HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-29, Page 1., • -3` .e.itwanM • ••• Whole No. 5316 111th YEAR First Seetiorr, Pages 1-8 SEAFOETB, ONTARIO? THURSD" JANUARY p, 1970— 14 PAGE'S County Seeks Compromise on B of E ay tints it • Since most municipal, councils in Huron County pre- sently collect their taxes once annually, it was dec,ided at Huron county council's January session that it would impose hardship on most councils if they had to collect taxes on a quarterly basis as suggested in Bill 240 of the Secondary Schools and Boards. of Education Amend- ment A et. • Council also agreed to send o letter to the -HurOn County Board of Education asking them to accept payment of taxes twice apnually, at the end of June and at the end of December. Clerk John D. Berry told • council the school board tiad already indicated they will re- quest quarterly payments with 25 per cent of the tax money payable at the end of March, June, September and December ',respectively. Elmer Hayter, reeve of `Stanley • Township, said that if the board of education rejects council's proposal to pay twice a year, representativs- of the Ward of education Should be invited to a regular county council session to .explain the board's position in the matter. • Also in the matter of taxat- ion, representatives of IBM took all Thursday morning to explain to reeves, deputy-reeves and clerks 4uSt What ,IBM offered to municipalities Ivhich used their tax billing system. It was learned that an average . 'municipality billing twice a year could expect to pay $500. or more for the IBM service. IBM is capable of producing about 1800 tax bills per hour. The mailing and handling would be accomplished at the municipal ley 1. Huron Road Costs Hospital Admissions Up Exceed Two Million As Average Stay Decreases . , $1,445,000.00). 7 7.4 Record Crowd Takes Part Mayors, Reeves Ready To Go municipal participation in the winter Carnival program Sunda-y afternoon centrea around the Mayors and Reeves race. Lined up ready for the starter's flag are (front).Reeve John Flannery, Seaforth, Mayor Frank Delbridge of Exeter, Mayor F.C:J.Sills, Seaforth and Reeve Allan Campbell of MdKillop. Mayor Sills won 'the event with Reeve Flannery iiisecond place. Don McKercher, R, B.1, Dublin /.1;1S hf,(?11 ploolori presid- ent of the thirMi CoMity 4-H •••:1111) loaders. The annual meet- ing was held rlinton„piesday. Mr. M Ker1.her succeeds Murray Scott. of RR. I Belgrave. viCe presidents will include Ross ENO of lkigann,111, and Donald Dodds, of R, It I. Seaforth, Elected .secretar v treasurer for the 18th ,•onsocutive year was Maurice liallahan, Bolgrave, Di rectors"' tvlia, be Ross Fedy (beef), bolig Fortune, of Wing.- v. ham (dairy) Bob Fotheringham R, R.4. Seaforth (field crops) Don Kernick of Kirkton (sheep) and William Graeme Craig. of Walton. (Swine). Harry Howes, extension as- sistant with' the 'Ontario De- .partment of Agriculture ' Huroli County. said, last year 258 4-H Club Mem hers i'om pleteci 358 projects or 91,8 per 'cent c.ofn pl et ion. - The association decided to affiliate with the Huron Count' Federation of Agrieultilre with • The financial summary of the 1969 road program in Huron County showed that toal road construction amounted to it $360,904.23 with total construct- ion for bridges and culverts cost- ing $242,681.28. • Maintenance cost $507,- 836.97. Total amount submitted for subsidy 'was $1,445,862.98. (It is interesting to note that the budget forecast was for • The Winner Mrs. Ken Daig, who'-won the major prize in the Seaforth merchants Win-A-Prize '69 con- test, receives a trip to Bermuda for two. For the first time, the road account Went over the two mil- lion dollar mark. Elmer Hayter, chairinan of the 1969 road com- mittee, noted in his report that roads in the county cost $2,004,278.71 last-year. A bylaw was pasSed pro- viding for an expenditure of $1,246,000 for ',normal ex- penditures on the Huron County Road System" in 1970. , The balance of the 1970 expenditures will be submitted in the form of a supplementary bylaw along with the detailed. program es- timates at the M arch session. Bylaws - were also approved reducing the speed limit in :Mt. Carmel to 40 nal.; to in- crease the speed limit on county road 3,1 from the south limits of Varna to Highway 84 . to 60 mph; and to increase the speed limit on county road 2 from the 'south limits ,of Zurich- to Highway 83 to 60 mph. In other business, county ,, engineei Jim Brintnell was- given a raise of $1,500 annually from" $17,500. to $19,000 per year. Send Clothing Seaforth Branch of the Cana- dian Red Cross Society sent two cartons of tropical clothing to the, Ontario Division at Toronto containing: 10 tropical layettes, 20 girls'panty dresses 1,0-year 'size, 20 boys' shirts 10-12-year. size, 10 boys' shirts 8-year size, 10 boys' shorts 8-year size.' • While the number of admis- sions at Seaforth Community .Hospita!1 increased to 1590 in 1969 as compared to 1374 in the previous year the occupancy rate dropped 3.1% to 80%. The explanation lies in the fact that patients stayed /or shorter' per- iods hbspital administrator Gor- don MCKenzie told the board at a Meeting Tuesday evening. Average length of stay in 1969 was 8.2 dayi0 down from 10.5 days in 1968. • The 1969 budget approved by the Ontario Hospital Services Commission provides for a patient per diem rate of $39.80 Up from $35.63 in'1969. The budget is based - on an occupancy rate of 86.9% and 13200 patient days. Largest item in the budget is that for salaries and wages which in 1970 will total .„.Thisjs an increase from $372,497 in 1969. • Medical and surgical supplies are budgeted at $15250.00; drugs, at $24,750.00 and other supplies and, services. at $146,145.00. Total operating 'cost for :the,, new year is -set at $626,838.00Y The total the 'previous year was $550,959.00. ' Reporting• for- -the- property committee, J. M. Scott said during a Irecent fire inspection by OHSC staff an additional hy- drant on Centennial Drive was recommended. The board agreed to bring forWard the recom- mendation'to the town. A rearrangement of offices to provide additional space for medical records was agreed on • as recommended. ,The board'" • • asked for a _report on the cost of mitre ftlming records. A coil for the sterilizer steam unit will be purchased' for stock to avpid delays in event of a replacement being necessary. Experience had indicated coils lasted about two years. W. D. Stephenson, finance committee chairman, said the committee recommended a c,hange in the method of pre- paring pay cheques which 'would result in substantial saving in lime. The board approved the proposal whereby the cheques yould be made.. ready by the Toronto ,Dominion Bank computor at a unit cost of 25 cents. Re- porting for the public relations committee, Mrs. Jos. McConnell said the committee I had been•in touch with a •number of • people associated with the. hospital. The Huron-perth Separate 'Sclio,61 Board meeting-inSt.James Separate School, Seaforth, Monday night approved a borrow- ing by-law for $850,000. Trustee James Morris, Strat- ford, was appointed as represent- ative to the Stratford and DiS- trict Labour Council ''Teen Town". PE.yment of 'membership fees totalling $1945 were approved for the Ontario Separate School Trustets_Association ($1585) and ' for . the On'tario school Trustees Council,($360). Claude Harvey and Vic Lind- say of Stratford were re-appoint- ed to represent the Huron-Perth Separate School BOard on the' Stratford Publit Library Board. - Innes. Stratford, trustee,, was appointed as a mem - her of the Stratford Traffic Sub-: Committee to represent the Huron-Perth Separate School Board. ' Joseph Looby of Dublin. chairinan 01' the Finance and Insurance Committee, is to call a meeting of his committee with Superintendent, John V intar. and' Business , AdMinistrator, Jack Lane, and insurance officiaM to inspect, and update if necessary, .Planning for the 1970 Seatorth Fall Fair will get underway im- mediately president elect Jujin Murphy, Seaforth said Wed- 'nesda.y. A victim of 'flu.-Mr. Murphy Woman, 70 Is Stabbing Victim Police on Monday iden- tified a bUtcher knife which they had found as being the knife used in the stabbing death of Miss Katherine McGregor of C 1 inton. The b'ody of Miss McGregor a retired high school teacher, was found Saturday morning In the bungalow in which she had lived alone. The body was found by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Mc- Gregor of .Clinton when she visited the home Saturday morn- ing after repeated telephone calls went unanswered. Another brother of the marder victim,' William, In Montreal, had beet trying to reach his sister to inform her his, wife had died Friday In Montreal. Her brother wanted Miss McGregor to make arrangements for a Clinton fun- eral. (Continned on Page 8) ' The board agreed to establish a„planning committee to work with Agnew Peckham and Associates who are undertaki,ng a review of hospital facilities -in Huron and Perth. The committee will en- deavor to establish priorities with respect to capital outlays. Dr. Paul Brady told the board that at a recent meeting of the medical staff Dr. Ed. Malkus had been named president and Dr. C. Moyo, secretary. Dr. Brady continues as chief of staff. • The meeting was in charge of president D.I.Stewart Attend- ing were board members, Mrs. ;J. McConnell, W. D. Stephenson, Victor Lee, ,W, Shortreed, M. McKellar, Mrs. Don Morton; C. Lasley, Dr. Brady, Earl Dick, Miss A. Reid, Walter Scott, J.. M. Scott, D. CiNucornish and A. ',Y. McLean. In A record tirrnout . of • spectators, Upwards of 5,000 jammed . -the Seaforth Fair Grounds on Sunday to watch the popular snowmobile' races which dominated the final day of the Seaforth Winter Carnival. Record attendance figures. more than triple the 1500 spec- tators who braVed the cold Jan- uary weather for last Year's event was rthe pav-oft for 'the Optimists, Who have sponsored the event ror the past three years. Kicl.ing off the tliree-day pro- gram v,as torch-light parade on Friday evening, which featured nearly 100 snowmobiles carrying bright hie.bted flares. The para ,le lormed at the lot of Topnotch yeeds and proceeded along Vicloria Street and Fast William Street tothe lair grounds where the.Seatorth F'i re Depart- ment supervised the NIT niral a mound cif C nristbras trees. In-. chided in the parade were the SDIIS Girls Trumpet Rand, a Seaforth Lions MI) float and the ire 011C;ine. Followitii: the bonfire a crowd ol 300 .loined in,a moccasin dance on the ice at Rio Sealorth Arena. During a briel prmrartt, Miss Sandra ifohnston, a liften- year- old snus student was named Queen of the Carnival. She was crowned' by Mrs. F'rank Sills, wrfe of Seaforth's mayor. wife of Seaforth's. mayor, She is a daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnston. R.R.1. Dublin. Gail ()mg. 16 arid Cindy Eisler 18, also students at SDHS were named princesses. Ten contest- ants took part in the pageant which was spon-sored by Seaforth Teen Twenty. ' A lunch of wieners an'd beans was provided to the hungry crowd who took part In the peogram and dance. Saturday's activities got underWay at 1:00 p.m. with several novelty events including snowmobile races. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Seaforth Legion defeated the wives of OpteniSt memliers in a tug-of-war contest. Tom lialey, of Seaforth and James Wright of MR. 2, !Omen' president Gord'Hulley Conducted a •timing event using the-radar equipment of the Seaforth polite Department.Fastest times turned in were 55 m.p.h. Ed Johns of Exeter Was awarded the prize money for this event when Car- nival Queen Sandra:',Johnston drew hi,s name. from,,„the list' of corn- 'petitors.... • Later in the afternoon coth- petition in the noVelly snoitmobile races got underway, Wayne Prance of Exeter claimed first prize in' two of the five events. fie won the Western pick-up race and Ob- stacle race. Peter Kelly of dlin- (Contired on Page 8) • Murray Scott as representa- •tive, members decided, to' spon- sor a 4-II gatevy improvement competition. • An invitation will be ex- tended to the executive of the Perth County club leaders to attend a special meeting in Clinton to discuss 4-H programsa were easy winners in a log-' sawing contest. Their time of one .minute and 22 second, was 40 seconds better than the seCond place entry. Robert Dinsmore and Reg. Dick. both of Seaforth. . Highlighting the' afternoon program werNelfR iffiewearitnitterdrraivcei: Harvey .Thomas M was the winner in the first event and Arnold Campbell won the second race, driying '141c1;,-A.-1.ee. The other race was for pomeS and 8111 Rapson of R. R. 3. Clinton won that event. Throughout the early after- noon- snowmobilers had an op,- portunity to test the speed of their in:1(.111,1°re when Optimist Claim Win-a-Prize '69 'Cheques Final awards in the •Seaforth Win-a-prize '69 contest were claimed this week. Here Ken Lingelbach (left) on behalf of the sponsoring committee presents cheques far $25. to • • Mrs. Floyd Dale of Seaforth and Leslie Sager, Seaforth. The final $25. winner, Susan Hulley was not available when the picture' was taken. , (Staff PhOto) Riding the Lim; Children fotrl the Snow Lion an attractive slide. The large Lion, sculptured in snow, was featured I the, Friday night parade. When the parade reached Agricultural Park child- ren lost little titne atteMpting to saraMble aboard. " (Staff Photo) • • Huron-Perth Board Clears Borrowing 'all insuranc:e coverage. - A letter was recUived fr9.!P Mrs. , Frank N•yenhuis R.R,1, Sebringville, secretary of the • 11/4-4nkara -Parent Teacher Assoc- iation requesting the Board' to inform her associatiOn'of mat- ters of business concerning the Kinkora School. Trustee P. S. Carty. R.R; 5, Stratford. was instructed to contact Mrs. Nyen- huis to determine what infor- mation was wanted The Board gave approval for SuperintOndent'•John Vintar and Trustee Francis Bicknell, RR. 5, Seaforth. to attend a TV Conference -on Prograin Distri'- bution ab the London Board of EducatiOn TV Centre in London on 'February 27. Vincent Young, Goderich, reported. that the minister of Education. 'Hon. William, Davis. will, attend the official opening of the new addition -to-SI.Mary's Sch6o1 in Goderich on Monday, February 2, as guest speaker. petted open area, the first in fluron arid „Perth CountiPS to be.: put into 'effect, a designed dergarten room, a health room, staff lounge and general purpose room. Begin Planning For '70 Fall Fair was unable to attend the Annual meeting of the Seaforth Agri - (Altura] Society '\'0(Iiiesdliv afternoon at which he was elected president. He succeeds Arthut Bolton. R.R.1. , While he'llad not had op• portuhity to confer with the various committee chairmen. Mr. Murphy said he hoped to have a meeting at an early date so that afl aspects of tho fair could be reviewed. Other officers elected are: vice-presidents, Earl Dick, R.B 1. Cromarty.,and Robert Fother- ingliam, R.R, 3. Seaforth, sec- retary-treasurer. James Keys., R.R.1, Seafortlf; auditors, E.C. Boswell and RS. MacDonald. Nineteen directors were elected: Robert Gemm ell. Joseph Devereaux. Earl Dirk, Kenneth Moore, William Strong. Eric An- derson, oliver Wright, Kenneth Stewart, Allister F3roadfoot, John Murphy, Bill Bennett, Robert Fotheringham, George Town- ssteenwda, rt,Elgin Thompson, Mac Donald McKercher,' Bruce Coleman, Larry Wheatley and Robert Patrick. Miss Dorothy Parke Was elected president of the Women's-- Division of the•seaforth . 4kgri- cultural Society. She sticceeds MeS.,J.phn McCowan. Other of- ficers are: vice-president, Mrs. Kenneth Campbell; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Wilfiam ert. Prize money awarded in 1989 at the Seaiorth Fall Fair "(Continued on Page 8) Winter Carnival Events McKercher Heads Huron 4-H Leaders • • •