HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-02-05, Page 11Blind Like Sports
• Same as Sighte
smog. .
. .
Gerald's Supertest
liox 249, Comer Main Street and Hwy. 8, Swiforths igitteOhbrie 504010
1!1 IV* along
leteitaAe it Its city
13 capital of
*email again
15 Constructs
10 Atop
17 Paradise
10 Wile
20 l{ rolls along
the Arco
21 Jewish month
22 Leg Joint
23 Tolled
25 Restrain
20 Cereal
:timid of bean
.20 Beer mugs
31 'Draft-Iran
35 Aboriginal
30 Most brazen
4 37 Is W
38 Sainted
39 Iligb priest
40 Three (prefix)
41 Make a loan
42 Russian sea
43 book of the
45 Costly fur
47 Winged'
monster (Gt.)
48 Shapes- to roll
49 Swedish city
50 Non-coMmis-
stoned officers
1 Surgical tool
2 Ponder over
again ,
itniting, Mous
0-6.0qa - •
PrONtan s Short Ousihrei
6 The first roller
made, by man
10 Dinner course
11 1t rolls along
with freight
13 Fall flower
18 Unexploded
21 African
22 Regulated
24 Meat ruts
-771" 1
r"T",""r nig
14 is '
ri is t,
Ti Zt
a , 27:
28 24 3o 31 3z . 33' Ill
35 . 34
7 38
10 Ito
44 45 1.. 4
CaZ2EVOKS elttlIGMat=lEa MI-"e".111110El non svm.1 leff& El kj EacteInistalle 01111&31ElFZEI CR3he °1 FaREI 83 e -
Et"i t-4H L:' x,eki
See a psychiatrist at once
News of
Auto, Fire, Life
DonarG. • Eat*,
Insurance Agency Limited
Office in Masonic Block
Main Street
Phone 527-1610 Seaforth
My leaflet, ''Facing Forty,"-'
explains the menopause and its
symptoms and can matte it eas-
s ier to live with; a cow 3s on its
way to you. It is available to
other readers for 10 cents And
a large,starnped, self-addressed
'DEAR DORIS - 1. 'If a hus-
band dies without a w 11, whit
legal rights has th ife in '
2. A son of my husband's by
a former wife, seems to think
that if Joe dted he would have
the 'right to Walk In and take
over this home. Woul d he? He
has•never helped us in ahnvay,
- either with money or work
- while our three children have
always been helpful.
DEAR IN DOUBT - Inherit-
ance legislation is provincial,
but in every province the wid-
ow is the first person. taken
care of, and has a right to live
on in the jointly-owned hOuSe.
In Ontario-she receives the first
420,090; and the rest (if any)
is divided among the children.
But the urgVncy of your hus-
band's"making a will and defin-
ing the whOle thing can't be
overstressed, Even if he,is ill,
get something down on. paper.
Do it, and save yourself a
headache later.
... Correspondent
Mrs. John Templernan
Miss Bonnie Miller, Univer-
sity of Guelph, was home for
r7the week end with her
pal.ents, mr: and Mrs.Clifton , ,
Miller and Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Appleby,
London, visited 'Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Worden,).
Mrs. Jack Butson is home',
again after a stay. in Seaforth'
Interested teenagers, and'
parents were present Sunday
evening at the regular Hibbert
Community Young . People's
meeting when Mr. .Cliff All en
shOwed an interesting and in-
formative film on drugs. Dr.
Whitm an , Seaforth, was 'present
to , discuss the film and answer
any questions in a discussion
..Getting together with a
.just earned
David C. Ramsay
• Hockey is as. big with the
blind as it is with the sighted'.
According to Jack Clements,
District Field Secretary, The
Canadian National Institute for
the Blind, about 75 percent of
Canada's blind population take
an• active interest in the game.
"That's because blind people
are people", he said in a special
interview for White Cand Week
conducted by his organization and
`The Canadian Council of the
Blind. 4, They follow -hockey by '
radio or TV and forecast the
winner of the Stanley Cup as
accurately as any other arm-
Chair stick-handler."
But blind persons are no
mere spe'ct'ator sill:TUT-About
3,000 bowl and-others curl.They
listen for the soupds of the ball
on the lane and the satisfying
thud when it hits the pins or the.
disappointing roll when it drops
into the _gutter. The blind curler
listens for the vocal directions
from the skip and the sweep.
Blind Canadians are active
members of service clubs. They
•----take on committee work, along
with the sighted and contribute
to,the community program. They
take an interest in politics and
vole in the elections. Some blIng
people have been elected
Parliament. More than 2,000
blind people are employed. Many
• own their owrehomes and support
their families.;.-
With 80 clubs of the Canadian
Council of, the Mind in action
• egress Canada, the members gain
experiende in' decision making
on the executive, With Braille
writers in hand they record min-
utes and serve as treasurers.
"With the help of the sighted
and their ,,own abilities, blind
persons achieve a great deal,"
the Field ,Secretary said, "but
they have their limitations too."
They are -not always,.cheerful.
They have their ups and downs,
like anyone else. Blind hiinself,
he outlined a few areas where
assistance is essential.
Blind sportsmen need sighted
volunteers to act as-coaches and
score keepers. Volunteers can
read or offer to drive to the •
occasional club meeting. "The
rear-key-trr-ou r -sue e-ess-ls-the
team spirit that exists between
the blind and sighted-all over the
country," he added.
DEAR _DORIS - I fear riding,
in a car. I panic and force .back
a scream when a car approaches
us , fearing that it -will make
a sudden move and crash tritons.
jump and go white. My husband
has scolded, laughed, reasoned,
comforted, me,, but it's nojood.
The last accident 1 was In
was seven years ago ,with my
parents (I was 12). I became
hysterical when I saw my
Dad's bleeding face. And the
doors jammed so I couldn't
escape. This accident did not
leave me *aid of cars.
Only for the past year have
I been so afraid. I feel as if I
am living on borrowed time be-
fore a car will finally hit us,
and I feel helpless to prevent
DEAR SHAKY - The fear is
abnormal. It simply must date
back to what happened seven
years ago, even though you kept
it buried for a long, long -time.
You had a delayed reaction; -
probably a worse one than- if-
someone had helped you open
up the whole thing at he time.
Your help - and ou need-
help - must come from a Ver-
son skilled in such' th
psychiatrist., Get your
doctor to refer you to one.
DEAR DORIS - Is there ny
school in Canada which teaches
a person the care of animals?
I'm not talking about learning
the role of a veterinary sur-
geon. That takes university.
But I love animals and would
like to make a care out of ^•
working with them. If I get through
high school - with a struggle -
I.-cola(' .afford one or two years
.of further training, but not .a
whole college course,
How about a job as assistant to
a veterinarian? There's a two-
year course which might just be
the 'thing for you, It is de-
veloped for the purpose of pro-
„viding a right-hand man for an
animal doctor. You would learn
hOw -to • help-with-testing.„_Areat,7,
ment and diagnosis of 'animal
diseases and. general 'cart of
animals. .
For details write to the
Western Ontario Agricultural '
School, Ridgetown, Ont., and
ask about the course .for Ani-
mal Ilealth Technicians..
DE-AR DORIS - I am a bun:
die of nerves. ' This seems to
happen whenever I get tired or
people drop in without warning.
Other times too. My husband
says I am irritable and that
it must be my time of life..
Is it? I am only 41.
be. When women Move into those
middle years there are' glandu-
lar changes that do 'strange
thirige • to dispositions. But they
are-temporary, praise bel
By Dr. Gordon 1G, 14ni,cod
'Department ront-Antrrial sine
O. AB C, Guelph
When, do your. heifers calve?
Chances -are that they are at
least 2 1/2 years .of age. Pro-
perly fed dairy heifers with in-
herent growth'capacity can calve
at 24 months of age and perform
as well as older heifers. Early
calving minimises the nonpro-
ductive period of rearing, rel
duces overhead and shortens ge-
neration intervals. •
Breeding very early following
puberty in young heifers does
net usually pay. High incidence
of calving difficulties,.lower-milk
production and greater stress
result. For •these and economic
reasons we recommend breeding
Holstein, Ayrshire affd guernsey,
heifers at 14 to 15 months of
age, and Jerseys a month earlier.
This assumes art adequate feeding
program and satisfactory growth,.
Holsteins should weigh 750
pounds or more at breeding so
as -to,'calve between 1,150 and
1250 pounds body weight. Com-
parable breeding weights for
Ayrshires and Guernseys are
650 pounds, and for Jerseys, 550
to 600 pounds. Ayrshires. and
Guernseys should calve at 950
pounds and -11erseys at 850. In
order to achieve these calving
weights., Holsteins must average
1.5 pounds gain per day of life,
Ayrshires .and Guernseys 1.3'
and Jerseys 1,2. Growth rates
will not be constant as they de-
pend largely on feeding. Avoid
major changes in levels of fee-
ding. Calves shOuld be well fed
with starter and grower ration
plus good quality forage to get
them growing well with fast ru-
men ,development -'Heifer hay'": ,;
too often mo0--As ;pox api,11014,Y,--•
If good quality hay ;or silage'
(either cora or hay.C.PPp)0,410„.:!
fed, then about ROW/4 of grain '„ •
mix should be provided. Apomct
at protein supplement good;
qualibr corn silage is eaggested
for yearlings. Some extrasraia
should, be proVided. in the last
2 to a months of "pregPartg.,
Avoid overfateess as it will
affect breeding, calving and lac-
tation performance. And, of
„Nurse, do not underfeed if you
want a large heifer to calve at
24 months.• If she is well fed
and growthy, the heifer calving
at 24 months will milk about aS
well as one calving later. Re-
member though that two-year-
olds are still groWing, so feed
for groWth as well,as maintenance
and lactation.--
Double action
relief of sinus
headache miseries
Shrink nasal and
sinus membranes
25 par doaroatIng Inturiwr0,
At Tke,Se'LQw, Low Rai
Age 25 $157.00 AP -a4---:$207•00 Age $5 « $300.00 Age SOW
Should husband afftd fattier who*e'ehiet 'sotto*"
is his job, pay a high pier Juba fox. a Fog *o-
*diva - or a low preniiuM for a lot Qf PTO-
"Be Protection Rick Not Inau:sMe POIrr,
We 'build them stronger
to last longer. •
• Will lend themselves for any kind of storage
* Ensilage, Haylage, High Moisture Corn, et*.
* A cement chute -never needs, repair
• 6" wall for greater Strength and Longer Life
"If You Don't Want Any Fuss, Buy From Us"
SRO*. LT'ait._
We also install roofs and accessories
(Meinber Ontario Silo Association),
RR 1, Mitchell Phone 348.8701 or 348.9967
25 It rolls along
• tracks
27 Naggers
28 These roll
along rinks
29' Dry
30 Rude stone
32 Turning
33 Srns11.bottles .
of how
34 Fence steals.
38 anotdhlet
22 Mpg o( Judea Ef Siberian river
42 River in Asia
44 110 (Scot)
46 Fish eggs
.The marriage of MisS
Carolyn Beatrice Locke,
daughter of Mrs. Beatrice
Locke, Oshawa,, and the late Mr.
Reg. Locke, to Mr. David Everard
Atkinson, son of Mr.' and Mrs.
Dudley Atkinson ofJamaice,West
Indies, took place on January
10 at St. Matthew's: Anglican
23 Ontario Street
Stratford, Ontario
- Phone 271-7581
Fen `L. Gibbs, A.P.A. Howard Famme, C4.
Commerce Term. Deposits are just one
of the'high interest, nb risk ways"We
can put your rnoney,tO Work. They're -
w cashable anytime at Sour Commefte
branch. TheCommerce pays 73/4 % on
-Term Deposits when the amount is
$1000 or more and it is for a fixed
period of time greater than two years.
Your managerhas other investment
opportunities too. Drop in and see him.,
Want t6get together?
The gutsy new Datsun 1600 Pickup
lots more truck for $2205* Here are 'some examples of the high interest commerce
Term Deposit's can earn you over certain periods:
Amount 1 month months •6 1 year
2 years
+ 1 day
5 years. i
$1,000 $5.42 $32.50
- ,
$70.00 $155.21 , $387.50
2,500' 13.54 81.25 175.00 388.02 968.75
29.73 176.44 350,00 776.05 1,937.50
59.45 352.88 700.00 1,552.12 3,875.00
Commerce Term Deposits
MA better way to make money
• We took the best-selling imported truck North
Arnertca and gavq. it a new -heart. -A gutsy 396-horse-
power powetplant..thatt 43'% more power than it
had last year. Now it zooms along even when you
load it with a ton of anything. And it juit won't quit.
Buy it and it pays you back. Quickly. because ypu
pan trust'Datsun 1600 to deliver up to 30 miles per
gallon, and it's practically maintenance-free.
It's built like a truck, with heavy duty suspension
and steel girder frame, but that doesn't mean it
.'• handles like a truck. it's like a car - easy to
handle and a cinch tO park, And it has all the good
things: instant-acting heater/defroster with blower;
all synchro.4-speed stick Shift, quad headlights,, -
3-place Pench seat. And the performance is
something else - lots of pull. Great at-celeration.
EaSy all-day cruising at 70. •
Datsun 1600 pickup. When you're careful with a
buck, this is your truck. Why spend more than
you have to?,
Test-drive a Datsun at any, pf the 200 dealers
in Canada.
DATSUN 1600°' the more-for-your-money truck
There's a oalsun for you, 1000 2-Door end 4.•Door Retuyo Sedans. 1600 2•Deor end 4.0oor Defuse Sedaris and Wagon. 2404 Speller, 1600 end 2000 Sports. 7600 Pickup,
Over BOO DANIA dealers In North America, Moan Automobile Co. (Canada) Ltd. factory zone Meet and pans depot* at: Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax,