HomeMy WebLinkAboutWingham Times, 1890-06-27, Page 64t01,111 11111 IIIICS il±•RI D4—y, JUiN1ii 27, 18JQ, rear lot. 4Co,forth!! -0' temperance band! 00.your godlike mission tMind, a I helping e o I And swiftly r a To the fails,;, drink•fettered slave. r -en the reeky'otests of Oleootroublous titres Seta light o'er the hidden shoals. , There. are barks to be saved from ce rt' °eln'ne ,:That are freighted with human souls. O RSiOAN YEM ¶d Ctutom That IDNiI Often Eictlertished Entire `Nmillew Mould a 'Cersicau, in revenge for in- jury done to himself or hie relations, or even to his dog (wide Horse, kill another with knife or•coup .de tush, public sym- pathy sustain% hila, the hills shelter lum, Ids relatioiia feed ;him, and jpeetice, in the 1 shape of gendarme-, winks with both eyes unless the murderer be very un- popular. ndit popular. True, be is'termed'a > and has to take refuge in the macqui, as the natural bush is called that clothes the mountain sides. 'Weil informed Cor- sicans..tell one that there aro at this mo- ment in the islanri'over ono thousand in hiding. ' But please understand the bandit is no rI"and, Should you, defenseless, hap - '4 Let eounds of goepel.'prelude, Grandly sweep through the haunts of sin; Till ieringin,', chorus at hosts rescued, be Will not ,alb Shottt the notes of our battle hymn, I ip n '. If044 0 not. the the ordeal be trying, pen to fall in with hien, Nor dream that thy strength shall fail, 1, *your purse, but on the contrary, Offer • u food, if he has it, and Ilhelter in ids minded, i"'at? ;Fat- Faith, icor, and I boa. In a fight t►t Spotaylvanie, a dirty red lifted his gun and fired. I wes`seered,1* tell yez. He struck me right under me leis ,teaet, Capt. Spear ----lint it it struck where you say, the ball meet have gone tihrengle your PllB>!,tC, t Orrics Big" Bookstore, heart and killed you, RIPLEY 06T. ..•T ! h oar want Ia suprlytug. e ,ova The Welty cue 1 he shall prevail, •r AR N ES. The currant worm has arrived, and has 'started to work; get your hellebore on haled, or the leaves will soon be gone, Now is the time to prune your fruit ltreeeAum ; ottt Out the black knots fron your p. Away with the. locust, poplar and, willow; 'they are destroying your gardens. Cut down des.d trees and make fire wood of them, bug basof the The olerhdo beetle ur • potato life prevails there' can be no hope 'tome to stay apparently. Re is more plenti- extinctioh of the vendetta. till this year than usual aul very active and An English gentleluan,Vapt. Gr, Who lull of business. The ( auadian thistle af- has no 1hive1 fo somer n own property, or fifteen fords him shelter when he comes to the years Cold inc the following story: "It seems surface, after his sleep of nine o mouths, that' one of this employes of the former And be waits with the patience of Job and proprietor, fancying he had serine grudge all his relations for the first alppearanae of, against the new owner, ivade himself the young stalk, Mother bug has not been 'objectionable by breaking down•fenCes, driving goats and sheep into the gardens idle either, she is fully prepared to settle and annoying Capt,:G. in other Ways, +upon the leaf and lay an innumerable snumber,of eggs on the under side 'of it. Capt. -G. happened to.. mention tike fact Almost as quickly as the King moth as- of tilt man's enmity, and deplored it as sumes the colors rivalling a peacock -after man, anav hbo ile ngto a proprietor, aind also it breaks the cocoon and appears wingless g 1 h he was on -do these deposits take form, and the 'ivholo corepauygo out to do battle 'against 'nature, armed to -the teeth, and as bent xt'Ipon destruction as ever Napoleon's army *wall. Mau has to fight the rascals, and ',the contest keeps him busy daily. A dose (or two of Paris green reduces the number ref those pests, but the keeping of a;pair of ;peacocks on the farm will utterly annihil- :e.te there -they cannot colonize wherethese iltenelsome birds are'kept, as they become :'food for their representative of a warmer 'ciitn'e as fast as they make an appearance. jA. cave, and most probably refuse any pay- ment for his hospitality. It is only his foe's family against which he wages war,, .and of course in self defense with the 'gendarmes. These latter he will shoot with as much unconcern as a woodcock. And yet, though the Corsican will not rob you, it is not because he does not love honey, For, a very few francs, both Corsican gentlemen and English resi- dents aver, you can find a man who will do your killing foryou and rid you of :your enemy with knife or bullet. And while 'this hitter •contempt for 'human BAILIFF OF EIGHTH DIvISION COUR, iSSUER or MAR- RIaGE LICeNsES. WINGHAM, . ONT. ' CHS- .•APM- AN,^•°....,,."_"".•'""",."`.. .-..•n•- t" LICENSES, NOTARY ISSUER or AfAR Coal E ANGER, Ere. ' t at Low hates c heart Vas fn l Seaitrity me pat -Oh, be dad, sort Vann me mantle at that time, -- — hh Money to Loan on Notes. Sotlln anoonsc )14111th -Ill.FIiIlLISIfED-- 1 E '1,",III ir14PA'II' ORM, r * --AT TnE-- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE' STIffeke wINGNA11•, O 'T..RIQ. 4( tdubsoriptionpri e, yoar,fnat banks 11loncytoLoanon ,un I iFlt"•ISINO RATES: 'ItItOrG4t. No epuunlssioO charged. spot) 1: 1yee 1 Oma, S'xtt_efee. Oitov in" Quo 00 itt36 ee 1 &+2U 01i 'Vit . • halt 85 00 kc 0^ 1 4 4 t eU aftlbulislr s'b 1ieVetl to a as Quartan " Ge JU lfi Q0 I $ 00 µ l 00 action. + h I) 0 I - r- aC ,o m l (t1 1 iA S trance ti l O a@ ` I TS ladYa t 'Vjiils91l s '1y Tads to Slaughter house Floe in millions. and effectual, They aretlafe, ';sank,; A boy named Lnrn'?I Soott was Oeowued at Owen Sound Friday evening. The Department of Agriculture' has taken measures to prevent a cholera outbreak in Canada. The members of Jarvis Street Baptist lurch, Toronto,have decided to pay taxes C .I on the asseeseitbalue of the property own i ed by them, The annual exoursion of the Canadian. Press Assooiatiou will take place on the first Tuesday in, d.uguBt to Chautathvuu and New York. It is decided to hold the an• fluid mee„iug in February, mhe exeeutive of the Coutral Farmers' Institute recommend the appointment of two practical farmer M 1? P's to ;Ill two of the three vacancies in the Ontario 3Gov- erometit. Mr Nicholas Awrey, th Weutworth,aud Mr John Dryden, of South Ontario, are suggested as fit and 'proper persons to take the two portfolios. Premier Mowat might do much worse than adopt the ticket of these progressive agricultur fists. No doubt he will give their recom- mendation his meet earnest considertion. AT 11Z,f,SONABLE ItA.TBS. Money advanced on Mortgages at 6 R.ecent. with privilege of paying at the end of any. year, 1 c it act ed. is a c ou 1t and accounts ' D 00 "IN T. NI9 08 It Orvtuir,-Beaver Btgok. fvfnehatn. OA. t_ BA.NK OF HAMILTON, Capital, $x1,000,000. Reste$d00,000.' President-JottN S'ruAR•r. Vtc•Peesideut-403. R MSAY. I'QT'R•wCTC1tl Musty clover makesbad hay, and one 'reason for the mustiness is that the clover Was not property cured.- ,No one should •cut clover in the Morning, end expect to haul it in the same day,for if he does he will have musty clover hay beyond doubt. Cloyor contains a great deal of sap; and the thick stems of this plant part with it very slowly. Every farmer will tell you that many times when olover looks dry enough to haul to the barn, if you twist the stems into tt rope you can wring out water from them. •Clover, as a rule, should be frown in the afternoon and be left in the swarth ,over bight. The dew will not hurt it, only possibly blacken it alittle, As soon 38 the dew is off inthe morning, shake out the heavier portions, and when the surface is dry, rake into small windrows; shake these out a little if necessary, and Boon aftet. dinner the hay will do to go in: By cutting the clover and allowing it to lie on the ;;round overnight gives the sap. in the .stomp an opportunity to go in theleaves, and the process ofevaporation soon rids the hay of its moisture. Clover should be tut•about the time the blossoms fade, as at that time it contracts the most nulirimeut. It should be well cured and the danger is is caring it tail little, while in oar- ing timothy the danger lies in curing it too , much. right at this point there id an an. conscious loss in the feeding value of the . hay crop, which our farmers will. do well o remedy. _ Rare Curiosity. We were shown tbe other day a curiosity .n the :nape of a very old coin which is now o caned by the Session of. the Presbyter• Se:4n ch•ureh at Walton. It was coined in h'oul sometime between the years 3550 and d:,n A 1), and during the reign of the Em• .parot MagnetltiW'. The ancient monarch Was horn in the year 303 A D. proclaimed Emperor aft i :ntuu in 330, and killed him. in 333. The Cain is dark• colored, about the siee.of an American cent, and bears on its face the side head portrait of the above - Pleasant, `alley Apiary. PURE ITALIAN QUEENS to a shepherd With v1 om dolt SALE. Ss 00 friendly terms.'I Tested Queens, during May .. • • • • • • • • ... •' 1 00 "Let me know if It continues,., said i •• during June 1 00 ” ^ t Untested Queens, after June lStlt or 6 untested, Queens after Juno 16th .... • . • • 4 00, -Comb Fogndation on hand, for sale. - ogle PIfbOTOR. GRAS, GUItNBY, GAO Poem!, A, T Woolf, A. B• LBR (Toronto,. Cashier -,1. TU1tNBULv. Local anis other east's um,t r first insertion, turd Sri. per line tor Seel' sutseq insertion. ,e 1(tO, tor that In Local notices, in nonpareil typo, i ser tin. a t t n .,, b. C ten i r t,nd fir„ per lino for o.,41 su q a sort o t, Na heal pedes will host, Pound, less tit etll Sitaatiort, Advertisements ofl,ast,k'auul,Stray. ,, and Business Chances Wanted, not exccadml 8 ititin nonpareil, S1 per u,°nth 8 line,, Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding, 51 bestne41y r subsequent month fol Special rates for lunger advertisonlents, longer periods. edill forbid Advertisements andout (Mergedi*collie accordi accordingly, will n• . 1 serf d Mary advertisements u,uet he aid In ativanaobe Changes for ednesday noun ,sin order to appear _lir the Mace by. that ween Ila 'ELLIOTT PneraIFT°R AND it0n11Nxi$:t • iswrote, Po, rev lii,k Savings Bank holm, o s; Seta dys,10 to I. Deposits of 51 and upwards allowed, Special Deposits also received at current - rates of interest. Dretts on Great Britain and the United St to bought and sold B. WILLSON, AGENT, MEYER dt, MORIN/80N, ns. the gentleman, "and I will Babe man taken over to yonder rocks and you won't hear of hint again." til will arrange for a little coup de fusil whenever you like to give me 'the office,' " said the berger. This was fifteen years ago, but even now it.ie'said there is in Ajaccio alone at least one murder a Week, though these outrages are so bushed up by the author- ities that it is difficult to get any reliable. statistics. I never, for instance, 'saw the acoount'of any )murder in the little local French paper 'Le Railleinent, the only one Mink, in Ajaccio, but this proves nothing, for there was undoubtedly one atrocious crime committed in the village Bocognauo, about twenty mile's off, while we were at Ajaccio, for particulars of which I vainly studied the'columns of Le Ivaiilemeut.=New York Times. I. also have a quantity of chaff, htt es and mall hives for sale. • 'a Carpenter and tie pattended to in all,Its branches with neaPETER AWS ghhmhF aar,out. How Max O'Rell Woke the S•ervnnts. When he first 'came to London MaX 'O'Rell took a !little house in a retired quarter of the city. About 2 o'clock one -morning the whole 'neighborhood was -aroused by cries in the street; somebody was shouting at the top of his voice: "Murders Fire!. Thieves!" and this hub- bub was protracted until everybody in the locality watt at his window in a state of violent alarm, It was Max O'Rell, who, returning home at this unholy hour and finding himself locked out, took this way of arousing his servants. Finally, standing in the middle of the street, the cynosureof all eyes, O'Rell lifted his hat, and, howine. politely this way and that, said: "Thanl.s, goodneighbors, for your friendly solicitude; having awakened the concierge, I will pow enter my home." Who but a Frenchman could have dobe that thing in just that +nay?•--Eu;ene Field's London Letter. Chance a Great Factor in Life. Experience shows that chance, nr what we call chance, is the most active agent in choosing a profession, though this should not prevent the young roan. from faithfully considering • what he is going to do. In very many cases he will find that he has mistaken his calling; but he has not for this reason necessarily wasted his time in seeking what proved not to be available to hila, 115 has been Lidding to his knowledge and his e.pe- •kience enables him to act more wisely in the future. He has developed his pow- ers to a greater extent, and thus discov- ered •wimt he is fit for. One tiling ut- most always leads to another if the can- didate has stability and "push." -Cor. Buffalo Express. OAR LOAD FOR S All the most approved varlet es for Ensilage purposes. MAMMOTH SOt1TFERi SWEET, RED COB ENSILA E, GIANT PROLIFIC SWEE.2, *c. ID A 91 I IS OFFERING ON A•E53& PEOPm1rM—r .AT YEBY LOW RATES. • E 111M OFFICE -OPPOSITE THE MARKET wryeltAtl OoTODBR 'IT1t. lab DR. ,R. MACDONALD, • JOSEPHINE STREET, WINcuA11, HAL TES SCOTT pll. l ?nest -class h ist Toronto Um and Surgeons et Fa GODFREY,. r man and general city. Atemlar ario, Oillce-At.Dfethodist sago. ,W B. TOWLER, M,D.0.SL, ONTAR1b ofelencyi Oat. ';loge Phys ax.s Bttl•oaeva, ANT. Member College Physicians and Surpans, Ont ifs, , -Coroner for County of Huron Office at " Tun PnansttCT" • Wingham, blit, It. J. A. MEL'BRTIM, honor Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Of Ontario. 01300 and Residence -Corner of Centre end Petrie;: streets, formerly occupied by Dr, Bethune• 0x WINOltit • _• _ 13A1\1-1R'S, IosephineStreet ' ' Winghaml Ont. R. VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Itc,,_Etc, Private and Company funds to loan at'Ibw st rates intcresti•No perslde' or ri• and commission urht and sot. OPPICE-Beaver Block, WaNOIIAM, Orr. •J, W. Score, J. A. HA Mount Potest, Listowel: Deposits Ciiceived and Interest AllO wed. Haney Advanced to Fax'111.ers and Business Men, On long or short time, on endorsed notes or collateral eternity.. Sale notes bought at a fair valuation. Money remitted to all parts of Canada. at re>Asonable Charges. Special Attention Given to Co14. ',acting Accounts and Notes. LE. Agents In Canada -The Merchants'? Sault oOtlico Hours -From 0 a. m. to 5 p. m. ' A. E. SMITH, Agentt- ltnglfsl,ntan Deeply Shoolcod. The Englishman vii condone every Ruled Emperor. It was given to th01 erelietien except an infringement of WaltonWarner, of 1 custom and tradition, Talking together Se ssion of Mr Thomas. in the smoking room of the Rotel Mee fropeleone evening not long ago, aparty of gentlemen discussed' the peculiarities la poait,,ir, of appetite, One of the party' said he' r --- bad seen, a few clays previous, a friend eafing mustard on his roast, mutton, General stirpris, was ettpressedt by tlte.. others in the parte; one Lni lishttltti 'wag deeply spooked, and I s'lhall never.. fo• -.,t the pathos in bis tones as lie CahOCtatt, New York, in exchange ciburclt.token such as ie used fopal:erch lernlrertellipbytbP cengregation, -Soaforth inquiries concerning a number of or. .:bardw in M,iddleeex, Oxford and other Vie ; nrll Ontario Rootiet's elicits the fact unit the iujnry.t0 apples is very general. dst rttefs . theta cannot be half aerop, and pro"5abiy, Ilouoh less, The pear, plum and •ati'ger.frttits Riave not ...ffered to the sante 1,ttelleet . •4,1'4 ,.. a. 03.E OOL 40,000 Pounds Wante Look out for biggest. prices co sistent with outside markets +'ull line of our now i'a chis :BARNS, LPL NELS, SN El 11.U$, TWEEDS, &c.,tlow o hand A.Nee is the time to paint your houses, and 3, A. MORTON BARRISTER ,kc„ wingham • Ontario it'll EYER & DICHINSON, Hz W. C. MEYER, Q. C. 1 E. L., DIOKINsON, Q• A. 1st 1 ore forEBank AND of Ilamiitoll, Commissioners for Village affidavits boughtfor aandbold. Ilot. neyo(private funds) property funds loaned op mortgage security at 6} per cent, Money invested for private persons, upon the beth mortgage seeuritics without any, expense to the lctBder. Lands for sale in 111aniteb2 and the North: ,vest Offido-Bent's Black. wingham. J)SNTSSTRY,—',I. S. JEROMIE, 1'tiseura , JIJ ti l Is manufacturing. Celluloid Plates V icy Vulcanite plates o! the best materia. iti as cheap as they can be got in the Dominion. All work warranted. • Vegetable Vapor administered for the painless extraction of teeth, the only safe anesthetic known. TARN' NOTtCO.--I will extract teeth for 26 cents each OFFICE : In the Deaver Block, opposite the Brunswick hotel. nENTISTRY-W. if. MACDNALD, Wlsol4A4t. JJ Maker of `Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, , tip Silva. Gold, etc., ete„'Platcs, ranging er act crprices ving and bridgeupwards orlc. Teeth ex traded without the least pain by the. use of Vital- ized Air, Bead Office, Wingham, side entrance op• posits the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 0'1110 to 5 p n. Will bo at Blyth every '2nd and 4th Saturday of eachnionth-Ofliceat Milne s Oftice,,atoAlbion hotel. SI tweet q 28 tsntonth- E 419 PINT.. —is the — BEST in. the WORLD fi th eau* Nonolvtela Paint Co,. `eeland, Ohio," Wasoha the est [ane` 61. .( . JOHN.RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT wl,0nAht, Ready Mini* Pains,: Yon can got any shade you desire, in quantities costing from 10 cents upt. asked: "1 beg your pardon, sir, but did' th i the fellow live?"••• -•'linden's 1 it'Xci's Bette,' • kor Whlto'tashifg and llalsominln3,ask for and dbn'i take Anything else. °eviler, P OBEET CUNNINGHAM,L ` INSURANCE FIRE AN -D MARINE;, GUELPH. '.o:* A. Mina itt Gt. ,•AR.'):114' .ih' 147 +'ttO$,ANTS, .. ... ,._. • liVi11,111ttiii, • p DEAN, Ja.,. Wi1onAM, LICENSED AUCT ON E R RON•R TtiECOUNTY ' COUNT• . Salts attended in any part of the .Co. Charger Moderate. ` JOHN CURI4IE, WnecniAu, ONT., 74OIfNSEn AUCTIONEER POR ,DIE CoCNTY Off, HURON. Ail orders left at the Wigs office promptly at en:I.. ed to. Torras reasonable. JAMES HENDERSON, LteaNSI,D AucitoNmenP03BCOusT11tt SiveON AND All sales attended to promptly and on the Short's Notice, Charges Moderate;and Satisfaction Guaranteed. All necessary arrangements can be trade et th 'Ticks' Make Oaf:, BOLTON At HAWItI11S P. L. tit D. L Seitvnroas AND 'Cion. ViOntinita LIS CIVIL Ai'5 NINGEAM, i 11 orders left itt the office of the' 'Vitas will res tllit prompt attention: L.•. .. , or:live 3 Ni11holit, Al, l ,ie, lot cls s:4y, it 1 in no q, bad n.,C,t1H4Iti 14 ` £ ;411iO4 a friewl,. the tw.1 lb ly', iiidl grasp. - Disk was a pet hold, li'rtxtt4 tip) I tUN f:4ilill Y nl'y:ilL canaille; ways :411! 044 you 41;1114 ,3-,ttiitl. Ulla says a. pQrllitihi d 1.14,1 •;r batty itr„thQrd, 111 % tyctly baby bay, Of these ; but a kaJ,Yl1 11411 w001 I Wa4 a dark gray; lou as Ilia ne ly funny ' Way of b:u:k. ]?'rank fouo11 weo,k, ani at Iiu,lily 111.40401'•( .Ii'raul( would fol the squierel lt;4i buy were, ' for -caught, he s11 tree 40 tivlll:t.i l cl.,se togt'tllt'r, atld tVllil l 1''rttu tree the stl'lirr another:, Two were 1latttle, tv the chase, risk jumped from ti inose on the st by the :111,1+41:11 .easily capture away, as they 'when on the ,t,' ' lIe was all4 • 'took him hal the family wi Ue, was II11I for u fe,v 'better could bird -cage was While iu tl the door ope but as the ca out -horse th general sari itamong seine a day or t:v was coaxed 1 • he seetne4 y Frank het • at 'rice clad ler Dick: 1 it was for st: The clerk tc half. Thin reit llrlttid In old bird csg But the -which w Olieo tor a S quid Ile woui purchasing Mian Was t The how oq a doable rt. The door 'securely fa so there tv ,$gtlirl'eI f•, The wi strips of t ppper floc 'jeadipg to lllined lie a quiet 1111 flit;,' could Qi1t the god of th .pf Strips wind a 'ha across. This ty 1,nd at til enough f to • and sure,. ,Dick 'wheel, a :side. The n Dick wo ;speed of would ff be 1vou1, Oto see i `had roll It wa 'chil,lrel. 'ea fond sorry tt lies the it wi tovcref. Frank boy to 'old tv fond, 110 it was ole' til 1i1ok o to be quite eit'up and i biked it sera ;