HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-02-26, Page 5TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SPECIAL! Amonium Nitrate 34% in 4-ply SO-lb. paper bags C.00 per ton off car TERMS CASH Delivery $2.00 per ton extra —, LIMITED QUANTITY - Order Noy! _Phone ,527-1910 Seaforth ' I IS I • Barley Contracts STILL HAVE SOME MALTING BARLEY CONTRACTS AVAILABLE SEE : .COOK'S DIVISION OF GER8R0 CORP. HENSALL— PHONE 262-2605 ARNOLD STINNISSEN GROUP - LIFE - ACCIDENT and SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANINIJITIE ,17,1413Aurfe- _4) ez 9 ,41A(• Aill un Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTI4 Obituaries THOMAS MICHAEL COYNE', Thomas Michael Coyne, aged 61, died early Monday morning February .23rd at the Festival Motor len in Stratford where he was the night switchboard oper- ator. Mr. Coyne was born in ibbert Township and has farMed there all his life until the past two years when he moved to Dublin. Be was married to the former Mary Burchill who pas- sed away in 1967. Mr. Coyne is" survived by his mother, Mrs. Alice Coyne, Hibbert; four sisters, Alecla, Hibbert; MrS. Reginald (Florence) Kahue, Chat- ham; Mrs. Walter (Mary) Kroski, Toronto -and Sister Agnes Coyne' of the Ursaline Community in Strathroy. Two brothers,George, Dublin and Matthew, Hibbert Township. The body Is resting at the Heath-Leslie Funeral Home in Mitchell until Thursday at 10;00 p.m. when Requiiim High Mass will be sung by Reverand Fathers, • Durand in St. patrick's Roman ,:atholic,Church in Dublin. Tem- porary burial will be in the Mitchell Mausoleum. Prayers will be held on Wednesday even- ing at 8:00 p.m. in the Funeral Hoine. NEIL LAIDLAW Funeral services for Neil Laidlaw were held in Climax, (Sask.) United Church on Feb- ruary 9. -His• death occurred suddenly at his home in Climax, Sask. following a heart attack. Mr. Laidlaw, 53, was born in Sask a son of Mrs. Gertrude Laidlaw of Shaunavon, Sask. and the late Samuel Laidlaw, former residents of Tuckersmith Town- ship. Besides his' mother, he is survived by his wife, three sons and one daughter; also'four sis- ters, all of Saskatchewan. Special • OHM savings "Cushion Floor" LINOLEUM Now clearing at.the special price ,of Sq. Yd. In 9 and 12' widths Reg. Value 3,50 Sct, Yd. MANY ATTRACTIVE PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM. ODD LOTS INDOOR OUTDOOR. ARPET NOW CLEARING AT Special Prices Broome's Floor Coverings CELANESE &, CARAVELLE CARPETS PHONE 527-0420 SEAFORTH 71K '141,1.10N.;#0.1f9,R7114 .90.i '1$ Learn of Drug Effects Now even faster service. WWII have , your clothes ready to wear- again in just . FOUR HOURS. WIN PUBLIC SPEAKING HONORS • These three St. Patrick's. Separate School students were among the top spea'.:ers at tne Mitchell Legion Public Speaking Contest held at Mitchell District High, School last week. Students from schools ,in Dublin, Stratford ,and Upper Thames competed. Shown here are (right) Benny Benninger, who won 1st in the boys' gtade 7 - 8. class; Linda Van Bergen, 1st in the girls' grade 7 - 8 class and Billy McC reight who was second in the grade 6 and under class. (Staff Photo) WOODHAM Correspondent Mrs. Bob Cronin Parent Teachers Association executive meeting was held on Tuesday in St. patrick's Sepa- rate School. Those present were Bill Flannigan, president, Dublin,' Mrs. Joe Cronin, secretary, Mrs. Jack O'Rourke, treasurer, James Krauskopf,'Mrs. Louis Kramers, programme committee and also BEGIN COURSE SERIES The Stratford St. John's Am- bulance have set up a branch in Mitchell and' Anthony Loomans, Dublin is the president. A four week course starting on March 4th at 8:00 p.m. to 10;00 p.m. is a. planned. It will be held each Wednesday for the four weeks and all are welcome to take the course. A membership fee of $5.00 must be paid by each member to cover the cost of materials used. WIN AWARDS • The regular monthly meeting of the Knights of Columbus was held last Thursday in the St. Columban Hall. The share-the wealth draw was won .by the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malone and the seller of the winning ticket was Joseph 0'- Rielly. Charlie •Rati,Zurich won the mortgage money and the pot of gold containing $35,90 , uncolaimed as. Bill McCann, Mount Carmel was not in, attendance. Sister Shirley. Topic for dis- cussion was the possibility of obtaining ' literature and a film on LSD and other harmful drugs used by some teen-agers. The The Parish Council held their meeting on Friday night in the church rectory in Dublin. Rev- erand Father Durand read the financial statement. The mission council plans were discussed and a report on the reaction of the parishoners regarding the re- Mission Council The Mission Council of St. Patrick's Church met on Tues- day in the Church Rectory.Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Delaney, Mr. and Mrs. John Schoondenwoerd, Mr. Ed.Row- land and Rev. Father Durand. Tlie objective is to give finan- cial aid to a missionary priest in a foreign country. The first activity planned will be on St. Patrick's Day, Tuesday, March 17. Revs Father Durand will say Mass at 8;00 p.m, and will give„ a short sermon on St.Pat- rick.' Following this there will be. a card game and a 'dance in the hall of the church. ceivin of comnitinion in their hand was sent to London. The subject of putting a carpet across the front of the church, and down the middle isle was discussed but no decision will be made until the next meeting. The newly formed Youth Council met on Sunday to make plans for some of their future activities. They are planning a teen dance on March 22' in the' Church Hall in Dublin.They are also planning an Easter • Dance on Easter Sunday even- ing' for the teens in. the St. Columban parish Hall. In April plans are underway for a skating party and a Religious Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tiede, Kitchener were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Ryan, R.R. No. 2, Dublin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oulette and son Donald, Belle River and Mr. and Mrs. Don Oulette and Jerry, Windsbr were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benniger and `family on Sunday.. Mr. • and Mrs. Ken Feeney and family, Kitchener were visit:-.„ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan and • family and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray over the week, .e.nd..., Mr: and Mrs. Bill Feeney and family, Kitchener were visiting with •Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray and- Mrs. Nicholas krauskopf over the week end. Rev. John Costello, London is spending the week with his parents Mr.:'''and Mrs. Dan Cos- tello. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dantzer r Scarboro were visiting with re- latives in the area over the week- end. Mir Bernadette Nagle, London, Miss Nora Ann MacRae„ London and Miss Trudy Br-own. London spent the week Lend with their parents. . Mr. and Mrs. ,Len Cronin, Detroit were ,visiting with rela- tives in the area over the week end. . Mrs. Fergus Horan patient in the Seaforth Com mun Hospital. Mr. Joseph Looby is a patient also in the Seaforth Community Hospital. Miss Judy Friend will °leave for Kentucky on Thursday evening where she will attend the Fron- tier Nursing School in Wendover, Kentucky. Miss Friend is going to study Midwifery. Correspondent Miss Jean Copeland Miss Joy Whiteford of C rediton spent the week end with Misses Geraldine and Jacqueline Beckett. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Picked and family of St. Marys were guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson and 'gi'rl's and helped Janet celebrate her eight birth- day. ' Final, arrangements are being made for the annual variety social sponsored by the United Church Women to be held 'in the Orange Hall on Friday evening. Master: John McNeight was the ., winner of a chocolate Easter Btinny in a draw held by the nurses at the hospital in Galt last week. Mr. and Mr8. Wib. McNeight aid family were Sunday guests. with Mr. and Mrs. AUStin Burgess of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs .Glenn Copeland 'arid Miths Ci5oerand-visited the Kee Funeral Home in Cayuga on Sunday wherp the remains of the late Mac Walker lay. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. and family of 'Barrie and MrS. K. Cacciotti of .Capreol visited re, cently with Mr. ,and , Mrs. Fl.e(d Parkinson, and girls. Miss. Jacqueline Beckett of Galt spent the week end with her, parents, ''Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence' Beckett and Geraldine. Mrs. K. Cacciotti,of Capreol is spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Fred and girls. • Mr. and 'Mrs. James Miller and Betty Jean, Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Insley „and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine were guests at the Miller- Wilcux• wedding in Chatham on Saturday and the reception that followed. Miss Jean Copeland spent a few days in Bermuclii last week. The United Chnrcli Women catered to7the Mens Chili supper on Tuesday evening. 11,C:W. MEET The United Church Women met Tuesday with twenty.onct members' present. Mrs. Nelson Baker opened with quiet music. The president, Mrs. Ken Parkinson gave a reading on Brotherhood Week and gave a report, on the Presbyterial meet- ing in Clinton. Mrs. Oliver Baker. and Mrs. Margaret .Baker were in charge of the Worship Service, the thebie being "Love and Stewardship." A poem, "Love One Another" was repeated in unison. Mrs. Oliver Baker read the Scripture to a musical accompaniment and also gave a reading on "Love and Stewardship." Cromarty Scouts ^ Take Tour Croffiarty Scout Troop went to Sebringville Thursday night and , had a conducted tour given to them through the OPP office. There they had a close up -episode on how the radio operates betw,eerr a car and the office. It was explained to them how a police officer writes up his duty sheet anal also how he writes up an accident report. • The boys were shown some differeel kinds 1,1 guns such as the rifle and shotv ink It was ex- plained dinhonstrated how. they fitigi a-print a parson. The corporal also explained how the tell etape machine operates and were told there was a iirebt line with no dialing at all necessary to the Stratford General Hospital. We would like. to thank Alec Miller Who arranged the trip for As, also Alec Miller and Lloyd Cameron for drisiin4 us there and our old stand-by We would like to take this opportun, ity to welcome John Hamilton to our Troop making us an even dozen, On Saturday we went on a hike and cook-out at Ruston's bush. A good time was had by Sunday we attended church at Cromarty and Hibbert ,United in line with Lord Baden • Powell's birthday which Was February 19th. BURNS CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour • HEATING- OIL Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Se-aforth Remember! It takes but a moment to place, an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket: To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. DeOline for tax savings on registered retirement savings plans Deposits made by February 28,1970. are tax free for 1969. returns Victoria and Grey Trust oilers you three taN sa\ togs retirement plans. an -e'ituit, fund plait - designed fur greatest capital appreciaiion a high cumulat ea: income plan a Gitaranteed Ins e banal Certificate plait fully guaranteed cis to principal,and interest. Start Relit ing toil* at Vi6oria and Ore> 6Vie# c.4701a4 f(1614 &1k2// SPRING COATS Choose from this exciting range of all wool spring coat- • tags featuring pastel checks, tweeds and plains. New single front, double breasted and novel belted styles. $35 to 59.50 HIGH' FASHION ALL-WEATHER COATS Choose from sand; navy, royal, black white, powder, rose, green and mint in these dressy all-weather . spring coats styled in single or double breasted 1113,dels with some important .... swing to belted types. 19.50 • to 35.00 NEW HANDBAGS . • • • 5.00 to 12.95 , SPRING GLOVES "Fabrics" • • • • 2.25 NEW MILLINERY' c. FOR EASTER Visit our "Mil- linery Bar" to- n •.• day for the latest . in hats tor, Spring and Easter. Peaturing '`st.l.aws, fabrics, flower and veil. bats. PRICED FROM ' 2.95 to 14.95 STEWART BROS. next meeting was set for March 9th. Miss, Joanne Goetler, Carle- ton University, Ottawa, is spen- ding the week with her parents. Youth Council Plans Teen Dance Mrs. Fred Parkinson and Mrs. Nelson Baker put on a play called "Dollar's Worth- of Love.% Mrs. Margaret Baker closed with the Benediction. • MESSENGERS The Messengers met Sun- day with twenty-three mem- bers. Pamela Rodd opened the meeting with • quiet music and president, Karen Insley pre- sided, thp theme being "love". Michele Robinson read the Scripture and Paul Brine led in prayer. Lori Wbbb gave a reading followed by a duet by 'Margaret and Janet Parkinson. Mrs. Lloyd COwdrey read a story. The study book was given by Mrs, John 'Rodd.. Cynthia Copeland and Cheryl Brine took iip• the offering. GOMA and VG GREY TRUST COMPAN t ,F3F39 Pre-Season Discount Sale No High Cost Promotions THEREFORE Better Cash Discounts To You the FARMER ,Buy Now—Save $ On New and Used Top Quality FARM- EQUIPMENT also Take Advantage of Ow Lower Prices On All Your PARTS and SERVICE NEEDS • GIVE US A CALL. NOW BEAT THE SPRING RUSH V. L. Becker & Sons INTERNATIONAL - HARVESTER Sales & Service Phone 237-3242 DASHWOOD