HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-06-27, Page 7min iUM --DI rt1BL18ilEn- t11iit1PAY MINI --AT TRE,.- G 4OSE'PH1N:E STT11wE7 Fl=t , xII.4111, - q riiiiIU. oa pricot vi per year, In axivaneo IIVERTisiNC71(RATES; �-•,-� 1 Ina. 1 1 Yr. 1 is mo. 1 to -,--1 —' sic iia tis"" � � t'1° � } u o r 2000 12011 700 AQ( GU • 1 00 (( 00 ) t J0.. u oo I _-2__ --� _. other Cava advertisenionte,Ao, Par Bob aloe, I)4 0.. 1Rr Unq tor I* su3equet Ices, to nonpareil type, leo. for, first in Fie. per lino for ettob ahtbsequeat inserting Ace will be clanged leas than U 2ttuatiorcr. pentsofLost, i'onni),Stray. ,, s Chances Wanted, net exee0dtng 8 unie yi per month ad Fame for Sale, not exceeding 8 line''i, nouth, OOm per subsequent month ms will be strictly adhered to stns for lunger advertieen:ente, Or fol ids. •montrswithout specific directions, will bA Van. • u 1 , 7t d! . a•ct Y charged Lo t t w td •for bid a 1 gc advance iI a nforrcon rs utast er paid in a for Wednesdaya noon,ain order toents appeal, ip ,y. , It: maaorr PROTRIETOR OD VDE1.1e1:t ,C1)ONALi), JOSEPHINE .",',rREET,. ONTARIb E. eoevaEY, r man and general a efficiency t tidal: slut reity. Alemhnr olloge Physa ams :One of arl0, BFLORAVE, WT. At Methodist lege. TOW LER, M,D.C.M., ;ollega Physicians and Surgeons, Ontl 40. -Coronor for County of Huron - "TUB PHARMACY " • W ingham, at. A. MELI)RUM, nor Graduate of Toronto University, and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Of tad Residence -Corner of Centre and Patric occupied by Dr, Bethune. ;Comm • rANSTON E, Alti.ISTER, SOLICITOR., Etc., „Etc. and Company funds to loan at'ltiweet ratea end farm propelt)commission llbought and sol . tort it i;• --Beaver Block, lynrenA., Oar. J, A. MORTON BA11RISTER ;kc., wingham Ontario TER & DIClI(:INSON, . C. METER. Q. C. 1 E. L. Dt: esON, lit. A. t1STERS AND SOLICITORS, Eto., Etc., So- s for Bank of Hamilton,, Commissioners for afildnvite for Manitoba. Farm, Town d atd proporty bought and sold. Aioney (p'tt ) loaned on mortgage security at tt per cent, y invested for private persons; upon the beet: •age securities without any. expense to the r. Lands for sale in Manitoba and the North:. icc-fiend's Block. wingham. INTISTRY,-J.. S. JEROMIE, Wtfannn, Is manufacturing, Celluloid Plates 11, Vulcanite plates of the bestniatcria • as cheap as they can be got to the Dominion. All work warranted. getable Vapor administered for the painlesrl ,11wNoiiceutI' willoextractoteeethtforic25 cents JFICE : In the Deaver Block opposite the nswick Hotel. east* ENTISTity -.W. X. MACDNALI), 1VlxonA1. ��.. 'Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, !4fi ,.:.:7? Silva. Gobi, etc., eta; Plates, ranging l" in prices from x500 upwards Per set crown and bridgework. Teeth ex ted without rho least pain by thouse of Vital - i Air, head Office, wingham, side entrance op. 'to the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except - from Ota in to 5 p m. Will bo at Blyth every I and 4th Saturday of cachtnonth-oiliceatMilne s leo', toAlbion hote 8id w-A*tractu;eof a 20 each tsmonth- 'CEN 1UTCH1E, ` GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT IxeiiAn, j OBE1tT CUNNINGIIAMMM, INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE;• GUELPH. EDEAN, JR., wnteuAat, dOENSED AiICT Or EER RON R TiT•E' COUNTY Sale@ attended in any part of the 'Co, Charger dedorate. • JOHN C;1711,It'IE, WINGHAsr, Gra., 0 trcitNSE'D AUCT1ONEER POR THE COUNTY OF, $IIItON. All orders lett at the TINES office promptly at all, ed to. Terms reasonable. JAMES ItENIIERS014, LietolaaD Anchorman ro15rContent% ARMORAND -. All sales attended tel promptly and on the Shostes Notice. Oharges Moderate.and Satisfaction Ounranteed. All necessary arrangements can be innde at th 'ram' office atNfl Wu:eltxs,. BOLTON a HAWKKINS P, L, At D. I, SuRVEVost AND CIVIL ENOiktsit LIS t5Wst, Ara itiOliAM, 'ria orders left at the office at the `1i'e a will re* 4 prompt atteettoe Neild..for:live ,yell for everything,1 this he proceeded to do by bolding h iehole, , rill I ,1e, sweetly, 80 please i thfe apple in his paws,and nibbling oir let 11i R'ty U 5 0140 iaboilt it. it %vatsthe akin a little at a thee, and f,lrop• 3i lead n.x,iitiin; ti. 1 lost an enemy, but pills; it down; he would dexterously I 44044 a Meal, au l the betide off tures the apple around until every hit the two b'fys Met tri a Arm, love:.g !of the peeling had been outlined, and then eat the apple. Ile was often given the liberty of a room with :to ed doors, but unless the e door of his owls house was closed, lie would invariably ;o ()hok into it. Still he did not deem so very much. afraid of persons, but would come up inose, to, F'•rank WA take a piece of nut oti'' his knee, as fie sat' on the floor, but he never permitted any ono to handle 111511, `1'ith all the attention ]rank be- stowed on dint, and so many thing tlltat suited his taste to eat, it is no wonder he grew flat and jolly. 'Iii :tufa autumn Frank began towon. E' int 1 tie his h der where he could keep s pet winter. The hopse during the suers later, had been kept ou a portico, but somethimg ,letter than that must be devised ; variou3 plans, eugestecl themselves, but Bone as vet would answer; finally the mattes; was settled • buy there, • for beEUre he tam id be fur hall ; it Casae rimed, 111 this way: -.caught, 11e al r rag nimbly from one I. It Wits onci alright morning in the tree to etnut:ls,r when the treys were ol,.se together, or else to the ground, and whips [frank wa' descending one tree Oa sti'tirrel would. be climbing another, Two or three such attempts were n;stde, wtl;an Jff'auk, excited by t11d chase, risk; .l neck and limb, and jumped from the tree 2•1 the ;;rnuu"l, 'dose 011 the artuirtel who, surprised by the aadnciiy of the movement, was -easily capiuredl before he could get away, as they do not run very fast 'when ou the ;rouhtl. ' its was about half grown. Frank took lour home curl showed hint to the family with touch pride. • lie, was pelt into a barrel for safety c to his uest tor his niorn.ng nap for a fe .v days until something Te,t went to play with leer dolls,and 'bettor could, be found, than au old frank went offto school, with no pre, birds -gage was brought into use. ' sentiment of impending trouble. While in this he managed to get The other members of the house - the door open some way to get out, hold were busy in different parts of but as the cage had been pot into an the houae, and no one was near the out -bons' that raid ditty as wood and squirrel for some little time ; finally general stare -bouts, he hid away Tot grew tired of her dolls,and thought sarong some of the things, and after she would go and see if Diekt were a day or two showed himself, and awake yet. was coaxed hack into the Cage, where Going up to the cage she thought it - he seeule4 very contented. very strange that Dick. should 'be Frank heard of a squirrel-bouse,and asleep ors the lower floor, for he ,never • at once made up his mind toseet je it trusted himself there. but a111,'.aYs went • ,for Dick: He went to the store lvhiere up to the loft for 'his nap. shit she it was for sass', Olid asked the pride. thought to herself, perhaps lag .Cause Tlleelerk told him one dollar and a down -stairs before he got his reap out half. Thinking this was too maoll,he and was so dozy he dropped to sleep returned home resolved' to make the ftge•in she concluded he bad slept 0111 bird cage 110. • 10"h enough, and she would wake bine But the desire to obtain the house and snake hila 'do some tricks for which was in reality a very nice Ono tor a squirrel—was very strong quid he went wain, and succeeded in purchasing it lit eveu to lower figure ;than Was, at first asked. The 4.0LISe was mala all, of tin with a doable roof and chimney on tpp. The door was made so it could be 'securely fastened from the outside, so there.. was 110 danger of master ,squirrel f•,ruing it open. The windows ' wel,e barred with strips of tin. .Inside there was an Neper floor, and a flight of tin stairs leading to it ; and wisest Dick felt in- $ined he could ascend these, and take a quiet nap, sure that no prying fined• dldc could reach triol there. Ula the outside, attached . to one end of the house, was a wheel made .pf strips of tin. It was about a foot •and a 'half long and nearly cam foot auroSS. • This Wheel' was closed at one end, and at the other three • stoles large enough for the squirrel to go through, to • and from his house at plea - grasp. DIUK. WAS r a' the whole 1 t ae• v s ) t l 1 i t a a Di)1 t p hied,hied,li runt, fife UldedG ti) the yotllinr"41tit time flaulity t1+"v:i+r tired of wetelfiug his clanning ways :tea hri ht eyes. 044 yen hoagies what lie was 4 Some pts,, days a ho,;, }mother. a bird, tie perhaps ii 1:s11 W..10 haves dilolt auto bony ttr tliev$, u,lty think lid was. a 1 tyely baby nay, 1311 Iia ,vita nilitll1+r. •of these ; but to sg,tirl'el of the species kn.),vu Its wood or grey squirrel, lie was a dark gray, with a bu,.hy tail as long as lli3 holy ; flogs he hail snob a funny way of curling g i t over his back. Frank found Ions one dray in the rvu)•.la, aril after several attentptb ti�:tt}y ti;caee,it"d iLl crrtohissg his''s,. drank would follow' Mei up a tree, bet the sq'lirrel hail the advantage of the The ItrighteitiliPArItIfts. The largest perfect aiittuclhd in the world is new the Imperial, that Was exhidited ,at the' Paris Exposition last year, and which is valued at $1,000,- 000 'This is the most valuable atone in the world, and is owned by a svpol- (ate. The biggest arid. best ruby in existence is ow ed iu London, and is valued at $50,000. It is related that the Duchess of Edinburg Carried it all the way to lit. 1'otershurg for the Ozer tp have a look at it, The, finest private Collection of pearls in the world is owned by Madame D.osuo sister.in law .E f M. 'Thiers, • The higest emerald in the world weighs ..06Quarats, and is in the Iln- peristi Jewel (-Tutee in Vienna. The largest and costliest cat's.eye in the world is owned.by A:loorin"sn, of Ceylon who dun' it up.himself frorn the mines () as as 8' OU e•ed as earl 0 1 He tl� . kl bhigh�, .for it but declines to part with it' at that figure, saying- that if he liked, he could cut it up into -40 small pieces and sell each piece for about $5,000 aggregating pretty nearly 8200- 000. ' Carlota Faats rtespsott ; 'assn. Imo• Every adultinan has 1,400 square f of of lung surface ; or, rather, the mucous membrane lining the cells.' would, if spread on a smooth surface, 00Ver an extent ° equal to the above figures. A. (mall breathes eighteen tinaleb minute, and uses 3,00G c1 bto feet, or about 370 hogsheads of air per (hour. • The weight of the heart is from eight to, twelve ounces, and it beats 100,000 tiines every twenty-four batter part of September. Frank had iveu Dick his usual morning rations, rind with three-year-old Tot by pis side had twitched lista as he atL t Oil l,ls Il}nd feet, with that beftutiful tail thrown up over his hack, and nibbling the nuts from his cute fore paws ; and he thought nothing could be handsom- er for a pet than this very same Dick, with his bright, snep.piug eyes and jolty ways. . After his breakfast Dick came out and took a turn at the wli'eel, but he was getting so fat, he was a little lacy so he tired of this exercise, and went back into his house, aIld up the stairb Jotent • oil ealt Cures Lt-e.um&tS linisrloLM'S CORNER DRUG • Winghan' Agency, hqurev The capacity of the stomach is about five pints; it daily produces nine pounds of gastrie ,juice for the digeee tion of food. All amount of blood equal to all n blood the it the bodyase tllrou ll 1passes p ..� the heart every eleven minutes. The work preformed by the heart is equivalent to rasing his, own weight 18,600 feet each hour, the strongest machine yet built Ly man can, only raise its own weight to a perpendicul- ar height of .2,700 feat per hour. The Political,<'Nituation, Has not materially, clanged, within the. last year, but Wilson's Wild Cherry is becoming bettor known every week as a cure for Coughs, Celcrs, Whooping Cough, • Croup, Loss of Vgice and other affections of the Throat, 'Chest and Lungs. For twenty years this reliable medicine has been used n scores of families with the greatest success. Sold by, all druggists. Get the genuine in white wrappers only. Do you know,, Joke, dat dere is some truth even in the biggest lie? Why‘ Sam, how can dot bel Well, you see,. Jake, it is a fa& dat de lie am a lie, an' dat foo', you see, is de truth ob de matter. STORE "TIMES f1 SYWSC IRERSi. All parties who Ave not paid for the " TI " for the years lese and 18511, ore requested tare. mit the amount at once. We need., n1ouey, and hope this notice 'will. be isufllcient,, acid that fa gano,ral.. reslioiise will be the result". �ZTc1". ''r[�'�'�a� A MISS I ELLt7'' 1V10 .+ ;4DY,, LASSES Foij .INSTRUCTION ON TIAs!;? 4Ne, Organ, tis Vote Culture nd I C ga e Cn re a Harmony; °` Cony, Moei) Renata iy Braves, Blood. West Ern V\iool; i�i11s, WINGHA]VI MARBLE (ORKS' We wish to inform the public that, wo have these Woolen Mills in A 1 -running order, and will this season give special attention to her. Taking a retrospect et my, thirteen or tangoes, years business in Wingham I desire most heartily to tender my thanks to my friends and Alio public gen- erally for the liberal patronage extended to me n; the past. I may also state that I stn in a position to otter better inducements than ever to those requiring anything in the line of " Granite or. Stone Monuments, HEADSTONES, . WINDOW SILLS, STONE TRIMMINGS, - FOR FENCING, den I•iv0uld bepleased to have those desirous of pro. oaring any articles in my line to call and exanrirro goods, compare prima and leave them orders, so that the goods maw be Seeured, and prepared early in the season. You can select from the latest designs and obtain the finest workmanship at the most faverablo prices. host respectfully, yours, A lisping boy was oat in the back yard puundng on a tin pan. The father carne home tired and sullen, and being disturbed by the ,noise, cried, out; What is that turned loose in the bask yard, a wild animal? The Litt m fellow answered, Veth, thir, it's a pan thir.. - ADVICE To MOTHERS.- Are yon disturbed at night• and broken of your rest by a siokohild suffering and trying with pain of Cutting Teeth? 'If so send at once and get a bottle of ." Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is local nil - aide. It will relieve the poor little sufforar immediately.- Depend upon it, mothers • there is no mistake about.it. It cures Dysentery, and Dtarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels cures Wind Colic, aoftens..tllo.Gutos,- reduues•.Iuaammationt• •and gives , tone and energy to the whole system. "Airs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup'"` for children teething is pleasant to the taste and ie the prescription of one of the oldest and best tonna 'physieians and nur.les in Om United States, and la"'ior sale by all druggists th onrhout the world. Price twenty -live cents a bottl4. Bu sure and ask for " MRS. )VINSLOW e Swop,* Stour; and take no other hind Wily is the feeblest moustache 1{ke the sickliesttthil4?Because it Ota the most fundiing I, m all its branches; and will keep in stook ty : • • class of -first -dose ttrd,k such as Tireeds, Flannels, ito , ]lankett, So she gave the cage a little shalt Sheetings, • Stocking Yarns &c., iLc.,r but Diek did not stir ; then she shook it harder, but still no signs of wake lug. Dick 1 Dick I she called, why don't you wake. up 1 but Dick didnot re- spond by opening those bright eyes; and even touching .him with a stiek dud not make him move. At this the little ;irl beca,me.alartn- ad, and ran into the house cry- .ing • Grandmas 1 Grandma 1 Do come and see what is the matter with Dick, He won't wake up ! Grancttna came .out and saw him lying thele stiff and motionless ; and the tears came tit littie Tot's eyes when ,grandma told her tllttt Dick was dead, and that he would never please them again with hie cunning tricks, and they would have te.bury him in the ground. Frank looked very sad when he name home, blit he felt it womld be unmanly to let anyone see teats 1sa his eyes for .the loss of 'a. squirl:el, but in his heart he loved his little prat, and mourned him sincerely. mire. .Dick would come out into this 'wheel, and begin. by O'iuthing up the side. The wheel would turn slow at first ; Dicic would lfeep climbing, and the speed of the wheel increasing until it would fairly buzz. Then, tired of this lie would scamper back into his home, to see if perchance some stray nut `had rolled off in a caviar. It was never ceasing delight to the 'children to watch him eat. He seam. "ea fond of ut'ist everything, cud, t ant sorry t& 80 a glutton, and therein (made from pare wool only) cheap for cash or a.. change for drool. Customers front a distend: can have their rolls house with them the ware day. r_ gli'Highest market price, in cash for Merchantable, Wool. I;\ GLS & CO'Y., • Wingham WM. SMYTH, •W inghnn, Ont. lies the sequel to his sad fate. What a Cent Can Do. ALLAN LINE ROYAL 11Sr AIL STL1AirISi1IPS. CHEAP EXCURSIONS to EUROPE. Montreal or Quebec, tn' Derry or Liverpool. FIRST CABIN, 545, Singled 595, Return. RATES, 545, 550 and 500, Single; $95. olOO and 1115 Return, acca 0ording to location not 0y Staterooms. Ao SS. PARISIAN, or Julie royage of SARDINIAN. NO CATTLE CARRIED INTERMEDIATE, S3O. Return, 500. Steerage' at lowest rates. Apply to H. it A. ALLAN, .Montreal, or HENRY DAVIS, WINGUAM =LAND 'LANI SAW MILL The, common copper cent, the insig- nificant tenth part of a dime, cm reu"" der useless the vast propelling force of steam. Place a cent before one of the :runt wheels of all engine its such a manlier that it rests firmly ou the track and against the wheel. Then, though the engineer puts 011 the greatest possible head of steam his his engine will not move. That little opper roust first be taken away. W?NGHAM fLOUflIflG MIL�S The undersigned wish to tender their befit tbani R for the liberal patronage given to our Orin during• •severalyears prior to the burning of our mill by in- cendlaris,n, During the past season we have re- moddeiled the town mill to the latestapprovcd ays. tem of Hungarian Roller Process mil ling. We be lieve wecan now give better accommodation than ever before. We offer Prompt Dispatch,. Fair Returns,,. QUALITY SECOND TO NONE IN THIS SECTION. • And by close personal attention to the business hope to be again favored with a trial by all old friends and many newones. Yours most respectfully, HUTTON & CARR, I beg a thousand pardbne;:for coal•, ing so late, said a pompous, • guest; to which the good.9natured hostess •cordi- ally replied; Oh, any dear 'sir, . dqn t mention it; I am sure that you can never opine too late. Why allow your life to be made miser- able by buzzing insects, when Wilson's Fly Pads will 'annihilate them and give you peace2 Try't'hem. Sold by all druggists. Stocks and bonds are called secur- ities,. but that does not always make them such, Why ought slander to he made chief of detectives? Because it is ire- posible to esea•pe it, A child may be, suffoo .ted by a batt Attack of Croup. Wilson's .Wild ' Cherry gives immediate relief and quickly ci ires Group, Wheopisig Cough, Cold in the Head, Bron, chide and similar diseases. Get a bottle and keep it in the isouse, it may save your ohild'sllfe as it has dodo in inany cases. This so pleasant that children take it like WO. 1• or Coughs and Colds in adults it liar; no equal. Get the genuine in white wrappers, It was some time before it was dm -This bit of knowledge will be of value m rtvered that he was a drink"; but { to him who wishes to delay a train Several minutes for a prOClasthlating companion.—Albany Journat. "rank was too much of a temperance boy to,give hire anything but pure sold Water, of which Dick was very Mond. lde fed hila nuts of all kinds, and it was so amusing to watch him nibble ell; the shell of the smaller nuts, and pick out the meat ;; -larger nuts • had to be cranked for hint. Ile was �..- • cite fond of wd,tor•irielen, and would A hypocritical fellow in Paris in pit tip, hold a pleoo -iu bits fore pawe, i striped over his floors Let no evil and east all the red juiey part. He i enter here. Talleytau3 wrote under: liked Limb apples, but dirt not consider . Py what lloor 40os tide owner it genteel to eat them without peeling ; linIter? GEORGE THO.MSON, Proprietor. • Lumber of all kinds, First-class Shingles, and Cedar Posts. mind wandotiaitonied. Booksleernad in one reading,TsetbnonIale from. 011 porta of the gobs. Prospectus OT pass; teens en application to t. A, LeMstte. 581 MA Ave. Now treks Win ghani Mill, Oct. ?0 1580. A •C•HANCE In the liarnozsBuint Oat Meal Mill Opened. The undersigned desire to inform far In ers and thb people generally that they brei reopened theirs Ong Meal Mill in Winghem Aucl aro note prepared to purchase Oats i • unlimited quantities and at the KN IOH JE i :t Wishes to intimate to the people of wingham antis surrounding country that he has purchased ' the harness business •lately tarried , on by Messrs: J. J. IIomuth J Son, and will conduct it in the building one door south of blrT A WWi11e' store. u Car " Load Orders a Specialty, Highest Market Pyles. WOOD deliveredto any part of wingham. ,�Y jj' ''"��' f+ d.JOrd by'ntalipromptyattended:tq,. ELDER 4:7a- CLtGG, GEORGE TiI018SDN,, �.cmyr wingham P.o3%rx1N7 c -=i..& r They will supply eastosnora with the E sx :Or rsAnts in Oat *Meal. Doul ii AND ' SINOLE HAI, N:E:4.W. heavy or lightt, tnado to order, A • fan' line ot, horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whlpe ` Currycombs, Brushes, etc, always on hand, Repairing nu promptlya'do Tho patronage of the public solicited, and Ionia work and material guaranteed, I THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES V SiIVEH AWAY 'YEARLY, When 1 gay Ctiro t do not tiff,, �..�. .- ruerely 20 stop thorn for A brae, And theft have Omni rreturn again. elle .� AA e•png study. 'u 1 itittrrant naydrelnedy to Cure ti the Itpl Cat , tea 7g • e est oaten, ise endd of tiro+ have of smiY * reason x411ilittf RC rd . Give. Mentes* Ere to i rind free for a treatise bat WW1. it toots ftlIot6lrt for it trial and it �,II�1k p�f� c+!!��,��ws:•41+ �. '�. • C. KNECHTEL wypgham• March 4,1500., MATTHEW AMBLER HARNESS MAKER, stag on hand a large stock of fofsE DLANNETS, • nuntiyCOM0S, BRUSHES, wEltos r~ TRUNKS, VALISES ON Which wftl bo sold at bottom prlool. tk/QINNt;IIS, doohle or 084 ;nada 50 ofd ' short notice, and eatt,taention etarahteed. l`.A •colt tbhleittd. SI;OI'•+-OppOsitethhtllaek of Inanition. AM.&'tTlINW 3altik t: `eigRWtl, ht. Oil i$p;