonald M.
te1Y after the, procession, the'base P.,occupied•the chair and made a neat
1' match between Wroxeter and little opening address. Two kinder-
nglram second nines commenced. garten songs, led. by Mr. Robertson,
he game was keenly contested, recitations by C. B1ackwell,S.Johnson,
rougliout, and resulted he favor of songs by Ses. Elliott, Teeswater, and
e Wingham boys, as the following, Mrs. Bryce and a duett 1 y Elliott and
ore will show.: • Tees. A Japanese fan drill conduced
NI\GIw . by Miss Porter and a broom and dust
mese, OUTS. than brigade also ' conducted by Miss
Craclren 3 4 Porter. 'As well as dumb bell exercise
alt:..,,... •••••20 2 .. by a class of girls under the manage.
ngua 1 ment M Mr. ltobertson. A.11 'deserve
5 great credit for the excellent manner
3 in which they perforniecl their exereses
3t, 3 Miss Colvin, Teeswater, ' and Miss
4 Anderson, Glennuan, fingered the
- . - keys. Mr. Gracey rend'. hi his owe
18 27 ininitable,taking,Way, One thing was
peculiarly striking, thaneatness wlrich
DPTs. characterized the performers and the
• 1. -
BDITO//IAL rtaP i3..
SrANX,>,r's book,''In Darkest Africa,"
was issued in the United States, Eng -
anti and Germany on the 28th ult.
148v. CFtAs. H:. SSrvziG40'S was will.
od $150,1)00 lately. Ito divided it.
among the poor relatives. of,the'de
eased. Charity snThreth len; and
fs kind..
Dr a farad -and ,decisive vote, To-
rnnto has decided to take control of
the street' railway. Many improve ,
Pie Directors of the Culross Mutual
rii•ansurance Company : met in the
town hall, Teeswater, 2,8th June, 189Q.
Members present: Messrs Kirkland,
MoKague and Armstrong.
Iteesident in the chair. The minutes
of. previous meeting, having been read
and adopted ,it was gloved by !tJ rUlerk,
see4nded by Mr Mj„If.ague, that all
aeplications for iuserance be now laid
before the Board for examination -
c arried. McKague-Armstrong-that
having examined. 28 applications and
found them satisfactory, the president
and secretary prepare and fissile poli-
cies for the same -.Carried. McEague
-,Armstieing-That the 'l reasurer be
instructed to pay the following ace
counts, viz : Mr Thurtell, for: station-
ary, 55 cents;, •Mx Struthers, for
stationery, 30 dents, and Secretary,
for • post ge, $ '.07; -Created. An
intimatidn was brought in from Mr
Deutschman. that certain„, additions.,
.. Ta ako .4
Rutherford. .. • 2
hake 2
Allen 0 4
avidsen '1 3
•sandorson . 0 8
Paulin . • 1 2
Bae.. 1 8,.
Sanderson • , 0 .4: '
%Inrhatn -4 1 0 0'0 3 3:4 8-18
Wroxeter - 2 1 0 1 2 1. 1 2 1-11.
The athletic sports. wore well pat-
onized, there being a good number of
entries. for nearly every event. The
l,rize winners were as follows: Stend-
ing itatnp, W 1 Shane, 1.2 feet ; 2nd,
J McGee, 11 teat 91 inchet. Winning
jlt►rri^, D McKay, '18'feet .4 nitches;
2n<l, W J Shane and R Linton, t.iee,
g tip.
m t and
imp $
Iter n
cert p p
;jump, 11 ]'»ton, 38 feet; r inches; 2nd,
M •Neer. 37 k„^. 4 inches. fatting
he: ysl,•,r. "i t, a-;=', 80''aet; 2nd i
..'elle'• t, ic, ; 10 inch"a .Bttttin
2' •perfect good humor which pervaded all,
Then it rained, and all got wet.
and it
aro ter neves y
maids Y
behooves the city to act with preyrr 4
Ohne tan! nei sl:iii h furter 'ring
oils, U +,
tlae 1, est"in.terest,. of T"areata.''elreettietittor (MAX Me. Why
I% the tnclivtl- .power now, :rl •1 y . l t t,
,gptq,4. Qerlilimy, site
ay,.•...w, ..w
Glei farrowe
John, Scott, ],17th Turnberry, raised
a barn, fin Saturday. ---Thos. H•igghas
been in Michiga+t for, a ,trip.
returned. .fie has been near Grfnd-
stone Oity, has returned with glowing
accounts.. -Mr. Nest Bentley has been turned from 'lllyth, where he has n e
for the last two weeps, --.Birthday
party oil the 4th. • George, son of
Geo. Harris, an Friday. -]'Ziac Green
is away ou a visite•-- A roan bad a calf,
offered to give it to anyone who wish- 41 ' T h' 1
t ,raiseit. Snell tel one was easily n theNay., l No one " Nixon'sid riot,.
ed o and well -berm, o£ • Though Thos. Nixon s Lucy
fount], bat it vas feared out afterwards can over estimate the necessity 'of take first prize, she made a good record,,
that he only rt it,.for ter sake of keeping.the nerves well strung, or the, at London.
:the re.:let,.---Pint c in connection oasrvn h,a=heoli these Pills aeeanl•.
West Wawaxlosh•
T,he, conncil met on Saturday, June,
2cHst, accordin4 to., adjournment;
Members all present. Robert (ark,
lot 18, con 6, was placed on roll as.:
tenant, instead of as farmer's sol;,
Cornmunicatioris from, the Mayor of,
Wingiiam were read and laid over fer.,,;
further consideration. 'A 'communica- •
tion from Dir, Morrison, re drain on ,
con 12, was read. Moved by Mee.
Lockhert, seconded by Mr. Bailie,. Wats,
a committee consisting of the Reeve ,
and Messrs Gibson. and Todd, be an..
pointed to settle all disputes between
Mr 'T,l►oms and the, municipality-
Carried. The Treasurer'sreport for ,
May showed halanue and receipts•-,
amounting to $218:46,. and expendi-
ture>$123,48, leaving $90.06 on hunch -
The report was, received and filed,.
Dogs owned by Mr Still and Relit.
Medd,, having been killed, wore struck
off, the roll, Edward and Isaac 'Mo-.'
Roberts were put on roll• as tenants,, ,
instead of farmers sons. A special:•;
grant -of $40 was made towards putt-•'
ing hill opposite 18 and 19, cons. 4 and
5,.and $30 toward gravelling between
18 and 19, con 2; The following•:
accounts were paid;- Wm Cameron,.
had been made to lits dwelling, house
covered by policy No. 1508, of this
Company. Clark .- McI egne-That
Mr Ireland, agent,call on Mr Deutsch-
man,, as it is imperative that in all
buildings where"a tine iq. need there
must be proper oh►,,.neyc , sniilt with
eitt;er brick or stone (see• statuf,ny..
conditions in policy, Sec, 10„ div, 0)
Carried, Clark -= Armstrong --That
this Board do now adjourn to meet
again en Teeswater town hall on the
last'$uturday of July,, at 2,,o'clock p.
Annx AnA lsen, Secretary.
ifollaispy's Dills, - Weekening
weather;• --'Phe sultry summer days
strain the nerves of the feeble and de-
crepit, and disease may eventuate tin -
less some• restorative, such as these
purifying Pills, be found to correct the
disordering tendency, Holl oways
medicine gives poteney,to,,the nervous
system .which is thea source of all vital
movements, and presides . over, every.
action which maintains the groyth
rep -trine township hall, $10; Edward•
MoRnberts,culvert between 18 and 194,
con. 6, $2 ; Wm Dunkeld, lumber for'
piring, $10 50. Council adjourned. to,
meet on Saturday, August 16th.
R, K. Alienate, Tp. Clerk.
Bluevale made a grand fight on
Dominion day, at Brussels, over the.
foot ball. They succeeded in making.
attic of the game. -Rev A. McKibben
preached in the A7.ethodist Church,
last Sunday. -The foundation of the -
new church 'will .begin this week--
MissJackson and Kearsy spent the.
afternoon of Sunday at the review of -4
the Sunday School lessors in Wingham.
-Mrs (Rev) Hartley returned from,
Woodstock on Saturday,. -Mr .Clamp...
hell delivered lois celebrated lecture on.
Paris,. in the Forester's hall, on lone
day. -The lime lights make a good.
ampression of Q0 picture' on the can-
vas and every one vets dolfgiated- liss,
Messer was in Feng ntcm this wee t. .
'Atli S. S. No. 9, Turnberey,
y. They are the moat un-
.. i
Friday. push that furl, ,, Ater cent piece; eel fntyr+d on the main,
l,enjamin Herming s basin fs
Jane 27th. r'e plc of maven seen e1
to take em interest in it Ss3"t;terc was
light shot, .r * friKlots,a• ; l e u r.a .,wu.,r, sic songs,
+g jester] (I n%fa , iX ,
W "1, a1iserr, 80 feet 6 a►,t;hes. Programme coals di _. ` ,• u ttt tlt'era
tl good turnout,. '
II of fare sex..
est 'retttttittoliD . gild lav all druttgietn;, i u}te1i9 i#pltrf
r ttiai 56, 1'oitl«tl" Anil ` ittl eoaxalttxtls ted res n 8
til t t
fah'°nn nnteletes to indigeston. it', rYl;- nt)pet tbcode, caw. ihiswpslustenouf; 1,
1 zr circulation, palpitation', elek heed, to buy e Lae et Gi 'Wilson"s l'ly Poison.
i'or estormCooke.
Flies. Ants,
fore ettained the targ est rale and h1gh• roaches, etc., nothing equine Gtilsnu'N1.'ads.,
Mar U. ' ' Pant, amu ..,, ;id not be put to
nehe, and costiveness, and have there-
rilb►le Scheel Beer&
A special meeting ot, the pub
school rd. wart held on. Mona
everiire t. 191, the zrzeniberra.pri
, m ii
i atiozl
s i
f 1 a ,
c u
eat. ,
clition to X the eight read ab 1
rneetiag, were read. Maned by ,T.
Morton, b,"coaded. by W. W. Ing],
that whereas the grade of certitic
hold by the p%•.esent principal of
1 'iaghaiu Pal►lie School is that e
nee. t1ret class telpher, and whereas e
Sidering the growing; importance
the town and it'l pnhliotsehool serve
it Mould be detrimenbll to the 1
interests of Wingham that there shI
he .any, apparent retregrossion in.
qualifitatian of our head master ,
therefore rosnleed, that the tea
now to he engaged stroll hold at 11
the•salne grade of qualification as
present priticipar,
. 'Mir, Morton, in speaking to,
motion, pointed'. out that Kincarcl
Walkerton and: Clinton, have m
chools, and that Winglike was
Ysituttted to be grantea.such a sc.
when a high ssllool ia, established 1
which,,no,douol:, wwula soon be c1
A teacher holding any other the'
first class certificate could not teat
a model .school and in appointin
principal we should consider
phase of thee -natter. The Wine,.
school is noted as the best in 1\'
Huron, and the board in appointi
successor to Mr.Groves, should jeal
ly guard the good name of tbe se
As citizens, we are proud of: the
tion held by our schools, A. VI
educational fitcilitiee are great i%
tives to draw•,peopin to it, and it s'
be the, desire of; all to rnaiutais
high standing,tui.l good name gl
ley our schools.
Dr Chisholm, said, that no.
many of,those who applied for
position would use it only as a
ping stone to something higher.
thought that no one should be ap
ad whomtie,lnard had not seen
to, the Model school,be was it
fiavor; of it, We do not want a
strip'in;s pragticing teaching•or,
Mr. Pettypiece thought as
present teacher held, only a fl
c ass certificate when he was ap
, we might be able to get a t
m those holding second clasJ
Mr Gordon said the Board
select the best man applying fd
position. There were many goa,
plications in and it was the di.
the Bgard to. de ,the very heal
could be done for the town of
ham iu the selection, ofta sueces
¥r Groves. .
' The yeas and. nays wen
taken on ;Mr Morton's motio=
resulted as 'follows : Yeas -
Morton, Gordon and Inglis -3.
piece and Abraham, -5. Motic
Messrs Bell, Moore, Chisholm)
Mr Wm, Moore then nominat
A. H. Musgrove, of Whitechur
W. W. Inglis nominated Mr
Macdonald, of ltiplov, and Mr
Mr 3. -J. Rooney, of Peterbort
A. vote was then taken a*
voted for the appointment of,
IH. Musgrove Messrs..Moorei
team, Pettypiece, Chisholm to
and for Mr. D. A. Macdonald,
Inglie,Gordon and,lbhorton, 11,
grove was then pitted against
Rooney, with the same resui
chairman then declared Mr. Ni
appointed principal; of the VI
public school, and the'board ad
On Saturday afternoon' Iasi
56x45 was raised ou the faro
John Scott, 10th. con. Ti
over eighty 'able-bodied mend
and anxious to be at wort
captains were , chosen, Mess'
Porter and Mr Muir, wino clic
Men, formed sides, and after
citing contest, despite • the ol,
beat and the burning rays of
the former captain and his in
'Wit it was only a wetter_ 01
' two rafters between. th,
accident happened, and all
The framing, was in chargee
John Abraham, Belmore, w
his men, deserve great prait
manner: in Which the. hurt]]
prepared for putting,1oeetlk
frame stooa on a stone wall
high. =The masonweek was
by Mr Anderson, which refit
credit, upon hire, for the vac"
substencial buiklin», A, ni
Young ladies kern the it
arms assisted, with their us',
fulu<as, hi preparing a t
repast to refresh tiro Twiner.
c r Scott may be prowl of his
titCession and the line proud c.
1`0'4rn 9
Villeen s $'iv :Pcteeii '1
Ilse an enorrn •us rat., 'roti
otic] are kept by all en :t ist§
1Ci11s douse flies, Ants or (1
/'lire Wilson's .i',.rle, One
b pled
lialig'„ .,f ,path kijls e y t