HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-03-26, Page 10IrEIFIPROM R#POSI'TOR, SEAFORIK ONT-. MAR. 26;. 070 aforth Sponsors ght Homemaking Clubs Correspondent Mrs. Ken McKellar A gathering of former neigh- bours and friends of Mrs. J. R. Jefferson were entertained at her home on Friday evening. Euchre was enjoyed, followed with social chat and a -bountiful lunch served by the hostess. Mr. Clair Wilson of Detroit visited will. Mrs. E. Moore and Mr. and- Mrs. T. L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited wilt! Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eggert of Rostock. Miss Barbara Gardiner of Stratford visited with 'her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gar- diner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Walker, London, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh' Currie, Linda and Joanne, Dorchester, Mr. and Mrs. Robert • Hulley and family and Miss Gladys McFadden,Win- throp, visited with•Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and Steven. Mrs. Grace Scott returned from Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday and is recuperating at the home of her daughter and son:in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Russell. The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met for a quilting at the home of Mrs. Carter Kers- lake. Mrs. Bev Taylor presided and opened the meeting with a hymn. DevotiOns were led Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. J Templeman. thirteen mem rs answered the roll call th a Bible verse on Raster. A number of readings: "In-' His Steps", "Teach Me the Way", "A Rhythm Version of the Ten Command- ments", were given by Mrs. Lorne Elliott. Business was-con. , ducted by Mrs. Gerald Carey. A topic on "The Easter Faith brings courage to face to-day's, challenge", was presented by Mrs. Frank Hamilton. NEWS OF CROM ARTY Income Tax Prepared for Farmers, Businesses and Individuals. ' Reasonable Rates Ann* Terms Ronnenburg Insurance Agency MONKTON, BRUSSELS and BIWDUAGEN For Appointment, Phone Monkton, 347-2241. Monday to Friday Brusiols„ 887.6663, Tuesdays^ and Fridays WE SELL INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES NOW PAYING 9% Amirmenr Rome Economics and Health \VOA the theme when Seaforth W. I. met for their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Graham Kerr with Mrs. Gordon Elliott 'as co-hostess. Mrs. Lorne Law- son, president, chaired the regu- lar opening exercises and busin- ess, and read a poem "Recipes". The roll call, ',An old-timerem- edy 'that was used in your home," recalled -many simple remedies, including grated raw potato for scalds; equal parts raw linseed oll and lime' water, or sheep tallow, for burns; oatmeal and butter,. or onions,- for poultice; resin and grease, a cureall; 2 oz. honey and one tsp. dry mustard, as a cough remedy; solution made of one lemon and one tsp., cream tartar to one pint boiling water - take one cup-. ful (warm) each morning for gall bladder and kidney trouble. The program, chaired by Mrs. Everett Storey, was arranged by convenors; Mrs. Storey and Mrs. Gordan Papple. Guest speaker, Mrs. R. W. Flowers, of Clinton, was introduced by Mrs.Papple and thanked by Mrs. Bruce Cole- man. Mrs. Flowers, a physio- therapist discussed , what. a, physio-therapist can do, and dealt with treatment for such condit— ions as cerebral palsy, stroke, arthritis, thalidomide children, ' etc. This, treatment is carried out by physical means, under orders from a doctor, started by the thereapist. while patient is in hospital, and later continued in the home _by a V.0./s1. , She stressed that patient is a per- son the same as any one else, and should be treated as such and taught to help himself as much as possible. Sympathy should be neither dve,r-emphasized under-emphasized; family co- operation is very iMportant in recuperation; , a happy home is a healthy home; exercise is ssini- portant, but should not be over- done; morale should be kept high. 'Mrs. Flower's also described methods of bathing and dressing persons enclosed in a cast and the proper use of canes and crutches. She stated that while at the presept time, physiother- apists practise mostly in hospit- als, it is hoped that in the future this care may be extend- ed to the home and she encour- aged girls to take this type of training. - Mrs. Storey read an article from the Reader's Digest,writ-, . ten by the Hollywood producer, Sam Marks, "How much can we cram in four words," Mrs.Papple read an article ',,New remedies for .old wounds", rejectingmany older accepted treatments, and giving the proper-method of to- day. Slides were shown by• Mrs. -Papple and Mrs. Storey, showing various 'crafts' courses which are available to interested gi'oups. During the business period, it was amounted that a Clinton native, Miss Catherine Hunt,,has been named the new Huron County Home Economist. A gift was pre- sented to Mrs. Wm. Wilson for baby Bradley. Correspondence included courtesy notes i.and re- marks from Mrs. M. Davidson, Mrs. Lorne Dale, , Mrs. Wm. Millson and ,Mrs. G. Papple. for anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs, Dave Papple. It was decided that the branch would host the April meeting of the Huron County Historical Society, to be held early in April and committees were named to take charge.. The slate of officers for 1970 - 71, as prepared by the nominating committee, was pre- sented by Mrs. Ken Stewart, in preparation for the annual meet- ing,in April. Courtesy remarks were made by Mrs. E. Storey,and lunch was ,served by the hostess and com- mittee in charge. Eight" clubs are being spon- sored by the branch, for the 11-ii spring homemaking club, "Feat- rimmiimmrwim FORMERLY J-L VITAMINS AND COSMETICS CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY ...WHERE PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT COI.GATE DENTAL CREAM WITH .NEW FORMULA MFP. KING SIZE.— ,Reg. Prieegard 870 Discount SPEC. lc SAVE 30e ADORN HAIR SPRAY Regular or Firm 7-oz. Tin RIGHT GUARD . DEODORANT 7-oz, ; Anti-Perspirant or Reg. Reg. Pritegard • 1 Discount •2 1 C SAVE 42c WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO. LIMIT QUANTITIES. OffiGilfiga RAIN CHECK POLICY yje guorooree to supply you with the advertised rtern you wish to buy Somettmes not often for reo,OrIS beyond our control we fun out of on advertised stern. Our "Roiochock", Itt'es you to have your order filled at the sale price on o subscrlocnt visit to your PrItegord storo. • 5, FeDiSr FEMININE DEODORANT 'SPRAY 3-oz. Aerosol REG. PRICEGARD ,- DISCOUNT GRISSOL REG. PRICEGARD 350 BITS '111 PIECES 7-az. Box. S PEC DISCOUNT SAVE Sc 'S 1.59 SAVE 40c REG. PRICEGARD BY SHULTON While Quantities Lost I COLOGNE 5/a -oz: SPEC. SILVIKRIN' `SHAMPOO' TEAK REG. PRICEGARD Ad DISCOUNT - SAVE 22c 111111.1111•11111111111k CIGARETTES COMPACT S4 30 REGULAR $4 w 49 CTN. CTN. FREE MATCHES KING IS .59 LUXURY CTN. CTN. .89 Green. Special'. Pack SPEC, COLOGNE 2 1/2 -0Z. SPEC. AFTER SHAVE 2q-oz. SPEC. SHOWER SOAP. SPEC. AFTER SHAVE AND BATH SOAP. SPEC. AFTER SHAVE AND 'COLOGNE," SPEC. VASELINE PETROLEU-M JELLY REG. PRICEGARD DISCOUNT • • 290 :,SPEC. 25 SAVE 4c BRONZTAN LOTION AND ;REAM BY , SHULTON stock up now 'for the hot Sum- mer Months at:this special price. BANDTAID BRAND • Family .Pack, — 60's DISCOUNT 'SPEC• SAVE 30c 490 9.69 '1.69 9 49 '2.98 '3.98 First Quality Nationally Advertised Merchandise at Everyday tow Discount Prices 40NO04; 110 DUNDAS, 133 KING, At 5 RICHMOND, 226 DUNDAS, 432 DUNDAS BY N: 1283 COMMISSIONERS CLINTON:4 2 HURON ST., SEAFORTH: 2 MAIN ST., RIDiETOWN: 4 MAIN. ST., SARK A,: 135 N. CHRISTINA. AYLMER4 16 TALBOT ST., ST, THOMAS:, 471 TALBOT ST., STRATHROY: 7 FRONT ST., ST. -MARYS: 107 QUEEN ST. pledges complete satisfaction or your money is refunded! ALL SALE SPECIALS EFFECTIVE MARCH 25 TO APRIL 4 SCHICK KRONA EDGE D.E. 5's REG. PRICEGARD DISCOUNT ' HAIRDRESSING KING SIZE TUBE RgG. PRICEGARD ' DISCOUNT r 'NEW ! ! SPEC. SAVE 20c LUSTRE. CREME SHAMPOO 4-0Z.. JAR REG. PRICEGARD DISCOUNT 990 9 DETTOLEX DEODORIZER & DISINFECTANT SPRAY , SPEC REG. PRICEGARD 70 DISCOUNT SAVE 28c SPEC. SAVE ' 30c 1.09 690 BRYLCREEM SPEC., SAVE 26e . DRISTAN NASAL SPRAY . OR 'TABLETS — 24's REG. PRICEGARD DISCOUNT 1.19 SPEC. SAVE 32c- J.CLOTH ALL-PURPOSE TOWELS Stock -, up new for Spring clean- in. R EG. PRICEGARD • DISCOUNT 530 SPEC. SAVE 4c Req. Pricegord Discount SPEC. 1.69: flc SAVE 70c MODERNE FACIAL TISSUE Large Box — Asst'd Colors Reg. Pricegord , 330 Discount SPEC. 25 C SAVE Sc FAB With -Lemon freshened Borax 2-lb.. 10-oz. Rea. Pricegord Discount SPEC. size 1.14 3t SAVE 21c , BUFFERIN • ktr pringllard 1. ppe itceeg:rd offers first policy quolity nationally ad- vortised merchandise at (wriest possible 2, Pricegord p'edges of- hcient, friendly Ond courteous service. 3. Pricegard pledges complete custOrner so. Ttsfaction Or money refunded on present°. tion of cosh register receipt , PEOPLE ARE IMPORTANT AT PRICEGARD GILLETTE JEWOATIC REFILL 1.C1:-._.'30e Off SPEC. REG. PRICE PRICEGARD 'DISCOUNT 1.69' SAVE 40c .29 SCOPE MOUTHWASH 12-oz. Bottle REG. PRICE ' • Disco CARD 129 eNT SAVE 322" ANALGESIC TABLETS 100's Reg. Pricegord Discount ' SPEC. 1.39 9, SAVE 60e ON THE WIND SETS 2-PIECE SET. REG. DISCOUNT 1.69. , SPEC. 1.49 REG. DISCOUNT 2.49 29 3;PIECE SET. ,SPEC. Z.. EVENING IN PARIS SETS SPEC. 1.0 SPEC. 1.61 3-PIECE SET. REG. DISCOUNT 1.29. 3-PIECE SET. REG. DISCOUNT 1.89. uring Fruit," and meetings are well underway. Leaders in- clude; - Mrs. F. Sills and Miss Rick! Willems; Mrs. Wm.Little and Miss Hendrina Verberne; Mrs. Jno.. Taylor and Mrs. M. Davidson; Mrs. E. Coleman and Mrs. G. Cantelon; Mrs. Jno Moy- Ian and Mrs. Thos. Murray; Mrs. N. Eggert and Miss Grace Jan- sen; Mrs. G. Elliott and Mrs. J. Patterson; Mrs. Mac Stewart and Mrs. 'E. Storey. CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION By its. Railway-Transport Committee. OF PUBLIC'HEARINGS In the matter of the application of: 4 II- Canadian .Pacific Railway Company, to dis- ' continue passenger-train service between Toronto <N)arld Owen Sound, in the Province of Ontario, provided by paSsenger trains' Nos.-302, 306 and , 307; Ili-Canadian ,National Railways, to- discontinue that portion of their passenger-train service between Toronto and, Guelph, in the Province of Ontario, -provided by passenger trains Nos. 986 and 987. TAKE :NOTICE that the Committee has deter- • mind under its Order No. R-6313 dated August 5, 1969, that the . amounts which constitute the actual losses attributable to each of the above ndesCribed pasenger-train services in each of the prescribed accounting years are as followsf I (C.N.) II (C.P.) 111'(C.N.) For 1966 $414,073 $76,640 $126,955 For 1967 454,962 89,606 141,060 For 1968 480,244 .97,935 147,313 ▪ TAKE NOTICE ALSO that PUBLIC HEARINGS of the above APPLICATIONS will take place commencing at the hour •of 9:30 'a.m. at the following places and dates: . GREY CO yNTY COURT HOUSE, OWEN SOUND Commencing March 31, 1970 WELLINGTON COUNTY COURT HOUSE, • GUELPH Commencing April 8, 1970. It. is the Committee's intention to consider the application of Canadian National Railways shown 'in I above as the first order of business at the hearing in Owen Sound commencing on March 31, and then to consider the application of Cana- • dian Pacific Railway Company shown in Ii above in Owen Sound after the completion 'of The Committee intends to Consider"the applic on of Canadian National Railways' shown inobove at the hearing in Guelph commencing , April 8. However, all persons who wish to do, o .rnay present their views on the discontinuance o ny passenger-train services listed above during any of the two hearings and in, either place. ' Persons whb-wish further information respecting arty f .the above described passenger-train ser- vic May Write to -the Secretary,. Railway Trans- 00 Committee, Canadian Transport Commission, 2 dater street, Ottawa 4, Ontario. Dated at Ottawa; 0otario, this 26th day of February, 1970. C.W. RUMP, Secretary, Railway Transport Committee. E I-Canadian National Railways, to discontinue passenger-train service between: Aiea (Province of Ontario) Train No. ,Toronto ."—Palmerston 670, 671, 672 Palmerston—Owen Sound 670, 671/672 PalmerstonSouthampton .656, 668,•669 ' Stratford —Kincardine 662, 663, 664, 655, 666, 667 Stratford —Goderich " 660, 661 ; h Iv ALL