HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1970-01-15, Page 14THE HURON EXPOSSTQL4A74., 95, 1970 Stedmans Are Cleaiing Gut a Toronto WarehOuse and Stedrnans Dealer, Seaforth,. • Has , Purchased a .Truckload' iif Merchandise Direct from the ., Warehouse at Redticed Prices! The Savings Are Passed on io . Our CusionierTit * DEAR DORIS - I am told there is an international organ- • Witt.= known as the ,Kindness Clubs, which takes an interest In the welfare of animals. My little girl dearly loves her pets, and wants to know more about this club. -RURAL MOTHER DEAR MOTHER - There are branches in 14 countries now - o f a Movement started in • Fredericton, N.B., to make life better for our little dumb friends. Local clubs (made up of boys and girls) have their own ways of helping. ' The Canada Goose Club (a Winnipeg branch) has taken on Mr. Ridley as their project - a man who nurses animals who have been hit by cars or are unwanted. Last week he had an ,injured baby owl, wrapped in cotton wool and being fed with an eye dropper. •A club in New Zealand raises - money entirely on the children's initiative to help elderly and needy people care for their pets. Write mrs. Aida Flerriming, President, The Kindness Clubs, 252 Waterloo Row, Fredericton, N.B.., for information about how to get a branch started where you are. •DEAR DORIS - We are mar- ried 15 year's and have, always lived on my husband's parents,' fatal. His dad is 69, mother is 65.. Theywill both be gagt,13,.g the pension so would it be'leo much for them. to sign every- ' thing over to this only son and let him be like other men at 39? •••• -GcrOdness knows 'he has al- . ways been a little boy in his dad's eyes. His dad has always .- been King Billy on the 'farm and the head -of everything.. My husband says, when we have a little spat, "If you don't like ' it •here, • get t." Why is he se----cold with e? It breaks" my ttart. - ALL NERVES. DEAR NERVF,S - Are the spats about King Billy?' Perhaps when you -complain to Little Boy Husband you probe a sore spot. He 'would like •to be boss, in his hoMe but can't see how. • But a . man of 69 inj good health has a long tim4 ahead and I Nat" can't see asking him • to sign away his farm. put your confidence in your man; and .he will gradually take over. Your attitude can , make a great deal of difference in his• temperature towards you; • •DEAR. DORIS - I am' 15 and I, Can't 'find any interest in boys my own age .1 likedbee giiy who Is about 30 until last week I met this other Map who is 19."' At first I thought Maybe It• AvaS just their .good look-s that were attracting my attention but they aren't really good looking. I' have. been -like this for three years now and their ages have reached 'from 18 to 30. • My friends tell me it's only a • • phase I'm going through buts it seems too longs I• don't do any- thing to let theseguys' know how - I feel and always keep myself in ..check. Is it abnormal? • -FALLEN FOR•OLDER MEN DEAR FALLEN - Abnormal? •••• Not exactly. But once you find out that the opposite sex are people, • to be talked ;With 'rather •than idolized; to be enjoyed as com- panions rather than emoted over from afar, you'll appreciate vour._,, s own generation. • Older men have a polish which only comes with maturity. But 'have you,the polish to go with it? • Notby a long,shot!' DEAR DORIS 4- There is a high school- near here which is headed up by /3....,principal who prides himself ,onlbeing permis- sive, allowing smoking in cafe- •teria and elsewhere, and set- ting a terrible personalexample. It has the highest drug use of • all kinds and the most student smoking. .These two seem to go together. HATE THE NASTY WEED DEAR HATE - makes two of us. A letter from a good friend describes, her hasband's agOny with ,emphysema. Every breath-- struggle, and she- • agonizes along' with him. It is a losing fight,' and he is quite Sure ..now that it was caused through his smoking habits. • Every cigarette is a coffin nail: For those who are trying to quit, I offer my leaflet, which has some well-tried and succes- sful (Available to, stamped, Self-addressed en- velope. Ask for "Why Smoker) Stitiles • A ibreigit—correspondent. asked a Czech citizen: 'Do you .cdusider • the Rusglans your triendS or your brotherst,„The Ctiecir repifed,' Trotherd, of • We 09Ose our friends.' tieitrySfloWstorui had elg, sei# the Sehba 1'of a week7thi e..oh(titr011•saltt:to•, a nolghtibitil It they* don'~ bpbl sefifd'bl` to Choose from 6 pafferns..1-- In S-84.1. NOW ONLY IRONING BOARD PAD & COVER Silicone treated - Lin- ing in scorch ritisfant. -Ra8.1..19 t TIGHTLY BRAIDED . NYLON MATS Approx. lta x 34" Ritt Prico 2.90 SPECIAL , v•mo,77.•axsisw • WA - SKIRTS romr74,071S4 .10.00/0Alon Shell Lining. with Fibre-Fill Stedrrians • Reg. Price Insulated 12.88 GIRLS' PULLOVERS Cable stick with "fancy insert down front. Turtle neck., sizes Stedman's Reg. Price $3.69 Now WAVP,MA SWEATER .& TOQUE' SETS • For' Toddlers Sizes` 44x. Assorted .Myles Stodnten's Reg. Price -3.07 • 2 7 With cotton. Knit Inserts in Fingers, Grey and Black' ,1 Reg WO NOW VIAMMeavng4 t';'?;,,{4::',VOW:<.1:t',..e1;i:.*Veiwt- ',,,,.44ttz • • 'Veng:ONSTM'ACRANWERWAC-= ••••••*f 100% COTTON SHEETS --wasowairosa • ,?-071...W BIG VALUE VALUE AT c -each Amazing selection left' y- Now only 2 prices #1107PrOr • Complete stock of Ladies' Dresses only 3.77 or 4.77 LADIES' DRESSES 80% ORLON SIZES S M L Grey — Blue or Bronze Stedmins Reg. Price 4.98 20% WOOL Spice, Coppertone or Cinnamon Sizes Small, medium, long and extra long. • • • :6" $2. FASHION* RIGHT SHIFTS BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Easy-care elaymete Coffoli iWith or without hoods " Sizes 44x,, in vivid colors. Reg, 12,98 . ' NOW ONLY 1 TERRY-HAND TOWELS . - ^' Cotton Printed .15" x 26" ..... . t SPECIAL• 3 for Stedmans Reg. Price 188 • / •/,5.., , *iv / j.,7 • ././7 4.(g`et.,::41.4 f4; / • Ar<V' ev6,e"-/' ,74 •