HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-02-05, Page 8School in Dublin. ARNOLD STINNISSEN• GROUP .• LIFE • ACCIDENT and " SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL' , PENSIONS ANNUMES Representing $Un• Life Assurance .Company - of Canada TELEPHONE 527.0410. 117 GODERICH ST; EAST SEAFORTH „. • - •••••••••-••••••• Correspondents Rowat, the cast - Tom Burke, Gwen McLean, Joe Murray,,Nico Peters, Dawna ReynoldS and Pat Ryan - has been practising con- tinually in preparation for the ,scheduled Feb, 12 presentation. The ,play is, slated to start, at 8:30 p.m., tickets may be pur- chased at the door or from stu- dents. Students' Council In a series of recent meetings, —the -StudentS' conch has -"(M-. cided upon 'the adoption of a school jacket arid sweat-shirt the.farmer to be a yellow nylon zippered affair, with the letters SDHS bordered, by black 'on the left .frent. the latter to be retl Margaret Elligsen 1,Beata Malkus Drania PresentatiOn Grade 13 students interested d -in drama have an opportunity to participate each year, thanks to Mr. R.- Burgess, who allows them to transfer the work involved in researching and writing essays to that necessary for 'producing and dramatizing a play. This year, seven merrili-eri of the "Grade 13 English classes have chosen to present' Fallen Angels' a comedy- by 'the-famed --English playwright, Noel Coward, as their effort. --Under thiddireetion of Jim.. • 11 Tolust COMPANY tiNce 1000 . SEAFO FARMERS Phone 527-0770 Seaforth ; VIII' FARM R CENT EQUIPMENT • 1 31 Splui ,Each AYR-GAIT-SEAFORTI4 Ph.oite 527-0120 .TRACTOR CLINIC! MONDAY FEBRUARY 9th' 8 p.m. Filnfs and Refreshment -PLAN TO ATTEND AND BRING ALONG -ANY- SERVICE----OR . MAINTENANCE_ QUESTIONS YOU'D LIKE TO HAVE ANSWERED. ' • QUALIFIED , SERVICE PERSONNEL FROM IH and QUAKER STATE WILL BE . •ATTENDING It's an Informative and Worthwhile Evening. Are you taking full advantages of the fax savings that are available through Registered Savings Plans. If not ask us. sr' TED HOLMES- ' 145 Deer Pirk Circle, -London 471-6005 or SYNDICATE LIMITED ATTENT ION '.A1111.-$nimmobifers Lecture -- Slides „ ..... • presented by The Ontario Provincial Police WED. EVENING,- FEB. 11,' `p.m. At Seaforth Community Centre • SPoriSored bYthe., SEAFORTH SNOWMOBILE CLUB LUNCH PROVIDED ' Ontario Snowmobile Federation President will be present Plan to Attend A • Snowmobile Safety Meeting • , We're number one in snowm ife a service .IF.nrsepee1c5tioh n0Uornseevr evir'cyo new Ski-Doo • The better snowmobile warranty that gives you peace of mind *Qualified repair service by factory trained mechanics • A complete line of parts and accessories took to, this sign for the finest snowmoblio, sportswear, accessories, parts and service, - — '0411& 0410 varelle ltd North America's number one snowmobile 'T.M. 400 W70 SKI-D00 DEMOS --2 ONLY — Greatly Reduced Prices_ Also Good Selection of USED - MACHINES as low. as $244.00_ PPER NICAL SERVICES .4)15 14 Ni6HTS uNTrLNiNE.- gAFORTA, 014/iRIO ,PRONi • Clear Substation /Mb rse - ate verec ye mire U 0 Compete in Speaking Clinton Public Schobl. ' The Perth County winner will ,adVance to a- similar contest to be held in Milverton on February 12th, to determine a-country, re- • -presentative at the district con- test. Local contestants involved ih ,Thursday's preliminary contest includeLJoan Nobel of St.James' Separate Sema', Cathy Murray from 'St. Columban School and winners, one for each county, who will compete with public School speakers in a county-wide contest, The Huron winner at Thurs- day's public speaking contest will compete again on Friday with representatives from Huron .County Public Schools in the R fr m'St Patrick'S- MarilynRyan o • Retire rich! Order 4 s SEED GqAIN GRASS SEED FERTILIZER Now For Your Spring Needs (Continued from Page 1) Council is further opposed to such charges the Municipal Act arid the planning Act because they would transfer from the Mi- nister of Municipal Affairs and his Department to the Minister of Mines and his Department, - powers and authority which should remain with the Depart- ment established in the interests of municipalities rather than be transferred to a Department es- tablished in the interests of one particular segment of the eco- nomy. At a special meeting on Mon- day night, Council accepted and signed a fire agreement with the Village of Hensall and accepted the, fire agreement with the Sea- forth Fire Area. Councillor Cleave Coombs was named re- presentative from Tuckersmith on the Seaforth Fire Area Board. 'Councillor Ross Forrest is the Township representative on the -Hensall Fire Area Board. Tuckersmith approved the Collection of taxes i-n 1970 in two installments due on June 29th and on November 27th, previous- ly, taxes were collected once a year on December 15th. 'Reeve Elgin Thompson was named representative to MODA for 1970. The Reeve, together with Deli, Reeve AleX McGregor Will act on. the MODA Tourist CounCil. SEAFORTH4t FEB. 5, 197G ' ch Meets. • Managers, A. Y. McLean, was named chairman and F. R. Cosford, secretary for the meeting. Reports presented indicated the congregation had raised nearly $26,000. for all purposes and that each organization was in a thriving condition. Reporting for the Board of Managers, Mr. Cosford said that during the year a new heating boiler had been. installed and other improvements to the boller room carried out at a total cost of $5,487.04 and funds to provide for the cost had been raised during the year so that the new installation was paid for. -Keith Sharp expressed ap- preciation- for the, contribution being made by the organist Mrs. Carol Carter and on his re- commendation, the meeting ap - proved an honorarium of $100. to her. Mr. McKellar, clerk of the session, reported on the session and On Harpurhey Cemetery. The congregation on the rec- ommendation of the Session, ac, cepted a budget commitment of $4,000 for 1970. „ Reporting for the National Development. Fund, Clare Reith, who with ,1,A,'Cardijo, repreT sending the Board of Managers, is a joint chairman, said the fund' because of other congre- gational committments had been relatively inactive during the year but that plans would be considered to permit increased participation in the fund in 1970. Re-elected to the board of managers for a three-year term were - Elmer Rivers, Donald Morton, Harold Cqleman and , Ronald Driscoll. Walter Mc- . Clure was elected to complete the term of Bert Moggachwho had resigned on moving from town. R. S. - MacDonald and J. E. • liatterson were-re-elected aadi- tors. (Continued from page I) agreed with a suggestion to set up ti budget for an industrial committee and this will be de- veloped at a later date. Counc. Paul Neilands expressed again the need for , more land for housing. Harold Knight was appointed representative to the Mid-Wes- tern Ontario Regional Develop- ment' Council. Council retired into commit- tee of the whole to discuss the salaries of Clerk Earl Camp- bell and Roads Superintendent E.R.Davis, but the committee did not report on reverting to cmincil. Council received tenders for carrying out the extension to OZford St. West and tentatively accepted one tender but wished for prices on gravel by the,yard and other details before making a final decision. The clerk —informed council the Fire Marshall wished to meet with its members on Feb. 24 to explain Mutual Fire Agreement standards. It was decided that councillors Baker. Neilands and Erb . should attend the convention of the Ontario Rural Municipal- ities in Hamilton on February 9 and 10. Appointments to the Recrea- tion, Parks and Community Centres Board were confirmed by by-law. Named were - from Council: Lee:lard Erb, Paul Nei 1- ands for 1970, for the years 1970- 71 Cecil Pepper and Wayne Smith apd for 'the year 1970 Homer Campbell; Eric Mansfield and AnthOny Charrette. Bills and accounts in the amount of $2,542,59 were ap- proved for payment. E.R.Davis re-ported snow re- moval on King Street and that sidewalks had been sanded when necessary. The library had been scrubbed and two coats of paint applied and Ted Our! had -been contacted regarding the.removal of dead limbs on trees in the village but to. date had not done any as the weather has not been ,favourable. Cosine. Baker asked that 'in-' tersections be checked and sanded where there was an ice prOblem. - Davis- said that., if :council agreed-he would clean and de- corate the clerk's office.- Counc. Rooseboom commented on the fine lob done in the library. Clerk,Earl Campbell told C ne there- would ire total of - $4 , 536. -tax 'reduction this year fOr the village from the- pro- vince compared , $4,358 last year. - - Council agreed to purchase thiee 'vapor lights that had been installed en-Queen-Std-W...ond a trial basis at a cost of $82.46 each. The clerk .informed council that Exeter had been paid by Mensal' and USborne for the same fire at the dump in 1968 and to B of E (Continited from Page 1) schools in the county showing that since the secondary schools ib the county.. are generally well equipped with' audio-visual sup- plies. requests from elementary schools . for audio-visual equip- ment should' have• priority over the secondary scjiools. • • meat.", building permits approved in- eluded: bevid Kyle, renovations; Ed. Fink, addition; Marlin Trans- port, cement floor and pit, and Cook Bros., demolish a hPilding• The reeve suggested that council pay the fee to me mayors aria Reeves Association as he plans to attend the convention in May. Council has agreed to pay fpr the prizes kir snow sculpturing at the winter carnival. Winners to receive cheques - senior class - John Neilands, Tony Kyle and Vernon Randall; Junior class - Tracy and Tammy Turner, Jenny Cook and tied for third., were ,Kevin Waring and Kathy Sangster. hommi NOTICE KINOURN STGRE Hoe has the agency for 13UC HANAIN• DRY CLEANERS Pickup and Delivery Days: MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS ismammammonmamommail OVER 1000 ATTEND PANCAKE FEAST Well over 1,000 servings of pancakes were served at Vincent Farm Equipment's annual Pancake Day on Tuesday. Even the well equipped staff had trouble keeping pace with the record crowd, which filled the tables in the • showroom all day long. Lineups persisted throughout most of the afternoon. Shown above are "chefs" Archie Bryson, I.H.Zone Manager and Maiden Vincent (party hidden la Warren Vincent). Also in store for the spectators were a series of films which ran- continuously throughout the day. The films, which were shown in the service department contained something for everyone, from farm machinery to the Memorial Day races. at Indianapolis. (Staff Photo) News of Seaforth. DHS _ 9r yellow cotton; the price is, respectively, about $10 and $4. Some time ago, the Council had agreed to send $1,000 to Canairelief to fly to ,and dis- tribute food in Biafra. Since the collapse of the breakaway state a few weeks ago, the Nigerian government has been handling all:` work, and has notpermitted agencies viorking in Biafra pre- viously to continue their help. This m e y "was -- sent- instead.; then„ to Unicef; last week' the Students' council rkeived a let- ter cif acknowledgment and thanks from Clare Westdott, EXecutive Assistant to the Minister (of Education) who wrote 'mysur- prise and—gThat pleasure . was equalled only by the pride I- felt as a former. student of Seaforth 'High School. . . . the Executive Director of Unicef, Paul Ignatief is a good friend of mine and . . . . I will for- mally present ,the cheque to him on behalf of your Students'toun- , cil.' C ine-C lub Last Thursday night theCine- Club presented 'Thoroughly Mo- dern Millie'. a presentation -Which, in the words of one of the. members 'was a complete disas- ter': A misunderstanding between the leasing company and the Cine- Clab made two showings in one evening 'necessary. Technical- difficultiesdelayed the showing and,. as a result, the film was not finished until nearly„mid- night. Vowed Mr. D. Onn, staff representatlye, ,Never again!'' Get your tax-free fully guaranteed pension plan now cumulating at 83/4% with rio annual fee. See us quickly while interest rates hold! VICTORMand While Supplies Are Good CASH DISCOUNTS IN LFFM7 ON SEED GRAIN Book Your Orders Now for AERO PRILLS, directly, off the car Students from Separate Schools, across Huron and Perth Coupties will compete in 'a public speaking contest on Thurs- day afternoon at St. Patrick's The contest will produce twd USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE -INSURANCE • COMPANY- HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President William Cfiaffe RR 4:Mitchell Vice-Ptesident Raymond McCurdy • RR 1, Kirkton 1. • Directors Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR Science Hill Tim. Todhey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner • RR 1, Cromarty Agents. Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson - - ,Exeter 11111.11111•1111111111111•1111111.!Ellinall T NtiRON eXPOSITQR, First Chur The congregation of :First PreOyteria.n Church reviewed a S4CceSSfall year at the annual meeting Monday evening. The Meeting had beet?' postponed from Mid-January because of tl the number in the congregation, ill at that time. • The meeting opened with a Short service conducted by the • Minister, Rev. T. L. Mulholland. The chalfman of the Board., of Tuckersmith SEAFORTH Is MARKET- 'MEAT THURS., FRI. and SAT. SPECIALS — PHONE 527-0040 Frying or Roasting Fresh Chicken Cuts CHICKENS LEGS lb" 49c, 3 - 31/2 lbs. " BREAST . lb. s3c c WINGS 3 Ib m 1.00 lb. NECK 4 14 . 19c Weston's Bread loaves 1.00 5 FRESH MEATY PORK CANADA PACKERS SPA •RE . ICE CREAM • IBS lb! • ' I/2 - :gal..-_' 1 c Daisy Brand Sliced Bacon lb* 59c DOLLAR"SPECIALS 1 Freezer Specials Meaty - FRONT OF PIG TAILS 4 lb• 1 00 SkinleSs WIENERS 21 • 1.00 BEEF, - . :Vasty Veal ' Patties.21.1.00 lb. 53. kaiiti INirk , Cut and Wrapped Sweet - Bones 4 ii). rice 9 ii a 0 • • rrrAL2a.,