HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-22, Page 3OUR • LOT IS COMPLETELY FULL OF A - RECONDITIONED USED CARS 1963's-1964's-1965's-'1966's-1967's ONE ONLY '65 CHEV. SEDAN $575 • Buy one with CO-OP Lubco or CO-OP Lithium Grease 10 PACKS Lever Gun Six $4.89 Twelve $4.39 Twenty-four $3.89 Regular value $6.39 Seatottit'. HE NUR* 'OCP9f I TCOk•E6FPR:04.e,47^00...t - -• News of Walton Pia s f r Cornin ar CopespOncielit MrS.:Allan McCall The, Walton Women's ;Mott, tue are sponsoring a euchre party in the Walton Community Heti on 'Friday at 8.30 p.m. Com- mittee in ,charge will be Mrs. 'le Mrs., Ralph.--Traviss, Mrs. Vliet, Sr.,, Mrs. Don Achil- Jim Axtmann and Mrs. Ron Ben- • nett as Convenor. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rid- ledge,' London, visited with rela- tives on Sunday, also called on Mrs. Ray Bennett, who is a patient in Clinton Hospital. Mr. James Speir of Brock, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. • Alvin McDonald last Tuesday ke- fore leaving for his home on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Achilles and daughter, Debbie, spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Achilles and Ann, also Mr. and Mrs. Don Achilles and family. • Sunday services were can- celled at Duff's United Church, Walton, on Sunday, owing to the illness of their minister, Rev, Derwyn Docken. Several in the community have been sick with the 'flu epidemic. Mr. and Mrs. Rrian Traviss of London spent Sunday at the home of Mr,. and Mrs. HerbTra- viss. Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. John Baan, 17th of Grey, on the arrival of their second son, born in Wingham Hospital Wednesday, January 4th. 1Mr. Bruce Clark. London, spent the weekend With Mr. and Mrs. James Clark and family. The, January meeting of the Walton Women's Institute will be held in the Community Hall next Wednesday in the form of a Summary Day for the course, 'The Main Dish Makes the Meal', when a pot-luck supper is called for '7.00 p.m. sharp. Each Mem- ber that took ,the course will take a dish for the main course. The hostesses for the evening will bring the dessert. They are Mrs. Ron Bennett, Mrs. Ernie • Stevens, Mrs. Stewart Hum- phries, Mrs. Douglas Ennis and Mrs. Pete McDonald. Convenors for the Canadian Industries program' will be, Mrs. Gordon 'McGavin and Mrs. Ed Godkin. with -the scripture taken fromgiven lay Mrs. Mrs. Psalm 5. flymn-249, 'Jesus shall Gordon McGavin then led •in Reign wheree'er the , Sun' was prayer, after which all.repeated sung followed, by a dialogue en- The Fords PraYer'• titled 'The program Committee 'New Year's Tie' was followed Meeting', acted by Mrs: J.1. Tra- with Rev. Derwyn pocken giving vise as Nora,. Mrs. Ron Bennett • his chosen topic 'Agents 'of Re- as Dorothy and Mrs;, William conciliation', which was eX, f a child. Coutts as Dianne, taking place Med by referring to the world In Mrs. Bride's home., Mrs. ' TravisS gave very The offering was received by interesting Topic on 'Pettiness'. Mrs. Schade and dedicated .by She brought to light the true Mrs. Hackwell. fact that each one of us is guilty Mrs. Campbell Wey, the pro- of such, occasionally. Therefore, sident, took charge of the bust- patience and understanding are ness which included reports, cor- characteristics we, asdhristians respondence and the payment of may always try our best to the U.C,W. membership dues. prove upon. The devotional part Hymn 164 was' sung. Mrs. Wey was, closed with a poem, -'Things led in the closing prayer. Work Out', also given by Mrs. Lunch was served by Mrs. H. Traviss. Charles McCutcheon, Mrs. John Mrs. Allan McCall opened the Burch and Mrs. William Roe. business reading a 'New Year's Poem'. Mrs. Don Achilles read 'the minutes of the November and December', meetings. Thank-you cards were read from Rachel Walters and Mrs. Doug Ennis for her mother. The roll call was answered with 16 present paying the U.C.W. membership fee, The offering was received by Mrs. Mac Sholdice. The former rectory of Bishop Cronyn Memorial- Church at 430 William St., London, has become the latest centre for the wdrk of the St. Leonard's Society of Ca- will is being approached for donations ciety in Canada. Director of the new house in London is the Rev. Roy Dun- gey whO, between his second and third years in theology at Huron College, worked for five months with Mr. ,Libby in Lon- do!?.... - St. Leonard's Houses are re:. - habilitation centres, for men who ' have been confined to' correc- tional,institutionb. Guests remain, at the—House -until they have become re-integrated into the local community. The average length of stay is' about six weeks. London's St. Leonard House has accommodation for eight men • and two supervisors. Before the first guest" arrived at the begin- ning of October; Mr. Dungey had approached every major em- ployer in London in the keine that they would be willing give ex-cOnvicts a, chance for a fresh A reception was held in Wal- ton Community Hall Friday eve- ning for Mr. and Mrs. Gary McNichol, the former Mary Ann Fuhr of Stratford. Music for dancing was supplied by Ian Wil- couple were called to the plat- form, when an address of con- gratulations was read by Mr. Bill k-6Cliti•el A riurse of money was presented to them on behalf of their neighbours and friends by Mr.„ Jim 'Ryan, Mr; and Mrs. McNichol Unit 3 Meets The January meeting of Unit 3 was held at the home of Mrs. Olive Traviss. Mrs. •Les. 011Ver opened the meeting with a reading "What is Happiness:" Hymn 502 was sung followed by' the !'Lord's prayer." • After the business part of the meeting M rs. Harry W. Brown ' gave the ladies a very interest- ing talk on. Trinidad. Mrs.Ruth Knight thanked Mrs. Brown for her talk and the meeting closed with prayer followed-by lunch and a social half hour. reside at, R. R,1., Walton. Miss TraviSd Of Kit- chener spent the weekend With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Traviss. Mr. Chris Lee, Waterloo Uni- versity spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr.and Mrs. Ronald Lee. Mr. Larry Rutledge, who has been staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett, spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rutledge, of Streetsville. Misses Carol ShOrtreed and Helen Searle of London, spent the weekend with their parents on the ninth line of Morris Twp. The annual Congregational Meeting is to be held Thursday at 8.30 p.m.' in the Church base- ment. There is to be a delegate appointed from each group to at- tend the Huron-Perth Presby- terial meeting at Wesley-Willis United Churit, Clinton on Janu- ary 29th. It was voted a bazaar would be held. The meeting closed with Hymn, 252, 'In Christ thereis no East or West', followed by all re- peating-the Mizpah Benediction. Grace was sung and lunch was servethby Mrs. Herb Tra- viss, Mrs. Ron Bennett and Mrs. William Coutts. . DUFF UNITED CHURCH HOLD UNIT MEETINGS The Walton Unit ,held their first meeting Of the year in the Church• basement on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Herb Traviss opened the devotions with the 'Call to, Wor- ship'. Hymn 2-31, 'Standing at the Portal' was sung, accom- panied by Mrs. W. C. Hackwell on the piano. Prayer was offer,ed by Mrs. William Coutts followed News of Constance Correspondent Miss Mary Mcllwain Mr. Gorda Betties of Salmon rn Arsk B. C. visited on Friday with Mr. Ma Mrs. George McIlwain, 'Mary and Sandra., ' Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator, Linda, Dianne and N,ancy visited -with Mr. and•Mrs. Reg. Elliott and Sunday visitors with mr. and Mrs. William Dale arid Cheryl were "Mr. anaira.'llaryey and- Shane of myth and Mr. and Mrs. -Wayne Hoegy of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc- Clyrnont of Varna were Sunday visitors with-Mr. and Mrs. Nick Whyte and David. '•Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buchanan of Clinton.) Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong _and- faniily of Clinton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, David,. Jim and Kerri, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crazier, Brian, Paul, 'Kevin' and' LOri of ,Listowel a were Sunday visitors with Mr . and Mrs. George Mc- Ilwain, -Mary and Sandra; • IvPrs. ,Elma Jewitt and Brian, Mrs.' Annie Leitch spent the week end with Mr. ,and ,,Mrs. Ralph Glew of Dorchester. Miss Marilyn Riley of Don Mills, Miss Doreen Riley of Stratford visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family. • 17th and BOUNDARY UNIT ,, The New Year's meeting of the 17th and Boundary Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Ray Wil- liamson. The meeting was opened by Mrs. Harold Synalidon giving a reading. Hymn 571,,Standing at the Portal' was sung. Mrs. Small- don read a poem, For the Year' 1970', followed with prayer. The The scripture reading was taken from the 11th Chapter. of St. Luke, verses 1-17. Mrs., Jan Van Vliet, Sr., ,gave the topic entitled 'Standing at the Portal' closing with a poem 'The Heart of the Cross'. The collection was received and membership fees were pail. , Mrs. Roy Williamson• pre- sided over the business. The different reports were given, alio thank-you cards were read from Mrs. George Williamson, Mr. John Williamson and Mr. Bert Clark. Mrs.-" Harvey C raig 'eknlained the use of the new envelopes start. Whenever a new guest ar- riVeskMr. Dungey 'will Contact one such employer and arrange an interview. The guests. will to be used in the 1,1110. The next meeting,tn .be held at Mrs. Craig's home. Mrs. .Van yliet closed the meeting with prayer; she 450 had a new Grace prepared to sing before lunch was served! .8th and 16th UNIT The January meeting of the 8th and 16th Unit was held at the home of Mrs. Doug Fraser, Wed- nesday afternoon January 14th. Mrs. Ken McDonald' opened the meeting with Hymn 523 "0 God of Love, Q sing of Peace'; Mrs. Harold Bolger was the pianist. Scripture reading from Exodus 3: 1-5 was, taken by Mrs.,. G. McCall. al A skit, 'Who Me?' was pre- sented by Mrs. K. McDonald, Mrs. G. McCall, Mrs. Don Fra- ser, Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. H. Bolger, followed by a discus- sion, Mrs. Doug Fraser was in charge of, the business. Minutes of the laSt meeting were read by the secretary. The roll call was answered by the payment of mem- ' bership fees. The annual report of the Unit was given, also the officers for 1970, as follows: Past President, Mrs. Jan Van jr.; President, Mrs. Doug Fraser; Vice-PreSident, Mrs. Don McDonald; Secretary, Mrs. GeorgeliicCall; Treasurer, Mrs. Rae Houston; Flowers, Mrs. Don Fraser; Pianist, Mrs. Jim Fritz; Assistants, Mrs. Harold Bolger and Mrs. W. E. Turnbull; Sup-, per Committee, Mrs. Rae Hous- ton and Mrs. Don McDonald; Cop- per Committee, Mrs. James Mc- Donald and Mrs. Harold Bolger. The next meeting to,be at the home of Mrs. Alvin McDonald. The regular collection was taken. Grace was sung and lunch was served by Mrs. James McDonald, Mrs. Don Fraser and the hostess. 'The executive of The -908•11Q Federation of 'Agriculture has received apprOvatfroni tnemhers for their proposal to completely restructure the organization. ' The proposal calls for the control of the Federation and the responsibility for its financliT to be given eventually to the Individual Service Members. The proposal was-amended to allow educational groups, co:r operatives, and commodity marketing boards and associat- ions affiliation with the OFA . the right to non-voting represent- , atforiat annual conventions. In Other business during the regular monthly members' meet- ing in Toronto, the OFA went on record as supporting the Ontario Flue-Cured—Tbbacco Growers' Marketing goard arid its position concerning smoking and its pos- sible affects; The Tobacco Board wants the Canadian , government to take no action which will harm the in- dustry, before more study, and research is done to establish the affects of smoking on personal health. Another resolution passed in the meeting, directed at Finance Minister Edgar Benson, demands that an inflation allowance be made when calculating capital gains tax, when and if it becomes law. The same- resolution also calls for the publication of an annual inflation index, much like HEATING COAL Ite OIL Will is Dundas PHONE Office 5274150 — Roe. 527-100 -"0F4 president CvrdonL,Iiihl talked 4.07140.-tfre:ting of the organization.tone'-word; PP 0114Y chant ilaugulge;slatfeo‘.0 F, ARM, Can Opener Pour Spout Save on this real service station pour spout made of heavy duty plate steel. with 5 gallons or a case of CO-OP oil. Regular value $2.98 E-Z Lube with a case of CO-OP Motor Oil Reg. Value 99c This is a real profes-, sional tool, featuring tough tenite, handle with 5 interchange- able bits. It's ideal for farm and home use. • • McKILLOP UNIT The McKillop Unit of the Wal- ton U.C.W. met in the Church Sunday School rooms of Duff's United Church Wednesday after- noon, 'January 14th, .with 12 members present. Mrs. Merton. Hackwell open- ed the meeting with prayer, fol- lowed by• singing Hymn 286. Psalm 95 was read' in unison. Mrs. Norman Schade gave the scripture taken from Mat- thew 28:11-20 - and Corinthians 5: 16-21. The meditation 'Am- bassador of Reconciliation' was Seaforth Priest At St. Leonard's House nada. be encouraged to keep the ap- It is the second St. Leonard's pointment alone. House to be opened in the dio- • The cost 'of operating the bee's - orchestra. The f am ily-of- Staffa-on-Sunday. cese of Huron and the second new`house is expected to be be- to have Anglican priest—a:a- --tween:$36.600 and-$-40/000-4 year. its first director. The Department of Social and • When tbe...Winclsor ..St. Lpo- Family Services of the Ontario narcits :-Reuse. waszlnian,Wk 'the Government will provide $6.40 Rev. Neil Libby was its direc- , per day -.per' ntan,.„ which tor. He is now the national,. di- 'Cover about, half the post, rector of the St.. Leonard's" So- selectlist containing 1200 names to cover the rest of the expenses., Mr. Dungey, who is licensed as honorary assistant at Cronyn 'Memorial Church, London, is. available to address interested groups and to preach at Sunday services. - The son' of the late Mt. and Mrs. Roy' Dungey, he was born at Seaforth, 28. years ago and graduated from the .University -of Western Ontario and Huron College. Singe his ordination in Advent 1967,• he has ' been in charge of the Port Burwell and Vienna Parish in Elgin County. 4. Guaranteed Inyestmqnt certificates are now pay- ing a record interest of 9% per annum, payable half yearly. For further information write or telephone collect: STANDARD TRUST 214 Bay Street, Toronto, 363-5477 area code 416 ' for the name of your nearest agent MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION AIh of CEMETERY MEntictRIMIS OPEN., DAILY . T. PRYDIE SON Inquiries, go invited — Telephone Numbers;;.., EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 4824421 SEAFORTH; Contact witlii Dundois Qr Bill Pinder 527-1382 BUS. ;27450- soiniessme M111111.111111111111 5 Bit Uni-Driver K-P Barrel Pump * This'ruggedly made transfer pump has an adjustable suction pipe that • telescopes to "get all the contents. • r. • ';',• P4me,S2T•1750 • SEAFORTH Lot Open, Evenings to 9 p.m. "Servini Seaforth and District. Since 1940" Pistol Grip Grease Gun NOTICE HARRISTON FERTILIZERS DIV:OF CYANAMID OP CANADA Lit. CLINtON . •-% 482-9133 PHONES 482-9938, WILL BE • COMPETITIVE ON THE FOLLOWING' ANALYSIS: 8-32-16 .6-24-24 15-15-15 18-46-0 Aero• Prills LOCATED HALFWAY BETWEEN 'CLINTON AND i8E-AFORTH ON HWY. 8 9n0^fq Howard_ NieKendry Res. 482.7927 Ralph 'Buffingri Res. 523.9266 aP niadtd14 rrip- fect bal- ' ance frees one hand for apply- Ln..g tac hto grnr eeanstei t3 fittingsand openings.. Noisome amommi G, REASE Gt114 Lever . Cartridge Buy one with CO-OP Lubco or CO-OP Lithium Grease 10 PACKS Pistol Grip Gun Six $6.50 Twelve $5.98 Twenty-four $4,98 Regular value $7.98 S,EAFOR:TH FARM EARS Phone 5e-0770 These real money sayers are at. 11111110111011111 ^101.01111110 ® Potrollaum Product; save yeti Money Cartridge or bulk• Ideding with pressure up to 10,000 psi. E-Z Air Vent Cap relieves airlock quickly. iiimmin mimosa§ • • es ••• •