HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-29, Page 4if 0 lS it- FLORIDA TOURS From i125.00 up • 15-day bus-..tinim,depart Feb. 2nd and March 2nd, including side trip to Nassau, $259.00 per, person 'based on 2 toe room. 10-day mid-term holiday special to Florida• departs March 20, $125.00 and up, includes all hotel accommodation, baggage handling and-; service -of -a tour-eseort. ' Write. For Brochures or Phone . HA_BKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE Phone -527-1222 Seatorth, (int, the list of facilitieS as the sum- mer passed. The Mott family has been pleasantly surprised at the re- sponse they have received both last summer and this winter are full of , enthusias Or the coming season and ha e aroused the support 'of many area neighbors who are anxious to see the project a success. Mr. Mott; 'who for a number of years held a guides' licence for hunting and fishing for all of Ontario, has plans for' further expansion this summer. He is planning.to promote the park at area tourist centres throughout the area and hopes to turn the project into a re- 'Cognized camping and recreation park this summer. The fees for camping facilities are similar ,to those used in Provincial- parks and the park boasts many facilities- not available in Provincial parks. Remember the name ,,Family Paradise Camping Park." You'll hear' more about it. SEAFORTH ARENA SCHEDULE' FRIDAY — SKATING - 8-10 p.ni. Admission 25c and 35c SATURDAY AFTERNOON SKATING 2% 3:30 p.m. AdMission 15C:and 25c TUESDAY INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY Milverton vs. Seaforth —1:30 pm. Admission 25c, 50c and itc TAKE NOTICE .‘ that the Annual Meeting of producer members of the Huron County Hog Producers' Association will be convened at the hour of 1 p.m., E.S.T., on , the 10th of February, 1970 at 'the 'Legion Hall in the Town of. Clinton for the purpose of Die proper business of the annual meeting, the election of officers. the election of vot- ing representatives. Between. •the hours of 2:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the above mentioned date. SEAFORTH CHAMBER OF •COMMERCE DINNER AND DANCE , for MEMBERS AND GUESTS Seaforth Legion Hall Thursday,, Feb. 5, 7 p.m. Refreshments 6:30 Tickets $5.00 Per Couple GOLDEN TRIANGLE DUTCH CANADIAN CLUB 1.11•Wit I Presents A Play In, Dutch CUPID.O IN E'EN SPEELSE bui Friday, February 20th 8 pan._ CLINTON' CHSS AUDITORIUM TICKETS IN ADVANCE , Main •Street Variety StOre, Seaforth Horse and Cutter Tours the Grounds Skating :facilities ar,e available. WINTER CARNIVAL INHENALL SATURDAY,' JANUARrig SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1 FRIDAY NIGHT 3 Minor Hockey Games MMINMWAT7P.M. • NOVICE • PEEWEE • BANTAM Adastml Park vs Bengali ,FRIDAY NIGHT • Carnival Dance ht the Arena, Auditorium Snow Ween Contest • Judging at 9 'p.m. • Crowning at 11:30 p.m. Music by . . . "The Blnewater Playboys" MONSTER PARADE ON SATURDAY, AT. 1:00- P.M. Snowmobile Races and Rides • Free Skating in the Arena • Judging of Snow Sculptures_,* =MALL LEGION MEMBERS WILL' SERVE WIENERS AND BEANS IN.THE RICNIO PAVILION ' Saturday Night Harkey 7 P.M. LOCAL TYKES HOUSE LEAGUE CLINTON IVIITEg vs AEN'S ALL MITES ZGRICIltioNs CLUB vs liENSA11,101,181NEN EXETER •mIDOET t S vs HENSALL MIDGETS Share•theMsalth CASH BINGO In the Auditorium' S1INDA1/ Afternoon Hockey Zioleh Mites vs Renal. Mites 2 P.M. • O.H.A. Junior "D" LAMBETH FLYERS'- vs ZURICH DOMINIONS Itvgalarly Sclitiluled Gams) SNOWMOBILE EVENTS • Rates ofid RMOS , Horning ,ot CilitletWAS TillOnt3 in Hie Park, • • EatIrS -Prot'eedi for Renovation to the Ijohsell Ate 0 S QUEEN'S HOTEL FEATURING OLD TYME MUSIC IN THE HURON LOUNGE Presenting FRIDAY and SATURDAY ' Norville Read and the Rhythm Boys In the Red, Knight, Room FRIDAY — PARISIANNA :TRIO SATURDAY — ELGIN FISCHER — BEVERAGE fROOM' — FRIDAY PEARL SATURDAY pARISIANNA'S • AM* Free Customer Parking • Visit our Beverage Room for Tasty Stiatk s, also; ColoredTV • .COMMERCIAL HOTEL Sftforth, Otario 4 =A;14,1,5.14 moment t* place an k i'os W4": Want A4 mid be ifioneil pocket. adyel*eo Jot r/iN Seafoith 527:0240, iii-menwouvinwiiin*Piamonewiq, Legion, Hai Erpm 9 tO. 1 . Sattird0y folltawininfigarYslikti!glIttrt7 Tues., ,Feb. 1970 8 to 10 p.m. at the Arena 5:00 • 7:00 p.m. Music by Nite Hawks . Adults $1.75 Admission to dance $1 each Children, 12 years and underr Pre-School children Free Everybody Welcome $1.00, TURKEY SUPPER NORTHSIDE UNITED CHURCH Over 21. AttendanCe Limited To Those ...01+.•••ftwoo s"' • Family Paradise . . Tourist Centre in McKillop S'everal snowmobilers prepare for short safari through Park. This one didn't quite make it: Snowmobile attempts, one 9f the several jumps at radi s-e-• ' Family Paradise Camping Park is fast becoMing„ a haven for the week end snowmobiler. The park, located at Lot 12, Concession 12, McKillop Town- ship or, 6 miles north of Sea- forth and three miles east, on 118 acres of former swamp land, is operated by William Mott and his family. Originally intended only as a summer campiag , park, the recent boom of snowmobiles have encouraged the Mott family to expand their facilities to include a Winter recreation park. In addition to the natural land- scape suited for snowmobiling, the park has, a'five-acre man made lake which provides an excellent skating area in Winter- tiMe. Snowmobiles are also available" for 'rental. The five-acre Lake is stocked .,.with trout and next year the Molt family hopes to faoilltate .ice fishing. Mr. Mott purchased the 118 acre site last March from Fred Glanville with plans to turn the site into a summer recrea- tion and camping park. By early summer, Bill, his wife Ruth and children. Linda and Jimmy, who moved here , • from, Chatham, „Ontario, had„ ' transformed the swamp land into what was beginning to resemble a camping park. Determined toatalte.a success of the project, the family con- ' tinued to pour energy and 4noney into improying the grounds. Swings and a playground area were erected. • In addition to the five acre lake,• which is spring fed, a 1 1/2 acre pond was dug. out to be used as a stocking pond for trout. Camping site's were .completed to accommodate 75 • Campers with hydro and 50, more.. without. By mid-summer the park was beginning to attract visitors. Mr.' Mott's step-son, Raymond Whale, a -student at McMaster U,niv- cirsity, returned home to spend , the summer, acting as lifeguard for the manYswinmers'attracted to the copl spring-fed' waters of the lake. Horseback riding, horse shoe pits and .fishing were all ailded to 0 it • • • 0 SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY • Presents ".SOLID STATE" ►TURDAYi JANUARY 31 OANdtha 9:00 16-. AT intof ItTli COMMUNITY CENTRE Ac mitsion $1:00 An Expositor •Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth FRIDAY, JAN- 30 315 p.m. 15 Register Genies for '$10.00 Three $25.00 Genies $75,00 Jaapot to go Two ma Frites AmsiSSfoll Esira Cards 25d air 7 thi.,$1.00 (Chihli**, Ofht•O 16 dot • Fern111,04' LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. Ronald Rennie and daughter, Linda., of AjaX, were week end guests of Mrs. M. R. Rennie. Mrs. Schockor of Detroit was here last week attending the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. Geo . Dale. Mr. T. L. Scott is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Miss Margaret Carr of Tor- onto, was the guest of Miss Mc- Leod, Goderich Street and Mr. and Mrs: James F. Scott. Miss Mary Walker of Toronto is , spending a few days, at her hoffie here. Mrs. M.' ilaney,of Egmond- ville is in Toronto this week attending the funeral of het, .sister. Mrs. J. Cockburn,, who passed away in Stirling,Scotland last Sunday. Mr. and Mrp. Donald Dale of London were in town last week attending the funeral of. his mother, the late Mrs. Geo. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. James Nile and son Derek, Montreal, were guests of her-sister, Mrs. Thos. joung and Mr. Young. Lo me recent Theory exam- khations held in Stratford of the Royal COnServa.tery of Musieof Toronto the following pupils Of Mt% Carol Carter; A.R.C.r.7 A. WIS., Seaforth, received tile following results.. Grade 2 Theory - First Class Honors - Helen Tilley. Preliininary Rudiments - F'14st. Class, Honors - Drencia Diet Fiat Class Honors Barbie -Brady. AU10141 50eioNchi.. Otinth 15 Royal Canadian, IL*Pion 'Prom o& for Waitaki Week