HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-29, Page 11Ot on.
4iloonnobile rentals
$1p pek (fily‘
t the recent civic and press
gath-eilVig of the Clinton Kinsmen,
President Steve Brown outlined plans for
a $16,000. renovation to fhe Clinton Com-
munity Park. He said considerable work
had already been done and more than
$2,000. spent. The project will mark the
50th anniversary, of the fgunding of the
Kinsmen in Canada and it will be ,the
18th anniversary of the Clinton Club at-
cording to the Clitton News-Record re-
port, and . Al FinCh, :second president
pointed out that over $10,000 • had been
raised last year and 'most of it - spent
on projects in the Clinton area, including
,sponsorship of local .sports. The News-
Record also reports in the Auburn briefs,
"that Mrs. Charles Straughan marked her
89th birthday recently and,was honored by
some 33 neighbors and friends.. A further
report by the same weekly refers to Bay
field Council meeting when Reeve E. W.
Oddleifson informed council that the pur-
Chase of the village street lighting system
"from the Ontario Hydro Is nearing coin-.
,pletibn. He- told 'the two new members.,
Councillors West and• Warner, that the
project was begun last fall' and said that
the village will save $600 yearlY in operat-
ing costs which will see the syStem paid,
for, in five years.
, The Lucknow Sentinel features two
main items in its reports. .The first
story relates to the fact that the village
water rates will advance to $27, for
domestic patrons, an increase of $6.00
and commercial users will see an increase
of 30% or closest divisible figure, for
billing purposes, These. prices include
unlimited supply of, water since Lucknow
water supply 'is not metered. Thd second
story reports 'on the inaugural meeting
of Ashfield council in that it has appointed
an eight-rnember Recreation Committee
to be known as the ASlifield Recreation
The Cranbrook Dart Club held a
ladies night recently, according to the
Brussels Post, in the Community Centre,
when some 32 members took part. There
were eight teams participating in the
evening's tournament, and there are eight
teams in the Brussels Area Dart League.
Brussels Lions defeated Howick' Lions
In a recent bonspiel with three wins plus •
In a Wiarton Echoteport some 150•
parents and young people, representing the
churches of Wiarton,, attended an inter-
church fellowship supper sponsored by
the. Wiarton Ministerial Association and
took place of the annual Week bf Prayer
services, Five denominations were re-
The village council of Zurich, held
aspecial meeting, according to the Zurfcir
Citizens News, at which' they named W.
Douglas Armstrong 'as clerk-treasurer.
lie is 'also manager- of the Zurich Hydro
and Water System. The new appointment
folloved the resignation of Mrs. Elda
Wagner who served since 1962. The Citiz-
ens News also reports that the Big '0'
Tile Company has announced plans to
double its production facilities again this
year. The Big, '0' introduced corrugated
plastic drainage ,tubing to the Canadian
market just two years ago and is now
its largest drain tile manufacturer.
, The County Library Board at their
meeting appointed Mrs., Bruce Falconer
as the new Branch. Supervisor of the
Blyth Library, according to the Blyth
Standard. It also reports that Mrs.Albert
Walsh was-honored by friends and neigh-
bors on the occasion' Of her 80th birth-
day. -
At the annual meeting of Perth
CoUnty- Holstein-ChM' -held at' rifodliagen
W. Norman Dow of /Staffa received a
certificate for highest prOdUction among
the Holstein herds in POth-Cbtftwil
400 •
Top Valu
48-ax. tin
February 1st...7th is DentalHealth
Week in Ontario, M part of
the ,observande, the Huron 4x-
positor, in co-operation with the
Ontario Dental Associatien, to-
day begins a series of six articles
on facts you should know about
dental health.
However, even approved den-
Wrices are not' cure-alls. They
are designed only as aid'S in
combating decay and will, not
substitute for fluoridation of
community water supplies
regular care by your dentist and
good eating habits.
Some of the newer additions
to the dentifrice market are the
so called tooth whiteners. Den-
tistry, has commented on these
toothpastes 'as follows: ',There
has been a recent tendency to
promote dentifrices on the basis
of their ability to whiten or
brighten teeth. 'Such claims
appear to relate- almost
exclusively to the incorporation
in the dentifrices of harsh abra-
sive agents....
Before using the tooth whiten-
ing pastes, the Ontario Dental
gssociation suggests you ask the
advice of your family dentist.
It 'is advisable to provide an
approved fluoride dentifrice, es-
pecially for your children. All
members of your family should
remember to brush immediately
-after eating and to see your family
dentist for regular checkups.
If you follow these rules, you
and your family will be started on
the road to good dental
health throughout your lives.
Smiles . .
'I'm sorry we're so late get-
ting home', said the husband to
the baby-sitter when the couple
returned later than expected.
'Don't apologize', replied the
girl, 'if I had a kid like yours,
I wouldn'ti be in a hurry to get
home either.' n
The Hullett Federation at a
meeting in Londeshoro ;decided
to have the annual meeting on
February 16 in Londesboro.
• The, Federation plans to have
a speaker to, discuss the White
• Paper on Taxation and answer
'questions on how it will affect
Direct Service Members in
the township will be notified of
the 'monthly meetings. • At future meetings, the Fe-
deration plans to study and dis-
cuss . the Farm Income Report
and make recommendations.
J-L Vitamins and Cosmetics
Limited is changing its name to
Pricegard Limited. A bright
range Pricegard sign has been
installed at the.Seaforth store as
,e1.1: as at 27 other ,discount
111 and beauty aid stores,
owned by Capital Diversified In-
dustries Limited of London.
D, H.' Swife, President' of
capital, said 'the search for the
new name and preparation for
the change, has been going onfor
over a year. The new name more
adequately describes the Com-
pany's sales policy, "We intend
to continue to sell nationally ad-
vertised brands at discount
prices and to continue to pro-
vide the shopping public with the
best possible values at lowest
prices", Mr. Swift said.
alth,otigh ,the -L Vitamins
stores have become well-
known throughout ,. Southern ,
Ontario, a more descriptive name
has been introduced to allow for a
wider range of retail mei.,
Capital also announced' its
1970 projections of a total of
45 Pricegard stores to be bp-
erating by year end. Retail sales
are projected..from the present
fouic million dollars to more
than eight million during 1970.
Pricegard stores. are ores- '
ently located in Hamilton, Brant-
ford, London, Strathrey,
Windsor, Ridgetown, Clinton,
Seaforth, Aylmer, St. Mary's,
Chatham, Sarnia and St.Thomas.
The growth of the retail chain
from nine stores in 1968, to the
present 28 has resplted in em-
ployment for 200 people.
Pricegard will service its
stores from its London based dis-
tribution centre located in the
Westminister Industrial Park.
Credit Unionl-
Did You
Canadian Credit Union Assets
- Top $4 Billion\y_
Preliminary year end statistics from the CUNA in.
ternational Research Department she*, assets in
Canadian credit obnions grew fro0.437- billion in
196$ to over $4 billion at the end of 1969. Leaps out. • ;
standing increased,to $27 billion and savings rose ,
at about the same-rate to $3.4 billion. Membership'
increased to 4.3 million, exactly-25 Per 'cent Of the
poPuration of 'Canada. Worldwide,. there were -38.1
million members in $2,748 credit'unions assets
totalling $20.8 billion.
Can you reeotrunChci a good tooth-
paste? I am confused as to
whether I should buy a toothpaate
for my family that will whiten
their teeth or prevent decay.
A dentifrice's role in oral ,
hygiene is to act as an aid to the
toothbrush in cleaning teeth. In-,
addition, certain dentifrices have
proven Clecay-preventive qua-
lities. These toothpastes are re-
commended for use -- especially
by children.
The American Dental Assoc-
iation classifies and evaluates
therapeutic dentifrices; that Is,
those toothpastes which claim to
improve oral health. Since 1960,
when one dentifrice was recog-
nised as oan effective decay-
* preventive", now several tooth-
pastes- have been approved. All
of them contain some type of
fluoride. Check to see if your
toothpaste has 'a statement of
These dentifrices are ef-
fective, but the extent of their
effectiveness depends upon the
user. To obtain maximum pro-
tection against decay, you should
brush your -teeth as soon as
possible after eating, even after
snacks. The reason for this, is
that the decay-causing bacteria
Work on the food--especially
sugars—within a short time after
it has entered the mouth. The
longer toothbrushing is'post-
poned, the longer the bacteria
have a chance to work.
Cutter Pastes Were Feature at Winter Carnival
Discount Store Has New Name
were on Record of Performance testing
for 1968-69. Average production per cow
for milk in the Marlefield herd was'
15,123 lbs. with a B.C.A. of 139% :for
milk and 148% for butterfat according to
the Mitchell Advodate. The same weekly
reports that Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Malcolm
Norris quietly celebrated the 50th an-
niversary of their wedding day with a
family dinner. They farmed near Munro
for a number of years, coming to Mitchell
in 1941,
Seven girls have already entered
the Snow Queen contest in connection with
the Kinsmen's, Artie Antics Winter Carni-
val •according to the Wingham Advance-
It goes on to relate that prizes
' for the Snow - Queen and her• two at-
tendants will be $25. for the first place
winner and $15. and $10. for runners up..
Mary McFadden, Bayfield, a
Theinber of the Goderich Figure Skating
Club, won the 1970 Novice Ladies Figure
Skating Championship in the Western on-
tario section competitions held in
Btantforci recently according to the Goder-
, ich Signal-Star. She 1S-the datighter of Mr.
and Mrs. F, E, McFadden, Baarfield, is
15 and the .senior coach With the local club.
It is the first 'time in 20 years that a
figure skater from this area has Avon the ,
novice title. young Canada Hockey week,
being_ held the, latter part of. March, will
have 88 teams competing this year ac-
cordihg to the Goderich Lions Club Com-
mittee and it was stated one additional
team this year will be from VancouVer.
Mr. and Mrs:: Leonard Elliott, R.R. '2,
Clinton marked their 48th Anniversary'
' recently. The SignalrStar relates that .
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott were married in
'Bluevaie on January 17, 1922., The same
weekly reports that the Rebekah Lodge was
one of three womens organizations in
Goderich who presented bursaries to
student nurses at Alexander' l'vlarine and'
General Hospital recently. The nurses
are at the hospital for two days each.
week to receiveclinical experience as part
of their training from the Perth-Huron
Regional School of Nursing.
The Exeter Times-Advocate re-
ports that Stephen Township Council has
named a new road superintendent to re-
place Lawrence Hill who retired recently
after 21 years of service. The new road
boss is Ronald Frank McIsaac, 41 of',
Harper WoOds, Michigan.' Although a life
long resident of Michigan, Mr. McIsaac
spent most of the hummer manilla during
his teens with his grandmother, Mrs.
Peter Mclsaac in Dashwood. The Times
also relates a short item which makes
us think of spring. The item tells of
plans being made by the directors of
,the South Huron Agricultural Society for
the annual Hensall Spring Fair. The
Times continues with a curling story
that sh Id get othdr area curling clubs
up anc oing: The story is that for, the
second cdnsecutiye year a .rink from the
Exeter Curling Clpb skipped by Helen
Burton has reached the Ontario Ladies
Finals and will compete in Welland late
in February.
The big front page story in the
" St. Marys Journal-Argus is in regard ,
to the construction 'job to take
—Place in the history' of St. Marys. It
states that in all probability the con-
struction will get underway late, in the
fall of this, year. The estimated $3,000,000
Worth of construction' will be buried be-
neath St. Marys streets in the form of
sanitary sewers and similar installations.
The ilbig dig" will, it is believed, ac-
cording to the ,rgus • report, take two
years to complete. I* Boostdr"DAy" in St.
Marys was .termed a huge success in
*Moh twenty-four teams took part in
Various events throughout .the day. It•
was' estimated that 1200 fans attended, the
Scanning the Weeklies
-- Lee -Hee-
Stokely, Honey
'Peas, Whole Kernel
Corn or Cut Green
:Beans Assorted
__.. _....._ ._
Slic'ed Tidbit'
or Crushed
(country style) Table Trimmed•
Tender and
$1 .09 1
• Coleman's
Oven Ready
Roast With
The King of
All Roasts
S i!.
Tender and
lb, lb.
By the Plea „
SIDE Monarch
Parchment 14b.
/7 Prices Effective Wed.,
:' .,...00.1.L.11iaratiggifill I j:lian".28A ,thinScIut;ive
''.' ' n it"' Pfiair3lat,,,,,PNZJPI We Reserve' the Hight
• ID to 1///7/07/M1 ' to Limit Quantities. '
Mac Apples 2. sk Oranges 12 790. Tomatoes lb.
rap Value
19-oz. tin
Top Yam
-5-lb. oaly -bag'
Top a u
Fancy- Halves
or Slices
14.oz. tin
Assorted Family Pack
Tomato or vaeatabie
Top Vain
- Ica; out, sk.