HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-07-04, Page 1i'7!)
•fall iroportations, nearly `200 pleecs of
some line. less. Strictly for coil.
ash, there is extra I alue, •
.1:1j, made by hest mechanics. or sold
iattirdwy, estit Juno,
of Nickel & Dore),
&mina or--;•,
•eighs, Cutters,
s, Road Carts, &d.
!ep and Open 13uggieti for the nextttib
rst.elass workmen, under the Eofer.
Indian's &o., done on short notice.
Isis will save money by calling before
WM. DOfl1, Winghnm, Gni,
c. 0.,
pairs for all kinds of Implements.
DS A SP:F....0±A.I.avIn.
141U11 R AY Lit. Oa.
my romsiry to the above tinnier a term
l-elaes mechanics, haring had extensivt
finance of the patronage extended to rnt
eLACE • 1.
new stock or
flice,.and is prepared to giv8
)..tvork. guarantetd.—
riaofi. of PriCet; invited
Istone will be given out.
Winghant, Ont. •
thine Oil
&Genuine Vail:line. AltCliier, e;
fult to intike teloney, toRe.fr4d001 ot
nary titbet. Now it4 thatria rite its it
terns. MAY tIROTHE
..eat.$ :nwts
m the 9th eon
Apply to
r salt, on Stunt part oi
of Tuuberrv.
.01111400k P.p., ant...
mhIle nre y vitatiobed sgshist
credit on :Tourist ssi Ain ;it be tee,
tor any it s. ittacteChs. unxone1n nil
titer this ate.," IHAAve !RELY:No
ea, Jai thii,S00.:
OL. XIX NO. 27
We have sorne'bargainsthis week
in..DA n's and 'Woirierl'e darse Shoes
that everyone shoold
We have two tables full that Wh
are clearing dut at, arid 'belciw Cat.
Dont wait until they are 411
sold before you call, You can't
'afford to MISS tills &lane,
• EVERT P.A:tt is A MI43.
We have also on our bargain
'counter some handsome braided
Dress 'Sts, at 'Ones that will seltli
Keeiernber Tli
Tcede at cost,
—The 'Wattled
Wingham °a Tue
...The Salvati
rneetiug iu Lowe
Leslie's cleating'betlo1 —Moe black 0.
to towu, Dick
Presbyterk will Meet in better than nay oiJi
aav, july 8th. —titrawbeiidir and tomatdes at the
11 Artily held a . camp Star restauran.
Town Monday last. —The old adag , "Tht it never rins,
—The year 189 is over half gone. The but it pours," wa ildrhenitrated Tuesday
longest clay j's tabt, Canada is over 23 last, much, WO 14r, to the dismay of the
yore old. •
many pleasure itsrs,
—bow is the time ngot.dish of pure —The Thus will be sent to new sub.
tie() cream at Hill's. eeribers from now till the end of 1890, fox
Bells•Factory and vintalitt *motor ° ta.
iok" has again •retured
orris to like Wirral=
er westeru town.
on Tueso.50 'last, here Obe' gve the 4:313mPlaints
Wroxonhufaisome g od mussio, strawberry crop,
• to be, After the
—Mr W T Yates is visiting frienat
Beam ed al an end.
Goderteh, Mr Yat •
ftieing made • that the
MA what it promieed
Osstaicking the fruit
spending Do moll
—Oa and after the at instant,' Messrs
•mine town. J Romani & §ou will sill all kinds of boots
lecture oa Macedonia, and shoes at Oet tor :Ash. Call and see the
d by a stadeas, immense seek awl get some of the 'bar -
oh t aht gains.
were crowded on the first
oing holidaynt. Some
more to Wroxetei and
lanech, left on Menai:4
Day and day after'i
—Don't forget the
which will be delive
the Presbyterian An
R B T. 0 RIR,
Direct Importer.
Ten tthE, une 20, 1890.
LOCAL lows.
—First 81 the season just arrivd,*Aet.
melons Etna oabbege at J. MoKelvie's.
—At oue of e grocery etoies in town108
limes of lrthwtM4e5 were wild ltuA Fri•
—A carload of Mani a wheat Was
received at tuttou & Carr's ill on Fri-
* "Y.
—Now tot the warm weather has come,
people who want a nice glass once, crest
and soda, Oltenia call at R resto.ur.
—0 aturday afternoon the 'large row
'IP Genitor's
lass panes were'broliea la
be.dly created.
have almost hecided
vol foi Ibe suuday the past week at t
—Honest goods at hon—The statiensest 'prices, for
honest pbdlp to buy, or W H WEllace'e with travell?s,
ewelry-Ettore, next deer to Post Office. vent to Brussels
—Mr W Lithgo las mad o arrate. most to Goderid
ments te'liave a Su day School class ;at —Mr J Bone,
Warwiels'eschool, o Sunday evening, at by the C P R. for
six o'clCk. boat for Liverpo
—The voltauteers eturned from Slcrat. made its appear
ford ou Sattirdity. one of them might far from well, a
never to wearhe r coat again, for acting of restoring him
in such a disgracefu way as they did. awl vigor,
—A. large stock o pia° apples, banisne., • —Leave your orders for §trawberries
oranges and lemons at J McKelvie's res. early this sesornand the "Eclipse" is the
tauraut, place to get fre& home-growu berries, aud
good full measure,
later in 111
Two large Pia
the fall end snot
ra Alex Rose reoei
Once, on Friday 110
Was dead. Mr Wil
man over 74 Yeltrs
respected by all
d the sad intern-
ing. that her father
il was 94 tsld geutle.
f age, muell loved 'and
ho knew Hb
was one of the oicles settlers in th pat
of the ocniutry, Lee s, MOtestia count,
Quebec, being a rest nt fcr nearly fort'y
years. The family ha-gbt widely apart
and separated,b1rs ose here in Wingarh,
two sisters in New ork, one 'in Litmbton
county,leaving only ne brotinik aiul sister
near home to look if r the old getleman's
declining years, Mee ilson having died.
some 17 years ago. he funeral, sve have
:since learned, was ve y largely attended,
everyone in the neigh orhood wishing to
show the last -token 1 respeet for one
whom they so highly e eemea and regarded
with r,
lhontreel, where he takes
wf :slut aheerartolla°4trbstitn
and yourself. •
Bigneal on behalf o the
00:90017 t;u
est quality of ileitis pita M.anitdba
ea t at 32,40, at A. BC, Carr's.
Chute Chimes:
On Friday event g, a lectuie is to be
delivered in the Pre
1, Ever sil11suncheff, a nativeof
the Grippe.
nee, Mr one has been student at Toronto
dress is spoken of ve
el Ise is trYing this means
el/ to his Wonted strength eat country papers
—The Pre triad
to hold twice crown tes
teohool children this
—Quite a fete of
tees iuteud Natalia
day afternoon wh
preachsd to 'them
On Sunday mo
men will meet int
'from thence to the
the Rev J Scott,
address them,
—Strawberries i
• as the "Brethren".
School were cloeed on Wednesday, on
e ntrance examination.'
11 preskcle over one room,
:, over the'other. Miss
for Mount Fbiest on the
n. The other roon:is cloee
he •Wingham Fores.
u Whiteohnreh —Two of the rooms a t tho
n a samba] will be
in the Pr esbyterian
ning nextthe Orange.
eir hall, dud proceed
ethoaist Church,when
M. A., &ifl especially
dance at
1,•.,"ts,0-: Alha= /Mown
ave had in their 'midst
o a. Mr Harvey, an
been • •eondwiting
evaiigelist, Who has
er, instettOf v. -gr
'to leols after the matter.
—As can be seeb 'by the re ort of thIGetorrof b'ilverlooks,
e erlhe supervision of
Wen appoitab snocessr
`.:Sehool Board 'meeting, Mr & MusgroVed ratFeaipryra.oTtihoee
to Mr Groves, as pincipal tie t e
Pubiki singing was good co saida:riklritgd
the chilaieln
School. • irst Of the sears n, last arrived, straw.
thing yon Want, alart
—Fare English Paris Green just tlateti, be—rries and 'tomatoes J HoRelVie's•
sticky fly paper,
ToWlealg »t1.§tdq4's --St Ratirs Church hinlvdecided to make
gio,us servies.
pionic. A committee has eeit appoitited ug a oodly numbe
accOunt of
Ur Groves
Mr. Robb, I.
VoIntyre lef
afternoon tra
to -nig
— our choice of 'Bity beautifill cham Cr
Lb(1or 3,2.75. at the'China House._
W. T. YAM,
On 'Friday eyes
turned out to heat t
in the Warn hell, uu
Prof Morgau and hi
iaglitdt ,School closed on
Sionday evenin for the Bawler holidays.'
The teacher, ihr
helidays areued
!tine the msisterie
—Prof btorgan h
*Ingham during au
will be prepared to di
`ulture. Sdlo singing a
Made known ou appliee,
'dence of Mr W F Brocken ire.
ricleioii, will spend his
°me, probably investigas
of lihe harvest lild.
decided to reinain in
and Atiast, and
lesetnig int voice
'on at tiitt: esi-
—Gent.113cliithes claned, ied, eepaired
and preseea else ladies' duds and dresses
dyd and prsised, Satieftiotidu guaranteed.;
Shop ou "VietoriesSts, ntiltsabor
ha shoe slhoi. MirCknins
Vreeeut df the old
Algoma Sabbath Soh
many privileges so v
dee good yet, and lho
—Mr T Wm on, late Of Ylirristpinhalt
°pima out a atoe
ery, hoOksoitatioa
tore, on Josephin
• by Slta Brook as
His announcement
'column, this issue
—The Valuable pre
'adto Mr Grolte, on
'Mr Ea Eitay. Itwi
Pectea On &sterility.
'till the a.so :itt. train
was a doubt arising in so
•Present being .iven that
of ,groceries, conetion-
ry, alb., in the hrick
street,lately occdpid.'
confectionry store
appelees in another
.dhs,ary to some
ol, who /lave wit, as
e enjoy.The books
otibt will be eagerly
4 10tN\
s• -•••That essintiineit-ia
waltiations, whiela. bega
W. Pendergast, Brussel
Mrs. Iirknaan, Seaforth ;
W. R.:Lugh, Clinton, D
Grovez, Vingham. At
examination, beginning
Mes, W. G. Duff and A.
Clinten. D. Robb dna A. 8
Thursday, are
; C. Clarkson,
ess. Turnbull,.
Robb, W. E.
he Teachrs'
ri the 8t11.
M. Burchill,
weleomea by the for nate eolaclol.
--Our stook of Gents Furnishinge, such
itis 'shirts, caters, cuffs, ties, all kinds of
underwear, &c,'is. very large and can't be
beatfor qualityor price.
,T J Hommel & Sox.
—On Satiirdely,tw junior talcrosse teams
• faced each other it the perk. The
teethe were ca,ptai ed by Messrs W
Allen and A. Grifin, But Allen and his
club were two much for the 'Wm team,
and won four string
—Mr J lacKelvie,
to his many impro
This time 11 18 a sod
capricious taste can
ranch to the impr
his address. He gi
of the iguorelttbe and p
down trodden 'people.
highly recommended
Odllege,, Sir Daniel W
era, and others.
after his education i
country as a. missinisa
welcome to this lectur
De made, but at the ol
be taken up.
Rev. 11. IlloQuerri
large Congregation on
subject being taken fie
zeal of thine house his
Saerament was disp
Church and the Congr
tiiiiday" limn:a& Re
rector, conducted. the se vice in St. Paul's
'and Rev Mr Shortt,v str, lin the Con-
There Will bele aerate
gatioual camel till the
July, when Bev Mr Sw
Word has been recei
Huhes, Listowel, has a
tation extendea toshim
by the People of Si. P
terittn chnrch,by Mr
ulgaries.at present a,
iversity. His ad -
y highly by the differ.
here he has delivered
as a vivid description
arty of his own
Ir Muncheff comes
y Dr Caven, Knox
lson, Toronto 'Gni-
He intends returning
completed to kis own
. Every one is
No charge will
se a collection will
Wishes for this
s of :Virg Groves
Wrzaas Mematon,
'Amu goriso,
Susie PgrrIrige.
pletely surprised,
e could say notl.
:ke sentences 1st
Mr Grovets Was 80 00
that for a few miuutee
ing. Then in a few br
thanked the ohildre and the teachers for
the botitiful prese t. Recovering himself
lie*poke of the p easaut six years spout ilt
Wingham school the relations existin,
nisei to be severed, • reseed wishes t6
•iheir future welfare, th 1 they might be-
come noble men and omen. Ile vot11l
rather one of his form r pupils Carols tb
him and said some o is lessens had done
him good than hear Waists pupil had wets
a double gold die al at an eaminatiou.
The water pita .r was handsomely en-
graved, with nein and date, Many eyeh
Were filied with to . Thechildren with
sober faces turned them elvde htnead.
was listened tb •by a
bbath lit, the
the words: The
eaten Me up.
used in St. Patil's
tional church "'en
Rev W k Slum% in t
church, on Sunday eve
congregation on the
at 80th verse, the 1
"Farewell." This
and the question for
howl° go well for time
. • ,
e CongrOgailonal
ing, addressed his
id chapter of A,cts
t Word in the vers,
ord 'taeaut to go 'bell,
aoh one of us was,
and eternity. It
was dll-important in the problem otlife to
have a religions basis, good foundatioa„
That "we have Proper v wis on the subjettes
Justification, Neeessi of nonvereion, ec.
This would be a god foUndation. But
having a good, timer and carrying out thdt
theory were differen 'matter. Some say:
No matter what onel ieves'; btit it deee
matter; right doctrine i the root of right
living. The Lord spoke mote tdiaderly tb
• the wreked Wel tb Nid dderouls and the
rulers. They 'waren so apt tothink they
needed a ohitag,e .)3fet britt said; 'Fa; too,
litizst be bdth'itltih.l. 11 men% eyes there is a
differenee iti Sinners yet in •Gos sight all
are isinneiss Vittiou it We 'would bo
a failure, he mightbe a le rned botanist, a
skilful zoologist, a thoro gh astronomer,
he might go into %wham as au orator sway
ilsirge audiences, as Pri e Minister, guide
the destiny of nation , but life would be a
a post without a r der, tossed by th
waves of the ties. o well for tim
and eternity ; Have a det rmination to d.
good. See false lights a up along th
shore, ao that the ship ay be pliniderea
Bead of the horrors of the shide trade
Picture the malice, eea, etc.; but
wishes to make life a snecess innet, ha'
opposite qualities to this . fle z»9t
good as he bas oppoAuni . The Saviour
the brightesexaape. ohn Howard spe
a lifetime ameng th prisms& Morello
Nightingale among 4 e soldiers, and 1
missionaries of o own hay, labor
foeign:lands. 1 ustry in one's callin
Young men setae • me etnployment it
use heligence. Ther are Various dange
for the young, as usements. Whattiv
requires late hours s injurious and wro
The human soul f like glass, a breath w
gets older, they pains
• —0. T It trains fOr TorWito and east,
leaste **Ingham at 6.39 amt. and /a.10
via W G 4B Division, and at '8.515 a.m. It
ant .840 v. m., vitt Klititon add 'Vetielvh.
Goda conneetionsty ell trains.
ent that Was preent.
odak, Was gotlfrfilii
shipped and
t it did not arrive,
MndaY. Theie
e rands io
y, laiivYer,
went off very 'pleasantly.
--Call at Op% Ross' book Mei° alaksee
the Laurance sport:tote. Sole agent once
E F Gerster left town.
g Was apentat
ug, It Was an
The garden
was lit with Chinese lante S. The little ler, Pleasant Valley
folks enjoyed theroserves thll Ong* au as upwards of tarty
their merry chat and laugliter ang out on o prcis ets are 'good
%he night air.. Ice crealia, lere mule', eake linueY, All is fav"" 'Mottle, consisting of eix me
land strawberries, made tfie eve ing pass the ve beo sda the
vokots to geose, N. NV/.
ell the more quickly and all 66 66 bed eet can be. VVelin'ONV 1
Rua tainit Ave fa all, left ou
time °awe. our jar la3/,t°4 a ve°Y Pott A.rtIir, Mrs Billingsley a
0004411-1+.• very nfeasant iveni
Mr erorne'lkondsty even
Itt hottle for tile little ones
/=-The Methodist Sahhat
iPionic on the first Of
Toblyn's prairie. The oh
RIM time, the swing Topes m
tired. Other gantiee were
and esoyonesoeined to go i
sportive afternoon. The
till evening, but then it ea
good heavy shower. Some
But the games had go
little folks had a splendid. f
Schod1 'held
uly, Dr-
ldren had a
st have been
so provided
for a grand
in kept off
e clown in a
ot very wet.
Well. The
ast, and none
lfo 'the Congre-
hird Sunday in
neon will preach.
ea that Rev Mr
opted the invi-
hrough the bishop,
uls aura, Wing.
M. roves
All the children wer
teachers Were ve
though the regular r
with, force of habit as
governtnent, and al
School was dismiss
lined themselves in
Many excited little he.
The wistful expression
faces proved some
happen. The teacher
giumbled much. night smile. Mr W E
• —For St Meirys, Port Arthur, Duluth. pal, was asked quietly
and all points in.tpe wst, pacific coast,and miss and come outside,
der/liner lake teers, etc, take one of the .4.
tin King 1., mime dream.
evening, the clouds whi
iug, now dispersed and
in* all iss gloty. Mi
stepped forwara axid rea
address to Mr GroveiwhIl
made the presentation
To W. E. Groves, Pal4;
Dan AND Basexcrs
resignation of the pr
public school, and you
a higher sphere of
year form': pupils
in a flutter. The
fobearing. But
were dispensed
ed the reigns of
went smoothly.
sl and the pupils
ront of the school.
Is beat wildly.
on mituy little
ing strange to
wore their Friday
Groves,the priuci-
t firroly to clis.
AA he obeyed,
It Was Monday
had been gather.
he gun came out
Laura Hodgson
the following
Willie Mallagh
goalss. stearners of the Beatty
t the Stdr,las added iia, connecting at Kincardine with train
ments yet one more. Winghwn 11.10 a in. The fine
tett,legrs the "tinted Empire" and "Cam.
fountain. The most pent, are now running reularly, to be
e suited, and it adds. f6noima, by another magnificent neW
ement of the tasty eteamer in a few week's. See c+ T li, agents
shop. Jimmy see bound to keep ahead. Oct -r ates of aaug, lowest passenger mud
flit rates, ete.
Apply to Mrs Dr Macdonald, Jeserhio. , lir jos Jenkina returne 'from Michi.
—A. good general. servant girl wanted -s.
street. gen Ste.te Nornaal, Ipsilan , on Friday
—blies Nello McH evening. There are 70 p pils at this
r. In con.
"ad organist of the Ch ..,
'pipe oegan, as the su Conservatory
his, however, 'will . .
the fourth
•blies Moliardy'e a de a succes.
this spri
The will be in Clinto uing is civi
week, but will carry flies be took
—MesseeJ 3 Iforautli & Son have aIarge b village in
luevale boy.
are giving decided bargains instylisil suits, to as many
stook of tweeds ancl all kinds of cloth, and
dy has been appoint -
ton English Church,
cessor to Mr Shearer.
not interfere with
ties in Wingharn.
three days of the
a hee class here *ait
bchool and thirty.two teach,
neethin therewith there is
of mulsio. Mr Jenkihe is
year of his course, heYing al
1111 third. year examination
The Course he is n;vi pur
;nginiering. In aaValiCeci 'Ph
I uty.eight per cent. Ite is a
*0 Yeatate to say there is
thie Piovince that can poin
sCessful students as Blueval
prop on and leave yoar order for a suit No •
trouble to show goods sad quote priees. •
Mr Peter A Mi
Apiary, Vitinghem; 1
colohies of hems. T
for a. large sUpply it
abbe. The hoes are
honey as sWeet us et
wheieof we :speak, it
shor't time,
Railway Notos,
WA Anlittod last weCk t�
Grada Truck excursion to th
TuesdaY week. The
Si,- -Upon your
•Ipalship of oar
departure to
befulness, we
nd co.workets,
are unwilling to alio the mutually
ttte:tat relations wh h have so long
dim it, As one.
bye motley bei er and become covet°
Be on our gua d.againt sin. Be nprob
prayerful, Wa . Some ae. taken
with busiaesa, so With pleasure,
subsisted between g to bo severed
withott some recogniti , on our peat of
year painstaking efforts h the meso of
education mad some e Pkeseion of our
about to sustain.
Dining the years we h JO been under your
regret at the loss we itt.
tutorshiP, we have re
we had in ,YOU hot o
friend who while cernS
ing the etriet duties of,hi
a personal interest in the
progress of every pupil committed to is
charge ; and who 311 01 hour of relaxation
Ontiun the by presence and. tot& le endeavoured to
wens on foster and encourage all those physieal
exercises whielt forte a 'wholeome and
neceesaq tocompaturne
ins....y • ••••=
Ors, took intellectnin training.
baens we shallioug look bac
the days, passed nude
town for
gnized the fac1 that
1y a Ode but
newly disoliarg.
office, took also
advancerrient nd
right road
There is itiWaye 1 ope that even the vi
1 -doing. Begib. en,
sinner raay ret n, even for thoae bo
by strong dti the libertine, "though y
sins be as Sea et I will mike them
white as snow, his might be the
titne the speaker ight ever see the
gregittion on 'art , but he hoped to
them in hetaen, He aia net wish to
there were tom in the congregation be
him he wishe he had never seen; bat
ODA listeued o the Word, and bad
er was that they n
e?eerynotenae.beRpirogr sive. Their hope
16e increase. T • etr watlabword be
olsior, ''Nare ray Gosd tbee."
choir sang ver feelinglk,"God bb ivft
till we meet h,in" Robert:nit
the slo, then th whole congregation
"bnce more bete e we tsart."
Tie emitting luaus° "Wee als0 it
'nature of far ell sermon, being a
i0Biti012 Ot the ap toliC benedittiout
graft et mit Lord, eons Christ be wit
all, amen, IIsi. 22 21. The attelidan
hotli.iservices WaS Oa soa a large et
Goottot, oluldre'ti toot through tiehote
4"I6ve"na //uHietY' wIlitewaslithg and kalaninining' in"t have s effect that Ur Clarke reaahed X
hroideris, 'Laces,
Ilvery,dertment -ll assorted. apitin,a,fid chat ith sotto of your ,nsighbors,:yho „..
!sleek olat or nargams itt aboN•e, • , bier you .)(gn 101100 bleatunV. in good witu car 10au
to Dress GeoAs, Medina. Ztn. hoe tiov t used alabastine fOk
ive • Tr. 1WdzAtbit. . •
oldnibirt. Word lite beet retei
ib,WA bri t; ti‘i
t to a. healthy
est monied that
with pleatthre to
our rule, and per.
n upon Squir ap.
fitable and reepon.
eta of uselnlbesa to
ed your iletits.
a hoe two mit no le toograttitate • y partitek of ilie Colt Italian in tht In
xtrago rnnbinetrnigiattiotoniaittn1 teur:• tv
Mr Shortt, wink) le ving not only t
a ti We %I lie , on have dor' other charge but other denoini
tib Thr' Phianitoe ask your a ceptanca of till outs on the boot of °ens film his
,,,..„„ rate Otobtr ».$ ti, tok Int the regard win 1 , .„ .. s,..,,, „_ ,
ezu4u, orAitein ip wirialN'cit, re ,,Ir14, by ,tlieso0 ncr!).-1.0% Aur c‘v 11011, 18 eXP
WhOiii S*011 ate 110W it' irin'e ilia with lt, ' iibeeeis on the tiara UM* 111300