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'SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY •5, 1970 Second section Pages la-6a
• 300- to Take Poet in,
Minor FlOckey Day
Town of Seaforth
WHEREAS, this week is being observed, throughout the Seaforth •Area as a period
to focus public attention on the physical, character4building and other benefits
of hockey for our youth, and
WIDEREAS, the game Cif hockey is recognized as Canada's National Game which teaches
our youth to develop a competitive spirit, co-operation with others, body-building,
and respect for authority,'. and '
WHEREAS, -it-is-.the hope. of -every. Municipality to develop one or more. players capable
of representing Canada as a member of Canada's National Team, and.
WHEREAS, the Minor Hockey Association in this community has 'earned the commen-
dation and support of every citizen, and ,
—WHEREAS-Miiiiir-HockeT is the foulidatiOn-frMil'whichneedmplishedrimekey--players...
NOW riEKEFORA I. as Mayor of the Town of Segerth do, hereby declare the week
commencing February 1st 'be observed as
- •
and request that all parents and others support this observance by attending Ames
during Minor Hockey Week and thereafter until the minor hockey season ends.
F. C. J. SILLS, Mayor
for the disabled
(March of Dimes)
Copunpncing Monday, Feb. 9
Plans are well advanced for
this year's Minor Hockey Day in
The event is planned for this
Saturday and upwards of 300 boys
(and girls) are expected to parti-
Beginnitig at 9:0--a complete
prograrn of events will get under
way and continue throughout the
entire day as well as part of the
The program is sponsored by
the Seaforth Minor Hockey As.-
sociation and proceeds from it
will go for maintenance of the
minor hockey teams.
Ten games are scheduled.
throughout, the day including one
'girls' exhibition hockey game
which will feature a local team
and a team from Blyth.
The morning schedule will
consist of games .involving the
teams of the Legion sponsored
Saturday morning hottse league.
At 1:0 p. rrr. Seaforth and Adas-
tral Park will compete for the
'honors in the 'Mites' class.
The Bantams will play at
2:0 p.m. and their opposition will
be a Toronto team.
They will be followed at 3:30
by the Midgets who will also
play against a Toronto team.
Next on the program is the
girls' game followed by Novice,
Pee-Wee and Bantam games af-
ter. -supper. London teams will
supply the opposition for the
evening games. '
'Following the games will IDE
Mrs. Allan McCall
The Walton Women's. Insti-
tue met in the WaltonCommunity
Hall,' Wednesday evening." The
Institute Grace was sung with
Mrs. Rae Huether on the piano'
' followed by a smorgasbord sup-
per, with different dishes made
by the ladies that took the course,
'The Main Dish Makes the Meal'.
The cqmmittee in charge in-
cluded Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs.
Stewart Humphries, Mrs. Pete MRS.JOHN LEITH •
McDonald, Mrs. Doug Ennis,
. Mrs. Ernie Stevens, ;Mrs. Mac Mrs. John H. Leith, Listowel,
Sholdice and Mrs. Neil McGavin. died Saturday at her home, 155
Mrs. Don Achilles thanked the Wellington Ave. S., Listowel.
leaders, 'Mrs. Neil MCGavin and She was 82.
Mrs. Mac Sholdice fpr their lea- Formerly Susan Livermore,
dership and presented each with she was born at Dundalk August
a cup and saucer. 9, 1887, a daughter of the late
Mrs.. Gordon , McGavin and Mr., and Mrs. Joseph Livermore.
Mrs. E-d Godkin, convenors for She was a member of Calvary
Canadian Industrieg;•--had as guest United Church, Listowel.
Mrs. Edgar Elligson, R.R. #4., Surviving are her huSband,
Walton, who showed colored whoni she married Oct.4,1905.
.slides of their 'recent ,,rip from at Clinton; two sons; George
Zurich, Ontario to Zurich, Swit- Leith, Listowel, and John Blyth
zerland; also touching on the Leith , -general manager of the' •
border line of Austria, Leichen- Canadian Weekly Newspapers
stein, Germany and France. Association, Toronto, one daugh-
Mrs. McGavin thanked Mrs. ter, Miss Mice May Leith, of
fo Cher -Mgt int ere sting—flabilifhfirf (jilt Oda b and -- '—
pictures and ' artidles-ondisplay....siX great-grandchildren.
that she had brought back from The body 'was at McLaUghlin-•
her Trip, and presented her with ' and Reed funeral home, LiSto-
a gift. wel, where the funeral service
The business part Of the mee- took place Tuesday at 2 p.m.
ting was carried out by the presi- Burial was in Union Cemetery,
dent; Mrs. Alvin McDonald. Mrs. Blyth.
William , Humphries,•the secre-
tary, read the minutes and the
roll call was answered by,. 'A JOHN NIELSON
'Farm Problem'. The February '
meeting roll• call is to be answer- John Nielson, 62, New Ham-
ed by each member bringing a burg, died Sunday night at St.
written current event for the Mary's Hospital in Kitchener
curator book. It Will also be the after a brief illness.
grandmothe'r's meeting with a de- He was borb 'Jan. 30, 1908.,
monstration: Convenors for His- in Detimark, and catne to Can-
torical and Current Events will ada at age 17.
be Mrs. James Clark and mrs. Welbknown in Seaforth,he
Mac Sholdice. Mrs. Nelson 4eicl, was on the staff of Crich's Bak-
Mrs. Gordon McGavin and Mrs. ery for fifteen years prior to
Doug Ennis were named as cura- the 'Second War. He served
to'rs. The InStitute' will pay the .. on active service in the Royal
curator fee for the year. Canadian Navy for five years
The District Annual is being and shortly after the War moved
held May 12th at Blifevale when to New Hamburg where he has
Mrs, Victor Emmerson, Curator contintied td reside.
forituron-Brime area will, be the
guest speaker.
After much discussion it was
decided to hold the euchre card
parties on Wednesday instead of
Friday evenings,. The committee
in charge of 'the, first party this
week is Mrs. Stewart Humphries,
Mrs. Margaret Humphries, Mts.
Torrence Dundas. Mrs. Mac
Sholdice, and Mrs. Don Achilles.
The committee in'charge for the '
next euchre. is MI-s. James Mc-
Donald, Mrs. Ken- McDonald,
Mrs. Pete McDonald, Mrs. Mru-
ray Smith and Mrs. Harold Bol-
Discirssion followed on a bus
trip in the spring. It was left
with Mrs. K. McDonald to make
fultire plans. '
Mrs. Gerald Watson, Mrs.
Allan Searle, Mrs. Dori McDonald
and Mrs. Allan McCall attended
the two-day training school last
week in the Presbyterian Church.
Seaferta, as leaders for the 4-H
Homemaking Club, 'Featuring
Mr. and Mrs. David Freethy
and Randy of Toronto, spent the.,
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Mrs. Maude Leeming is a
patient in Clinton Hospital; Mrs.
Graeme McDonald is confined to
Seaforth Hospital. Their many
friends hope they make a speedy
Mrs. Martin Haan, Mis. Nel-
son Reid, MrS. Campbell Wey and
Mrs. Alvin McDonald attended the
Huron-Perth Presbyterial, mee-
ting at"- Wesley-Willis United
Church, Clinton, Thursday.
• Miss Margaret McKeever,
Mrs,, Alice Stiles and Mr. and
MrS. Mike Williams of Seaforth,
spent Sunday 'afternoon at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ryan.
Quite a number of people' of.
the community Attended the 'Ice
Follies' in the Maple Leaf Gar-
dens, Toronto, Saturday evening,
the trip being sponsored by the
Brussels Lions ClUb.
Mrs., Hilda Sellers spent the
weekend With Mr. anti Mrs. Herb
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid,..
Above; Seaforth goalie, Joey Czerwinsi, mak's a typical' save as Mitchell forwards
are closing in.
Mr. and Mrs. James Scott ..of
Blyth, visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Stirnere gf Stratford.,
Mrs, Edna Ilackwell spent
Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs.' Reid
Hackwell of Exeter.
He was a member of Holy
Family Church in New 'Ham-
burg and also, a member of the
Royal Canadian Legion, Branch
,He is survived by'hisc.wife,
t'i'e former Mary Fir nni0n of
Seaforth. and one son. John, of
The body is at. the Bruce J.
Omand funeral home, New Ham-
burg 'till Thursday when re-
moval will be made to Holy
Family RomM. Catholic Chuv',11
for requiem hl'gh mass at 10:'30
o'clock. Temporary entomb-
ment will be in Graff Mem-,
orial 'Chapel, New Hamburg.
Burial will follow later in Holy
Family Roman Catholic Ceme-
Meet • at
The Messengers met on Sun-
.day with twenty-two members
present. The president, Karen
Insley, opened the meeting and
all repeated the Messenger
Motto. Nancy Jaques read the
scripture. Vernon 'Thomson gave
the prayer and Michele Robinson
read a poem. Mrs. L, Cowdrey
read a story followed by a solo
*by Susah Spence and a poetn by
Pamela Rbeld. "MrS. G. Copeland
presented the Study Book and .
concluded the business. It was
decided to have a skating party.
Nancy Jaques and Vernon Thom-
sonVere given graduation certi-
ficates and fifteen members re-
ceived pins or bars for perfect
attendance in 1989.
Bobby Cowdrey and Calvin
Rodd took up the offering.
Mitchell, goalie ',ad his hands full during the entire game as Seaforth players continued
to press the attack despite an early 3-0 lead."
Joey Makes another Key save as a Mitchell' totward comes own the ice on a wide open •
presentation of various awards
and trophies to winning teams..
as well as outstanding Individual
Admission to the arena ,will
be $1.00 per person and players
in the Seaforth Minor Hockey.
system will be selling these in
advance. The, tickets are' good
for admission all day 'and there
are three door prizes being. of-
fered as well.
The .Big '0' pram Tile Com-
pany has announced plans to'
double its production facilities-.
again this year. The major fac-
tor in this decision has been the
unprecedented demand for 4'/
corrugated-plastic tubing,
A company - spokesman
indicated that even, with the
constant expansion made since
1968, it is difficult to keep pace
with the ever increasing demand
for the product.
The fledgling company began
production with a meagre 4,000
sq, ft. but this year's proposed
.expansion will see 13,000 sq. ft.
by fall with plans for a new
plant in Eastern Ontario.
The Big introduced,cor-
rugated plastic drainage , tubing
to the Canadian market just two
years.ago and is now its largest
Drain Tile manufacturer. ,
An Expositor Classified will
pay you- dividends. HaVe you
tried one? Dial 527-0240:
..Plario for
Here's 'a sample of the action spectators can expect to see this Saturday during the an-'
nual Minor Hockey Day at the Seaforth .arena. This photo series was taken at a novice plaY- ' • off game here on Monday evening when Seaforth dawned lylitcheir 5-2 to eliminate that team , , in two straight games. "
In this picture, Larry Dalton, 16, slides the puck past the Mitchell netminder.