HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-02-12, Page 5Mr. and Mrs, Frank ,..Rodd, Bobby Cowdrey, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler, Mr. Glenn Copeland, Ellen and Deanna and Miss Jean SINUREX Double action relief of sinus headache miseries Shrink nasal and sinus membranes KEATING'S 'PHARMACY Seaforth Get your tax-free fully.guaranteed `pensionplan now cumulating at 81 /4' with no' annual, fee. See us quickly while interest - rates hold! WC 7 )9Rii 4 and GREY • TRUST COMPANY SINCE 188 • VG 19v0 1-110 Offti Oren f VALPANTINN' CARDS at lOci 15c, 25c and 50c Packaged for Children - 39c, 49c 69c and 79c pkg. Assortment of Valentines for Children and Cut-Out Books - The largest Selection of Cards Available I THE PERFECT GIFT - RECORDS BOXED CHOCOLATES LARONE'S Seaforth'S 5c to $1:00 Store Stationery -. Gifts SEAFORTH . • •to 5at# 146 1'V • TOP VALU POWDERED Blue Detergent 316 Poly Bog .99c RASPBERRY OR TOP VALU TOP VALU STRAWBERRY 000 OR CAT FROZEN TOP VALU PET °ROBE JAM FOOD JUICE TOP vUU PURE CHOICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CHECK AND COMPARE THESE ITEMS, THIS WEEK, NEXT WEEK, AND EVERY WEEK - YOU'LL FIND THE SAME LOW PRICES ON QUALITY TOP VALU PRODUCTS AND THEY'RE AVAILABLE ONLY AT YOUR LOCAL IGA free advice. 1, Q. I know I should have rec- eived a personalized income tax return because 1 have filed a return for the past five years. However, either I have not received it or I 'have lost it since it was . delivered. What do I do now? A.You should obtain a T1 form from either a Post Office or your District' Taxation Office, and complete and file it as soon as possible . Be sure you obtain and file the prOper form - 141 Short, for the majority. of Canadians, or Ti General. • 2. Q. My wife and I both rec- eive the Old Age SeCurity Pension. Can we file one return for both of us? "'A:No. Every person who has a taxable income for the year •must file an income tax re- turn. Therefore, if both you , and your wife have a taxable income, you must both file a .return. If either of you does not have a taxable Income it, is not necessary for that per- son to file a return. However, if :tax was withheld frOm in- come received you should fild, 6 even if you don't have a tax- ., able income, in order to , claim a refund of tax with- held. 3. Q: I am living. "common- law". Do I -show myself as- , "married" on my income tax return? • A.No. Common-law marriages are not recognized for in- come tax purposes.. 4. Q. Can ' special reference boas for a teacher or tech- - hician 'be claimed as a de- duction for income tax pur- peses by a salaried worker? • A. No. ,There .is no provision in the' gicome• Tax Act which This column has been prepared by. the Kitchener Dis- trict Office, Department of National Revenue, TaXation.Gen- erally applicalge answers to common questions are attempted, Where unusual circumstances' render the answers inadequate to your needs, consult your Income .Tax Guide. If :yea are • still in need of help, phone 742- 8361 In Kitchener, or write to National Revenue, Taxation, District Office at Kitchener for . Fk. Pascal' CELERY STALKS (Sire 30'e) 350 ea. U.S. No. 'Green Cabbage ;Size 24'e) 350... All winter Stock 20% OFF., 0 -000111•111111111111•1111.1w- Broken Lines of Men's SPORT COAT zip lined all weather and wool TOP COATS TO CLEAR 14.95 Short, Med., & Tall dp _ All-'Wool SUITS 55 1111114.: O'SHEA • mows WEAR Phone 527.0995 Seaforth blue. 411/ A J _ 1111M ' SOIA • . • toe Tiffs .ni 'Take Pi,ovii11;1110040:4:: tHE •14.40,W.EXP.9l#001.4 50A11.0ritli, :0K.L. A resort for the handicapped' I • 0 allows the cost of relerea, book's as_ a' deduction from salaried erriploYnient. 5., O. My daughter is seventeen and attends school. She is receiving a Youth Allowance of $10. a month. On." my income tax form do I claim $300. or $550. for her? A.You can claim 'an exempt- ion of $550. for her. Youth Allowances don't affect the exemption you can cliim for your child. 6. Q. I have always claimed my father on my income tax re- turn as , a dependant. Last March he was killed in an auto accident. How much may I claim for him if anything? A. If your father's income for the year, up to date of death was less than $950, you are entitled to claim any amount you spent in his support for the year of death, up to the $550. maximum. 7. Q. The T4 slip I received from my employer shows $4,500. earnings for the year without any Canada Pen- sion :Plan deductions. As an employee what can I do ,to protect myself from an em- . ployer who has not made Canada Pension contribut- ions on my, behalf?, A. You should ,flie a formal complaint in *writing before April • 30th of the following year, or, along with your ° Income Tax 'Return. The ' District Taxation Office will take action to find out why your employer has not deducted and remitted. con- tributions: on your behalf, 8. Q. If I sell grain to a grain company and request that payment be deferred until the next 'year, in what year do I report the- sale ,as income on my tax form?' A. .,you report it in the year it was sold to the company. The fact that you requtst them to hold payment until a' later year does not change the date of sale. However, if you placed the grain in storage, received storage tickets and did not surrender them until a Jater 'year, at which time you are, issued a cash ticket, you' would re- port the sale' in-the year the cash ticket was issued. Chicks Preference DEAR DORIS - 1 would like to 'know if there are resorts for ,wheel-chair living anywhere in Canada. c, I, too, am confined to a wheel- chair as a result of polio in child- hood, and find it hard to negotiate some, of the narrow doors and sharp turns and elevators that still characterize most of our public buildings. Not' to mention the great need for ram ?s. Beth • DEAR BETH - Rostrevor Lodge in Ontario's Muskoka district has been especially converted to ac- commodate handicapped persons who are confined to wheel chairs. You can arrange a holiday there by writing' Mr. Lyle L. Kersey, 4332 Kinston Road,• Apartment 3, Westhill, Ontario, Other resorts, while not spe- cifically designed for handicaps like Rostrevor, may be partially accessible for you. For a con- venient and suitable spot,' ask your local travel agent, who keeps informed about these things.• DEAR DORIS - My' nine-year- -old daughter's godparents are in the habit of giving her their Christmas presents after Christ- ma'd' instead of on the day, This year we were promised a beau- tiful watch for her, which she has not received and, as', usual, no excuse is ever offered for these delays'. Throughout these disap- pointments we have always been 'prompt and considerate in giving our gift to them ahead of Christ- mas. A short time ago we invited them for dinner here, for some time after the New Year. But, now I don't find it in my heart to even see them: Could you advise irm •on how to handle this, or do you suggest I just drop the entire matter? 'No More Patience pEAR NO MORE -'It's a di- sease' - chronic with sormi - never come through on tune. They • simply' can't. what" these promises mean to dour lii- tle girl.. Better 'clue her in to expect procrastination front thesii ,god- pjarents of hers, Mule making' 'sure she knows this is itol. , Way to keep promises. Then ialk with them once aboul iiTiv slit' 'counts on them - before ;piing' up' entirely. • DEAR DORIS - I was so glad th , those ceme-, tea ry •pitt?•;`14-&-ngeft. I did' as you said, and told- my tarn'iy I plan 2 ned to sell Own `again.. They changed their tune ail right. I heard- my uncle tell, my son-, 4 Yoti know, the Vets don't • • '1111111111111 11111 USBORNE 8L . .HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE . COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont.. • , President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell Vice-President , `.RayrnOnd McCurdy RR It Kirkton bury you 'unless you are a. pa,tf; pert' My .son told his, Dada TM told the. Ma.sons only Official* at the funeral. They io not bury their members unless they .are down and out.' ' And my • husba,nd now wants me to keep the plots. Thanks to you, all is well. Huort 'BEAR HURT - So the 'hurt hap, ,been healed. A triumph for corn- .niunicating! DEAR DORIS - At a recent dis- cussion group, the problem of notice between employer and-P111- ployee carne up. I maintained' that an employer had to give notice of •one 'Week, a month or a day, according to how the em- ployee is paid. The others did not agree. Am I right or wrong'? 1. If I am wrong, what are the legal rights of an Rmployer.and an employee,? 2. If an employee loses hls job without notice, What are his legal rights? Mr. J. M.D. DEAR M 2. J.M.D. - In general, a person is entitled to the same notice as the bas,is for his pay. So you are right, Which' dis- poses of Question No.l. NO.2. He has a right to' se- verance pay to cover the ac- ceptance notice period. If the discharge were for cause, then no notice of any kind need be given. °COrretpond Olt Miss Jean Copeland. Misses Brenda,Parkinsonand Betty Jean Miller spOke on Sunday to the 'Young Peoples class at Thames, Road United church on the Toe Alpha Con- ference that they attended at Niagara Falls. Twenty-one members of the Messengers enjoyed a skating party on Saturday afternoon. Lunch was served after a good afternoon of skating .and fun, by the leaders, Mrs. Glenn Cope land and Mrs. Cowdrey assisted by Miss Janice Thomson. ;.4 C9P,P14.44 ymr4 Sunday suept5 With 14. arld MrS. John '1,1. Odflttl'ail!014, *I C.: • MrS. Oscar- Brine visited on Bunday With Kr*. and lVirsql4r914 Grierson Of 1,0114911. Mies Jacqueline E. eckett cif Galt spent the weekc end With her parent-S, Mr.. and IVIrs.Lawrence • Beckett and Geraldine, • Retire rich! Affects -f -, eedi'ng- By J. F. 'Hurnik, F. N. Jerome and B. S. Reinhart Department of Poultry Science, O. A. C. , Guelph. • , The main reason for, keeping poultry is for' the production of meat and/or 'eggs. It is a well-. known fact to good managers that the more 'comfortable a bird is • • the better it is likely to produce. To this. end behavioral stedies. largely supported by the•Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food are being conducted • by geneticists at • the Department of Poultry • Science,, Ontario Agri- cultural College. • Currently, two breeds4of 'chi- • ckens,• Single Comb White Leg- horns and Columbian Plymouth Rocks were used in two experi- ments desighed to test the pre- ., ference of chickens•for certain colors. There were 300 chicka on test each experiment composed of 150 from each breed. rn the first experiment the, brooder pen had four compart- ments of equal size, each with wall partitions of a certain color. The colors used were blue, green; yellow and rect. The partitions were movable thus allowing a ro- tation.of the colors for the elimi- nation of any positional effeCt. At. preset • 'definite, intervals the openings to the compartments were 'Closed and the chicks found in each 'compartment counted. Af- ter the' day-old chicks originally placed in the pen reached 12 days • 'of age a total tally was taken. Re- peated counts On the chicks to- tailed 9,379. Of these 18.4% of the chicks were found in the blue, 26.2% in the green, 32.7% in the yellow and 22.7% in the red com- partment; • For Complete INSURANCE on yotir HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY . ' OR LIFE SEE- 6 WNW A. CARDPIO Insurance . Agency Phone 52740490 •„ Seaforth Office DireCtly Opposite Seaforth Meters In ' the second everiment chicks were given a choice of drinking fountains painted', the same four colors as used in the. first experiment. They were ro- tated around the pen to eliminate any effect of position: The quart= titles of water they drank were recorded in grams (1 gram equals 1 cubic centirrieter): From' the time the day-old chicks were started in the pen-until' they were 28 flays of age they consumed a tota.i•of 348,125 gins ('767.4 ibp) of water. Of this amount' 21:2% came from the . blue fOuntain, 29/0% from the green; 29.3% from the yellow and 20.5% from the red fountain. Di rectors , It can be seen in both expert- Martin Feeney. ' RR 2, biihlin merits that yellow and green were Clayton 'Calquhoun , RR the favored colors, while blue Science Hill and red were considerably less Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan attractive to the chicks. There Robert Gardiner • RR 1, appeared to be a breed difference Cromarty_ with respect to."tile latter two Agents - colors.- In each experiment the Hugh • Benninger - Dublin White Leghorns found red the Harry Coates - - Exeter' least attractive color, .while the Clayton Harris - • Mitchell Columbian Rocks Showed a'dis- Secretary-Treasurer tinct preference - for red over Hugh Patterson - - Exeter TOMATO OR • V FOFT A SU TOP, VALU ,SOUP TM vf WELL TRIMMED Pork.Buft Road' lb.6 DAVER*1 SLICED Side Bacon TOP VALU Hot Dog woe poe Wieners . ' FROZEN SIDE Spare 31421.-a:Por6;;;68.2,-;; i45,. tins Instant (72-oz.) or Quick '(5.1b). QUAKER OATS. Bag York Fancy Asst'd. . TY. VEGETABLES .. cafeni Long Spaghetti, TM0ApCvA aFtwONI,,etc. , PEANUT BUTTER ' ' pl64as..t; 419f JL AiciVu EdX BLEACH White -Swan BATHROOM (TISSU E Asst'd. Got's) 2 prkigi . 28 0 ' Wh+te Swan (Asst'd. Col's) ' 4 4.2 of fox3e6s0 550 .FuAltCralABL r-fl,SSite(sUpEec. Pack) Family Size int.s.t. TOOTHPASTE t Tube 047. Gillette (Anti•Pers.) Soft & (Sri S-oz, i 1 fs, SPRAY DEODORANT tinii e • I 0 . Shirriff's Regular .o POTATO CHIPS pkg. 590 Top Valu Asst'd. VALENTINE CANDIES ' 2 pkgs. 6 Morton's Frozen (Beef, Chicken or Turkey) A p ies nth 'll' pies 77 0 1-lb. parch.il.oz. :91 . MEAT PIES pkg.. . a fop Yalu.' roll a MARGARINE Shirley Gay Raspberry pkg.. of 1,80 JELLY ROLL 3 pair i Softee ,Waterproof BABY PANTS /OP VALU 'CHOICE GREEN' PEAS Ti, RED BRAND WELL TRIMMED ROUNDBONE SHOU OR BONELESS BLADE LDER • STEAKS • TOP VA U tIN TOM SAUCE! TOP VALU IMAMS OR SLICPS) Tor VAIN POT. BEANS riF SPAGHETTI ':::: 180 PEACHES 14;' 27K Fruit Cocktail 'Z. 2110 GRAPEFRUIT THE KING OF ALL • ROASTS (Cut country style off red brond steers) PRIME .RIB 0 • • p I Top vtta e HUT • JUICES 45-s.. TI. 35c